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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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{ Sweet Faith,
19 years to live❄}

? Chapter 40 ?

By Chidimma Mirabel??


“King Rhys has been defeated. We’re close to winning the battle” Kadence announced when she entered the throne room.

The L.O.M all g@sped and began murmuring among them. They began cl@pping for Kadence and a broad smile on their faces.

“I’m not the only one who did all the job. Liam helped me” Kadence said and they were surprised.

“You heard me right, Liam helped me. He ki||ed his own father…Is that enough proof to show to y’all that he’s on our side?” Kadence said.

They all looked down, regretting why they bad mouthed Liam.

“We’re sorry your majesty” They chorused.

“It’s okay, we all make wrong decisions” Kadence smiled.

She said some things before dissoluting the meeting. Kadence then summoned a guard.

“I nee-d you to go to this location, bring a lady here to me. Her name is ximena Martins” Kadence said and the guard bowed then left…

“I’m at fault, I hid things from him….” Kadence thought sadly while going her room.


The students of Diamond High are still on a very long holiday well that will last till the Khalil is defeated.

Even though the supernatural know that Kaitlyn isn’t their Queen, they still treat and respect her like a princess. She still lives in the palace.

“I won again, you said if I win twice then you’ll do wh@ťěver I ask of you” Kaitlyn said to Eric.

Eric c@m£ to visit and they we’re pres£ntly at the garden, pla-ying card.

“Alright, what do you want me to do?” Eric asked and ran his hands throu-gh his hairs.

Kaitlyn got lost staring at him, he was just too cute to resist. She’s tired of trying to make him fall for her, trying to make him forget about Kadence. She wants him right now.

Yes, she fell for him right from the first day their eyes met. She was just too preoccu-pied with her duties to realize those feelings. Hearing him professing his love for Kadence hurts really bad but she had to keep it all in.

Kaitlyn didn’t know when she found herself leaning more closer. Eric slightly shifted away with a furrowed brow.

“Kaitlyn… What are you doing?” Eric asked nervously.

“I want you to k!ssme” Kaitlyn blurted out and closed her eyes then pressed herl-ips on his.

Eric’s eyes refused to close, this was the first time someone is direct with him. He was kinda confused…

Nevertheless, he closed his eyes and pu-ll-ed her closer by the w@!st then k!$$£d her back. Kaitlyn smiled and wra-pped her hands round his n£¢k k!ss!nghim more de-eply.

Emma who was pas-sing by paused and looked at them for a while, she just couldn’t believe her eyes.

“So the two of them are a thing?” Emma wondered.

“It’s not good spying on someone” Ivan said behind her.

She turned to him and sm-irked..

“Same goes to you. I can’t help but notice that you’re stalking me” Emma said amd raised on of her brows.

“Well you wanna know why?” Ivan said and took a step close then leaned close to her.

He k!$$£d the space between her n£¢k and shoulder, ma-king all the hairs on her b©dy to stand.

“That’s my answer” He smiled and walked away…

Kaitlyn and Eric broke the k!ssin order to catch their breath. Kaitlyn looked away, blu-shing so ha-rd ..

After a while, she looked back at Eric who seem to be staring at her with questions filled in his head.

“Eric, believe it or not but I love you” Kaitlyn let the cat out of the bag.

“I love you so much Eric and I won’t st©p till i make you fall for me” Kaitlyn said determinately and stood up.

She k!$$£d his forehead and then left the garden. Eric just say there looking at her, truly no one has ever confessed to him this way.

“Women… I’ll never un-derstand them” Eric sighed and sat there, still wondering.


The sound of the shower were heard, signalling to Kadence that Liam was taking his bath.

She walked to the bathroom and opened it then walked inside. She quietly dispose off her clothes and joined him in the shower.

Liam looked down at his stomach when he felt arms round his stomach.

“Kitty?” Liam called.

“Baby…let’s not fight anymore, I’m sorry I never told you. I promise from today I’ll tell you everything, don’t be mad at me anymore plea-se…” Kadence said and buried her face in his back.

Liam turned anf faced her then cu-mpped her cheek before k!ss!ngher forehead.

“It’s okay Kitty, I’m also sorry I got mad at you. You were just caring about how I feel. Beside how can I be mad at you for long when you look this cute, just like a cat” Liam said and k!$$£d her nose…

Kadence smiled wi-dely.

“I love you”

“Love you more Kitty” Liam said and k!$$£d her.

He suddenly pinned her on the wall and and broke the k!ss…

“I promise I’ll make you beg me to st©p right,” Liam sm-irked

“Wait Liam…Liam”

He sealed herl-ips with a k!ss. Not too long ago, the sound of m0@n s filled up the bathroom…

Khalil walked in the throne room looking just like the devil. He walked and then sat down on the King’s throne.

The guards were all staring at him in confusion. What is he doing, sitting on the King’s throne.

“Dear followers, it is with a heavy heart that I sit here to announce to you that our beloved king…my father is dead. He was mercilessly ki||ed by those supernatural” Khalil said and the guards g@sped.

“He was ki||ed by those supernatural who claim to be the hero meanwhile they’re just like us. We can’t let this slide… As the sole inheritor to my father, I’ll take over this hvge responsibility to rule you all as the new king. Let’s avenge king Rhys.” Khalil said and they cheered in reply.

“We’re going to make them suffer. So much that they’ll beg to be ki||ed” Khalil said.

“Yes!!!!” They cheered in reply.

Khalil sm-irked while looking at them all. He crossed his legs and placed his hands on his l@ps, supporting his jaw.

