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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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★ Next morning★

“Hi Jasmine” Nirvana smiled And stood on her feet immediately Jasmine left the room

She had slept all night at Jasmine’s door

Jasmine stared at her blankly before proceeding to the kitchen

” Should I make you breakfast?” She asked, following her behind

Jasmine halted her steps and turn to her with a frown

“You want to poison me don’t you?” Her frown deepened and the smile left Nirvana’s face at once

“What do you mean” Nirvana asked, not believing her ears

“You want me dead, don’t you?” Jasmine asked again walking closer to her

Her expression held coldness and hatred as she advanced towards Nirvana

“What are you talking about?” Nirvana asked

” The Ɓîtçh is pretending” Jasmine laughed briefly

” Stay away from me” she added coldly and pushed Nirvana at off her way

she fell on the ground heavily bruising her hand but Jasmine didn’t care as she proceeded to her room



★ days later★

Jasmine and Nirvana hasn’t been on good terms. Jasmine kept giving her cold shoulders and she’s been trying to figure out the reasons for her sudden change then she came into conclusion that it was all because of Desmond

“He took advantage of me and my sister,,, that bastard” she cursed angrily

“How dare he call me Sera when he did same for jasmine? He even kissed her then me,,, all in the of ‘ he wants to comfirm something?”

“Gosh , I was a fool to think he was a cool guy” she said through gritted teeth before walking to the practice hall

Desmond got to school that morning, he kept looking at the students to see if he could catch a glimpse of Nirvana but he saw Jasmine instead

“Hi.. how are you?” Desmond asked and she smiled at him

“I’m cool”

“Where is nirva?” Desmond asked and she released a tight smile

“I dunno, I left the house before her”

“Why ?” Desmond asked

“Nothing.. I had something to do in school” she lied flatly and Desmond nodded though he knew she lied

“Alright then.. see you around” he smiled and started to walk away when she spoke up

“Don’t you love me? Are you mistaking Nirvana for me?” She asked

“I’m not.. and there’s something I need to tell you… But that’ll be some other day” he replied

Jasmine stood still staring at him amd tears thr_@tened to fall from her eyes but she blinked the off

You will get to understand this jasmine.. he thought

She couldn’t believe she’d be loosing Desmond to her sister, and that very moment she felt her hatred for Nirvana increase yet she was trying to act cool Infront of him

Desmond turn and made to leave when he felt a presence . He turn swiftly and saw Lucy’s spirit behind Jasmine. The spirit had dark aura emitting from it and it was going to possess Jasmine

It was echthra, the spirit of hatred, it fed on humans evil thoughts

“Oh no!! Echthra… Lucy’s spirit has been bewitched” he muttered and quickly divided his spirit from his body

He grabbed Lucy’s hands and that moment, time stopped with only Lucy’s spirit and his that was conscious

“What do you think you are doing?” He asked and touch her forehead with his palm.

He was performing some kind of exorcism on her and immediately she regained her senses

“Who are you?” Lucy asked

“I was supposed to make sure you get to the after life” he replied and Lucy burst into tears

“Why are you crying? Did something happened?” He asked

” I remember being captured by someone and a spell was cast on me. But I don’t remember anything other than that” she cried and reach for his hands

“Pls protect my daughter” Lucy pleaded

“Don’t worry, I will.. Desmond replied and with that, right there the gate to the after life opened and Lucy went through it

“She doesn’t even know she had two babies….. Desmond sigh

“I wonder what Albert used her spirit for” he thought and entered his body then everything started moving again

” See you later” he said smiled at Jasmine before walking away

He looked everywhere for Nirvana but couldn’t find her. She wasn’t thinking anything that moment hence he couldn’t read her thought and that made him worry

He dialed Michael’s line and he picked up after the third ring

? Come over right now

? Alright.. are you alone?

? Don’t tell me you are trying to teleport

? You know I can’t drive except you don’t need me urgently

? Just for today…you can do that.. now come immediately Desmond said and immediately Michael appeared in front of him

“My teleportation ski||s are top notch” he giggled

“So what’s wrong?” He asked

“I was able to escort Lucy to the after life” Desmond replied

“Really ? Where has she been all this while ? Michael asked

“I guess Albert took her soul to Kono, and they made her visit Jasmine….they’re planning something else”

“What? Lord Kono was behind it from the beginning?” Michael asked with widdened eyes

“And Albert is his accomplice?”he asked again .”So will you report it to Lord stone?”

“I’m not stepping my feet there ever again” Desmond replied seriously

” Nirvana needs protection, they are after her life..the reason they duplicated her was to make things difficult for me and also to use Jasmine to get rid of her… They want Jasmine To h@ťě her and I’m afraid she’s already hating her that’s why echthra was gonna possess her” Desmond explained further

” Echthra was gonna possess her?” Michael asked shockingly

” Yes and that’s all my fault” he replied sadly

“It isn’t your fault, Albert is just a demon and it’s Jasmine’s fault for falling for their trick” Michael sigh

” I need to find Nirvana right now”

“You find people easily right? She shouldn’t be an exception” Michael shrug

“Wh@ťěver” Desmond rolled his eyes and started walking away while Michael followed.

“Now I know how precious I am to you.. can’t believe you called me all the way here just to tell me this” Michael teased but he ignored him

His aim that moment was finding Nirvana

“Don’t you think stone can read our thoughts from here” Michael asked

“That was then… lord stone can’t hear me now… I have nothing to do with him anymore ”

“How were you able to do it?” Michael asked surprisingly

“It’s a secret”

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