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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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{ Sweet Faith,
19 years to live❄}

? Chapter 15 ?

By Chidimma Mirabel??


Kadence folded her tiny fists as she looked at them in determination.

“I’ll become tough like Kaitlyn” She muttered.

“It’s permitted to dream” Ava said behind her and chuckled.

Kadence turned and faced her.

“Listen poor rat, so long as you’re Emma’s friend imma make your life a living hell. Trust me” Ava said and winked then walked away…

“Alright, time’s up! Go to your hostels and rest” Sir Travis said.

They nodded and walked out of the training ground.

“Ava, can I talk to you for some sec?” Connor said

“Sure, let’s go” She smiled and hugged his arm, pulling him out.

Kadence was walking out when she felt someone wrap his hands around her shoulders.

“So how was your first day?” Romeo asked as they walked out of the training ground.

“Well I learned a lot, thanks to Liam” Kadence said.

“That guy, I wonder how Connor stays with him. He’s creepy” Romeo frowned.

“You’re creepy too..” Kadence chuckled.

“Really? Let me go take a cool bath to refresh myself. See you tonight” Romeo said.

“Tonight?” Kadence asked.

“Yeah, today is Wednesday and tonight is binge night!” Romeo said and walked away.

“Binge night? Sounds fun!!” Kadence smiled and went back to her room.


School Garden, 04:12pm**

“So tell me, what do you wanna tell me” Ava said as they walked through the flowers and all the like.

“Ava, I know you have a certain likeness over me right?” Connor said.

Ava blushed and nodded as she held his hand.

“Connor, I really do like you. You’re the first person that made me feel this way” She said and smiled, staring into his eyes.

“I’m sorry Ava, I’ve made my choice and you aren’t among” Connor dropped the bombshell.

Ava looked at him dumbfounded.

“What do you mean by that? You’re joking right? You can’t reject me, no one has ever done that?!” Ava said hysterically.

“I’m sorry Ava. We can still be good friends but nothing else” Connor said, removing his hand from her grip.

“It’s because of Sophia right? You choose her over me!! Why?!” Ava teared up.

“Just love me, I promise I’ll change. Just for you” Ava pleaded in tears…

Connor sighed and looked at her.

“I’m sorry Ava but-”

His words were cut short when Ava pulled him down and kissed him. Connor’s eyes bulged out, he was frozen…

“Connor I…”

Sophia stopped on her tracks as she took one step back. She covered her mouth, in order to prevent her cries from being heard.

She turned and quickly ran away in tears…

Connor pushed Ava away, slightly pissed off. He simply looked at her then walked away.

Ava immediately stopped crying and smiled.

“Well guess my plan didn’t work. Don’t worry Sophia, I’ll look for another means to make you cry. Your love life will never prosper so long as I’m alive” Ava smiled and wiped off her tears.

She swept her hair to the back and walked away while chuckling…


Sophia rushed into their room and fell on the bed, crying her eyes out.

Kadence and Lisa looked at each other then rushed to her side.

“Sophia, what’s wrong? Why are you crying?” Lisa asked, tapping her shoulder.

Sophia looked up with red fluffy eyes…

“Love is a Ɓîtçh!! I h@ťě love, f*vk love!!” Sophia yelled in tears.

“You have to tell us what’s wrong?” Kadence said softly.

She sat up on the bed then told them from scratch what happened..

Lisa punched the wall in anger…

“Dammit!! Connor, how can you be so daft. Wait, he’ll hear from me” Lisa said in anger.

“No, don’t! I can’t force him to love me, it’s his choice” Sophia said sadly.

She stopped crying but wasn’t feeling good in the interior.

“So you won’t go to binge night with us?” Kadence asked.

“Yeah, I wanna be alone for a while. Please?” She said lowly.

“Are you sure?” Lisa asked and she nodded…

Kadence and Lisa stood up then went to get dressed.

“What can I wear? I don’t even have nice clothes” Kadence pouted.

“I can help you with mine, here this one will look good on you.” Lisa said and handed her.

“But it’s short” Kadence said.

“C’mon!! Everything is short to you. You’ll look in it” Lisa said.

“Alright” Kadence said and looked at the dress. Her mind suddenly went to the book she took from the library.

She went to her things and brought it out then gasped. Everything written in it was all true. So this book wasn’t fictional!!

“Lisa, can we branch to the library while going? I wanna buy a book there” Kadence said.

“Sure, we’ll branch” Lisa replied, wearing her bra and pants.

Kadence looked at the book again. She’s going to buy it and read it, maybe that’ll help her perfect her ski||s.

She kept the book away and began dressing up.

“Wow, you are ravaging beauty Kadence” Sophia said and smiled.

“Thanks babe” Kadence smiled, looking at herself in the mirror.

She was wearing an off shoulder slim gown that ended above her knee. It was black and ox blood in color with sparkly designs on it.

