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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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An Immortal ?

{ His Doom?}

By Marie G

? Do not copy or repost ? like before reading ??

Chapter 38 & 39

Nirvana stared at Desmond one last time before leaving the hall and immediately Michael appeared

” Give her some time” Michael said

“I hope she believes me” Desmond sigh..

“Let’s go home” he added and walk outside to where he packed his car

“Why don’t we give them a ride? they didn’t bring their car” Michael said

“I doubt if she would agree”

“Let’s go confirm first” Michael dragged him to where Jasmine was seated

“Hi Jasmine” Michael waved

“Hey” she replied

” Why are you alone? Where’s Nirvana? We wanna give you guys a ride” He said

“I have no…..oh, there she is” she replied pointing at Nirvana’s direction

“Hey Nirva” Jasmine smiled and she stopped on her tracks, surprised

Is she no longer mad at me? She thought happily

It’s been a while jasmine talked to her so she was surprised

Her joy knew no bounds that moment she heard Jasmine talk to her
she rushed over to where Jasmine was when she sighted Desmond and Michael and the smile left her face

“What are you two doing here?” She asked, getting angry

“They want to give us a ride home” Jasmine smiled

“I still have things to do in school.. you can go ahead” Nirvana said sitting down

“Are you still mad at me for giving you cold shoulders?” Jasmine asked trying to act cool Infront of Desmond

“Of course I’m not..I don’t just want to breath the Same air as them” she replied, glaring daggers at Desmond

“I will take the public bus” she added

“But you’ve never done that remember”

“I did it today and it wasn’t bad as I expected” Nirvana shrug


“No buts, you can go with them, tell dad I will take the public bus so he won’t be too worried” Nirvana said and with that, she walked away leaving Desmond and Michael dumfounded

You didn’t tell me she was this stubborn.. Michael thought, staring at Desmond

“Nirva? Nirvana .. Jasmine called but she just wave without looking back

“Can we go now?” Desmond asked

“Sure” Jasmine replied happily

Desmond shook his head at her but didn’t say anything

She was supposed to stay with her Sister and not leave her behind… Albert really did a great job.. he thought and got into the car and the others did same

The drive was boring .. jasmine tried making it lively but Desmond wasn’t interested

All through he kept thinking about her safety

“it seems I need to give her a break” Desmond muttered and sigh heavily


★ 7pm, Reality Talent school★

“I can’t believe Jasmine left without me” Nirvana said sadly as she walk around the empty school

“Hey Nirvana” she heard her name and she looked back

“Good evening ma’am Natasha” she greeted with a bow

“What are you doing here all by yourself? And where is jasmine?” Natasha asked

“I told her to get going… I don’t feel like going home now” Nirvana replied

“Is anything bothering you?” She asked looking concern.. ” You can discuss it with me” she added pulling Nirvana towards a sit

“It’s 7pm already. Why are you still in school.. what’s the matter?” Natasha asked

Nirvana sigh before explaining everything to her…

“I’m sorry I bored you with my talks” She apologized and stood on her feet.. “I need to go now” she said

“Is this all about that Desmond of a guy?” Natasha asked

“You know him?” Nirvana asked back

“Yes, and I want you to know he doesn’t lie”

“Why are you so sure about that? Nirvana frowned

“Because I could see it in his eyes” Natasha replied

“You can?” Nirvana asked and Natasha sigh

“Never need to go home now and stop being silly”

“Come, I’ll drive you home” Natasha added

“There’s no need for that ma’am, I’ll just take the public bus” Nirvana replied

“If you insist…may the deities protect you” ma’am Natasha said

Deities? Nirva thought

“Bye ma’am and thank you for your time” she bow before walking away

“Get home safely” Natasha said loudly and immediately Mule left her body

“Take care Sera” he said and disappeared

“What am I doing here?”Natasha asked looking around.

“Is a ghost playing a trick on me? Why am I still in school until 7” she wondered aloud



★Blue house (Montez mansion)★

“Rachel, your dad isn’t around what do you wanna do?” Stephanie asked

“I will just go parting so I can ease my anger.. I can’t believe all this while Desmond hasn’t even noticed me” she ranted. ” And it’s all because of those identical fools. I can’t even distinguish who’s Jasmine or Nirvana among them and it’s making me mad”

“It will be fun if we go clubbing…. But what will you do if you have an opportunity to be with Jasmine or Nirvana alone?”

“I will beat the living hell out of her and make sure she doesn’t come close to Desmond ever again”

“You really are something.. going this far just for a guy?” Stephanie shook her head

“And what is that supposed to mean?” Rachel asked, a bit angry

“I will just put a call through Chloe and Halle.. Stephanie said changing the topic

Chloe and Halle were Rachel’s best friends. They went clubbing and shopping together

“Better” Rachel rolled her eyes and sat on her bed

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