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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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TEMPORARY WIFE – Episode 25 & 26

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[ Sweet Surrender…]

Chapter 25🪻26

By,Ella N.

Copy And Dìe Viciously‼️




•••✨HOLY JOSEPH!!✨•••

“Huh?” Alvira and Niran said at a time. They were both staring at Jorel who remained quiet,immediately after saying what he said.

He never planned to say that,it just came out unexpectedly.

But why? Could this be jealous?

“I meant…Alvira and I are already close to the eatery,why not wait a bit? She’d join you in few minutes,how about?” Jorel refrained it immediately with a smile,but that smile is definitely not from his heart.

He’s not happy at all.

How can Niran just come and want to take Alvira away? So,he that asked her to come have a snack with him,he does not have sense or what? Or what is he trying to show?

Who is this guy,even? That has come to ruin his friendship with Alvira?


“Jorel is right actually. I’ll join you as soon as I’m done” Alvira smiled,and Niran nodded with a smile too. But he too,wasn’t happy.


“You weren’t really going to leave me,and follow him,were you” Jorel asked,whilst staring at Alvira’s face intently.

He really cannot believe Alvira was going to follow that,and leave him standing there like a statue.

“Did you think I was?” Alvira answered with a question.

“Of course you were,you had already told him “let’s go”,while I stood there like a confused puppy. Jeez! My heart is shattered,it’s broken into tiny pieces,I can’t take this” Jorel joked,holding his heart as though it was really broken.

Although he was joking about being heartbroken,but he actually meant it.

He was hurt,when Alvira almost left him alone to follow Niran.

Alvira laughed out,punching his shoulder lightly.

“You’re crazy. Don’t worry,I get a glue and do my magic. Or even better,tie it up with my finest and strongest rope” Alvira joked too,with a smirk.

They both bursted into a loud laugh.

“I swear,there’s never a dull moment with you.
I am patiently waiting for the day you’ll stop being crazy with this rope,and tying people up. Jeez! You’re so crazy” Niran chuckled hard.

“Keep waiting” Alvira scoffed,and he smiled.

“So,when are you girls holding your concert again,been a while,yunno” Jorel started,after their laughs had died down a little.

“Dunno yet,haven’t even been thinking about that” Alvira replied cooly.
Jorel said nothing else,and just stared at her,and smiled.


“Thanks for the snacks,Jo. Though you made me eat more than my tummy could take” Alvira said,rolling eyes at Jorel who only chuckled.

“We can go have more,if you don’t mind” He spoke,totally ignoring what Alvira said about being too full.

“Are you crazy?
Do you have any intentions of terminating me?” Alvira asked funnily,and he chuckled. Alvira ended up laughing softly,too.

“See you later in class Vi,gat to go now” Jorel said,as they both took a minute halt.

“Yeah,thanks again” Alvira smiled,adjusting her backpack that was already hung behind her.

“Bye” Jorel waked a little. He stood and watched her walk away till she was a bit far,before he smiled,and left too.

Alvira was quietly walking back to join her Sister,and Michal.

She actually had her headphones on while she walked peacefully.

“I’ll just take a short cut from here. Those two babies must be waiting for me now,and I’m wondering why they didn’t come again like they said they would” She shook her head,and scoffed,as she walk past a classroom.

After passing that one,she entered the next one which was a bit quiet,because everyone was still on break.

She didn’t walk quite fully when she saw that they were people inside in. Three guys to be precise.

She ignored them,and kept walking anyway,since she has no business with them.

But she was suddenly stopped by them,as one of them stood right in front of her,smiling for no reason.

“And this is supposed to mean what?” Alvira rolled eyes,standing tall,and folding her arms across her bòobs.

The one that obviously looks like their leader was the one that stood in her front,impeding her.

“I mean no harm,sweetie. It’s just… I am not happy that you declined my request to talk to you the other day at the Cafe” The guy said,smiling again.

“I am not sweetie,and what the hell are you talking about?” Alvira asked confusedly,as she can’t remember anyone requesting to talk to her,and she also cannot remember declining anyone’s request.

So what the hell is this jerk standing in front of her,talking about?!

