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Wednesday, October 16, 2024
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Chapter 19 & 20

“Noooo….. Mic screamed jumping off the couch

“Gosh It was all just a dream” he said panting heavily

“What happened?” Desmond who has been watching all this while asked and he flinch

“Gosh.. you startled me” Michael said looking at Desmond who had a smirk on his face.

“Why do you look suspicious?” Michael asked still looking at Desmond

“That was a good dream wasn’t it?” Desmond asked back with a smile.. ” I think I’m satisfied now” Desmond added

“That’s the lesson I promised to teach next time know how you disappear in public” Desmond said again and walk up to Micheal

“Don’t worry, I won’t ki|| you… He trailed off patting Michael’s shoulder gently

“But next time I will ki|| you for sure” he added and walked upstairs with a satisfied smile displaying on his lips

“Oh my goodness.. what was that all about? Was it real or just a dream?” Michael asked no one in particular as fear was written all over his face

“Did he manipulate my dream?” Michael wondered still looking at the door to Desmond’s room

“Gosh, he’s really scaring me” Michael sigh

Desmond laid on his bed feeling pleased

” I can’t ki|| him, I’m just trying to create fear in his mind so he can stop uttering gibberish” Desmond smiled

“Desmond” Michael called walking upstairs

“What ??” Desmond replied from his room

“I won’t get mad at you for what you just did because I love you” Michael said, walking into his room

“You love me? Gosh that sounds stupid” Desmond grimace

“Anyway, You need to start practicing for the audition” Michael said changing the topic

“you really want me to ki|| you? Desmond ask, sitting upright

“I know you can’t do it.. it’s just an empty thr_@t.. so don’t worry, I will always be here for you” Michael said sitting close to Desmond

Desmond stared at him briefly and smiled. He was the one who told him fear can make his opponent ki|| him.. of course he likes what Michael just said

“I don’t don’t worry about me and do wh@ťěver you want to do” Desmond said nonchalantly

“Wow.. you’re so confident of yourself. But I’ve never seen or heard you sing” Michael said

“Do you want to attend the school with me?” Desmond asked

“Of course not… You know I can’t sing” Michael replied, standing up on his feet

“But You need to be where I am so I can protect you” Desmond said

“Don’t worry, I will always be by your side” Michael smiled broadly…

“Is there somewhere you wish to go?” Desmond asked looking up at Michael

“It’s actually boring here on earth no sister, no brothers or parents all I do is sit, eat, disappear and sleep” Michael said and sigh

“I thought you said we were brothers earlier today?” Desmond creased a brow at him

“Of course you will always be a brother to me Hyung” Michael smiled

“Anyway do you think Jenny will be selected ?” Michael asked

“Cause I guess there’ll be lots of competitors” Michael added

“Of course, she needs to compete among the average 600 or more participants..but about if she will be selected or not….that will be left for the humans to make.. I really can’t decide and change fate… anything that happens is her fate” Desmond replied playing games with his phone

“Wow.. 600? That’s a huge crowd..will you be able to sing with so much people around?” Michael asked

“Of course”

“Everything will take place in the auditorium. The participants will be called according to their numbers on stage while those that are yet to perform will seat and wait for their turn” Desmond explained and Micheal nodded

“It will be so much fun” Michael giggled while picturing how fun the event will be in his head

“Heh!” Desmond snap his fingers brining Michael back from his land of imagination.

“You scared me” he said groan as he stood up to leave

“Why don’t you spend the night here?” Desmond asked while Michael eyes widdened in surprise

“Jeongmal?( Really) You mean in your room? on your bed? What will happen to my room and bed? Michael asked

“Just go, your questions are making me sick” Desmond grimace

“Why should I?” Michael said and climbed the bed, hugging Desmond

“Get away from me”

“No” he said hugging Desmond tightly

Desmond relented and smile at him and immediately Jenny’s call came in.

Michael sigh after seeing the caller. He disengaged from the hug

“I will come in when you’re done” he said and walk out of Desmond’s room

? Hey.. jenny said

? How was your day.. Desmond asked with a smile

? It was fine.. I just called to check on you.. Jenny replied smiling widely from her end

? Thanks.. make sure you practice hard okay? I’m sure you’ll make it. So don’t be afraid.. Desmond said and Jenny’s smile widdened

? Alright.. bye and good night. Will come see you tomorrow

Desmond ended the call and resumed his business on his phone. Michael entered the room and laid on the bed and slowly, he drifted to sleep

* Few minutes later*

Desmond landed on the floor heavily and he groan loudly as he stared at the sleeping Michael on the bed.

Michael’s legs were wide open, occupying the whole bed

“Why did I even ask him to sleep here?” Desmond groan as he stood up on his feet

He pushed Michael away creating space for himself. He laid back on the bed and closed his eyes, ready to get some sleep

His eyes snap open minutes later when he felt something heavy on him like he was being caged to the bed

“What’s this?” He asked but before he could fathom what it was, he landed on the floor again in a thump

“Wtf!! He growled and stood back on his feet glaring at sleeping Michael

“He really is a good fighter” Desmond shook his head, sitting on an armchair close to his bed

“Does he sleep walk too? Or is he intentionally punishing me in my own room?” He sigh

“I guess I will be spending the night here before he ki||s me” he said and lean back on the armchair as he watch Michael sleeping and rolling from one end of the bed to the other

“Hmm… It’s gonna be a very long night for me” Desmond said and covered his body with a quilt

Michael suddenly change position and his hands landed directly on Desmond’s left cheek in a resounding slap

“Bloody h*ll” he yelled and glared at sleeping Michael. He pushed Michael away and Michael fell heavily on the floor and kept sleeping like a log of wood

“Jeez… I can’t believe this” Desmond said and ran his hands through his hair in frustration

“I think I will be making use of the sitting room for tonight..and I swear, this will be the last time I will ever make such mistake” he added and left for the sitting room where he spent the night

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