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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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TEMPORARY WIFE – Episode 13 & 14

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[ Sweet Surrender…]

Chapter 13🪻14

By,Ella N.

Copy And Dìe Viciously‼️




“Georgia!!!” Caesar barked like a bulldog,banging on the door so loud and hard,but Georgia answered him not.

He began pacing around,and roughening his hair màdly. His heart pounding loudly and beating a thousand times in just a second.

Obviously,this marriage is never going to work,because what is this màdness? How can she poíson him?

Like,he’s going to lose it completely,right this moment,if Georgia doesn’t come out and tell him that it’s not true.

He tried to shove his fingers in his throat,but did not throw up like he expected.

Georgia will surely not be the end of him,never!

“She poìsoned my food? Georgia f_cking poìsoned me in my own house!
She can’t be serious,can she?” Caesar suddenly calmed down and began questioning himself.

“But,wait. If she did not have any intentions of poìsoning them,why then did she decide to make the food that she’s fully aware,Cindy and I will eat?” He asked again.

~ Do you think I,Georgia Singto will enter the kitchen to make food for you and your amoeba girlfriend? I cooked for a reason ~

Those words suddenly ran in his head,and….

“Georgia, come out!!” He shouted. If not that he’s an adult, and the person he is,he would have bursted into a loud cry.

“She poìsoned me for real…she…

He felt Cindy’s hand on his shoulder.

“Baby, stop! Can’t you see she’s just making a fòol out of you? Do you think if she poìsoned the food,you’d still be here?” Cindy spoke calmly.

Caesar paused for a moment, and looked at Cindy.

He was so engrossed in the poisonéd food thingy that he did not even realize he was still standing there and nothing was happening, not even a stomach growl.

“She did not poìson it for real. She was only… I h@ťě you,Georgia! With every fiber in me!” He shouted, and stormed out of the place, with Cindy following behind.

Meanwhile, Georgia has been laughing her intestines out.

The moment she shut the door,she landed on her bed and got herself into a round of laugh.

“So,Caesar can be this scared? Smokes! That was so hilarious,I can imagine his face of thinking that he was going to dìe” She laughed harder, holding her already hurting stomach.

She actually cooked because she felt like doing it.
Even with the maids in her father’s house,there are days she just decides to cook,especially when she comes back from work early.
So,she’s used to doing that and just felt like doing it today.

That’s why she decided to join the chefs in cooking,whether or not Caesar and his girlfriend were going to eat the food.


“I will deal with her, so much that she’s gonna leave this Mansion with me telling her to.

“I h@ťě you,Georgia. More than anything in this life” Caesar spitefully said, still pacing around in his room.

He’s so angry at the facts that,he ate Georgia’s food,and she made a fòol out of him.
Each time he thinks about it,he feels like going insane.

How can she do that to him,in his own house? Making him act like a fòol in the presence of his workers. How could she be so wicked?
Who even asked her to make his food?

“If that’s a scheme to make me like you,then you’re a total loser, Georgia. I h@ťě you!” He spat,with obvious h@ťě in his voice.

Cindy stood up from the bed and walked to where he stood,hugging him from behind.

“I’m sorry,Baby. Don’t let her màdness get to you. She obviously needs a proper check up from the psychiatric hospital.

“You should divorce her already, and end all this màdness. Since she came in here,she has done nothing,but always making you shout like a fool” Cindy said, foolishly,hugging him tighter to herself.

“I love you,Baby and h@ťě to see you like this. Just divorce her and have the peace you deserve” She continued to talk.

Caesar turned her slowly,to face him. He kissed shortly on the lips before speaking.

“That has always been in my mind,okay? Divorcing her is the one thing I want to do as soon as possible, but I can’t do that now. It’s still too early. It’s not even up to a month we….

He paused, and held her waist,teasingly.

“I love you,Baby. And Georgia is leaving my house soon” He said,and Cindy frowned.

She wasn’t happy at all to hear what Caesar said. She so much wants Caesar to divorce Georgia,so he can marry her instead,but she doesn’t see that coming.

