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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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TEMPORARY WIFE – Episode 21 & 22

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[ Sweet Surrender…]

Chapter 21🪻22

By,Ella N.

Copy And Dìe Viciously‼️





“What did you say?”Georgia asked,as she went closer.

Cindy chuckled again for the tenth times,staring at Georgia’s angry face that is giving her so much joy.

She must be boiling inside,hotly right now.
Seeing that look on her face makes Cindy happy,and wants to do more to get Georgia angry.

“I should probably elaborate….I said I am pregnant…like,I have Caesar’s baby growing inside of me” She smirked,expecting a bomb to explode,but she was shocked to the core when Georgia hugged her instead.

Cindy’s eyes widened,and she screamed a “what”! Within herself.

This is definitely not what she expected her to do!


“Yunno,I thought you were stupíd,but I’ve just realized that you’re incredibly stúpid.

“It’s been a tiring day,so get the f-__-k out of my way. But congratulations once more,Cindy” Georgia smiled,derisively and entered her room.

“What?!” Cindy finally screamed it out loud.

Wait,what just happened?!

“I can’t believe what she just did,didn’t I just tell her that I’m pregnant for Caesar?

“She’s supposed to be angry,màd…she’s supposed to be hurt,go crazy,want to start a fight or even want to file for a divorce immediately. But…argh!”Cindy growled angrily,and disappointedly.

She stormed out of there,and went back into the room where she slumped on it,heavily.

~How sure are you that you are pregnant? ~

Her subconsciousness asked,and she sighed,frustratedly.


Georgia dropped her handbag where the others are,and sat gently on her gigantic,and big bed.

She sighed as she began to take off her shoes.
She stood up,and took them to her shoe rack,dropping them.

“Is Cindy really pregnant for Caesar? Was she serious about what she said?”She began questioning herself,as she started having a thought on what Cindy told her.

What if she’s really pregnant? What if she’s trully carrying Caesar’s first child?

These are the thoughts running in her head right now,while she lay on the bed,facing the ceiling.

She intentionally ignored Cindy,because she did not,and was never going to show her that she is bàdly húrt.

That will only grant Cindy the opportunity to make mockery of her.

Showing Cindy that she is hurt,isn’t going to solve anything,but give her the chance to take advantage of that.

So,she chooses to show them,(especially Cindy) her crazy side all the time,rather than being emotional.

But for how long will she keep doing that?
How long will she hide her hurts,and feelings for Caesar.

How long will she keep pretending to be okay,when she really isn’t?

She tries all her best to get rid of feelings she suddenly started having for Caesar,but the feelings grow more each time she tries.

No married woman is supposed to drag her husband with a side chic.

But what exactly is she doing right now?

She’s only twenty three,and way too young to be having marriage problems. Especially not because of one man who has refused to have sense.

She deserves happiness!

Caesar doesn’t deserve her at all.

Georgia walked to the mirror stan,tying her hair into a rough bun,whilst staring at herself.

“Cindy is pregnant,how cute and cool. Guess,I’ll start calling her Cindy Ruslee.

“Or even better,Mrs. Ruslee,carrier of Caesar’s first child “Georgia laughed,derisively.

She doesn’t know why,but she somehow feels the pregnancy news is a fake one.

She probably did that,in order to get her upset,but she’s so foòlish to know Georgia doesn’t even have her time.

She has tried severally to make her jealous,and angry,but reverse is always the case.

Although,Georgia gets very jealous,especially when she sees them together in a manner that she and Caesar are supposed to be,but doesn’t show it.

It’s only this silly heart of hers that wouldn’t just stop beating for that jerk of a husband.

It’s so funny how she suddenly fell for Caesar of all people,the last person she ever imagined to fall in love with.

The heart indeed is stupìd,and always wants who it wants. It doesn’t even care about anyone’s feelings,you just have to bow to it commands.


Brenda and her husband,Albert,can be seen i the living room together,watching TV.

“How did it go at the Company,honey?” She asked,taking her glass of juice which one of the maids served them,to drink.

Aside the Company that Caesar is running,they have other ones too.

“Well,it went well. I got the deal” Albert smiled heartily,and Brenda widened her eyes in great excitement.

“Aww,you’ve been working on this for so long. I’m so happy for you” Brenda said,pecking her husband.

“Thank you,sweet. You know,the Contract is working excellently well,and I so happy about it” Albert replied with a smile.

Brenda smiled,but dropped her juice and turned to face her husband well.

“You should talk to your son,he needs some advice.
You won’t believe who I saw today,living in his house when I went to visit” Brenda started,and Albert dropped his,too.

