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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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TEMPORARY WIFE – Episode 49 & 50

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[ Sweet Surrender…]

Chapter 49🪻50

By,Ella N.

Copy And Dìe Viciously‼️





“Wh…what?!!” Georgia exclaimed weakly as she instantly couldn’t feel her entire body.

Her phone slipped off her hand and landed on the ground heavily for the second time,as tears rushed down hugely.
But the phone didn’t just fall this time,the screen shattered completely.

She remained standing on that spot without moving a muscle,it was as though she was compelled to do so.

More and more tears rushed down as she cried silently,still standing there motionless.

If not that she’s a strong lady,she would have fainted,because the pain and hurts were just too much for one person to bear in one night,same hour,same minute and second.

It’s just too much to handle!

“Arghhhh!” She held the Divorce papers tight as if to crush them,and gave a very loud cry. So loud that Caesar and most workers could hear her.

Caesar who was downstairs still working,was confused at why she was crying.

“Geo…?” He called,questioningly. He sprang up from his chair and began to run up the stairs to be sure she’s alright.

He was half way up the stairs when angry looking Georgia came out of her room.

The moment she saw him,her tears increased and she got more angry and bitter.

“Geo…?” He called the second time,and continued walking up.

“What happened,why are you cr…

“Sign the d@mn papers before I get back!” She growled,hitting his chest with the papers that went flying already.

“What’s going on,and where are you going at this time?” Confused Caesar asked,but Georgia was out of sight already.

“f_ck!! What the hell is going on,can someone talk to me?! Why is she mad at me,and….” He bent down and began to pick the papers.

His eyes widened wider than wide when he saw that they were Divorce papers.

“Divorce papers?! And she wants me to sign them? Why,what happened?” He asked no one in particular as he picked them all up.

What has he done that she’s asking for a Divorce?
The only thing he can remember doing to her today,was kiss her before leaving leaving for work.

And this evening when he came back from work,was that he kissed her forhead,and asked how her day at home went.

Aside that,he really can’t remember doing anything to upset her,to even result to him signing Divorce papers.

Or does she want a Divorce now,for the things he had done to her before with Cindy?

But he has changed and not willing to go back to being stùpid and used.

What’s really going on?!


“Where are you guys?” Georgia asked amisdt cries. She’s using her second phone,actually.

She was trying so much to control her cries,but it wasn’t working.

She can’t remember crying this much since she grew up from being a kid.

“We are at Sriphat Hospital where Monique works” Alvara said,and Georgia could hear her crying too.

She unlocked the car,got in and sat down.

She rested her back on the seat,with her head raised a bit high. She shut her teary eyes,then opened and wiped her tears away.
She then ignited the car engine and drove out speedily,but carefully.


“Georgia!” Caesar called,jumping the staires,three at a time that he almost fell on his face.

He reached down and wanted to follow her up immediately,but he realized he was only in his short and singlets…and going up to put on something better,would waste time.

He picked up his phone instead and dialed his body guards.

“Alex! Tell Jack,you two follow my wife now! Find out where she’s going to and get back to me right now” He ordered thunderously.

“Yes,Boss!” Alex replied sharply,already picking up the car keys and ready to do what he’s been told to do.


“Ward 28” Georgia rushed in,telling the nurse she met there.

“Go straight,it’s by your left,ma’am” The nurse replied with a bow.

“Wait,isn’t she the Doctor’s friend I saw earlier today? Why is she crying? Hope she didn’t lose anyone” The nurse wondered,walking away and shaking her head.

“Where is she? Vi!!” Georgia screamed on seeing Alvira lying on the hospital bed.

She already has an oxygen on,and drips too,fixed on both arms.

Alvara,Michal,and Jorel were there with her. They are the ones who brought her here.

The cops did,though.

Her parents were yet to come. Alvara was even scared of calling them,especially their Mom,Marisa.

She was scared she (Their Mom) might just pass out if she hears what happened.

“What happened? How did she get shot?” Georgia asked. The cry that had stopped,began again,seeing her sister in that condition.

