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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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TEMPORARY WIFE – Episode 17 & 18

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[Sweet Surrender…]

Chapter 17🍒18

By, Ella N.

Copy And Dìe Viciously ‼️





“Alvira!!”Alvara shouted her sister’s name as they all watched Alvira drag Mitchell on the ground,effortlessly like a piece of paper.

Mitchell’s minions tried to go close,in attemps to free Mitchell from Alvira’s wràth,but she shot them a déadly glare,and they stopped half way. Of course they don’t want to be humiliated like their friend is,right now.

“Uhm,haven’t you found the ropes yet?”Alvira crazily asked,and the students around laughed out loud.

“The match is starting in minutes time,let her go. We are supposed to be in the field right now!” Alvara yelled,but it was as though Alvira went deaf at the moment,because she wasn’t listening to her twin sister. She wasn’t listening to anyone at all!

Why would she? When Mitchell is fund of making the feeble students cower in fear.

That $h|t drives Alvira nùts!

~In my eighteen years of existence,I’ve not seen someone as crazy as this girl ~

A student said,and they laughed more.

~She’s cute that way. Plus,that Ɓîtçh deserves what she’s getting right now~

Another student said,chuckling seriously,while he enjoys what was happening right in front of him.


“Arghh! Get me out of here,you foól! You will regret this,stupíd tomboy!” Mitchell shouted from inside the locker where Alvira locked her up.

Even with that,Mitchell is still being stubborn and rude as always.

There’s no need to even beg,because Alvira is never going to listen to her. This isn’t the first time she has locked her up in there,but Mitchel never changes.

“Have fun in there,dummy! And feel free to drink your pee when you are thirsty,because no one is coming to your rescue” Alvira mocked,and banged the locker intentionally,making Mitchell to scream more like a lunatic. She then walked to where the girl that Mitchell was bullying earlier,stood.

“Go have fun,and….stop letting people bully you” Alvira smiled shortly at her.

“Thanks,Vi. Wish I can be as brave and bold as you,to always stand up for myself”The girl smiled nervously.

“You can be as brave as anyone,if you choose to be. You’ve got that in you,but you’re just scared” Alvira smiled again,patting her shoulder gently. The girl nodded her head,and wore her sport shirt back on.

“I h@ťě chickens,by the way. So,stop being one” Alvira spoke,and with that,she left the change room,walking and bouncing like a boy.

“Wait,wasn’t she being nice to me just seconds ago?” The girl asked none in particular,and everyone bursted into a loud laugh.



Since Georgia left the sitting room,after Caesar said what he said to her. She’s been looking all gloomy,and she really cannot explain why she’s unhappy.

~ I do not love you,and never will. I don’t even have any feelings for you~

~ And just so you know,I have a girlfriend that I love. So,stay off my lane and hers,if you want to live happily~

Those two statements keep ringing in her head,concurrently.

The more she reminisces the shits Caesar said,the more sad she becomes,and the more it stings her heart hurfúlly.

Why would he say such to her?
She’s his wife,for crying out loud!

Whether or not it was an agreed marriage,they are lawfully and legally married. If not for anything,he should consider that,at least.

Why is he cheating on her and still be so mean and disrespecful to be rubbing it on her face?

Now,everything her mother-in-law said about Caesar cheating on his wife,is starting to get to her,and she just can’t control the way she feels,right now. She’s badly hùrting inside.

But wait,why does she feel this way?
Why do the shits that her so called husband is doing with Cindy now bothering her?

She once never cared about anything Caesar does,it’s a contract marriage after all.


Maybe her heart is starting to betray her!

She sighed,and plopped down on the seat kept near the mirror stan.

She looked at herself in the mirror,and let out a beautiful smile. Smiling at her beautiful self.

She shut her eyes tightly and began to imagine her husband(not Caesar),the one she’d love wholeheartedly and be loved back,too.

She’s imagining him standing behind her,touching her sensually in the sweetest way ever. Giving her cold shivers and leaving traces of kisses on her body,especially her neck and of course,her lips.

Well,that is not happening,because she’s stuck with a big cheat called a husband.
But,not for long. She’s getting a divorce as soon as possible.

After she was back from her world of fantasy,she flew opened her eyes,and the first place her eyes darted to,was her fingers,where she caught sight of her wedding ring.