The guy chuckled,and moved even closer to Alvira.

“Tough…I love tough girls” He chuckled,running his fingers on Alvira’s left cheek. Alvira slapped them off her face immediately.

“Are you insane?! What the hell is wrong with you,and the hell are you?” Alvira barked,as she began to boil hotly.

People are indeed insane!

Where in the world is this jerk from…has he lost his senses,or what?

Such a pervert!

“I still mean no harm…I only want to be friends with you” He smiled yet again,and Alvira scoffed.

She started taking slow steps,trying to walk past them,but the guy blocked her again,grabbing her hand roughly.

Alvira yanked her hand off his,forcefully.
The guy smirked,whilst she did same,as they both glared at each other.

“Out of my way”She said,more like a warning,but he refused to. So,she pushed him out of the way with all the strength she’s got.

When the other guys saw what Alvira just did,they rushed to her and grabbed her.

With the anger in her already,she used that to punch one on the nose,kicking the other one hard.

After that,she started leaving again,without turning to look at them.

“Let her go”Their leader said when the others were about to go grab Alvira again.

“Humph!” He chuckled darkly,and his tattoo could be obviously seen on his chest,as he arranged himself well.

It’s a tattoo of a dagger!

“I don’t think she was the one we saw the other day. I think she’s a twin” One of them said,breathing heavily.

He was bleeding lightly from his nose,as a result of Alvira’s hard punch.

“She’s tough” Scorpion smirked intentionally.

“Where have you been?” Alvara asked,the moment Alvira entered the class to join them.

“I should be asking you,and not the other way round. Why didn’t you guys come like you told me you would” Alvira hissed,dropping her bag in her desk.

“We didn’t know you were still there,so we decided not to come,because we thought we’d not find you guys there” Michal replied.

“And I’m wondering what your phones are for,Fracks!” Alvira cursed,and left the class afterwards.

“What’s up with your sister?” Michal spoke first.

“I have no idea,and I’m worried about her sudden mood” Alvara replied sharply.

“Then let’s go find out” Michal said,and they both left the class,too.



“f-__-k! Harder,baby!

“Oh…gawd! My…$h|t!” Cindy mòaned Ɓîtçhily,as Caesar rammed her hard.

Yeah,Caesar got back from his Dad’s place a while ago. He decided not to go to work because of Cindy whose flight is in like two hours time.

He just wants to drive her to the airport himself.

Yeah,she’s obviously leaving,alright,and it might take some days or weeks before they see again.

So,right now he’s banging her to héll,and she wouldn’t stop mòaning her lungs out.

While they were busy doing nònsense,Georgia who just got back from her morning workout.

She got back since,though. But just stayed at the garden for a little while,to clear off her head,and take in some cool air,before going back inside.

So,as she ascends the stairs,heading to her room,she heard weird sounds coming from Caesar’s room,since her room is very close to Caesar’s.

She could clearly hear Cindy who wouldn’t stop móaning like a Ɓîtçh.

Georgia could hear her heart,as it makes shattering sounds.

She needed no one to tell her that they were having sêx!

Her husband,banging his side chic,in their Matrimonial home.

It’s not like she doesn’t know they do that all the time,but today that she has actually heard them doing so.”húrt” is an understatement to use in describing what,or how she feels right now.

It hurts so much!

She has never felt this kind sting her heart before. It’s terrible.

How can Caesar be so wicked? How can he delibrately be hurting her,and he’s fully aware of what he’s doing.

What kind of a wicked heart does he have?

This is just the height of it!

Caesar is stúpid,and heartless,so so heartless.

Thinking about everything,shattered her heart into tiny pieces that cannot even be picked up.

She tried to control herself from letting out the tear that tempted to drop,but she couldn’t.

It was just too much of a stab in her heart for her to be able to control her emotion,so she just let that tear drop freely,after which she left there swiftly. Not wanting to hear anymore of the $h|t sounds they were letting out.


She landed on the bed heavily,as soon as she entered her room.

“I h@ťě you,Caesar! I h@ťě you,I h@ťě you,I h@ťě you!!!” She screamed out loud,painfully.