“We were the freshmen party and….


Everywhere was booming with happiness,dancing,drinking,kissing,f_cking at a corner.

In fact,every d@mn thing was happening!

Alvira,Alvara and of course,Michal were on the same table,having fun.

“I think I’ve had enough drink already” Michal said,slightly tipsy.

“Me too,I might just puke if I drink more” Alvara said too.

“Me not” Alvira replied,obviously not drinking…well,she drank a little. But she didn’t drink much because she plans on finding out about something,this very night. So drinking too much would only spoil her plan.

“Where’s your boify….?” Michal asked,teasingly and Alvira scoffed.

“Go home,silly. You’re drunk” Alvira said and they all burst out laughing happily.

“I need to use the restroom” Alvira suddenly said,getting up instantly.

“Can I come with you?” Alvara asked,dropping her empty glass of drink.

“Nope,stay here with your drunk buddy and protect her” Alvira said,sounding kind of funny. Alvara chuckled as she watches her leave.

Alvira took a deep breath immediately she left her sister and Michal.

She began to walk away….away from the restroom,because that’s not actually where she was going to.

Surreptitiously,she walked until she was away from the hall where the party was going on.

She has no idea what she’s doing,or how dangerous what she’s about to do,is. But she’s gonna do it,anyway.

She wants to find out where those cūltists carry out their activities. She has heard rumors that it’s in BEGGLETON,but the exact place is where no one knows,and no one has dared to find out.

She’s determined to do so. At least,knowing where they carry out their acts would be a stepping stone to finding and bringing them to justice. So their school would have back the peace and safety it once had.


A group of members,all in long black garments as always. Could be seen in an old cabinet,far far away from the school,but still the school’s property though.

The place looks very dark,only a dim beam of light shone in there.

One could barely see what’s happening in there,because of the darkness and quietness.

Although,they were singing occûlt songs and dancing around a circle.

They were rejoicing over what they alone know.

They paused,all at a time like they were controlled robots being given instructions.

They sang their anthem after their leader said what he wanted to say,then they resumed dancing in circles again.

Alvira was still walking furtively,heading towards that direction.

Although,she didn’t know that’s the exact place they were,she was just walking

But she suddenly came to a halt,when she heard noises far away from where she was.

Only heard them because she has very sharp ears and she’s very attentive.

Shoving her hands into her pocket,she retracted her steps and brought out her phone.

She intend calling the cops with her phone.


“Stop! We are not alone,someone’s watching us” Their leader suddenly ordered when he sensed that someone was watching them.

Who dared to come to their domain?

Who even dare to find their secret hideout?

Does the person want to taste their wickêdness

Of course that was Alvira,who squatted at the darkest place,watching them.

She just wanted to be sure they were the ones,so she wouldn’t make a fòol of herself.

She started walking back to where she came from,after she was certain that it’s actually them.

While she walked away,she immediately called the cops and told them about their secret hideout.

The cops asked her to leave the place before something happens to her.

Well,she was already leaving. But she and the cops weren’t done talking,when a tall figure like the devil himself blocked her way.

Alvira’s heart gave a loud pound in her chest.
She wasn’t that scared,she just never expected it.


“Wait,where’s my sister? She only said she was going to use the restroom,why has she stayed longer than she’s supposed to?” Alvara asked,as she became worried.

Michal’s alcohol cleared immediately,and she stood up. Alvira stood up too.

“Alvira!” They began to search the hall first,but still didn’t find her.

Jorel who was with his friends heard them,and asked what happened. They told him,and he became worried too.

Soon,they left the hall,going outside in search of Alvira.


“The party just started,where are you going?” His voice came,mockingly.

That’s actually their leader who just came to handle her by himself.

He punched Alvira before she could say ” Jack”

Alvira staggered and almost fell on her bútt,but she has a great stamina,so she didn’t fall.

That voice sounds familiar,she has heard it before,it has approached her before,but she can’t recall.

It sounded familiar,but not so familiar!