“Smokes!”She sighed and exclaimed for no reason. Slowly,she took off the ring and put it in her jewelry box.

She then got off the chair. Her phone started ringing instantly,and she didn’t waste time in picking it.

“Where the hell are you,Mrs. Ruslee the Lawyer?”Came Monique’s angry voice from the other end.

“Holy smokes! I’m sorry,Monique”Georgiascreamed aloud,and began getting herself ready,hastily

She totally forgot that she and Monique are meeting up somewhere,and she’s obviously there waiting for her already.
Well,all thanks to that bigheaded cheat that made her forget!

“Do not tell me you are sorry,just get your darn big àss down here!” Monique yelled angríly,but Georgia laughed instead,at the big àss thingy.

“Smokes! Your yells can abort one’s pregnancy” Georgia blurted.

“Ahhh! Best friend,are you pregnant?” Monique screamed sharply and excitedly,her piercing voice almost making Georgia go deaf instantly.

“Are you crazy…? Pregnant for who?” Georgia yelled this time,and they both laughed heartily.

“Hurry up,please. The client will be here any minute from now” Monique said calmly after their laughs had died down. Georgia then hastened what she was doing,and dashed out hurriedly.


“See you later,baby” Caesar said,and gave Cindy a short kiss before turning to leave. They are standing at the entrance of the door to his room,and his room isn’t far from Georgia’s.

“f-__-k! I can’t believe how late I am,because of the $h|t that happened a while ago” Caesar cùrsed,agitatedly as he checks the time on his wristwatch.

As he turned swiftly, Georgia who just left her room hurriedly too,heavily bumped into him and the things he held,fell. Including his three phones,but only one of them broke completely.

“I’m sorry” Georgia apologized sincerely,bending down immediately and trying to pick the things up in a haste.

“f-__-king get your hands off them,insane Ɓîtçh!” Caesar shot at her coldly,showing no emotions at all.

“f-__-king get out of my way too,big cheat!….shameless big cheat!
I pray your f_cking Ďïčk never gets an eréction whenever you two want to f_cking f_ck yourselves!” Georgia blurted out loudly before even realizing what she’s saying. She just used that opportunity to give full vent to her feelings in a shocking outburst.

“Geogia!!” Caesar thundered angrily,glaring at her dangerously.

Georgia sardonically walked close to him,and stood in his face.

“f-__-king stop calling my name with your f-__-king cheating mouth.
I was only being apologetic and trying to be nice.
Stop calling me a Ɓîtçh,because your f-__-king girlfriend is the real Ɓîtçh here!
Have a great day at work,Caesar”Georgia scoffed,trying to control her emotions. She started walking out,but suddenly stopped,turning to look at Caesar who wasn’t saying anything.

“f-__-k you!”She spat,giving him a middle finger. And with that,she walked out,swaying her big àss that nature blessed her with while Caesar continued to stare at her,speechlessly.


“Dude,what happened? Why this late to work today?”Kyrian asked as he saw Caesar walking into the elevator.

Caesar scoffed and ignored him first,as if he didn’t quite hear what Kyrian just asked him.

“You won’t believe the $h|t that happened. Mom almost kílled Cindy because of that darn woman called Georgia”Caesar finally spoke,angrily.

“Wait,your Mom was around,and she found out Cindy is still living with you?”Kyrian asked,shockingly.

“I wasn’t speaking in tongues when I told you what happened,was I?” Caesar irritatedly asked,rolling his eyes.

“Hey…,passing your aggression on me isn’t allowed,Caesar Ruslee. I already warnèd you about this.
I literally told you this was not going to end well,but you don’t listen to me. And I’m pretty sure you are still not gonna let her go,because your brain is stuffed with nothing,but foolishnèss” Kyrian reprimanded,angrily.

“I already knew today was a bàd day,right from the moment I forgot my wallet at home. I love Cindy,idiot! f-__-king love her,and I got no feelings for Georgia at all. What part of that do you guys not understand,huh?” Caesar hissed,pressing on a button,making the elevator to open instantly.

“So,where is she now? Don’t tell me she’s still in your Mansion,because I know you can’t be that stùpid” Kyrian said,hoping he’s right.

“Of course she’s still there,Ďïčkhead!” Caesar retorted.