Lisa finished brushing her hair and fixed her jacket. She was wearing a black leather trouser with a white top that ended above her navel together with a black leather jacket.

“Are you sure you don’t wanna go?” Lisa asked.

“Yeah, just reserve some treats for me oh, and also don’t forget to come back before midnight before they notice you’re gone” Sophia said.

“Alright, bye babe” Kadence blew a kiss at her then walked out of the room.

Lisa and Sophia headed to the exit. On their way, they saw Nora who was also going.

“Wow, you look hot Nora” Lisa said.

“Thanks” She blushed.

“Let’s go!” Kadence said and they left the school. Well they made a whole which was big enough for any person to crawl out of it.

They took a cab and went to crazy teens club. That’s where they usually have their binge night.

Crazy teens club**

“This party is lit!!” Romeo said, dancing already. A girl walked to him trying to seduce him.

“Sorry, beautiful. Don’t want to cheat on my girlfriend” Romeo said and walked away.

“But you do not even have a girlfriend” Connor frowned.

“Yeah, but I will have” Romeo winked and went to serve himself a glass of wine.

People were seen drinking, dancing, kissing, twerking almost everywhere.

Liam was sitting calmly at one corner with a glass of red wine in his hands. He was dressed in a black long sleeve T-shirt with navy blue jeans and he left loose, falling over his face making him look dangerously handsome.

“Hello, pretty boy, wanna hang” A girl came and sat near him, running her hands around his chest.

“Sorry, not interested” He said and the lady groaned then left.

“Do you guys think the girls will come?” Eric asked.

“Well I don’t…know……Omg” Romeo said with eyes wide.

“Look” He pointed.

Just like a slow mo, the girls walked in while discussing and laughing. Kadence flipped her hair.

Eric’s mouth dropped to the floor as his eyes were fixated only on Kadence. She looked so tempting.

Connor looked around but couldn’t find Sophia. Where was she?

“Hey guys” Lisa said once she reached where they were.

“You guys look hot! Where’s sophia?” Connor asked.

“Well she wasn’t feeling good. She’s lovesick” Kadence said glaring at Connor. Connor understood what she meant by it.

“Oh no, could she perhaps see when Ava kissed me?” Connor wondered.

“I think I’ll leave early. Enjoy your night everyone” Connor said and smiled then left the party.

Kadence looked at a corner and saw Liam sitting there, sipping from his drink with his eyes closed.

“I’ll be back” Kadence said and walked away.

Eric looked at the direction she went. Someone tapped him, making him look front.

“Wanna dance?” Zara (Kadence’s sister) asked.

“Sure” Eric said rather reluctantly then stood up walking to the dance floor with her.

“Hey” Kadence said and sat down beside Liam.

He opened his eyes and looked in her direction.

“Hi, you look good” He said, looking at her…

“Thanks” Kadence tugged her hair behind her ear. She looked at his glass and got curious.

“What’s this? I wanna taste” Kadence chirped.

“You sure? Don’t want to carry a drunk kitty back home” Liam smirked.

“Kitty” Kadence said, looking at him.

Liam shrugged and drank from his glass. Kadence took the glass from him and took a sip. Her face scrunched as she did that.

“It’s too strong” She frowned.

“Told you so” Liam said and looked front. Kadence looked at his face.. He looked really different from his usual self…

“Guillermo?” Kadence called.

Liam looked at her sideways…

“Why don’t I usually hear you speak about your personal life?” Kadence said.

Liam chuckled and touched her nose making her jolt.

“You like asking silly questions. For how long did you know me?” He said.


Connor climbed all the way to the window of Sophia’s room.

Sophia was busy doing her homework dressed in an oversized T-shirt when she heard a thudding sound. She stood at alert.

Connor pulled the curtain open and jumped in.

“Connor, what are you doing here? If you get caught, do you know you’ll get into serious trouble?” Sophia scolded him.

“I know but I have to see you. Why weren’t you at the party” Connor asked.

“Well… Was not feeling good” She looked down, suddenly remembering what she saw earlier.

“Sophia… You know it’s hard to lie to me” Connor said, taking a step towards her. She took one back till her leg hit her bed making her stop.

“I know you saw me and Ava in the garden. Just want to clarify things to you, she kissed me but I never responded. I made her understand that I chose someone else.” Connor said.

“You chose someone else?” Sophia muttered, feeling as if to tear up again.

“Yeah, a girl I can die for and I know she’ll do the same for me. Someone whom I love when she’s jealous and I love her babyish side, so cute. She’s who she is, doesn’t pretend and also very cheerful toward life” Connor said.

“She must be so lucky then…”

“The person is standing right in front of me mi amor” Connor whispered to her.

Sophia looked up at him with wide eyes…


“Are you sure the princess is in here?” A vampire asked, staring at the club.

“Yeah, the spy told me” Another one said.

“Let’s go and party tonight!” The first vampire said.

“Sure, can’t wait to taste all those fresh blood” He replied.

They all walked in the club….


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