She tried to see the person’s face…but,he was wearing a mask aside his hoodie.

Alvira smirked,and tried to punch him back,but he was quick to punch her again.

His plan was to weaken her,then take her to where they would probably….ràpe her.

Alvira was obviously strong,so that’s what he needed to do.

Alvira staggered angrily again.

She punched him hard too on the face,and she succeeded in getting him well this time.

He staggered too,and that was when the cops trooped in with their sirens blaring loudly.

Everywhere went helter skelter,as the members took to their heels.

Alvira was running away too,towards the cops,but that was when she got shot by the same guy who later ran away,or probably vanished.

“Ahhhhhh!” She screamed in pains as the back of her shoulder received a bullet.

She held it immediately,as blõod began to pump out hugely,and continued running.

One of the cops got to her,and grabbed her immediately.

The moment he did that,she passed out in his arms as a result of the much blood she lost just within those minutes.

Alvara and the rest later knew what was going on,and they rushed her to the hospital.


“Dude!! What the f_ck is going on? What the hell did you do?!
Have you totally lost it?” Kyrian came in unexpectedly.

Caesar was left eyes wide,with creased brows.

What is Kyrian doing here,and….what in the world is he ranting about?

Kyrian had to rush down here,after seeing the news.

He didn’t care what time it was. His friend’s marriage is at the verge of crashing here,so he cared less about that.

Same marriage that they are still trying to make it blossom,so why would he care about the time?

“Ky….Kyrian…?” Caesar called,dropping his phone that he’s been calling Georgia with,but she’s not picking.

He was even about to go find her,even though he had no clue of where she went to.

His guards are yet to come back too,or even call.

That got him more worried and restless.

“What are you talking about? And what did I do?” Caesar asked confusedly,as he has no clue of what is going on.

He hasn’t even gone online for him to know what’s going on.

“What’s the meaning of this $h|t you posted on your page?

“Do you have any idea the heartache Georgia is going to have,if she gets to see this post?
Yunno,I thought you were joking when you said you were going to make her fall for you,then Divorce her!

“I thought you’ve changed,man. I really thought you were starting to have sense,but….no! I was…

“Just stop talking,dude! Shut the f_ck and tell me what the hèll is going on. I am going insane here,argh!” Caesar growled frustratedly,roughening his hair màdly.

“What’s the meaning of this?” Kyrian calmed down,showing him his phone.

“What….in….the world?!!” Caesar exclaimed. The blood in him dried up completely,as he staggered drunkenly,trying to process what he just read on his own page.

When did he write a thing like that?

He has not gone online since he got back from work.

So,how and when did he write anything as such?

“Caesar….dude!” Kyrian called and held him immediately.

“I didn’t post that! I swear,I wrote nothing as such. Someone just hacked into my account and did that.

“I didn’t post that!” Caesar shouted in both pain,anger and heartbreak.

“Wait,what?!” Kyrian asked shockingly.

Wait,is this why Georgia was crying?

Is this why she gave him Divorce papers to sign?

Is this why she left the house with anger and cries?

Why would he post something like that when he just realized that he was stúpid all along?

Why would he do that when he has just realized his mistakes and he’s trying to fix things with his wife now,in order for them to live in harmony like they truely should.

Yes,he once said he was going to make Georgia fall in love with him,then he’d Divorce her afterwards.

But that was when they just got married and were still great enemies.

“Someone did hack into your account” Kyrian said,totally believing his friend.

There are things Caesar doesn’t do,and lying is one of them.

He doesn’t lie,except the lie is just a joke.

“Is this why Georgia wants a Divorce?” Caesar asked fearfully,sitting down on the stairs.

“What?! She knows already?” Kyrian asked unbelievably.

“She gave me Divorce papers to sign” Caesar replied with a breaking voice,his head put down in frustration.

“Oh,no! It has gotten to that already? This is very bad” Kyrian said,sitting on the stairs too,near him.

“Who’s the føol behind this? $h|t! This is total f_ckup.
Where’s she now? Is she inside?” Kyrian asked,taking a look at his friend worriedly.

