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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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TEMPORARY WIFE – Episode 41 & 42

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[ Sweet Surrender…]

Chapter 41🪻42

By,Ella N.

Copy And Dìe Viciously‼️





“Whattt!” Alvira exclaimed,totally not believing what just came out of Alvara’s mouth.

Well,he literally didn’t ràpe her,but he almost did,if she wasn’t saved.

And why would she keep something like that away from everyone?

“Wait,he…he tried to ràpe you? Then,thr_@tened you with our lives if you told anyone about it,and you f**cking danced to the tone of his music?

“You still were dancing,not until now. What were you thinking,Alvara?!” Alvira reprimanded. More like she was scolding her younger sister.

“I was scared,okay? I didn’t want to lose any of you” Alvara protested,sobbing lowly.

Alvira took off her headphones,throwing it carelessly on the floor,and began to roughen her hair,madly.

“$h|t,$h|t..$h|t!!” She cursed out loudly,pacing around from one end to another like a lunatic

She wasn’t having it at all. The thought of that rapîst of a Chancellor laying his filthy hands on her twin sister,and trying to have his way with her,is driving her nuts,and might just loose it if not calmed down.

Then again,Alvara keeping quiet,and distancing herself from her,is maddening!

“So,when were you going to tell us,or at least me,your twin sister. When were you going to tell me about it?” Alvira paused to look at Alvara,but her right hand still roughening her hair seriously.

“I don’t know,I was scared” Alvara replied,a tear trickling down her cheek.

“Oh,fracks! I can’t take this,I’m going to let Mom and Dad know” Alvira said,and made to leave the room.

“No,please don’t!” Alvara shouted after her.

“Alvara…?” Alvira called questioningly,turning to look at her sister.

“What the heck is going on,is there more to this that you are refusing to tell me? Because I don’t get why you’re acting this way. Just tell me already!!

“Just stop yelling at me like I’m not a baby! I am your twin,same age as you,but you always act like you’re my elder sister.
Just stop yelling,and frustrating more! I am depressed,Alvira…just so depressed,and scared. He’s gonna kìll us all.
I don’t want to lose you…I don’t want to lose any of you” Alvara slumped on the bed,and buried her face in her legs,covering her ears in frustration as she began to cry like an actual baby.

Remembering how the Chancellor grabbed,pressed her bòobs,and almost tore her clothes off…his voice,and every d@mn thing he was saying,made her cover her ears more.

She could hear his croaked voice,calling her candy.

If Lennox had not saved her,she probably would have dìed that day. Because most students who get rãped in BEGGLETON dìe!

Could he be the one behind all those atrocities?

Well,no one knows.

So,thinking about all these right now,is adding more to her already depressed soul.

Alvira didn’t even know a tear had formed on in her eye,until that particular eye became blurred.

Seeing her sister in that state is giving her the most hurting feeling she has ever felt.

“I’m sorry. I’m just always trying to look out for my sister…I’m sorry if you see it the other way,Vara” Alvira sat gently on the bed,and hugged her sister’s back,resting her head on it,and they both stayed that way.


“Ding Dong “

Came Monique’s doorbell. She was in the kitchen,making something for herself when she heard it ring.

“Uhm…I’m not expecting anybody,right? And Georgia didn’t say she was coming” She thought to herself,as she picked the kitchen rag to clean her hands.

She took off her airproan,and hung it back to its place,heading for the door straight.

“K…yrian?” She curved her brows,and let out a surprised kinda smile.

She wasn’t expecting him at all. She never even expected him to remember her at all.

“Hey…!” She said,amidst a heavy breath.

Kyrian smiled,hugged,and surprisingly kissed her forehead nicely.

Okay. That was unexpected,but she smiled anyway.

“How are you doing?” He asked,and she replied warmly.

“Got these for you!” He delighted said,handing her a bag full of fruits. Different kinds of fruits,but more of apples.

“Aww. Thank you so much. Please have a seat” Monique said nicely,and he nodded before sitting down.

“Your home is just as beautiful as you are. I love the decors” He compliments,looking around,and feeding his eyes.

“Thank you” She smiled again. “Please give me a sec,let me check what I left on fire before it burns” She said,and with that,she hurtled back into the kitchen.

“I can’t believe he’s here” She breathed out in relief,and smiled beautifully.

She dropped the fruits near the sink,with the intention of washing,and putting them in the refrigerator later.

“Aww. He’s so nice. These are really much,gosh!” She gushed,smiling as she took a peak at the grapes,and plums. Her favorites!

After checking the food that was all ready,she put out the fire,and went back to join him in the living room.

“So,what do I offer you,please?” She asked politely.

“Anything you feel I’ll like” He replied,and she smiled with a nod before leaving him again.


After Kyrian drank his juice,Monique went forth to dish the food which they are currently on the dinning,eating.

While they ate,he kept admiring the way she was eating with class,her unique way of chewing and all.

He found it so fascinating,and just couldn’t help,but to stare at her adoringly.

“Thanks for bringing me home that day,I’m really grateful” Monique thanked her,sincerely.