~ I must do something quick,this isn’t working at all. He’s refusing to divorce her,hope this isn’t what I am thinking? I must act fast before it’s too late.

Those were the thoughts going through Cindy’s mind.


“I can see your day out with her went well,judging from that happy face” Lamon chuckled as he entered the living room to join Kraisee.

“You can say that over and over,dude” Kraisee replied with obvious happiness and smiles spread all over his face.

He really cannot explain how he feels,for setting his two eyes again on Georgia,but all he can say is is that,he feels fulfilled and happy.

“So,how was it?” Lamon asked nonchalantly,sitting himself down with a heavy sigh.

“Trust me,it was the best day of my life. I felt so alive and overly happy. I am so glad I found her again” Kraisee excitedly replied.

Lamon stared at him for a while and just kept chuckling.

“Hhmph! So,now that you both have found each other again.
I mean,what’s your plan now that you’ve found her again?” Lamon asked,eagerly waiting for Kraisee to reply him.

Well,he somehow knows what his answer is going to be,but he wants to hear it from his mouth.

“Get her back of course” Kraisee replied with a smile.
Exactly what Lamon’s thought was.

“You do realize she’s married now,right?” Lamon asked the already obvious.

“I do not care if she’s married or not. From the looks of things and most of the comments I read the other day,I think it’s a contract marriage or wh@ťěver.

“besides,she wasn’t even wearing her ring,which is possible she’s….

“Never mind,dude. My happiness is that I have seen her again,and believe me, she was happy to see me,too. So,you see? I’ve got many chances of getting her back” Kraisee spoke breathlessly.

It was as though he was in a talking competition.

“Woo,man! Did they forbid you from breathing?” Lamon laughed hard.

“Yes,dude. They forbade me from breathing because of her” Kraisee replied quickly,while Lamon shook his head,chuckling.

“All the best,man. I am glad that this makes you happy, and I sure hope this ends well” He stated seriously,and got up from where he sat,heading to the kitchen.

“Get me a cold drink when coming,please” Kraisee shouted behind him.

“Georgia is mine,dude and I can do anything to have her back” He said seriously.


“Seriously,Dad. You won’t believe we lost another student to ràpe again,today” Alvara sighed frustratedly.

The Singtos are on the dining right now having their dinner,and Alvara brought up the topic of what happened again in school today.

“My goodness! This is seriously getting out of hand and disheartening” Marisa shook her head in disappointment.

They already know about it because Alvira and Alvara always tell them everything that happens in school.

“Who are the students behind this and what exactly do they want? Why do they keep kílling innocent students?” Damian joined in the talk,too.

“Now that’s the puzzle that has been difficult to solve, Dad. No one knows who they are,neither does anyone know where they carry out their evil acts.

“But,hopefully,I’ll find out soon” Alvira answered, as she joins them.

“Find out about the same people the cops have not been able to locate?” Alvara replied,unbelievably.

“Wait,what?! Have you completely gone out of your mind?! Do you have any idea of what you are saying?” She yelled,the moment what Alvira just said about finding out who those people are,hit her brain.

“You must be crazy to have even thought of doing that. What the hell is wrong with you,do you want me to dìe before my time” Marisa reprimanded seriously, with her neck veins popping out.

“Dad,tell her to have sense now. These aren’t the kind of people she locks up in their lockers” Alvara said in a rather funny way.

“Wait, she still lock students up in their lockers?” Damian and Marisa chorused,totally shocked to hear that.

“Oh,yes! She does,alright. She…..

Alvira closed Alvara’s mouth tightly, stopping her from talking more.

“The tap needs be locked once in a while, yunno” Alvira smiled mischievously. She’s actually referring to Alvara’s mouth that she just locked with her palm.

“Alvira….!” Marisa yelled.

Alvira let go of her mouth instantly,ready to run,because she knew what was going to happen next.
The moment she did that,Alvara charged like a horse and Alvira took to her heels instantaneously.

“And they always act like kids,my goodness!” Marisa chuckled.

“As long as they are happy and getting along, I don’t mind if they act like babies” Damian chuckled too,as he continues with his food.

