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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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An immortal ?

(His Doom ?)

By : Marie G

?Do not copy or repost ?

Chapter 42 & 43


Jasmine got to school and search for Nirvana but she was no where to be found neither was Desmond

“Where could she have gone too? I have been trying her number since I got to school but she isn’t picking up and Desmond’s phone is switch off ,,,, I don’t even know his house, what should I do?”Jasmine asked no one in particular

why am I even bother about someone who is going to ki|| me when I’m just her shadow? She thought

“Let’s get to class now” she sigh and was about turning when she bumped into someone

“Rachel? I’m sorry” she apologized

“I see you didn’t die huh?” Rachel asked and Jasmine narrow her brow at her in confusion

“Thank God you survive, if you dare say a thing about what happened to anyone, I promise to ki|| you for real this time” she whispered into Jasmine ear

Then it dawn on her that something had happened to Nirvana and she smirk

“It would have been best if she had died” Jasmine whispered back and walk away leaving Rachel dumbfounded

“What did she say ?” Stephanie asked and Rachel’s lips curve into a smirk

“This is interesting.. even Jasmine wants Nirvana out of the way” she laughed

Desmond mansion

“Thanks for the food, it was really delicious” Nirvana burped loudly

“It won’t be a good idea if you go to school today” Desmond spoke up

“Why? Because of what happened yesterday?” She asked

“You have too many enemies” he replied

“Okay, let’s say I have too many enemies. What about you?” Nirvana asked

“Don’t worry about me and just stay here okay?

“Tch” she pouted cutely and Desmond gulp a lump down his throat

“She’s driving me crazy” he thought staring at her cute and tempting lips

He wasn’t paying attention to anything she was saying that moment as his eyes zeroed on her lips and he subconsciously licked his

“Hey are you even listening to me?” She snapped her finger Infront of his eyes

“I will go get dressed for school” he said and Walk to his room before she could another word

“Pweh what was that?” He exhale, rubbing his pounding chest softly

It took alot of his will power before he could resist pulling her to himself and devouring those cute lips of hers

He did his business and left back for the sitting room

“I will be on my way now” he said walking out of the house

“And Michael? Take care of our guest” he added and left the house


★Reality Talent★

“Hey Desmond” Aspen waved

“Why the long face? And have you seen Nirva?” He asked

Desmond glared at him. “Why would you ask me about her?” He asked back

“Because you seem close to the two girls and i have a crush on Nirvana” Aspen replied and Desmond frown

“It’s better you back off if you value your life.. Nirvana is meant for me alone” he growl and Aspen flinch slightly

“Chill man, I didn’t know you would take it this serious” Aspen said and Desmond walk away not giving him a chance to speak further

Gosh, what was that? He thought as he watch Desmond leave

“Desmond?” He heard his name and he turned to beheld Mrs Natasha

“Yes…ma’am” he stuttered

Meet me in my office…she replies

★ Office★

“Mule, what the hell do you think you are doing?” Desmond scolded immediately he got to Natasha’s office

“How did you know I’m the one?” Mule asked

“You think possessing her body won’t make me recognize you? Just because I called you ma’am? I didn’t want any student to suspect” Desmond said

“Wait have you been spying on me?” He asked angrily

“No I haven’t.. but I’ve been protecting Sera” Mule replied quickly

“Protecting her? In what way? she almost died last night?” Desmond roar and Mule flinch

“I’m sorry Desmond… I tried taking her home last night but she refused” Mule defended

“Anyway, I didn’t come for you. And if I discovered you’ve been intruding my privacy, trust me I’ll ki|| you” Desmond said and left

“What was that?” Mule exclaimed and left Natasha’s body

“God, what’s happening to me lately? When did I get to the office?” Natasha said looking around her office

“I’m sorry for borrowing your body again” Mule said even though Natasha couldnt see him nor hear him

“Desmond” Jasmine called walking to him

“Hey jasmine.. how have you been?” He asked

“I’m fine, I’ve been looking for you” Jasmine replied

“Aren’t you looking for Nirvana? Cause I’ve been looking for her.. he said and she force out a smile

“That’s true.. Nirva didn’t come home last night, so I don’t know if she was with you” she said

“You know Nirvana and I aren’t on good terms, how do you expect her to be in my place?” Desmond asked

“I wouldn’t be here asking about her if she was with me” he added and a smile escape Jasmine lips.

Now that I have succeeded in making her dislike Desmond, I think now is a chance for me to get rid of her so it will be just him and me.. Jasmine thought evily while Desmond just smiled

And before you do that, I would have returned you back to her body… He said in his mind

“I will get going since you too don’t know Nirvana’s whereabout” he said

“I wanna tag along”

“Suit yourself” he replied and Jasmine followed.

” What are you thinking about” Jasmine spoke up

“Nothing, just,,,,,, what was your reaction when you discovered Nirvana was your twin?” Desmond asked

“At first,we do quarrel and insult ourselves but she is really an angel… Though she looked kinda rude on the day of the competition but she’s got a soft heart. I was so worked up about the whole issue when I discovered she was my sister”.

“You must really like your sister” Desmond said with a smile

“Yes I do” she replied but immediately remembered what her mom told her..

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