“My pleasure,Monique. I am happy I did,and I’m more than glad to see you looking better,and this happy” He replied her,taking another spoon into his mouth.

Monique only stared at him,smiled,and took a sip from her juice.

“By the way,this Khao Pad is the sweetest I’ve ever tasted” He compliments,taking more into his mouth.

Monique chuckled,whilst watching him enjoy his meal with pleasure.

He actually didn’t want to eat,but Monique begged,and insisted he ate….else,he would not go home,which made him laugh hard.

Now look at him enjoying himself so much.

The fact that he’s actually enjoying what she cooked,makes her very happy.

At least,that’s an appreciation for stopping her from drinking her life out that day.She knew the hàrmful effects of drinking too much alcohol,because she’s a Doctor. But she just couldn’t help,that was the only way to console herself.

And she’s happy she’s a good cook,just like her best friend,Georgia.

Well,all thanks to their Mothers who didn’t fail to teach them how to cook,even though they had lots of maids around to cook for them.

“Thank you,Kyrian. There’s more in the kitchen,if you want” Monique said,cleaning her mouth with a napkin.

“Woo,woo….woo! Slow down,Kyrian’s Mom. I swear,if I come here two or three more times,I’m going to grow fat like an elephant” Kyrian joked,and they both laughed their hearts out.

He referred to her as “Kyrian’s Mom” because she insisted on him eating,and trying to bring more food for him,after eating much already.

That’s exactly what his Mom does,whenever she visits him.


“Thanks for the meal,it was really sumptuous ” He said,as Monique joined him.

They actually just finished eating,and she just got back after clearing the table.

“I’m happy you enjoyed it” She replied simply,and he smiled.

“So,you’re a Doctor,huh?” He asked with a raised brow,making him look kinda funny.

“Uhm….yeah,how did you know that?” She wondered.

“I can tell people’s career,just looking at them,I guess” He lied,his eyes on Monique’s gorgeous picture on the wall,which she took in her Doctor’s outfit.

Monique followed his gaze,until it landed on the picture,and she chuckled.

“Hey,I caught you red handed” She said,and he looked at her,instantly getting what she’s talking about.

Like that,they both bursted out laughing,with Kyrian feeling happy to see Monique in that mood.



“Wait,what!” Georgia widened her eyes,shocked too at what Alvira just told her.

She had just left the bathroom,and was even still in her towel,when her phone came ringing.

Alvira just told her what’s on ground.

After she,and Alvara had a good talk,they decided that it’s best if they told Georgia about it instead.

“Why would she keep such from us? This is a life’s thr_@t,more reason she should have told at least you” Georgia said,slowing losing it.

What the hell did she just hear?

Her sister séxually harassed,and was thr_@tened with their lives if she spoke up?

“She’s depressed,GiGi. And still scared about the whole $h|t” Alvira sighed from the other end,turning to look at Alvara who laid back on the bed,sadly.

“Switch….just switch to video,I want to see her” Georgia said,worriedly.

Alvira did as was told without wasting a second.

“Hey…,sweetie. How are you?” Georgia asked,the moment Alvara’s face came to view. Her voice so tender with love as she asked Alvara.

“I’m fine,Sis” Alvara replied simply,looking so gloomy,and getting Georgia more worried.

“No,you are not,Alvara. Why did you choose to stay silence over such a thing.

“You should know the family you come from is not a weak one that can be messed with.
Nothing was,and nothing will ever happen to you,because we’ll always be there for you even in the darkest hour.

“You should have at least confided in your twin sister,no matter how much you felt scared.

“I am sorry for the trauma or fear he may have instilled in you,okay? But never ever keep quiet about such things,because that will only put more fear,and throw you into depression.

“Stop being scared,and always speak up. You have a sister who is Lawyer,a renowned family that can’t be shaken.

“So,you shouldn’t be scared of anything. Even if you came from a poor,you shouldn’t be scared to open up,because your family will always be there for you. I’m sorry,okay?” She said,and Alvara cleaned her teary eyes.

“Have you told Mom,and Dad about this?” She turned her gaze to Alvira immediately.

“I haven’t told them anything yet” Alvira replied.

“Okay,good. Don’t let them know yet,alright? And when you both get to school,act normal. Don’t make any move that will make that imbecil suspect anything,please. I’ll handle this” Georgia told them both,and they nodded.

“Vara,you’ll be fine,I promise” She then turned to Alvara,and said.
“I love you both so much,always stay safe for me” She smiled.

She they spoke for a little more time,before ending the call.

“Smokes!” She shut her eyes,and remained on that spot she sat,thinking about her sister.

“I could just strangle him to déath right now,if I set my eyes on him” Georgia thr_@tened seriously.

She get up,and went to her closet to pick what to wear.

She picked something comfortabble,a bum short that looks almost like a pànt,but a night wear though.

Then an armless top like a single that exposed her bòobs a little,still a nightie.

After putting them on,she went downstairs.

Getting there,she met Caesar still on the dinning. Not eating though,but was on his laptop,probably working.

The moment he caught sight of her,he paused,and began the stare.

“f-__-k!” He cursed inwardly,his eyes not leaving her body.

When he told himself the other day that she was beautiful,and hot. He wasn’t lying.

