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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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β˜…β˜…β˜… SPELL GONE WRONG β˜…β˜…β˜…

The cold breeze made Arizona’s heart freeze for a moment. Her jaw dropped wide open as she stared at the handsome, cold Demigod before her.

“Are you just gonna keep staring at me?! You ruined my car, young lady!” Draven bellowed, bringing the two girls back to reality.

“Mr… sir… we are so sorry… it was an accident,” Arizona said, and Naomi nodded.

“I swear it was an accident! We are sorry, mister,” Naomi chimed in.

“Fine, I accept your apologies, but that doesn’t get my car back, does it!?” Draven raised his brows, and Arizona swallowed.

“Actually… you see, my mother just died today, and I’m left with nothing…” Arizona said, and Draven rolled his eyes, obviously not in the mood for such.

“Ohh… and that prompted you to hit my car!?” Draven yelled, and Naomi held Arizona’s hand, trying to play along with the game.

“I know it’s hard to believe, but… yes… We lost our parents, and things have been so hard on us,” Naomi interjected, and Draven scoffed.

“Deal with it,” he replied coldly. He brought out his phone and dialed the cops’ number. “Hello!… This is Mr. Draven Zhang on the line, some amateur crazy girls just crushed my car,” he said and ended the call.

“Did you call the cops!?” Arizona asked, blinking continuously. “How can you call the cops on us… We just lost our-”

“Shut the hell up!!!!” Draven shouted, and Arizona felt her heart skip a beat.

“What a heartless man,” she muttered inwardly. “Look, mister, we are sorry,” she said and took his hand.

Draven froze, not used to people touching him. “Get your dirty hands off me!!!” he yelled and pushed her away.

“We said we are sorry already, just forgive us… Look, I don’t even have money to eat… And my dad froze my account,” Arizona tried explaining as tears welled up in her eyes.

“Not my business,” he replied nonchalantly.

The cops arrived, and Naomi held Arizona tightly. “Ari!… We are going to prison… No!!! Please,” Naomi begged, but it all fell on deaf ears.

Draven kept a cold face as they ruthlessly dragged them into the car and drove off.

“Such bad luck,” he muttered. He brought out his phone to call Trevor, but his line was switched off.

“That @$$h0le, bunch of fools,” he muttered.

He started walking through the lonely roads, his hands tucked into his pockets. Suddenly, he felt someone following him, he turned and saw no one.

“Hmm…” he smirked as his eye color changed to gold.

He turned, and a cruel smile curved his lips as he stared at the two men who looked half-dead.

Their faces had black veins all over, with disgusting water dripping from their mouths.

“What in the world is this!?” he said, staring at the half-dead men.

He flew up and gave one a kick in the stomach, he staggered back while the other went after him. Their claws were so long and dark, and they had teeth like vampires.

“AHH!!!” one of the guys screamed loudly as he kicked, but Draven held it in the air. “Your mouth smells,” Draven said and hit him in the heart.

He flew back and hit his head on the wall. Draven rushed them and sliced them both into pieces with his magical sword.

He leaned down and touched the blood with his fingers. “Sticky blood” he muttered and disappeared


Draven walked into his house, exhausted and ready to unwind. He kicked off his suit and turned to see Lorraine, his sister, emerging from the kitchen.

“Hey… you’re back!” Lorraine exclaimed, a mischievous twinkle in her eyes.

“What are you doing here!?” Draven grumbled, his cold demeanor in full force.

“Really!? I’m your sister, remember?” Lorraine raised her eyebrows, unphased by his frosty reception. Draven rolled his eyes.

“I missed you,” she said, pulling him into a tight hug.

“I guess you’ve been picking fights with foxes again, huh!?” Lorraine remarked, sensing their distinctive scent.

“You’re getting better, you little witch,” Draven commented, unable to hide a hint of amusement.

“You’re my master, and I have to be the best to impress you,” Lorraine replied with a playful smirk.

“Did you encounter anyone else!?” she asked, her curiosity piqued. Draven shook his head dismissively.

“No one,” he replied curtly.

“Hmmm… I sense a very strong aura from you, but it’s not yours,” Lorraine observed.

“I don’t know… and I don’t care about it,” Draven replied, heading upstairs.

“Don’t you want dinner!?”

“Your food is poisonous; I don’t want to die young,” he retorted, earning a pout from Lorraine.

“Suit yourself, you @$$h0le!!!” she yelled, using her eyes to set the food on fire in frustration.

“That ungrateful idiot!!”

“I can hear you, Lorraine,” Draven said calmly, catching her complaint. Lorraine sighed softly, realizing her outburst was futile.

