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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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? Tale


An immortal ?

(His Doom ?)

?Do not copy or repost ? like before reading then COMMENT something enticing then share

By Marie G.

Chapter 8

“Are you both crazy” she screamed at the top of her voice and Nirvana quickly help Aliya up

“Mom sorry, it wasn’t intentional” they begged at a time

“I’m so gonna ki|| you both today but before that, i need to clean my eyes, i can’t see” she said and started to leave

“Mom, that’s not the door” Aliyah said turning her around

“Shut up, isn’t it your fault?” Celine snap and grope her way out of the kitchen

The two girls stared at each other and burst into a round of laughter

“She looks like a ghost” Aliya said and the two girls laugh loudly

“I heard you Aliya, you guys laugh one more time and I’ll remove your teeths” she yell from the sitting room and they chuckled

“Its all your fault Nirva”

“Wh@ťěver” Nirvana rolled her eyes “can you really bake?”

“Yeah darling, just watch as i do it” Aliya winked and started with her business while Nirvana just watch

Few minutes later, Aliyah was done with mixing the cake batter and she put it in the oven

“Wow my darling knows how to bake” Nirvana tease and she smiled

Nirvana is good when it comes cooking but not good when it involves baking

“Where did you learn this from?” Nirvana asked as they both cleaned the kitchen


They were done cleaning few minutes later, and left for the sitting room to watch movies.

They didn’t bother cooking since celine had done all the cooking before they got back from school.. So they just had to eat from any of the dishes they want.

They talked and laugh, throwing insult at themselves at intervals. The movie came to an end minutes later

“That was interesting” Nirvana commented

“I know right” Aliya agreed “lets watch something else” she added and Nirvana nodded

“What about Walking dead” Aliya suggested but Nirvana shook her head in disapproval

“I see you’re scared” Aliya teased

“Since you’re scared, lets go with annabelle” Aliya grin creepily

“f-__-k off” Nirvana snap and Aliya laugh

Aliya has always been a fan of horror movies but Nirvana h@ťěd them with passion

“Okay, lets watc___ Aliya couldn’t complete her words when suddenly, the sitting room was filled with smoke

“Where is this coming from?” She wondered aloud and Nirvana sniffed the air

“Wait, something is burning” Nirvana said and immediately they both widdened their eyes

“The cake” The both screamed and ran into the kitchen

Aliya quickly turn off the oven and they kept coughing nonstop

“Who wanna burn down my house” Malvin’s voice sounded from the sitting room

“Oh no dad” Aliya exclaimed “We are doomed” Aliya gasp and Nirvana force out a smile

“Not we, you’re doomed” Nirvana corrected as they both walked back to the sitting room

They met Mr smith and his wife in the living room and they gasp on sighting Celine

She had changed her cloth and was now in something simple

“Double doomed” Aliya muttered

“Hey mom” She laugh awkwardly

“Hey dad” Nirvana said smiling from ear to ear

“What happened here?” Malvin ask while celine just she sat, staring at them

“Whose idea was it?” Celine asked, glaring daggers at them while Aliya and Nirvana pointed at each other at a time

“This was your idea Ɓîtçh” Nirvana snapped

“Not so fast.. You supported it, you traitor” Aliya fired back

“What? Trai… Traitor?”

“Yes you traitor”

‘I’d give you a nasty look but you’ve already got one” Nirvana said hotly

“I don’t know what your problem is but is, but I’m guessing its hard to pronounce” Aliya snap

“What? You’re ar…..

Malvin and celine quickly ignored them and got to their bedroom

It was a long day for them already. They weren’t ready for their drama because it’s crystal clear Aliya and Nirvana’s arguement won’t be ending any moment soon

**15minutes later**

” shut up” Aliya shouted

” To hell with you” Nirvana shouted back and they both glared at each other while panting heavily

Nirvana reach for a bottle of water and poured it into a glass before gulping in down her throat

“I know you’re jealous of my voice that’s why you keep making me shout but sorry dear, my voice was made only for me” Nirvana said after drinking from the glass of water

“What? Me, jealous of that crocodile voice of yours? What a joke. If anything should happen to your voice, know that you caused it. By the way, you’re the one jealous of my flexy body, my @zz are soft compared to those planks you call @zz” Aliya fired back and it seems it was another round of argument between them

“What? Pla.. Plank? Nirvana stuttered

” yes, watch my soft @zz” Aliya said and twerk infront of her. “if you’re sure your @zz aren’t that strong, then shake it” Aliya said daringly


“Its my birthday and all i get is shouting?” Malvin’s voice interrupted them and they faced him at once

“Happy birthday dad” They chorus and Malvin smiled. They took their seat round the table and maids walked in to serve them. They maids where given their own share of the birthday gift and everyone ate happily

They were done minutes later and Nirvana realised it was late already

“Bye mom, bye boyfriend, i’ll be on my way now” Nirvana said pecking Malvin and his wife

“Alright baby.. My regards to your mom” Celine said and she nodded

“I will go see this bug off” Aliya said and Nirvana glared hard at her

“Bye” Nirvana forced a smile and pinch Aliya’s body as they walk outside

“That hurts you fool” Aliya said and slap Nirvana’s hands away

“Thats what you get for calling me a bug” Nirvana said and Liya chuckled

“Alright baboon, i will be on my way” Nirvana said and entered her car

“Take care mosquito” Aliya waved as Nirvana drove off

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