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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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{ Sweet Faith,
19 years to live❄}

? Chapter 33 ?

By Chidimma Mirabel??


“Come on Kitty, don’t tell me you’re still mad at me? Okay I’m sorry” Liam said, following Kadence behind who was climbing the stairs.

She sighed and turned to him.

“Alright, I forgive you but I’ll still get back at you” She said..

Liam smiled and patted her hair fondly while smiling.

Have you visited PIZARENA today?
“I love you Kitty” He said lovingly.

“Love you more darling” Kadence replied and hvgged him.

“C’mon, let’s go have a picnic at the garden” Liam said and held her hand.


“Emma got kidnapped, what are we gonna do now??” Connor asked.

“I don’t know, where’s Araz?” Principal Michael asked.

“I’m here” She said, standing by the wall…

“I warned you right? To just keep your mouth shut but no you had to act like you were smart…Listen I know you’re older than me but that doesn’t mean your smarter. Me telling to keep quiet, I knew what I was doing and you…” Araz paused and caught Eric by the n£¢k them pinned him on the wall.

“You’re the main cause of what’s happening. Just because you love Kadence but she loves another one doesn’t mean that you have to ruin their relationsh!p. I know it hurts but st©p acting like a kid!” Araz said angrily…

She re-leased Eric who fell on the floor catching his breath.

“And you all, student of Diamond High especially Liam’s friends. You all are a disgrace to friendsh!p. This was the time that my prince nee-ded your support but no! You turned your back on him just like that, I’m sure he will never say it but I’m sure it hurt his feelings really bad” Araz scolded all of them.

Liam’s friends all looked down, feeling so ashamed to look up. She’s right, there shouldn’t be called friends after what they did to Liam.

“I’m going back there to know Emma’s condition. Stay alert and communicate to me anything that happens here” Araz said and left.



“Let me go!! Let me go!!” Emma screamed and struggled but they were stronger than her.

They opened the door to the dungeon then threw her in the dungeon before locking the door.

“You will all perish! Believe me, you all will die!!” She screamed and sat down on the floor holding her stomach.

“Emma…” A voice called her.

She turned and looked back then froze. What…what was Zara doing here??

She held a mischievous smile on herl-ips. She placed a plate of food on the ground then slid in into the dungeon.

“What…what are you doing here?” Emma asked in disbelief.

Zara made her eyes color to change to red then smiled.

“Isn’t it obvious…I’m one of them now, I just can’t wait for the day they’ll bring Kadence here. So that I’ll watch her die in my master’s hand” Zara chuckled.

“Just look at the monster that you’ve become. Kadence did nothing to you!!!!” Emma yelled holding the bars.

“She made me become a second option. Rather than being someone second choice I prefer to become the bad girl” Zara said and win-ked then left.

Emma looked at the food she brou-ght here. She folded her fists and angrily kicked the plate away then sat down on the floor.

“Dammit!!” She punched the ground in anger.


It was alre-ady midnight and everyone was trying to sleep ofd the shocking event that occurred earlier, all except Kaitlyn.

Kaitlyn was busy re-ading some books. She sighed when she didn’t see what she was looking for.

**You’re a weakling infact guess what? You’re not even a princess**

King Rhys’s words kept ringing in her mind like a ticking clock.

She stood up from her seat then walked out of her libr@ry, entering her room. Tonight, she was gonna be slee-ping in the palace.

Kaitlyn sat down on the be-d stared at the ceiling. She held the n£¢klace she was wearing round her n£¢k and k!$$£d it. It was the Queen’s n£¢klace.

Suddenly the n£¢klace began emanating a faint light from it. Kaitlyn stared at it in bewilderment.

She closed her eyes and images began flashing throu-gh them.

She could see the Queen sitting on the be-d with her silver hair sprawl around her. She had a baby in her hand, the baby looked so cute and was smiling.

Martha entered with a baby in her hand. The queen began crying, she looked at the baby she was carrying and smiled sadly.

“I’m sorry my precious baby, my Maribella. This is the only way I could protect you from the war which is about to happen.” The queen cried and k!$$£d the baby’s forehead.

“May this k!ssguide and always protect you.” She said and handed the baby to Martha.

Martha then handed her the baby she was carrying.

“Her name is Kaitlyn” Martha said.

