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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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An Immortal?

{His Doom?}

Chapter 55 & 56 (Grand Final)

Kono continue laughing evilly as Nirvana cried

“You’ve done more than enough” Desmond said and charge towards Kono.

The fight continued. Kono didn’t retaliate but just kept laughing as Desmond hit him Which made him (Desmond) even more angrier.

“You’ve become strong.. I don’t think the soul dagger can ki|| you, neither can the human girl ki|| you” Kono laughed and Desmond helped him up, landing countless punches on his (Kono) face

“Die.. die,, just die” Desmond screamed and punch him one last time before leaving him to meet Nirvana who was still crying

“What made you so strong? Kono asked as he stood on his feet. “don’t tell me you made love with that human girl?. That must be the reason I can’t ki|| you but…, I have an idea of what might ki|| you” Kono said walking towards Desmond

“But before that,.. I’ll have to ki|| you first” Desmond snarled and turned to face Kono with bloodshot eyes. He was about to attack when Kono appeared in front of Nirvana and grabbed her by the neck

“If you move an inch, I promise to ki|| her” Kono said as he strangled Nirvana

“Let me go” Nirvana struggled to free herself from his grip

“Not until your fate is fulfilled” Kono replied

“Desmond Howard.. if you can beg me to spare your life, then I will let go of this thing am holding” Kono said and continued choking Nirvana

“In your dreams” Desmond replied and appeared Infront of Kono. He created star arrows with his power and sent it at Kono which pierce him at once sending him excruciating pain and he let go of Nirvana

She fell down in a thud and started coughing nonstop

“Nirva are you okay?” Michael ran to her. He had succeeded in breaking the barrier Desmond casted over him because, the barrier became weak since the one who cast it was already weak too

“You’ll pay for all this Desmond” Kono said and vanish from where he was with Desmond and appeared in front of Nirvana and Michael. “Out of my way you fool” he said and pushed Michael away before possessing Nirvana’s body

“This is the only way I can ki|| you. You’ll have to ki|| her if you want to ki|| me” Kono said inside Nirvana body and walked to where the soul dagger was on the ground

“Nirva, I know you’re still there..can you hear me?” Desmond asked Hoping to know if Nirvana was fine.. Kono just used his weakness. He couldn’t hurt Nirvana no matter what

“Don’t worry, your beloved will be fine.. I just need to ki|| you, ki|| everyone in this territory and take over the world” Kono said walking towards Desmond

“You ki||ed Albert, I’ll ki|| Michael too then we can call it even” Kono said and used magnetic force to drag Michael to himself

Michael tried fighting him so did Desmond. Kono took the amulet. It shone blue as he pointed it at Desmond and he (Desmond) vomited more blood

Michael kept fighting back but he wasn’t as strong as Kono.. Kono grabbed his neck choking him hard

“I’m the one you are after. So why don’t you face me instead.. Desmond said as he stood up weakly. He’s weak because he wasn’t completely healed from the stab Jasmine did to him but he wasn’t afraid of death that moment. His will was to protect Nirvana and Michael

“I will grant your wish then” Kono smiled and threw Michael against the wall and he(Michael) lost consciousness and Desmond’s eyes widdened. Kono appeared in front of Desmond and stabbed him on his chest. Directly at his heart

Desmond stood still not moving as he stared at Nirvana who just stabbed him. Of course his Nirvana wouldn’t stab him if not because she was possessed by Kono

“I thought I would be able to fight our cruel fate” Desmond smiled sadly as he stared into Nirvana’s beautiful eyes and immediately Kono left Nirvana’s body.

Kono stood at a distance from them laughing hectically

“You think you could avoid your fate?” Kono laughed. “She was meant to ki|| you from the start I just helped her by using her body” he laughed loudly

“Desmond” Nirvana’s eyes widdened after she saw the blood on her hand and the dagger on Desmond’s chest

“What have I done?” She cried staring at the dagger in Desmond’s chest

“I…. Desmond Suddenly cough out and Nirvana cried even more

“It’s my fault” she cried

No, it isn’t your fault. This was our fate from the beginning. I was only hoping we could avoid it”. He smiled and fell to the ground

” Desmond” she cried heavily

His hands reach for her face and he cleaned her tears. ” I h@ťě seeing you crying. Be a good girl and smile for me….. Desmond manage to say as blood came out from his mouth and Nirvana burst into another round of tears

” Princess, pls don’t wait for me , move on with your life and find a good man who’ll take care of you and love you like the way I did” he smiled

” Desmond what are you talking about? I can’t leave you”

” My soul wouldn’t be in this world anymore and would be lost for ever since I was stabbed with the soul dagger. I wouldn’t be able to protect you any more princess. You’ll have to live your life as if I wasn’t there. Don’t skip dinner, sleep well and forget me”

“Stay with please… please you must not die I can’t live without you” Nirvana shooked her head and removed the dagger from Desmond chest

Desmond groan in excruciating pain as she removed the dagger.

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