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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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{ Sweet Faith,
19 years to live❄}

? Chapter 27 ?

By Chidimma Mirabel??


“Liam” Kadence whispered, too shocked to move.

So he’s the one, it was Liam all along. The one after Kaitlyn’s life, the one who ki||ed all those supernatural without any remorse, the one who…who also protected her. Liam is the demon, the spy sent who infiltrated the school…

It all makes sense to her now. At first, she couldn’t understand why the black cloaked demon was ki||ing the others but was protecting her. It was Liam all along…

“Are you scared of me?” Liam’s voice brought her back to reality…

She looked at him from head to toe. She could now see the real him. His pitch black demon eyes, his tattoo that was round his right arm. She could even feel the dangerous aura emanating from him…

All that made her take a step back, away from him.

Liam chuckled…

“I knew it, I knew you will be scared of me. Look at me, this is the monster you’ve been haboring feelings for a long time. Me rejecting you wasn’t because I don’t have any feelings for you. That’s a fat lie” He paused.

That was followed with a moment of silence…

“Kitty I don’t know how and when it happened but I love you, that’s all what I know. I love you even more than I love myself and I can’t bear the thought of you getting hurt because of me. Just look at me…what possible good can I offer you. I’m the crowned prince of the demon kingdom, their future king. I can’t let you live a life of sorrow, misery and regret. I love you too much for that” Liam said hurtfully and looked down.

Kadence sniffed, wiping her tears which were already falling down her cheeks..

“You’re not the only one with a burden to carry. I’ve always wanted to know how it feels like to fall in love, to meet the one just for me. I’ve always wanted to meet my prince charming but all that stopped when I met you. I find myself falling in love with you and that makes me more angry at myself. It makes me more angry because of this f*vking illness that i have. Liam, I have limited time on earth…that’s my deepest secret. In some months time I won’t be on this earth anymore and that pains me the more because I’ll have to leave you, leave my family, leave my friends, leave everything! Everything!!” Kadence broke in tears…

Liam froze, he thought that him being a demon was a curse but he realized that her own fate was worst. So he’s really gonna loose her in some months to come? Just the thought of it broke him…

“But, all that changed too when I found out that supernatural existed. If supernatural exist and demon, vampires with other things I thought weren’t existing exist, then maybe the cure to my illness exist too. Hope, hope is the only thing I cling on to survive” Kadence muttered wiping her tears slowly.


He paused when he she hugged him tightly. Kadence buried her face in his chest.

“Liam, I don’t care if you’re the crown prince. Even if you’re the demon king in person I still don’t care. All I know is that I love you and I want to be with you…I believe in change, I believe you can change your world. I want to be in that world of sorrow and misery. So long as I’m with you then fine by me” Kadence said.

Liam looked at her and he didn’t know when a smile curved up his lips. He closed his eyes and hugged her back tightly too…

“I’ll also strive in order to find that cure to your illness. You’re not gonna die and if you do, I’m following you” Liam said…

After awhile, they broke the hug and stared into each other eyes. Liam cupped her cheek with his hands, feeling just too happy but at the back of his mind he was scared. Scared of what the future holds for him…

“Will you be mine?” He asked softly…

Kadence smiled and held his hands which was on her cheeks.

“I’m yours” She replied and pulled him closer to herself then crashed her lips on his.

Liam smiled and pulled her closer by the waist, kissing her back too with one of his hands in her hairs…

Kadence pulled him more closer, kissing him more deeply..

After some minutes, they broke the kiss in order to catch their breath. He removed some stands of her hair from her face.

“I love you.” Liam said.

“I love you.” Kadence replied…

“You haven’t replied to the question I asked you at the ball?” Kadence asked…

“A question?” Liam wondered.

“Yeah! Are you the man in my dreams?” Kadence asked hoping it was him…

“Do you think I’ll allow another man apart from me to call you Kitty. Yes I am, and you are the girl that kept torturing me in my dreams..the one I see each time I close my eyes” He said and nose kissed her.

Kadence blushed greatly and licked her lips.

“Stop doing that with your lips. You’re attacking me” Liam whispered to her ear and kissed her there.

That made her shiver. It’s the first time she’s been kissed there.

“I hope you’re ready. You’ll find out how it feels like to date a demon prince” Liam whispered to her ear and bit her ear lop before releasing her.

“C’mon let’s go back before they launch a research for us” Liam stretched his hand to Kadence.

She took it shyly.

“Don’t be shy… Oh and by the way, I prefer you keep my identity to yourself” Liam said, removing the black cloak he was wearing…

Kadence nodded with a smile on her lips. Liam smiled too and pulled her closer then vanished away with her.

They both appeared at the door to the sports room. With their hands entwined together, they walked in the room.

“Finally you guys are here. We thought you were missing or something” Emma said.

Sophia noticed their hands and smiled…

“Looks like you guys were busy” Eric commented with a smile on his lips…

“Well kinda. Guys meet my girlfriend…Kitty” Liam said and kissed Kadence hands.

“Awwn that’s so cute. Remaining Emma, Kaitlyn and I. Gosh when!!” Nora groaned.

“I’m not in a hurry. Love is $h|t to me, don’t wanna fall into that” Emma said and crossed her legs…

“What of me? I’m single too” Lisa frowned.

“C’mon, everyone knows you love Romeo. Stop playing hard to get!” Connor said.

Lisa went mute and looked at Romeo who wiggled his brows and winked at her.

“So is the truth or dare game still on?” Gideon asked bringing out the bottle.

“Sure!” Sophia exclaimed.

The all sat down round the table. Connor spinned the bottle and it pointed at Gideon.

“T or D?” Connor asked.

“Dare” Gideon said…

“I dare you to peck your crush on the lips” Connor said.

Gideon glared at him and stood up. Connor winked at him….

Gideon walked and stopped in front of Nora who was busy picking her nails. She looked up when she noticed the room went quiet to only receive a shocking act.

Gideon pecked her on the lips and stared at her for a brief while before going to sit. The other geered…

“Glad you are no longer into that frog face named Jody” Emma said. Nora blushed and began fondling with her hair, too ashamed to look at Gideon.

“Alright let the game continue” Eric said.

Gideon spinned the bottle and it pointed at Kaitlyn.

“T or D?” He asked.

“Truth” She replied.

“You’re too uptight and mysterious. We wanna know if you even love someone?” Gideon asked.

Kaitlyn kept quiet for a while with a frown on her face making her look cute.

“Yes” She replied.

“Who?” Everyone asked at the same time.

“I’ve answered to your truth or dare. I’m not answering this one.” Kaitlyn replied calmly.

“Aww such a fun ki||er” Connor groaned.

Kaitlyn spined the bottle and the game continued like that till midnight.


“Goodnight Kitty” Liam kissed Kadence’s forehead. She simply blushed, all these were new to her so she was kinda shy.

“Goodnight” She replied.

Liam chuckled and pinched her cheeks before leaving to another direction heading to his room…

Zara came out of her hiding and looked at the both of them with furrowed brows.

“Are they dating?” She wondered looking at them.

She turned to walk back but suddenly, someone pinned her on the wall by the neck.

“Are you spying on us?” Liam asked coldly, adding pressure on her neck.

“No, I was just curious Master” Zara struggled and answered.

“Listen, I can easily tell everyone that you’re now a vampire but I can’t it will spoil the plan. Don’t even try anything funny on Kadence or else I’ll ki|| you with my own hands” Liam said and released her.

Zara almost fell but held onto the wall for support. She coughed while looking up at Liam.

“Be warned” He said and left.

“My suspicions are right. They’re dating, I wonder what will happen if the demon king hears this” Zara said and smiled…


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