“I know, Demi god!” she groaned, walking off, her magical fire extinguished.

“And don’t burn down my house, or I will make sure you never see the light again,” Draven warned, leaving no room for mischief. Lorraine snapped her fingers, and the flames obediently disappeared.


“Oh my goodness… I’m so sorry!” the duty police officer exclaimed as Arizona spun her tale of woe. She did her best to weave a convincing lie.

“I never imagined that my time on Earth would come to this… and now, I’m stuck in prison,” Arizona lamented, pretending to wipe away tears. Noami nodded along, playing her part.

“What a pity… you see, my sister here has brain cancer,” Noami added, injecting a touch of sympathy into their narrative.

“Brain cancer!?” the police officer gasped, falling for their act. Arizona and Noami nodded in unison.

“Goodness gracious… these wealthy people treat others like trash!” the officer exclaimed, venting his frustrations. Noami and Arizona joined in, expressing their shared disdain.

“They act so high and mighty, treating us poor folks like their personal servants,” Arizona remarked, feigning indignation.

“I think I know what to do,” the officer said, an idea forming in his mind. He pulled out the keys and unlocked their cell.

“Mister!!! Thank you so much!!!” Noami and Arizona gushed, embracing him with gratitude.

“It’s alright… I wish you two could actually live long,” the officer said, feeling a twinge of guilt for imprisoning them in the first place.

“It’s alright… bye!!” they waved cheerfully as they hurriedly exited the police station.

“What the…?” Noami gasped for breath, still trying to process their narrow escape.

“That prison was absolutely horrid and smelly!” Arizona exclaimed, fanning herself with her hand.

“Let’s go home; we desperately need to shower” Noami said as they headed home.


“And now… let the real magic begin!!” Lorraine declared, causing everything in the sitting room to start levitating and rearranging. The bookshelf, the chairs, and even the TV floated into position.

“Stop!” she commanded, and everything froze in mid-air. “Next up, mind control,” she said, flipping through her spellbook.

“Hmm… sounds easy,” she mused, nodding confidently. “But who should I cast this spell on?” A mischievous idea crossed her mind.

“Darven,” she giggled evilly. “Time to turn him into a dream man,” she whispered to herself, planting a kiss on her wand for good luck.

“And all my desires shall be granted as I grant… one night’s blood,” she recited, her eyes glowing a menacing shade of red. With a swift motion, she nicked her finger and pressed it against the spellbook.

“Ahhhh!!” she yelped, as her hands felt like they were on fire. “Well, that’s worth it,” she grumbled, determined to carry out her plan.

She tiptoed to Draven’s room and knocked on the door. Within five seconds, he swung it open.

“What is it, young lady!?” he asked, his stern expression giving her pause. Lorraine, however, maintained a suspicious smile.

“Just came to check on my dear brother!” she chirped, attempting to touch him affectionately. Draven glared at her, causing her to recoil.

“What do you want!?” he demanded, his voice icy and unwelcoming. Lorraine bit her lip, trying to think on her feet.

“I… I need a hug,” she blurted out, her eyes widening innocently. Draven grabbed a nearby pillow and threw it at her.

“Get out!!” he yelled, clearly unimpressed. Lorraine’s heart sank, but she refused to give up.

“But… all I want is a hug,” she pouted, giving him her best puppy-dog eyes.

“Get out!!!” Draven bellowed, his patience at its limit. Lorraine scurried away, defeated.

“Gosh… that heartless man is colder than ice. Who wouldn’t want to hug their own sister!?” she grumbled to herself, feeling sorry for her neglected sibling status.

She suddenly perked up as she heard footsteps descending the stairs. Draven emerged shirtless, his golden eyes shining brightly.

Lorraine exhaled sharply, observing him with admiration. He looked like a fallen angel and devilishly handsome at the same time. How could someone be so stunning?

“I might have to take your eyes, young lady,” Draven thr_@tened, sensing Lorraine’s gaze. She proudly scoffed in response.

“Don’t underestimate my powers. I’m not the little kid you once rescued from the forest… I’m a full-fledged classic witch now,” she declared, mustering her confidence.

“Show me what you’ve got!” Draven challenged, a hint of amusement flickering in his eyes. Lorraine took a step closer and plucked a strand of his hair.

Draven maintained his cool composure. “Mind control,” she announced, clasping her hands together. Her eyes rolled back, and she delved into the depths of his mind.

“Let’s see just how good you are,” Draven taunted. As Lorraine opened her eyes, a wicked smile curled on her lips. She had successfully taken control of his thoughts.

“Told ya,” she gloated.