🗣️Can these two ever change?

🗣️ Seriously, I love them like crazy.

🗣️ The best twins I’ve ever met.

🗣️ You can say that again.

The maids around started laughing,and admiring the twins love for each other. Even for their elder sister that no longer live here.

The Singtos family a perfect example of a sweet family.


Georgia was still sleeping soundly and peacefully when her phone buzzed up, slightly loud.

She turned to the other side of the bed as a result of that,now backing her phone,while she covers her whole body with the duvet.

“Stop interrupting my sleep,please” She drowsily muttered,when her phone vibrated this time.
Slowly,she opened her sleepy eyes,uncovered her body with the duvet and sat upright.

She yawned and squeezed her eyes a little before picking her phone up,to check who had to disturb her beauty sleep.

“Aww” She gushed a little,when she checked the message. She let out a short cute smile,and shook her head.

It’s a message from Kraisee!


The text from Kraisee read.

She smiled again after she was done reading it.

She thought of replying him,but after thinking about it for a while,she decided not to. So,she just dropped the phone back to where it was and got out of the bed fully, dragging herself into the restroom.


“Good morning, Ma’am” The workers started greeting as Georgia walked past them.

She finished bathing some minutes ago,and she’s downstairs to have her breakfast.

Caesar has gone to work already. So,it’s her and Cindy at home,since she hasn’t resumed work yet.

“Good morning” She greeted them back,cheerfully.

She walked into the kitchen,while humming a song happily.

“Hmmm…ice tea or hot tea?” She asked no one in particular as she contemplates on what to take.

After a while,she finally decided to take hot tea,which she made in a swift. She’s actually going out with her friend,Monique.

She walked back to the living room and was about climbing the stairs, back to her room when she heard the workers greeting someone.

“Mother…?” She called, questioningly when she saw Brenda, Caesar’s mom,walk in.

Wait,what’s she doing here?

Oh well,it’s her son’s house and she can decide to visit whenever she feels like.

“Awww. See my daughter-in-law,looking extra beautiful and shimmering as always”Brenda said. She went to where Georgia stood and hugged her warmly.

“Good morning,Ma”Georgia greeted with a smile,as she pulls away slowly.

“How are you,darling? I can see the baby is treating its mom well”Brenda blurted,and Georgia creased her brows,shockingly.

“Huh?!” She curved her lips confusedly,moving her eyes in a funny way.

What baby is she talking about?

Oh,wait! Could it be that she (Brenda) is pregnant?

That’s so awesome!

“I know! I also felt that way,when I was pregnant with your husband” She continued to talk.

Wait,wait,wait! Who told this woman that she is pregnant? Or do pregnancies now fly and enter people’s body even when they don’t have séx?

“Uhm….Mother,I am not pregnant. Who told you I am pregnant,anyway?”Georgia asked,shrugging. She took a sip from her tea,with her eyes fixed on Brenda.

They were both sitting down on the couch now.

“Do I need someone to tell me?
Didn’t you two have…

She paused for a moment,and chuckled.

“Have what,Mom?”Georgia furrowed.

“Don’t tell me you did not…wait,don’t tell me Caesar did not make you see heaven on your wedding night”Brenda blurted funnily,and Georgia widened her eyes.

This woman is fully aware that she and Caesar are like ice and fire. How on earth did she expect them to…

Like,how would they even start it? Eish!

Georgia couldn’t reply. What does she even want to reply her.

They were still on that,when Cindy suddenly walked out of the room,and was about descending the stairs when she saw Brenda,sitting with Georgia.

Her heart pounded loudly,and she breathed heavily.

She h@ťěs Brenda as much as Brenda h@ťěs her. But,she tries to be a good daughter-in-law most times,just to please her.

“What a bad day. I’ll just go back inside” She mumbled,and wanted to turn when Brenda caught sight of her. She widened her eyes,and stood up immediately.

“This is gonna be fun” Georgia smirked, stylishly sipping her tea.

“Holy guacamole! What the hell are you doing here?!” Brenda exclaimed and…..


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