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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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TEMPORARY WIFE – Episode 23 & 24

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[ Sweet Surrender…]

Chapter 23🪻24

By,Ella N.

Copy And Dìe Viciously‼️




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“What?!!” Cindy asked in fear,shame,anger and disappointment.

Did she hear well,or the Doctor is just kidding them?

Caesar shut his eyes instanly,using his both palms to cover his in face in shame.

So,Cindy mean to tell him that he closed from work earlier than usual,and rushed down here,only to be disappointed,and embarrassed?

He turned to look at fòolish Cindy who was smiling sheepishly like a possessed gòat.

Shaking his head dejectedly,he turned his face away from Cindy,who muttered an inaudible”I am sorry.

This the most embarrassing thing she has ever experienced in her life.

Right now she feels like sinking into the ground just to cover herself from shame,because,how can the Doctor say she’s not pregnant?

How can he say such when she clearly had the symptoms of pregnancy?
Why did he even have to embarrass her like that?

If only Caesar did not come,or if only she had not jumped into the conclusion of being pregnant.

Malaria..fever? Such crap!

The Doctor wasn’t saying anything,he just kept staring at their disappointed faces.

What exactly were they expecting him to say about the results?

Wait,were they expecting a baby or what? Because he seriously doesn’t understand the expression on their faces.

“Doctor,are you sure you conducted the test well?
You’re sure I’m not pregnant?” Cindy asked,frowning.

“The test was conducted more than once,Miss,and it still showed the same thing” The Doctor replied sharply.


“That’s enough,Cindy!” Caesar half yelled,as he was getting infuriated already. And Cindy still insisting,just makes him sick.

Gosh! Caesar just yelled at her,which simply means he’s màd at her right now,and she doesn’t want to worsen it,so she just kept shut.

But wait,she and Caesar have been having unprotected séx,how come she doesn’t get pregnant?

Hmmm,is Caesar impotent or what?
Because,why can’t she get pregnant?!

“Thank you,Doctor. Is there anything else she needs to treat,aside the malaria?” Caesar asked,collecting the test results from the Doctor.

“Nothing else, Mr. Ruslee. She just needs to treat the malaria well” The Doctor smiled again.

Caesar looked at Cindy,angrily,then back at the Doctor.

“Thank you,Doctor. We’ll like to take our leave now” He said,getting off his seat,which Cindy did too. And with that,they left the Doctor’s Office.


“Why didn’t you use a Pts first,at least to find out that you’re pregnant,rather than us coming here to be embarrassed” Caesar almost scolded her,when they got to the car.

“I’m sorry” Cindy apologized with a pout,and Caesar sighed,roughening his hair a little.

They both got into the car,and sat quietly.
His phone beebed just that moment,and he took out the phone to check the message that just popped in.

~I want to see in the Mansion,first thing tomorrow ~

The message read.

It’s a message from his Dad.

“What does he want,why this message now,if all the time it had to be now?!” He hissed,getting more upset.

“It definitely won’t be anything else,but to tell me to leave Cindy.
I bet Mom has told him what happened today already,why are they f-__-king frustrating my life?” Caesar conversed within himself.

“Baby,are you okay?” Cindy managed to ask,when she noticed his frustrated face.

“I’m fine” He replied,casually.

Cindy swallowed hard,as he said nothing else. He just started the ignition,and drove out of the hospital,angrily.



“Ma’am,you wouldn’t mind teaching me how to make this,would you? I really want to learn how to,gosh! This smells so good,and I bet it’ll taste like heaven” Lisa giggled excitedly like a little baby.

Georgia is currently in the kitchen making a nice meal for herself,and the chefs just can’t stop inhaling,as the aroma keeps hitting their nostrils.

She later told Claire not to include her in the family dinner,so she’s here to make her food by herself.

“Me too,Ma’am. I also want to learn from the great chef” Claire said too,making Georgia to chuckle seriously.

She had no idea she was a great chef,until now that Claire just told her. Lol.

“Me three” Brandon joined in.

“Me four….

“Me five….

All of them began to say,and Georgia just kept chuckling and enjoying the fun she was having with them.

Georgia is such a sweet soul that the chefs are always so happy whenever she’s in the kitchen with them.

She interacts with them as though they are on the same level,whereas,she’s their Master’s wife.

A rich Lawyer in that matter.

She’s crazy,but humble. Reasons why they like,and prefer her to Cindy.

