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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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{ Sweet Faith,
19 years to live❄}

? Chapter 12 ?

By Chidimma Mirabel??


“Not these two again” The coach groaned and pinched his brows.

“Hey…calm down…that’s enough you two” Eric held Sophia while Gideon held Ava.

By now, the whole crowd was watching the two girls fight.

“An*mal!!” Ava spatted as they pulled her away.

“A*shole!!!” Sophia yelled as they pulled her away too. Her eyes were already changing colors due to excess anger.

Connor’s chest rose and fell in anger. He marched to the dressing room.

Ava and Sophia looked as he walked in in anger. They glared at themselves before leaving too…

“Now the show is ruined because of these two” Emma groaned and stood up then walked away.

“I’ll be back girls” Kadence told Pamela and Quinn then left, following Emma behind.

“Hey Emma wait up” Kadence said and Emma turned back.

“Yea” Emma smiled.

“Since yesterday I’ve been wondering. How is it possible that all these students here know who you are? Did you perhaps school here before now?” Kadence asked.

Emma swallowed hard. She knew what Kadence wanted to ask her but the problem is that she doesn’t know how to answer it.

“Uhm….yeah I was a student here but…I had to quit and…” Emma sighed, she really doesn’t know how to lie.

“Listen k-d, when the right time comes I’ll tell you everything okay? Just trust me, everything I do is for a reason” Emma said seriously.

Kadence looked at her for a while and then nodded.

“Okay” She said.

“Thanks for understanding me Kadence” she said and smiled.

“No probs” Kadence smiled too.

“Have to go and catch a cruise, bye!!” Emma waved and walked away.

Kadence’s face fell to that of confusion. What could she possibly be hiding from her.

“I just have to trust and believe in Emma” Kadence muttered.


Connor was in his room, changing to his training uniform. Well he was sharing the room with Liam. Yeah, Liam is also a supernatural too.

Once he was done dressing, he stood up to leave but a knock came up.

“Come in” He spoke.

The door opened and Sophia peeped in. Normally, she wasn’t supposed to be in the boys hostel but she really had to.

“Connor…” She called and fully walked in the room then began picking her fingernails as she looked down.

“I’m sorry for the way I acted earlier. I ruined the show, I shouldn’t have let my emotion take over me” Sophia said lowly.

Connor smiled…

“It’s okay, I…”

The door swung open before he could finish his word.

“Connor, I’m so sorry about…” Ava paused when she saw Sophia and Connor in.

“What are you doing here?” Ava fired at Sophia.

“Hey, I’m just here to do what’s right” Sophia said calmly, using all her self control

“Really? Or you’re here to offer your body…slut” Ava spatted.

“Alright listen you sCombag. I’m not a frustrated whóre like you. I don’t want to have anything to do with you but you’re still here provoking me. Can’t you for once act like a grown up person?” Sophia yelled.

“Oh, it’s me who’s acting childish. What of you when-”

“Enough!!” Connor yelled when he couldn’t take it anymore.

“Leave…” He said lowly.

“Connor, I’m sorry she just-” Sophia made to speak but paused and flinched when she saw the look Connor gave her.

“I said leave you two, right now or else I will report you two to the principal right now” Connor growled…

Sophia looked at him for a while then sighed before leaving. Ava followed behind.

Connor sat down on the bed and ruffled his hair.

“Could it perhaps be they both like me?… F*vk, what do i do?” He muttered and fell on the bed.

“Having a dispute with your so-called friends?” Liam spoke, walking out of the bathroom.

“I’m really sick and tired of trying to understand why they h@ťě each other” Connor said and sat up.

“Well you know I don’t wanna pry much in your business but I think they both like you but only one really loves you. Up to you to find out” Liam said and wore his uniform too.

“Come on, let’s go before Sir Travis yells at us. Don’t wanna go deaf” Liam said and Connor stood up.

Connor wrapped his arm round Liam’s shoulder and they walked out of the room.

“Thanks for the words bro” Connor smiled.


Kadence was playing music on her phone while heading to her room when Ava bumped into her.

“Watch where you’re going, poor rat” She said and pushed her away, making her fall.

Kadence looked at her then hissed. She watched as she took the road which was strictly forbidden for them.

“Where is she heading to?” Kadence wondered.

Her curiosity took over so she stood up and quickly hurried to where Ava went but she was gone.

Kadence looked back to make sure no one was following her before walking deep into the area.

She saw the sign board with ‘Do not trespass’ clearly written and pasted on a wall.

Kadence made to touch the signboard but…

She almost fainted when she saw her hand enter the wall.

“What the?” She said in awe.

She removed her hand and saw it was intact. Kadence took deep breaths and then took a step forward into the wall. She walked into it and opened her eyes.