He looks pitiful already,and he feels really bàd for him.

Wasn’t it two days ago he spoke happily about the first kiss he and Georgia both shared?

He was already looking like a happily married man,just these few days they started getting along.

Unlike when he was still dating Cindy,that he always looked grumpy and frustrated.

$h|t! This is really a big mess and from the looks of things,Georgia is never going to listen to wh@ťěver he has to say.

“She left without saying a word. She only gave me the papers to sign” Caesar replied. You could almost not hear him.

“Left….to where?” Kyrian shrugged.

The very moment Kyrian asked that,Caesar’s phone started ringing.

He sprang up from the stairs and in a swift,he got to where the phone is. Hoping it’s Georgia,but his face went sour in disappointment,when he saw that it was Alex instead.

“She’s in Sriphat Hospital,Boss” Alex’s voice sounded loud and clear.

“Sriphat Hospital? What’s she doing in a Hospital by this time,what’s she doing in a Hospital at all?” Caesar asked himself,as he ends the call.

He picked up his third car keys from the dinning table where he had dropped them when Kyrian came.

“Where are you going?” Kyrian asked curiously.

“She’s at Sriphat Hospital,I need to go there now” Caesar said,about to leave.

“No,man. Going there now will only complicate things more. I bet you’re the last person she wants to see right now. So,don’t” Kyrian advised,and Caesar halted.

“I really want to see her,I’m dyíng already,Kyrian” Caesar said,dropping the keys back weakly.

“Please come back home,Geo” He muttered.


“I told you to be careful,Vi. I told you girls to be careful,and you said you would.
Why did you risk your life in such a way?

“Do you think Mom and Dad would be able to bear it if you lost your life back there?
Do you think I,or your twin would have been able to handle it?

“I’m sorry you’re going through this pain,okay? But don’t worry,you’re going to be alright,I promise” Georgia said,caressing Alvira’s arm,lovingly. Tears rushing down freely.

She isn’t just crying because of Alvira,but also what has gone viral on the internet.

“Sis…” Alvara wanted to say something. She’s also still crying,in fact,she has not stopped crying since her sister got shot.

The pain Alvira is going through now,she’s also feeling that pain.

Georgia held her hand and smiled hurtly.

“I am fine,okay?” She smiled painfully.

Alvara has seen the news too.

Alvira is still very much umconcious. Though,the bullet has been taken out and Alvara’s blòod was transfused into her body.

She lost lots of it. That’s what even caused her unconsciousness.



Angry Brenda slåpped her son,without even letting him talk.

She just got in now after getting the news too.

Georgia slept at the Hospital with her sister,but came back this morning only for one reason.

For Caesar to sign the papers.

Though the Hospital isn’t a place for anyone to sleep comfortably,but she couldn’t sleep last night.

Her sister’s condition and heartbreak just didn’t let her have a good sleep.

She woke up this morning with a heavy headache,like a heavy load was placed on her head.

“How could you,Caesar. How could you do such to that innocent girl? Do you know the pain,hurts and how broken her heart is right now? What were you thinking?
Just when I thought,and was happy things were already working between you two,and this?!!

“I didn’t raise you up to be like this…your father and I raised you well!” Brenda yelled,her veins clearly seen.

“I didn’t do it,okay?! I didn’t post anything as such. I know I have been stūpid,Mom. But I’ve realized my mistakes,and I was trying to fix things with her already.

“I didn’t post that $h|t!

” I have come to realize how much I love her.
I was going to tell her that,tell everyone that,but I wanted to take things slow.

“I love Georgia,Mom. I have fallen for her deeply,in a way I never imagine” Caesar said with tears.

Brenda was shocked completely,hearing her son’s confession. She said nothing,but hugged him tight.

“You have to tell her this,you have to tell her how much you love her” Brenda finally said.

“It’s no use now,Mom. She forced me to sign the papers. I already signed the Divorce papers” Caesar cried out this time.



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