“Smokes!” She exclaimed,and they all laughed heartily.

What’s with her,and this “Smokes!” exclamation all the time.
She seriously can’t do a minute without saying that word.

It’s cool,anyway. And they love hearing her say it!

“Okay…I’m gonna teach y’all how to make the meal,but you seriously have to focus on making your Master’s food.
You really don’t want to lose your jobs” Georgia told them. They immediately got serious,hearing Georgia talk about them losing their jobs.

Jeez! That is the last thing they want to hear.

Georgia chuckled,and shook her head,while dishing out her all ready food.

These chefs are the only ones keeping her company in the house,especially Claire.

“She’s so nice,and fun” Lisa said,after Georgia had left.

“I know,right? I love her. But it’s so sad Master isn’t treating her right,and I am not happy” Claire sighed,frowning a little.

“So sad” They all chorused.


“I am so gonna devour you,food” Georgia smiled happily,as she talked to her food like a crazy person.

That shows how much she loves and cherishes food. She can kìll for it.

She had just reached the dinning room when Caesar,and his girlfriend entered the house together.

Georgia smirked the moment she sighted them. She dropped her food on the dinning,and walked to them,smiling knowingly.

Seeing the looks on their faces,just tells her that there was no pregnancy blah blah blah.

“Welcome back,Cindy. I kinda missed you though” She smirked,then rolled eyes at Caesar.

Even though her heart was fluttering so much,especially when she was close to Caesar,she could swear he heard her heart beats,but she was able to compose herself.

That’s what her silly heart does these days,it just keeps beating repeatedly whenever it sees Caesar.

Insane heart!

Cindy hissed,and muttered some inaudible words,as she watched Georgia walk away.

She already knows what Georgia is up to,but she wouldn’t let her know that she isn’t pregnant like she claimed to be.

Caesar only stood,saying nothing.

Has her màdness moved to another level,or what?

Because,what’s the meaning of the nònsense she just said?

So,she literally left her darn food to come spew rùbbish.

Those were all Caesar’s thoughts in his head,right at the moment.

Lol. If only he knew that Cindy already told the whole of Chiang Mai City that she is pregnant,he’d think no more.

Georgia stopped walking,and turned to them again.

“You told me about your pregnancy,Cindy…I mean,Cindy Ruslee.

“How did it go,and how old is the pregnancy?
Smokes! I really can’t wait to carry the baby” Georgia pouted mockingly,while Caesar’s eyes widened.

Did Cindy tell her that she was pregnant? Of all the people,is this totally insane Georgia?

$h|t! What was Cindy thinking?!

“Oops! Guess I was the first to know about her pregnancy,what an honor” She smirked,seeing Caesar’s confused face.

“Yunno,Cindy. People with brains actually affirm things before they start spreading the news….but you…” She chuckled,clicking her tongue,and shaking her head mockingly.

Right that instance,both Caesar,and Cindy felt like sewing Georgia’s mouth completely.

“What exactly was your plan,when you stupìdly came to tell me that you’re are pregnant,huh?

“Oh,perhaps,I look like a Doctor,or…a midwife. Humph!” Georgia chuckled,and turned to Caesar.

“Tell your girlfriend to stay away from me,because I won’t hesitate to start doing what my sister,Alvira…does to stūpid people.
It’d be a great pleasure,if she becomes my first customer” Georgia warned. She left there instantly,heading back to the dinning.

Caesar’s heart literally jumped when Georgia made mentioned of Alvira.

It reminds him of the day she wanted to tie him like a gòat,and that made him pray immediately that she never comes his way.

If only he knew who is on the way,coming.

“Are you happy now,huh? Are you happy that you’ve given her the chance to make mockery of you?

“f-__-k! I am so disappointed,baby. Very much disappointed” Caesar finally said the word he had been avoiding to say to Cindy. He left for his room,instantly as he was boiling with anger.

Cindy stood still for a while,before following up,but not without hearing Georgia chuckling at her,derisively.


Caesar’s driver parked at the right place when they got to his Father’s house.

One of the his guards ran to his side,and opened the door for him.

With an expressionless face,he got out and started walking in,leaving some of the maids to drool their lives out,over him.

He walked in fully,and met both Brenda and Albert already waiting for him.

He scoffed and rolled eyes when their eyes met. He already knows what his Dad wants to say,so it’d have been better if he did not come. But he wouldn’t dare decline his request to see him.