The queen smiled and looked at baby Kaitlyn.

“Kaitlyn, she’s pretty. Don’t worry, I’ll treat you like my daughter.” She smiled.

Martha nodded and walked away with the baby in her hands. The queen watched her go away while crying h0t tears.

Kaitlyn opened back her eyes and a drop of tear fell from it. So Rhys was right, she isn’t even a princess. Her whole existence was just based on plain lies…

“Nooo!!!” She screamed in tears…

Next Morning, 08:25am**

“Wake up slee-ping beauty” Liam k!$$£d her nose.

Kadence giggled in her sleep and said some inaudible words. She yawned and then finally opened her eyes.

“Good morning baby” Kadence smiled.

Liam chuckled and ru-bbe-d her cheeks with his palm.

“You have no idea of how old I am and you’re calling me baby?” Liam chuckled.

“How old are you?” Kadence asked.

“I’m a demon, you don’t expect me to be just 20 years” Liam said and k!$$£d her nose.

“I don’t care, to me you’re my baby” Kadence hanged her hands round his n£¢k.

“Have I ever told you that you’re my first love?” Liam said while smiling and leaning closer.

“And so are you” Kadence replied. She lifted her head up abit and theirl-ips met.

Liam covered their heads with the sheets and resumed their k!ssing…

“St©p…that tickles” Kadence laughed un-der the sheets…


The guard made some noises on the bars of the dungeon. That woke Emma up and she sat up. Her b©dy aches really bad from slee-ping on the floor.

She looked up at the vampire in front of her.

“Here’s your breakfast.” The vampire said, not being able to get his eyes off Emma.

Emma looked at the food and then at the vampire. She kicked the food away stubbornly.

“Ivan, st©p wasting your time with that hopeless thing. The king nee-ds us” Another vampire said.

The vampire called Ivan stood up and walked away. Emma looked around to see if anyone was looking at her way. She brou-ght out a pin from her hair then began picking on the lock pad.

“I nee-d to get out of here” She kept saying inwardly…


“Liam!! Come see, I planted some flowers. They’re beautiful” Kadence exclaimed.

Liam walked up to her with his hands in his pocket. He looked at the flower then smiled at Kadence.

“They’re beautiful….look you stain yourself with soil. Such a baby” Liam smiled, cleaning her cheeks and nose.

Once he was done, he k!$$£d her nose.

“I’ll be back. nee-d to run a shower, I’m so dirty and sweaty” Kadence walked in looking at her clothes.

Liam watched her walking in and a sm-irk crept up hisl-ips…

Kadence went to their room then str!pped. She looked at the mirror and still saw the sun shaped symbol on her shoulder.

“Fits me” She smiled and picked the towel then went in the bathroom to take her bath.

She open the tap and water poured on her. She scru-bbe-d her b©dy till it was clean before rinsing off the soup with the pouring water.

Her thoughts drifted on everything that was happening now to them. For the first time, Kadence wished she was born with powers.

Suddenly she felt two arms holding her w@!st. She almost had a heart attack but calmed down when she recognize the b©dy scent.

“Goodness Liam! What are you doing here?” Kadence asked, feeling so shy.

Liam turned her to face him. His clothes were alre-ady drenched with the water and his hair too ma-king him look like a god.

“I just can’t hear staying away from you just for a second. Let’s do everything together,k!ssing….cooking…bathing… slee-ping… breakfast…everything” Liam whispered and k!$$£d her.

As usual, Kadence melted in the k!ss. She un-bu-ttoned his shi-t and tossed it on the floor then di-pped her hands in his we-t hair, k!ss!nghim with the same intensity.

Her nip-ples brushed on Liam’s che-st. That alone was driving him nuts, gosh! Will he be able to control himself this time? Maybe joining her in here was a bad idea…

By this time, Kadence could have been feeling cold but she wasn’t. Liam’s t©uçhes was enough to heat her up.

He pinned her on the wall, gently slamming her back on the process with her hands pinned above her head.

Shyness evaporated from Kadence’s mind long ago, all what occu-pied her thoughts was Liam. What has Liam turned her into?! It hasn’t been even a week they’re here.

Liam k!$$£d her shoulder and trailed down to her che-st. He k!$$£d each and every inch of her che-st leaving hic-keys behind. This was pure torture to Kadence…

“Liam…” Kadence m0@n ed out when she control it.