“Dude!” Kyrian yelled,and Caesar scoffed with an eye roll.

“I hope you’re not foolìshly in love with her,and I hope you come back to your senses before it is too late.
Do not come asking me for help,when you finally receive your brain,because I’m not gonna listen to you” Kyrian told him,sternly,but Caesar only scoffed as always.

“Where is Reece? Why has he not come yet?” Caesar gesticulated.

“You have a phone,so call him,Ďïčk!” Kyrian snapped,hitting his head hard.

“I don’t know why I keep forgetting that you don’t always carry your brain with you,f_ck!” Caesar cursed. The elevator dinged,and they both walked out,glaring at each other.

~ Hello,Mr. Ruslee. You still aren’t here,and the filming is supposed to start like twenty minutes ago~

A voice said from the other end of the call.

He actually just got a call from the filming industry.

“I am sorry for keeping you all waiting,but something came up. Can we change the time,or reschedul this?” Caesar spoke calmly. After talking for a while,the call dropped,and he pocketed the phone. He faced Kyrian who was busy chuckling like a lunatic.

“Did you win a lottery?” He questioned,and began taking slow steps,heading to his Office.

“Why didn’t you tell them exactly what happened,man whøre” Kyrian smirked.

“Have sense and get yourself a woman” Caesar shot,but never stopped to look at his friend.

“I don’t want to be brainless like you,so I’m okay being single.
Anyway,we have buyers waiting for us. Do wh@ťěver you want to do in there,and come out,idiot!” Kyrian shouted after him,and Caesar only shook his head.

“How did we end up as friends?” He shrugged,as he questioned himself.


“So,this my friend,Mrs. Georgia Ruslee. The Lawyer I told you about,Sir” Monique introduces Georgia to a client,smiling happily.

“Good morning,Sir. Well,I’m Georgia….my friend has told you that already” Georgia chuckled,and the man smiled shortly.

This is why Georgia and Monique are meeting. Monique has someone who is badly looking for a Lawyer to handle his case,and she couldn’t think of any good Lawyer,but her best friend.

“Trust me,she’s the best among the bests,just leave your case for her to handle” Monique compliments Georgia who was busy blushing.

“It’s nice to meet you,Lawyer Georgia. Looking forward to winning this with your help” The man said,and Geogia smiled,with a positive nod.

“So….” She started. They talked for quite a long time before the man left them.


“Make me proud like you always do,best friend” Monique said,pushing Georgia’s shoulder playfully.

Georgia smiled,and tucked her hair to the back of her ear,as she and Monique strolled down a bit.

“Where did you park your car?” Monique asked.

“Look at it over there” Georgia replied simply,pointing to the direction of where the car is.

“Where did you park?” She asked too.

“Park? I didn’t come with my car,I’m tired of driving,yunno” Monique pouted like a baby.

“Lazy bones. When will you stop being too lazy to drive?” Georgia jibed,and she chuckled.

“Maybe when I get married,so my husband can be doing that for me.

“That reminds me,how is your husband?” She asked,and Georgia hissed.

“Stop asking me about him,and stop calling him my husband. He has a name,and it is Caesar” Georgia replied,rolling eyes at Monique.

“Aww. What’s the matter,best friend? What did he do?” Monique asked,concerned.

She somehow had noticed Georgia’s mood,but she really didn’t take it seriously.

“I don’t want to talk about it” She replied,but gave a little smile.

“It’s fine,dear. But I’ll always be there for you whenever you need me,or need to talk to someone….

Georgia hugged her tight before she could finish talking.

“Okay…” Monique chuckled hard,stretching the word and hugging her back,lovingly.

“I needed that so bàdly” Georgia gave a short chuckle as she slowly pulled away from the hug.

They continued walking,and didn’t go too far when Kraisee met them.

“Georgia…?” He called,questioningly. Overly excited to see her.

“Hey…how are you,what are you doing here?” Georgia smiled happily,asking.

“I came to get some things from the grocery store. This is actually the area I live” Kraisee said,as they both hugged. It wasn’t a side hug this time,but a face to face one.

“Oh,wow! Cool” Georgia smiled again.

“Smokes! My bad. Kraisee,meet my best friend Monique. Monique,meet Kraisee my…..


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