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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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{ Sweet Faith,
19 years to live❄}

? Chapter 04 ?

By Chidimma Mirabel??


Kadence spranged up on bed while breathing heavily. She looked at her body and she was still wearing the same night wear of last night.

She touched her lips in confusion. Was it just a dream.

Kadence breathed out in relief when she saw that it was a dream. She shrugged and then sat up on bed then went downstairs.

“Morning mom, morning sis” She smiled brightly.

“Wow, you’re so happy today why?” Ximena asked while stirring the soup.

Kadence brought out the plates from the drawer and began dressing the dining table while smiling.

Zara was seated at one corner, filing her nails while looking at them.

“Zara, come help me out with the tomatoes” Ximena said.

Zara rolled her eyes and stood up then went to do what Ximena asked of her.

Once they were all done with the cooking, Kadence ate her breakfast and then walked out of the house with her books. Well she was going to read at Emma’s place.


Emma’s house**

“Shut up you useless husband!!”

“You’re calling me useless? You wh-_-re, how dare you go out with my friend’s husband!!”

“For the uptenth time, he’s just a friend, what of you? Spending all the cash we got on drinks!!”

Those were the noises coming from Emma’s house. As usual, her parents are having their morning arguments.

Kadence stood by the door, pondering on whether to knock or not. As if Emma sensed her presence, she came out with her books and smiled.

“Hey K-d, come on, let’s go to the local library. My house is not a suitable place to read” She held Kadence’s hand and they walked away.

Town’s local library, 09:02am**

“So on which subject should we start revising on?” Emma asked.

“Let’s start with chemistry. You know I’m not a fan of school but I have to do this for a bright future” Kadence pouted.

“Okay” Emma smiled and opened a book then began reading while explaining to Kadence.

Kadence was understanding very well at the beginning but in the middle, her mind drifted elsewhere.

Who was in that dream she had last night? This is the first time she’s having such dreams.

She didn’t see the person’s face but she was sure that the man was devilishly handsome and they kissed.

Kadence didn’t remember whether or not they kissed but she was curious to know how it felt.

“Kadence, hey Kadence! ” Emma half yelled.

“Yes, you were saying” Kadence cleared her throat and looked at Emma.

Emma furrowed her brows…

“What were you thinking that made you blush like a fool?” Emma asked.

“Me blush,,, no!! Was thinking of nothing…” Kadence looked away and touched her cheeks.

“If you say so. Alright, so where were we…” Emma picked up the book and continued reading…

That continued for around three hours…

“Let’s stop there and do something else. My head is heated up” Kadence groaned.

“Alright let’s call it a day then, so what should we do?” Emma closed the books and kept it.

Kadence thought for a while and an idea came up in her head.

“Let’s read something else apart from school. I heard this library was founded 1000 years ago. Maybe we’ll see something cool to read” Kadence stood up and began going through the different racks of books there.

“What should I pick?” Kadence pondered.

“Miss, can I help you?” An old man spoke behind Kadence.

Kadence turned to him and smiled…

The old man froze as all colors drained from his face. He just stared at Kadence like he had seen a ghost.

“Sir, sir…” Kadence called gently, tapping him.

That jolted him out of his thoughts.

“Yes, how can I help you?” He faked a smile…

“Can I know where the books concerning adventure are situated?” Kadence smiled.

“Yeah, that’s it there” He pointed at a direction.

“Thanks sir” She bowed and walked to the direction.

The man looked at her with a worried look on his face before leaving..

“This one will do.” Kadence smiled and brought out a book.

“Demons and goddesses controversy” She read the name out loud.

“Seems interesting I’ll take it back home” She said inwardly and walked to the librarian then came to an agreement to bring it back next week.

“Kadence, let’s go. We have some work to do” Emma said.

Kadence nodded and carried her before walking out of the library.

“Hey, let’s go to the club nearby.” Kadence said.


“Come on, we won’t take long” Kadence pulled her to the direction of the club…

They walked inside the club and what welcomed them was the blaring sound of the music.