Students were walking everywhere with a sort of uniform on them. It was like they were training. She could see some students fighting each other while some were doing pushups.

Kadence quickly hid behind herself before someone could see her.

“What’s this place?” She wondered…

Her gaze went back to the place she came in. She saw Eric and Lisa enter while chatting till they walked past her.


Sophia stood at a corner while looking at Connor who was fighting with Eric. She sighed as she remembered how angry he was and also how he yelled at her earlier.

“Maybe I should just let go” Sophia thought.

Thinking of it, it was really senseless what she did earlier. Fighting with Ava was so childish…

Sophia sighed and ran her hands through her hair.

Connor pushed Eric away with his power and looked at where Sophia was standing. She had her gaze on him…

After a little while, Sophia looked away and walked away.

“Eric, let’s take a break. I’ll be back in a jiffy.” Connor said and walked away…

Sophia walked really fast, trying to get out of the training ground as soon as possible. She didn’t care if they punished her but she wasn’t in the mood to train…

“Hey wait up…” Someone grabbed her hand from behind.

She turned back to see it was Connor. He smiled at her…

“Connor… Listen, I’m sorry about earlier okay? I didn’t mean to get you mad, it’s just that.”

Connor placed a finger on her lips before she could finish speaking.

“Will you stop saying sorry for once” Connor whispered…

“It’s okay, I’m not mad at you” He said.

“Thank you… I promise not to pry into your life from now on. It’s okay if you like Ava” Sophia muttered and looked down.

Connor creased his brows..

“I don’t remember saying I like Ava also I love it when you get all jealous, it makes you look cute” Connor smirked and pinched her nose.

“Hey…” Sophia pouted.

Connor laughed and wrapped his hand round her shoulder then walked back to the others.

Kadence watched them from her hiding till they were out of sight…

Eric sat down at a corner, waiting for Connor to come back since he went to take a break…

“Eric…” A voice called and sat down beside him.

Eric looked up and smiled when he saw it was Nora.

“How are you doing?” Eric asked.

“I’m cool” She tugged her hair behind her ear. She’s really not the talkative type but she planned on saying this today.

“Eric, I have something to tell you. Something, I’ve always wanted to tell you for a long time” Nora said and looked away then blushed.

“Sure, go on” Eric said, wondering why she’s acting like this…

She held Eric’s arm, that seemed to startle him.

“Eric…I really love being with you. I love when you’re happy, when you smile. I just love seeing you happy… I thought it was normal but as the days passed by, I began developing something new for you. Eric, I like….no I love you…” Nora said, looking deep in his eyes.

Eric looked at her like he’d seen a ghost. His brain couldn’t process all what was happening right now. Did Nora confess to him??

He stylishly removed his hand from Nora’s.

“Nora, I’m sorry but I can’t reciprocate the feeling I have for you. I only see you as a friend and little sister. I’m sorry.” Eric said lowly.

Nora felt like her heart was shattered into several pieces. She saw it coming but she still had hope.

Nora looked down and a drop of tear fell from her eyes which she quickly wiped off.

“Okay, I hope we’re still friends” She forced a smile on her lips…

“Sure” Eric replied, feeling bad…

Nora nodded and stood up then ran off before she teared up.

“I’m sorry Nora” Eric muttered…

“Hey!! Wanna train?” Someone spoke behind him.

He turned to see it was Liam. Eric looked at where Nora went to before standing up. He needs to clear off his mind a bit.

“Yeah” Eric cracked his knuckles.

The other supernaturals gathered around them in order to witness the two most handsome boys in the school fight.

They began walking round, waiting for who would attack first.

Kadence furrowed her brows at the hiding where she was. Is Liam and Eric about to fight?

Eric launched at Liam but he swiftly dodged it. Liam boringly looked at him with his hands in his pockets.

Eric threw punches at Liam but he dodged it like it was child’s play. That got Eric angry so he used his powers to push him away.

Liam raised his hand and the powers immediately had no effects on him. Eric created powerful water balls then aimed it at Liam.

Liam swiftly dodged them till the end. He raised his head but couldn’t see Eric. Before he could turn, he received a kick on his back making him fall down.

That provoked Liam really badly as he stood up with a dark look on his face. He rushed to Eric and before Eric could dodge, he received a kick by the waist.

Liam then punched him. The punch was so hard that it sent him crashing on a nearby tree.

That was where Kadence was hiding. The tree shook violently making Kadence fall out of her hiding.

“Kadence?” Liam said in surprise…

Kadence looked up at Liam, then at Eric and to all the other students who were all now looking at her. It’s as if she was hallucinating.

“What kind of creature are you all?” Kadence asked, trembling…


It has started.

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