“Who…what are you talking about?” Albert furrowed,totally lost.

“I am talking about Cindy. Caesar is still foolishly seeing that girl,and you won’t believe the worse part of it” Brenda laughed,clapping her hands,unbelievably.

“Caesar literally brought her to stay with him….like,the same house Georgia,his wife is living.

“She’s been in that house for God knows how long” Brenda told him everything.
Albert’s eyes were left completely wide in shocks.

Same Cindy he warned him about?

Why is Caesar so stubborn? He doesn’t listen to anyone at all,right from his childhood.

“Has he suddenly gone màd,what the hell is wrong with Caesar?
Does he have any idea of what he’s doing?

“If that marriage fails,then that’s it for the Companies.

“I don’t know what is wrong with that boy,because I did not bring him up to be foolísh” Albert spoke furiously,his heavy breaths,fanning Brenda’s skin a little,because they sat close to each other.

“Just talk to him,Honey. I know he’d not listen,but just talk some sense into his brain” Brenda said,curving her lips in a frustrated way.

Albert sighed,dejectedly,learning that Caesar still doesn’t want to let go of that relationship.

He couldn’t even take a sip from his juice anymore.

What Brenda told him, changed his happy mood instantly.

What has that girl done to him that he has become so blind and deaf.

If this madnéss continues between them,then the next thing might be quitting the marriage,and that would greatly affect their Companies.

He’s never going to sit,and let that happen,never!


“Gi Gi! If you knew how much I miss you,you’d just rush down here to give me a tight hug” Alvira said,as she spoke with Georgia on the phone. Actually a video call.

“Smokes! Hug you tight? As your boyfriend,or what?” Georgia giggled happily.

She can’t lie,she has missed Alvira a lot. Her troublesome and crazy character. She just misses her sisters.

“Sis! I have the biggest news in town for you” Alvara snatched the phone from her sister,going out of the room.

“Alvara!!” Alvira screamed her name,going after her momentarily.

“Sis,you won’t believe your sister is on love. You needed to hear her exlaim” Holy Smooth Ropes” because of a guy. They even exchanged contacts,and guess what.

“He was the one she was speaking with before your call came” Alvara spewed out,like a running tap.

“Holy smokes!” Georgia exclaimed from the other end. Both she and Alvara bursted into a loud laugh,like two lunatics.

“I swear,Alvara. Don’t blame me if you wake up tomorrow morning,and find yourself inside your closet,tied up” Alvira thr_@tened,and that made them laugh more.

“You both are crazy,and I miss you guys a lot,swears” Georgia said,and they “awwwed”

“I hope you girls are good,though?” She further said,after her laugh had died down a bit.

“We are,Gi Gi. What about you?” Alvira asked,too. Georgia sighed before smiling at them.

“When are you girls coming to visit?” She asked.

“Huh?” The twins said at a time,with their lips slightly curved.

“Gi Gi wants us to visit?” Alvira asked,and Georgia rolled eyes.

“I could just change my mind,yunno” She smirked,and they screamed a big no! Making Georgia to laugh hard.

“Going to visit my brother-in-law. This is going to be fun,and I can’t wait” Alvira smirked,intentionally.


“Baby,I couldn’t hear you clearly on the phone. What did you say is wrong with you? Are you alright” Caesar asked worriedly,when he in.

After he closed from work,he rushed down here,because Cindy called and told him about what happened.

She’s in the hospital right now for a test.

“I don’t know,baby. I am fine. It’s just….I been feeling weak,and been puking almost the whole of today.

“I don’t….know. But,I think….I’m pregnant” She pouted,and Caesar widened his eyes.

“You’re pregnant? Like for reals…and the baby is mine?” Caesar asked happily ,and cindy nodded,pouting again.

“f-__-k! You got to be kidding me” He cursed,holding her waist,and giving her right away.

Cindy felt so happy.

Finally! She and Caesar can now get married,whether his parents like it or not.

She has been trying to achieve this(Getting pregnant) for Caesar,for long now,but it was not coming.

But now,she’s f-__-king pregnant.

They were still hugging themselves when the doctor came out of his Office with the test results.

Cindy could see envision herself in a beautiful wedding dress,the moment she saw the Doctor.

Oh…should just tell her the good news already,and stop taking time.

“What did the results say m,Doctor? How old is the pregnancy?” Cindy asked stupidly.

“Huh? Pregnancy…..

“Never mind. The result says it’s nothing serious.
You just have malaria,and a little fever,Miss.

“And for the puke,you ate something that your system rejected,nothing serious” The Doctor smiled,handsomely,handing her the results.



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