Emma closed her eyes due to the volume of the music while Kadence smiled while looking round the area.

Lots of people were, mostly men who were drinking, laughing merrily, playing cards and lots more.

Kadence walked to the owner of the club and smiled.

“Oh, our little singer is here. It’s been a long time since you came here, go on. The audience is waiting for you” The man smiled.

“Thanks Sir” She bowed and walked to the stage.

Emma took a free seat then looked at Kadence who took the mic.

“Hello everyone” She smiled cheerfully revealing her cute dimples…

“Oh, it’s K-d. We missed you!”

“What music will you sing for us?”

The crowd commented…

“I missed you all too. So here goes my songs. It’s titled… Merry fellows” She smiled.

Kadence took deep breaths and then looked back at the audience.

?Under the sun, under the rain, under the snow and under the storm…
?We strive really hard to make a livinggg just to see that we provide for our kins…
?But never, never forget that….we stay merry fellows…
?Merry fellows, yeah! Merry fellow…I’m proud to be among you guys.
?Some are jailed, some are ki||ed, some are homeless, some are orphans…
?But we still have each other to rely on. That’s so much better to be united…
?As a team, let’s strive to the end.
?Together, we will shine more than the stars.

“Thank you” She bowed and kept the mic then went back downstairs as the crowd cheered for her.

“You always rock Kadence” Emma smiled while clapping for her.

“Thanks, let’s go back home before my mother shatters my eardrum” Kadence said and walked out of the club.


Diamond high, 12:05am**

“Wow, love this dress” Lisa smiled, looking at her training uniform.

“Yeah, let’s do it quickly. We’re already late Lisa” Sophia tied her hair in a ponytail and dragged Lisa along.

They got to the training ground and quickly stood on the line. Eric and the others were there, Nora and Connor too.

“My name is Travis and I’ll be your mentor. Your coach! So I’m not good at chit chatting so let’s start the training” A man with a stony look on his face said.

“Now, I want you guys to pair with each other,” He said.

The students did as per order. Connor found himself with Romeo and Eric was paired with another student. Lisa found herself with another strange student. Sophia was paired with Nora and Gideon with a girl.

“Now, fight! This is a test to know your level of competence, so that I’ll know which one to handle very well” He ordered.

They nodded and then all stood at akimbo, facing their opponent. Suddenly, the sound of punches and flying kicks were heard.

“Thinks this will be easy” Lisa smirked and then cracked her knuckles then charged at her opponent.

Her opponent effortlessly dodged her attacks like it was child’s play, that pissed Lisa off.

The girl jumped up and then used her scarf which was round her neck to tie Lisa’s hand. As her feet landed on the floor, she pulled the scarf which made Lisa fall down.

“That’s it” Lisa thought angrily.

She stood up and pushed her away with her powers then created water balls, $h00ting it at the girl.

She dodged it speedily. Wow, she was really ski||ed…

“Just quit, you’re not defeating me” Lisa mumbled while trying to touch her with his powers.

Finally, Lisa touched her. That made her lose balance so Lisa took the opportunity to kick her in the face, making her fall.

Before the girl’s back could touch the ground, she did a backflip standing up in the process then glared at Lisa.

Within the speed of the wind,she tackled Lisa and then tied her up such that Lisa was like a wrapped gift. She pulled her scarf making Lisa fall heavily on the floor.

The girl then pulled the scarf, removing it from Lisa’s body thereby making her roll on the floor.

“Hit me where you like but do not touch my face…sCombag” She finally spoke and walked away, wearing her scarf.

“Look, Princess Kaitlyn has won”

“She’s so cool…and pretty too”

“Well that’s what we expected from our future queen”

The other students who were done fighting commented while watching as the girl walked away.

As she passed Eric, their gaze locked till she passed him.

“Who’s that girl?” Eric wondered while looking at her retreating figure…


Another mysterious character. Who’s this girl? Don’t try to figure out how this story will end, you’ll get lost?

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