Brenda managed to smile at him,but definitely not his Dad. His face was as hard as a rock.

“How are you?” Brenda asked,after he had greeted them.

He answered soundly,still keep a serious though.


“Dad! You know,and Mom knows I love Cindy!
Do I have to singing It like a nursery rhyme before y’all understand what I am saying?

“You signed a contract against my own will,made me marry a girl I don’t even have feelings for,and you still won’t let me be. What else do you want me to do,huh? ki|| myself?” Caesar spoke,infuriatingly.

“You can kìll yourself if you wish to,Caesar. What I don’t want you doing is making my Companies go down!

“Are you aware that,it is because of her family the Company and every other one we own still stands? What is your problem,Caesar?

“That isn’t the only issue here! How dare you bring your girlfriend to live in the same house your wife is,do you know what you’re making Georgia.

“Do you even care about how she feels? Weren’t you aware of the contract marriage before going ahead to date Cindy?

“Didn’t I tell you to let her go,a long time ago?! But now! Caesar will never listen to anyone,you don’t listen to anyone,not even your father!” Albert yelled at the top of his voice.

Brenda breathed out heavily,and frustratedly.
If only this boy would listen,if only he’d listen and stop being stubborn!

“Go back to your house,and tell her to leave,else I’ll come down there and do it the hard way” Albert thr_@tened,glaring seriously at Caesar.

“She’s leaving,already. Her flight is in few hours time,she’s f-__-king leaving,if that will make you all happy,since no one cares about me!” Caesar shouted,stood up and left angrily.

“I told you he was not going to listen. Too stubborn,and stūpid!” Albert growled,while Brenda tried to calm him down.

“Why can’t he just listen,just why?” He mumbled within himself.



“You didn’t do well in your test,Jorel. What happened?” Alvira asked,packing her books into her backpack.

She and her friend,Jorel came to the Library to study,since they had nothing doing.

Alvara and Michal at the other side of the Library,studying too.

“I guess I did not study hard” Jorel replied,shrugging.

“But the results weren’t that bad,yunno. So,I won’t get spanked” He continued,and Alvira chuckled.

“I’m still gonna spank you,anyway” She replied,and they both laughed lightly.

“I think I’m done here,should we go have a snack?” He asked,and she nodded vehemently.

He chuckled,and picked his bag,Alvira hanging hers behind,too.

“We are leaving,Alvara and Michal. Meet me at the eatery when you’re done” Alvira went and told them.

“So,you’re leaving us behind,because of your boyfriend” Michal said,and Alvira twisted her lips immediately.

“He’s not my boyfriend,silly,receive sense” Alvira said,and they laughed lowly in order not to disturb others.


“So,what are you doing this weekend?” Jorel started,as they walked the distance.

“Uhm…not sure,actually. Will think of something before then,if I don’t come up with something,then I bet sleeping all through would be the other of the day” Alvira replied,and he chuckled.

“Hope you wouldn’t mind me asking you this?” He said.

“Go ahead,but don’t say anything that will make you enter your locker” Alvira smirked,and he laughed hard,understanding what she meant by that.

“You’re crazy,swears. Okay,why do you prefer guys outfits to ladies. Ladies outfits are actually cool,yunno” He began,and Alvira smiled.

“Well,guys outfits are more cool,and I love them more.
It’s something I started doing since when I little,so I grew up with it” Alvira replied.

Jorel just smiled,and looked at her without knowing what to say.

This girl is just so beautiful and cool,only if you get to know her well.

She’s just amazing,and interesting.

They kept silent for a minute,before Jorel started again.

“I….I actually have something…” He paused and scratched his head,finding it hard to say what he wants to say.

“I’m listening….” Alvira said,shaking her head.

~Why is he finding it difficult to say it?

She thought.


He wasn’t done talking when Niran met them on the way.

“Hey…..Told you I was going to see you today” He said immediately,and Alvira smiled.

“Hi,Niran. Glad to see you too” Alvira replied.
Niran smiled,staring at Alvira interestingly interestingly.

“Where are you up to?” Niran asked.

“Eatery,to grab a snack,oh meet my friend,Jorel” Alvira said.

“Hey..” He said,as they exchanged pleasantries.

“And you?” Alvira inquired.

“Was actually looking for you,there’s something I want to show you. It’s a surprise” He winked.

“Oh,really ? I love surprises,let’s go” She said,almost forgetting Jorel,until….

“I was here first,so back off!” Came Jorel’s voice.



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