Emma smiled when the key lock finally opened. She slowly opened the door to the dungeon and stepped out of it quietly.

She slowly ti-ptoed, hiding when she saw some vampires coming her way.

A glint of hope sparkled in her heart when she saw the main door. She looked carefully and no one was coming then she quic-kly hurried to the door. As she made to open the door.

“Where do you think you’re going”


{ Sweet Faith,
19 years to live❄}

? Chapter 34 ?

By Chidimma Mirabel??


Kadence walked out of the room while tying her hair. Liam asked her to wear some comfortable wears but she doesn’t know why he asked her of it.

She walked out of the house and met Liam dressed too.

“The whole of today, we’re gonna train. Fight me like I’m your enemy, this time I won’t spare you. Let’s see how you will be able to fight against a demon” Liam said and the tattoo immediately c@m£ on his right arm, revea-ling his demon form.

Kadence sm-irked and clenched her fists then launched at him…


“That’s all for today” Travis said.

The students st©pped training and begam walking out of the training ground while chatting.

“Princess you weren’t performing very well…what the problem?” Travis asked.

Kaitlyn sighed, them calling her princess is just like reminding her that she’s nothing but an imposter.

“Nothing, I guess I’m not feeling well” Kaitlyn sighed, she decided to keep the truth from them that she’s not royalty.

If she tells them then the whole supernatural will be in great chaos so its preferable she keeps it in.

Eric noticed her mood and then walked to her. He too isn’t feeling quite well but he’s trying to lift up his mood.

Ever since Kadence and Liam eloped, the whole school hasn’t been the same especially their friends.

The degred of guilt they feel inside them is unbearable. They just wish to beg for their forgiveness even if they are asked to kneel.

“What’s wrong Kat” Eric asked and sat down beside her.

Kaitlyn looked at him for a while without talking. Her eyes suddenly bec@m£ teary, when she couldn’t keep it in any longer she broke down.

“Kaitlyn…what’s wrong?” Eric asked worriedly.

Kaitlyn simply hvgged Eric and cried on his shoulders. Eric ru-bbe-d her back, waiting for her to calm down.


Nora was seen sitting alone on the bench while reflecting really ha-rd . Gideon c@m£ and sat down beside her.

“I’m scared Gideon, what if this war is none other than the annihilation of the supernatural” Nora said.

“Let’s just have faith. I’m sure Emma is still alive” Gideon said.

Nora sighed and hvgged his arm then placed her head on his shoulder as the cool breeze blew on them…


“Where do you think you’re going” A voice spoke ma-king Emma freeze.

She turned back to see Ivan, the vampire staring at her a while ago. She slowly took a step back with her heart beating in fear…


“That’s not the way out, the way out is over there” Ivan pointed at a direction.

Emma was even more shocked, he wants to help her.

“I’m Ivan, a loyal servant to prince Guillermo. His wishes are my command and I know he won’t love seeing his friend dead so I will help you even if it means putting my own life in danger. I’ll do anything for my prince” Ivan said

“At this time, the king is having his meeting with the seven deadly. The second prince is amongst them. We have just limited time to leave, plea-se follow me” Ivan stretch his hand to Emma

Emma looked at it, pondering on whether to trust him or not. She was so desperate to get out of here so she accepted by placing her hand on his…

“Her hands are really soft” Ivan thought. He led her to the way out while hiding from the incoming and outgoing guards.

They reached the portal which the vampires use to go to the human world. He t©uçhed it and it open.

“After you” Ivan said.

“Thanks Ivan…I’m really grateful for what you have done for me. I’m Emma by the way” Emma said and walked in.

“Emma…soothes her” Ivan thought and smiled then jumped in too. The portal closed behind them.

Reina c@m£ out of her hiding and frowned. She just watched all what happened…


Emma and Ivan landed in the forest, very far away from the school…

“Climb on my back, I’ll use my vampire speed to get us to your school.” Ivan said.

Emma smiled in gratitude and did what he asked of her. He began running at full speed towards the school. Emma closed her eyes since the wind was b!owing really ha-rd on her face.


Kadence landed heavily on the floor, she gro-an ed in the process. Liam transformed back to his normal self.

He walked to Kadence and helped her up then cleaned the dirt on her face.