“At your service!” Draven declared, bowing slightly to his new puppet master.

“Make my day worth it,” Lorraine commanded,and Draven bowed.


Actually, he may look handsome, but he’s as heartless as a stone,” Noami remarked, and Arizona couldn’t help but let out a short burst of laughter.

“Really!? All I see is a beast lurking inside him… he’s the one who landed us in prison, Noami. We were treated like criminals and wild animals in there,” she said, frustration evident in her voice.

“Sparks shopping malls!?” Noami exclaimed, gazing at the grand shopping complexes across the street.

“Ohhh… the new shopping mall! I heard it’s ridiculously expensive,” Arizona commented, finding a spot to sit in a nearby corner.

“Really!? Should we go check it out?” Noami asked, her eyes filled with curiosity. Arizona couldn’t help but facepalm in response.

“Stop dreaming, remember we don’t have any money,” Arizona reminded her friend.

“I know… but maybe we can just walk around and hope to stumble upon our charming prince,” Noami suggested optimistically, causing Arizona to burst into laughter.

“Prince charming!? Seriously!?” Arizona chuckled.

“What!? I firmly believe my prince charming will find me soon,” Noami defended herself, while Arizona nodded with a mocking smile.

“Fine… suit yourself,” Arizona conceded.

“Hey, little girl, are you waiting for your parents?” Noami inquired, noticing a young girl who had been observing them.

“Nope, I’m not waiting for anyone,” the girl replied with a stern expression.

“But aren’t you afraid? This is a busy road. What if something happens to you?” Arizona asked, concerned. The little girl shook her head confidently.

“I’m not afraid,” she declared.

“Good. What’s your name, little girl?” Arizona asked.

“Lilith, the dark one,” came the unexpected reply, causing Noami to choke on her water.

She spat it out and dropped her jaw in astonishment. “The dark one!?” she repeated, and the girl nodded without flinching.

“I think she’s abnormal,” Noami whispered into Arizona’s ear.

“I agree,” Arizona concurred.

“Don’t worry, I’m not normal either, and neither are you… Dark Queen,” the girl stated, rising to her feet.

“And yes, try not to repeat the past, so the pain won’t repeat itself,” she advised cryptically. Noami and Arizona quickly stood up and briskly walked away, Noami glancing back nervously while Arizona pulled her along.

“Stop staring at that girl, I’m convinced she’s possessed,” Arizona said, and Noami nodded in agreement.

After they had walked a long distance, Arizona looked up and saw Draven, causing her expression to change completely.

“Who’s that?” Noami asked, following Arizona’s gaze.

“Oh… the handsome devil,” Noami commented. “Uh…” she gasped when she saw Lorraine holding Draven’s hand.

“Who knew the devil had a girlfriend too?” Arizona remarked, and Noami chuckled softly.

“He’s got the d@mn money,” Noami added.

“But I also have mon…” Arizona began to say but was interrupted when Noami covered her mouth.

“You don’t have money, your father does,” Noami clarified, causing Arizona to roll her eyes.

“Wh@Ε₯Δ›ver,” she muttered.

“Ohhh… let me go check something out, I will be back In a jiffy” Noami said walking off.

” Let me take a look at the shopping mall, ” she muttered as she walked in.

” Wow… super amazing!” She exclaimed happily as she watched around.

While she kept roaming around, she forgot herself and then, something she never expected happened.

Caught up in the allure of the fancy dress, Lorraine remained oblivious to what was about to unfold. Inadvertently, she accidentally struck her hands against Arizona’s.

“Oh my goodness… I’m…” Her words trailed off as her gaze met Arizona’s.

Draven’s expression instantly soured upon seeing Arizona. “It’s bad luck once again.”

“Are you alright!?” Lorraine inquired, but Arizona seemed strangely entranced.

Arizona disregarded their concerns and turned away.

“She’s been affected by the wrong spell!” Lorraine exclaimed, causing Draven’s eyes to widen.

“Really!? The wrong spell!?” Draven half-yelled.

“I thought you were under my spell,” Arizona pouted, wearing a face of innocence.

“I am a Demi-god, not a foolish creature,” he retorted sharply.

“So you were merely toying with me!” she responded, her expression filled with disappointment.

Their attention was abruptly diverted by the sound of something crashing and shattering. To their shock, Arizona had unintentionally toppled a display case, containing a white dress.

“Good heavens,” Lorraine gasped, shielding her eyes, as Arizona seemed poised to engage in something even more dangerous and reckless.

“No!!!!” Everyone screamed in unison, as Arizona prepared to carry out wh@Ε₯Δ›ver reckless act she had in mind.


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