She’s kîlling!

That kíller body of hers,is driving him to somewhere he does not know,and he can’t even concentrate on what he was doing right now.

But why does he feel that way now,and is this the first time he’s seeing that his wife is hot?

Georgia walk past him,and went into the kitchen,where she got what she came for.

Her big àss swaying seductively,leaving Caesar to admire the beauty God adorned her with.

He wouldn’t lie,Cindy is nowhere near Georgia in all ramifications. He knows that,and has always known that.

But why is he admitting to that now?


“When is the dinner date?” She finally spoke to him,as she walked to the dinning,and asked him.

“Tomorrow” He replied simply,and she nodded.

“Are you going?” He asked stûpidly.

“Tsk! Not like I have a choice” She rolled eyes,and left.



“Where the hell did I keep those papers?!” Georgia asked,and kept searching her shelf,scattering everywhere like a crazy person.

She stood still,and began to do an eye search,while thinking of where she might have dropped the papers.

“OMG! Did a bulldog attack your bookshelf,what happened?” Linda asked funnily as she walked in,and saw her scattered books,and papers.

“I can’t find the papers I wrote the statement of that case I’ll be handling soon.
I can’t even think of where I dropped them” She grunted frustratedly.

Alvara’s well being has been on her mind throughout yesterday night,and the whole of today.

So,she has not really been concentrating on what she has been doing.

“Have you checked your handbag?” Linda asked,squatting down to assist her in finding them.

“They aren’t there,smokes! I can’t even imagine starting all over again” She hissed,standing at akimbo.

“This sucks!” She muttered,sighing.

“Are you sure you came to work with them? Sure you didn’t leave them at home?” Linda inquired,and she looked at her,thinking she might be right.

“You may be right,Linda. I think I forgot them at home,just hope they are actually at home” Georgia sighed.

“I guess you’re free today,ay?” Georgia smiled,sitting back on her swivel chair.

“Not exactly,still got some work to do. So when will you pay me a visit,or you don’t visit people?” Linda said,making a funny face.

Georgia giggled with a scoff.

“If only work would let someone have time. I hardly even have time for myself these days” She shook her head.

“Tell me about it” Linda replied,and they both laughed.

“Lunch?” Linda asked with a little shrug.

“I thought you were never gonna ask” Georgia rolled eyes,and they laughed again,before leaving her Office together.


Their car halted right inside the garage.

Caesar turned back to look at Georgia who’s mind was somewhere else.

She actually followed Caesar in his car,and they came alone,with no guards.

She sat behind though,so he turned and looked at her.

“We are” He said,and she nodded.

She got out of the car,not waiting for Caesar to come open the door for her. That’s if he was going to do so.

“Woo! This is quite beautiful,I must say” She muttered to herself.

It’s no where their GLAM HOUSE.


“Awwww…my love. It’s so good to see you,I’ve missed you much,yunno” Brenda smiled,immediately holding Georgia into a warm motherly hug.

“So good to see you too,Mom” Georgia smiled too,hugging her back same way.

Caesar greeted his Mom,then his Dad respectfully. Georgia did same too.

“It’s so nice to see you again,Georgia” Albert said,and she replied same.

“I am not a ghost,yunno” Caesar said jealousy,and….

“Shut up” Both Brenda,and Albert said at a time,and they all chuckled,with Caesar rolling eyes.


They are already on the dinning,eating.

The table was beautified with many colorful things and flowers. Spiking everything that was happening.

It was set already before they came.

And Brenda literally told them to wear a matching outfit,which they did without a choice.

“Don’t you know you should be romantic enough to feed your wife? I thought we were the old schooled here” Albert said,and Caesar turned to look at Georgia funnily,whilst she was doing same.

After what seemed like forever,he slowly scooped a half spoon of rice,and took it to Georgia’s mouth,which she reluctantly opened her mouth and collected.

Brenda,and Albert smiled at that.

That’s actually their main reason for the invitation,to try to bring them together.

“So,I believe you’ve taken in already,when should we be expecting our grandchild?” Brenda spewed,and Georgia choked on the water she was drinking,coughing seriously.

“So sorry,are you okay?” Albert asked,and she nodded with a little cough.

Georgia turned,and looked at Caesar who was also staring at her,with no word.

Wait,why exactly did they invite them here?


After the meal,they brought up games,romantic ones that they made them play even though they didn’t want to.

They both had fun,and sincerely can’t deny that fact.

~When are you going to make your wife start feeling like a woman? I bet you’ve not touched her since you both got married ~

Those were Brenda’s words,before they left the house.

Why in the world does this woman like to frustrate his life.

How is he supposed to touch her,when they hardly get along? Ha!


“Okay. I wouldn’t lie,the games were fun. Only that I had to play them with a jerk” Georgia shot,and he rolled eyes. They are walking back to the car to go back home.

“They really were fun. But why did you lie when my Mom asked you that question about me” He asked,and Georgia scoffed.

“Because I am not a jerk like you…pervert!” She barked,and wanted to walk away,but Caesar pulled her back shockingly and crashed his lips on hers,kissing her deeply.


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