She got up,picked her phone and wanted to call Brenda,her mother-in-law. But on a second thought,she chose not to,so she dropped the phone back to where it was.

She took off her clothes completely,and went in to have her bath.

Maybe a cold bath will will take the pain she’s feeling in her heart right now.

While the water flowed down her silky body,what she heard some minutes ago,kept replaying in her head.

No matter how much she tried to forget about it,it just keeps ringing in her head.

It’s as though she literally saw them with her bare eyes.

“I h@ťě you…..I h@ťě you,Caesar” He kept saying while the water ran down,some even got into her mouth,as she kept singing the “I h@ťě you” like a song.

Her mouth is saying I h@ťě you,to Caesar. But her heart is saying otherwise,it’s saying the opposite of what her mouth is saying.

If only she could bring out her heart,and give it some spanking. Maybe it’d stop making her go through this emotional pain that she’s trying to battle with,right now.

She loves Caesar,and that’s why she’s badly hurting right now.

She had thought of filling for a divorce,many times. She’s a Lawyer,after all. So,that’d be an easy one for her.

But because she has fallen so much for him,she finds it difficult to do so.

Well,now that things are going this way,she might change her mind,because she can’t keep hearing it. It is just getting too much.

It might hurt her a lot,having to leave Caesar whom she has weirdly come to love so much,even though he’s not reciprocating,but…she’s guessing that might be the best thing to do.

After she was done bathing,which she stayed for close to thirty minutes,due to her mood.

She picked up her towel,and dried her body thoroughly,especially her hair.

She wrapped her body with the towel,afterwards,and left the bathroom.

Her phone rang immediately she got it.

She picked up instantly,let out a short smile when she saw the caller ID.

It’s none other person,than Kraisee.

He just called at the right time. Well,maybe.

“How are,ba…” He almost said,but changed it immediately.

Georgia giggled within,knowing what he wanted to call her.

“I’m fine,thanks” She replied simply.

“Are you okay?” Kraisee asked,sensing from the tone of her voice,he knew something was not right.

“I am fine” She replied immediately,smiling,even when he couldn’t see that.


They’ve been on the phone for close to an hour now,and Georgia is still with a wrapped towel around her body. Funny!

“Let’s fix a date to go watch a movie together,hope you don’t mind?” He asked nervously,because she might say no.

But he almost screamed out a big “YES”! When Georgia said she doesn’t mind.

“Talk to you later,and thanks for picking up” Kraisee said,and she nodded innocently.


“Sis!” Alvara screamed,excitedly when she saw Georgia. She walked briskly to her,and gave her the warmest hug ever.

“Oh,my Gi Gi!” Alvira exclaimed,giving her short dance moves that made everyone laugh happily.

They were inside the house already,and most of the workers were around.

Caesar isn’t around though,he went to drop Cindy at the airport.

👤 OMG! Are they Mrs. Ruslee’s sisters? Gosh! They are so beautiful just like herself.

👤I know know,right? I like the boyish one,I think she’s fun.

👤 I like the other one,look at her pink plumpy lips. She’s so cute!

👤 Awww,wish I were them,or at least,related to them.

These were all the workers murmurs as they watched the three sisters.

“How are you my cuties?” Georgia asked,hugging them both.

She turned to Alvira and eyed her seriously.

“Who did you tie up today?” She asked funnily,and the twins bursted out laughing hard.

“Trust me,Gi Gi. I tied no one,you can ask Alvara” Alvira replied,defensively.

“Good” Georgia chuckled,as they all went to sit on the couch.

“But,I’m here to tie someone up” Came Alvira’s voice again.

“Oh jeez!” Alvara exclaimed.

“Smokes! I made the biggest mistake of my life,for asking you to come over.

“Mistakes are meant to be made,Gi Gi” Alvira winked,and both Georgia and Alvara grunted frustratedly.

“How’s Mom and Dad?” They began to chat.

It wasn’t quite long,before Caesar arrived.

The moment Alvira saw him,she smirked. “My mission will be complete today” She muttered inwardly.

Caesar had not seen them,but when he finally did…..

‘Holy Joseph Of Arimathea!!!!…..


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