“Truth be told I nee-d to say a big br@vo to you. A supernatural has never lasted in a fight with a demon but you…you are doing just well.” Liam smiled…

“It’s because I have the best teacher” Kadence smiled.

Liam cu-mpped her cheek and k!$$£d her forehead in the process.

“Sorry I hurt you” He said lowly.

“It’s fine” Kadence replied.

“We’ll continue tomorrow right?” Kadence asked and Liam nodded they turned to walk back in but felt a pres£nce behind them.

They both turned back to see Araz standing behind them.

“Araz..”Liam raised his brows.

“Sorry your highness, i was supposed to come here earlier than expected but I was been followed so I had to del@yabit. The king has captured a supernatural…and it’s non other than the lady named Emma” Araz said.

Kadence heart skipped several beats.

“Emma!!” She exclaimed and Araz nodded.

“Omg…it’s all my fault. Emma got into this mess because of me! The king wants to ki|| me and is using Emma to lure me out.” Kadence freaked out almost tearing up.

“Love you nee-d to stay calm” Liam tried consoling her.

“Liam, we nee-d to go back to Diamond High” Kadence said.

“But Kitty”

“plea-se…” Kadence begged.

Liam sighed and stood up right. He looked at Araz who nodded and left.

“Let’s go” Liam stretched his hands to Kadence who took it. They both teleported back to Diamond High.


Emma and Ivan got to Diamond High. They both walked in the school and almost immediately, guard surrounded them aiming their weapons at Ivan.

“No! Don’t ki|| him, he saved me” Emma blocked Ivan…

“Emma!!” Sophia exclaimed and ran to embr@ce her.

“Thank goodness nothing happened to you” Sophia muttered…

The guards were still aiming their weapons at Ivan.

“Arrest him” Principal Michael said.

“No Sir, He’s…”

“Don’t worry we want to carry on some interrogation on him. At this moment none is to he trusted” Principal Michael said.

“Don’t worry Emma I’ll be fine” Ivan as-sured her and the guards went away with him.

“Hope they did nothing to you” Lisa asked and Emma nodded.

“Emma?” A voice called.

Emma looked up and her heart leaped with joy when she saw Kadence standing there with Liam behind her.

They both ran to each other then hvgged each other ti-ghtly…

The guards made to attack Liam.

“If anyone t©uçhes a single hair of Liam, then the person will have to face me as enemy” Kaitlyn spoke with so much authority that made the guards st©p.

She turned to Liam and bowed to him.

“On behalf of everyone here we ask for your forgiveness. What we did is not worthy of a friend” Kaitlyn said.

“It’s okay, I…”

“Ahhhhh!!!!!” Someone screamed. A b©dy dropped on the floor with blood oozing from the b©dy.

The vampires slowly began showing their faces from their hiding. This time they attacked the whole school, both human and supernatural.

Khalil walked in with Reina behind him, he had this sm-irk on his face.

“Today is the day we face each other brother” Khalil said.

Liam clenched his fists in anger.

“You are supposed to face me. Why getting the innocent ones involved?” Liam yelled.

Khalil chuckled…

“Because I love the color of blood” Khalil smiled and the vampires began attacking here and there. Khalil stood on his sp©t and Reina launched and attacked Liam.

A hvge fight begun with the supernatural battling for their lives while also saving the humans and the vampires ki||ing with no mercy….

Kadence was busy fighting of the vampires too. She really improved in ski||s, he moves were perfect and her target never failed.

Khalil’s eyes never left her. He kept watching her with a smile on his face. He looked at the knife in his hands and smiled.

“With this golden knife I’ll ki|| you Kadence” He said and took a step towards Kadence.

He re-moved the knife, still taking steps towards her. She was completely unaware of Khalil’s intention.

The first person to see it was Kaitlyn.

“Kadence, watch out!!” She screamed in fear.

Liam looked up too and fear covered his face.

“Kadence!!!” He screamed too.

Kadence looked back only to see Khalil raising a knife at her. She closed her eyes expecting what will happen to happen when suddenly someone hvgged her. The knife dug de-ep into the person who hvgged her.

It was none other than Araz, blood began rushing out of her mouth. The cap of her cloak flew back revea-ling her face…

Kadence froze…


Now the identity of Araz has been revealed?. Its funny how none of you realized that Araz is Zara sle-pt backwards?

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