“I have an excellent plan that’ll take down those usëless supernatural for good” Khalil smiled devilishly…


{ Sweet Faith,
19 years to live❄}

? Chapter 41 ?

By Chidimma Mirabel??




Kadence yawned lightly and sat up on the be-d. She ru-bbe-d her eyes with herl-ips pouted then yawned again.

Her gaze traveled down her b©dy and a g@sp left hetl-ips. Her che-st and n£¢k were all covered by hic-keys.

She frowned and looked at Liam who had his eyes closed but a smile was plastered on hisl-ips.

“Why are you looking at me like you wanna murder me” Liam smiled and opened his eyes then sat up on the be-d.

“Look at what you did, now I’m f0rç£d to wear a turtle n£¢k” Kadence frowned and wra-pped the sheets round her b©dy before standing up.

She went to her wardrobe and began searching for what to wear.

Liam stood up and walked to her then sn-ked his hands round his w@!st before planting a k!sson her n£¢k.

“I’m sorry” He said.

Kadence turned and faced him then smiled. She was really lucky to have someone as sweet and ro-mantic as Liam.

She simply smiled and pe-cked hisl-ips before turning to her wardrobe.

“I prefer you wear this” Liam said and brou-ght out the dress then gave it to her.

She took it and pe-cked his cheek before walking to the bathroom to take a bath.

“Can I join you” Liam said.

“No, you’ve done enough” Kadence snapped.

Liam pouted sadly and looked down. Just like a kid would do. Kadence then peeped out.

“Was just kidding” She win-ked and went back in.

Liam smiled wi-dely and quic-kly tossed off his bo-xers before joining her…


Kadence and Liam together with theire friends were all at the training room of the palace.

“If I called upon you all here is simply to inform you guys that we’re seriously lagging behind. We nee-d to train and upgrade our strength if we want to defeat Khalil. I’m sure he’s planning something devious” Kadence said.

“Yes!” They chorused.

“Let’s train ha-rd so that we can match the demon amd vampires” Kadence said and they all nodded.

Kadence faced Liam and folded her fists.

“re-ady?” Liam asked.

“Yeah” Kadence said in utmost concentration.

“Cool” Liam sm-irked and launched at her. She blocked it with her powers and created fireball which she sh0t it at Liam who easily dodged it.

Liam sped and stood in front of her then began attacking Kadence. This time, he wasn’t holding back like he used to do…

Eric anf Kaitlyn were busy fighting each other. Even though Kaitlyn is a human, she still got the ski||s which makes her unique.

Ava was training with Jody, Connor with Sophia, Nora with Gideon, Lisa with Romeo and Emma with Ivan.

“You have the ski||s but you aren’t fast enough” Ivan said calmly with his hands di-pped in his pocket.

“How do you want me to meet up at your speed? I’m not a vampire” Emma snapped, getting pissed off that she couldn’t t©uçh him.

The training continued like that for like four hours…

Khalil stood at the roof t©p as he watched his soldiers march to and fro. He smiled satisfactorily, they’re getting re-ady…

“Prepare for we are leaving now!!” Khalil announced.
“That’s nice guys, we still have the ski||s” Kadence smiled.

The rest were alre-ady super tired. Some like Ava were sitting on the floor with beads of sweat of her face.

“Your majesty, sorry to disturb your training session but the lady you asked us to go and look for is here” A guard announced.

“Mother..” Kadence said inwardly.

“Alright” Kadence said and faced her friends

“I’ll be going, duty calls” Kadence win-ked and held Liam’s hand then left with him.

She went straight to the throne room because she knew that was were Ximena will be waiting for her.

She stepped in and st©pped on her tracks when she saw Ximena’s back. How will she tell her that Zara is no more?

“Mother…” Kadence muttered.

Ximena turned back and smiled. She rushed to Kadence and hvgged her ti-ghtly.

“My beautiful Queen. I missed you so much, how are you doing? How is Zara too?” Ximena smiled and broke the hvg.

Kadence kept quiet still calculating on how to tell her.

“I’m fine mom… There’s something you nee-d to know” Kadence said and sighed.

Ximena was slowly getting worried with the look on Kadence’s face.

Kadence began narrating everything to her, how Zara was jealous of her ma-king her to turn to vampire, how she was working as a spy for Liam un-der the man Araz and finally how she died while saving Kadence’s life.

“No…” Ximena said.

Kadence held her up since she almost fell.

“This can’t be. My daughter can’t be dead! No!!!!” Ximena cried…

Who would have though that life will turn out like this. Her husband is gone, now its her precious daughter…

“Mom, you nee-d to take heart. I’m sure Zara won’t love to see you in this state.” Kadence tried to console her.

“Zara…..why is life so unfair to me…” Ximena cried.

Liam sighed and looked elsewhere, he really feels for ximena.

“Mom, mom,…. Listen to me, everything happens for a reason. We’ll be fine, you’ll come and live here with me I won’t leave you to suffer in poverty. Zara asked me to take care of you and that’s what I’m gonna do. plea-se don’t cry, I’ll cry too” Kadence said softly…

Ximena slowly calmed down and nodded. Karen smiled sadly and wiped off the tears from her face.

“We’ll be fine….”

Suddenly faint noise of people screaming amd running up and down filled the castle.

“Your majesty!!” A guard barged in the throne room breathing heavily…

“The demons and vampires… They attacked us!!” The guard said in fear.

Liam and Kadence froze…

Wahala don start again oo…

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