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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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SYMPHONY OF HEARTS – Episode 9 & 10

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{ ….The Sparks Within …. }

THEME; Destined To Be With You.


By, Ariel Mirabel

✰{ 𝓥𝓮𝓵𝓿𝓮𝓽 𝓘𝓼 𝓑𝓪𝓬𝓴 }✰

“Still can’t get over me?” Daphne smirked, running her hands on his shoulder. Kingsley glared at her

He removed her hand from his shoulder, holding it tightly as he glared at her. Daphne looked at the hand he held and then at his face, she smirked.

Three years ago, Kingsley and Daphne met back in the United States. They immediately became friends since they were both Koreans.

Slowly they became closer, more closer than friends. Even though Daphne was 3 years older, he didn’t mind as he fell for her.

They started dating, she was his first love and he spoilt her with his money, gave her everything she wanted she’s even the first woman he had segz with. But looks like that wasn’t enough for her.

Just when he decided to come back Korea with her to present her to his dad, he was met with the biggest heartbreak one could think of.

Just the day he decided to present his lovely girlfriend to his father, he caught her cheating on him… With his father.

He was at least expecting an explanation from Daphne or anything, he would have forgiven her and waved it off, that’s how much he loved her but no, she did the opposite

Daphne in front of his father denied him completely.

Kingsley was torn and to make it worst, when his father found out that Kingsley and Daphne were exes, he did nothing and continued his love life with Daphne.

They both got married eight months ago which Kingsley didn’t attend of course.

Kingsley glared hardly at Daphne who smirked at his face.

“Stay away from me” Kingsley growled menacingly.

“Why? Am I bringing back old memories” Daphne asked, with a hint of mockery in her tone.


“Son!” Kingsley was cut short when he heard his father’s voice.

Kingsley released Daphne’s wrist and faced his father with a cold look on his face.

Daphne walked up to the president and wrapped her arms around him as she looked at Kingsley.

Even though the president looked a bit aged, he still had toned body and one could see Kingsley got his looks from him.

“What do you want?” Kingsley said with his hands in his pocket.

“How could you come back home without dropping by to check on me and what is it that I’m hearing? You’re attending a school? You’re my son for goodness sake, how can you degrade yourself that much” President Kim scolded Kingsley.

Kingsley looked at him and couldn’t suppress the urge to chortle.

“And since when does what I do with my life concern you? I’m not longer a kid, I can make my own decision and if I decide to attend a school, who are you to stop me?” Kingsley said.

“Kingsley! Don’t speak to your father that way” Daphne spoke

“Shut up wh-_-re!” Kingsley snapped at her and Daphne slapped him.

“Don’t you dare call me that” Daphne warned

Kingsley raised his head slowly, he touched his cheek before looking at Daphne then at his father. Without another word, he stormed out of the area

“You shouldn’t have slap him” President Kim said.

“He called me a wh-_-re!” Daphne exclaimed angrily.



Lucia blocked her ears the moment she stepped in the club as the loud music and people making loud noises hit her ears.

She has always heard about other students going to club but never has she gone to one.

Her ears slowly adapted to the noise and her eyes widened as she looked around the area.

“Ummm aren’t we too young to drink?” Lucia said when she noticed most of the people in the club were drinking.

“I’m 18, so I can drink” Eva winked.

“Same here” Becky shrugged.

“Stop oppressing us!” Scarlett frowned and Becky chuckled.

“A club isn’t only meant for drinking, let’s go and dance our worries away” Eva said.

“Yay! Let’s go!” Scarlett dragged Lucia to the dance floor and began dancing wildly to the funky beat playing.

Lucia just stood on one spot, watching her friends dance. She felt somewhat shy and awkward but slowly her body began moving to the music and before she knew it she began dancing too.

A bright smile spread on her lips as she danced. Scarlett joined her and they danced wildly while laughing to themselves.



“Welcome home sir” The maids greeted as Kyle made his entry home.

This is his parent’s house, he decided to come home and spend the night.

“Sir, please can I have a selfie with you” A maid asked nervously.

“Sure” Kyle smiled and posed the for the selfie. The maid took one and bowed in appreciation before leaving while squealing

Kyle smiled as he watched how happy she was. That’s how Kyle is, always smiling and down to earth… Unlike his brother.

“Kyle? Kyle!!!” A girl who was coming downstairs screamed loudly and rushed to Kyle, jumping on him tightly.

“Quinn” Kyle hugged her.

“You’ve not been at home for a full month, I missed you so much!” Quinn pouted.

Kyle dropped her down and she held his hand. Quinn is Kyle’s little sister, if there’s another word for cute then that will be her.

With her big doe eyes and red pouty lips, she looked so cute. She’s 16 and attends same school as him.

“Where’s Mason?” Kyle asked as they went upstairs.

“He’s in his room. Though I doubt he’ll want to see you” Quinn said.

“It’s okay, I got it. Go inform mom about my arrival while I go see him” Kyle said and Quinn nodded before walking away.

Kyle went upstairs to Mason’s room but stopped when he saw him just coming down. The moment Mason saw him, he immediately frowned.

Mason is Kyle’s twin brother, they’re identical and they look exactly the same. The only difference between them is their dressing code.

Mason looks and dresses like a bad boy while Kyle does not.

“Mason” Kyle smiled.

“What do you want?” Mason said, giving him an unfriendly look.

“Just wanted to check up on you. I didn’t see you in school today” Kyle smiled.

Mason hissed and made to walk away but Kyle blocked his way.

“Move” Mason said.

“Don’t you think it’s time we stop this childish war between us?” Kyle sighed

Mason chuckled. “Childish?” He said and his smiled immediately disappeared.

“You stole my dream from me, and I won’t stop this childishness till I steal something from you, something very precious” Mason glared at him.

Kyle looked down, feeling guilty. Mason walked closer to him

“How does it feel? Living a celebrity life, becoming famous and popular when you know that all of that was never meant to be yours in the first place but mine” Mason said.

“I’m sorry” Kyle said.

“No matter how much you apologize, it won’t change anything” Mason said and walked away.

Kyle stood on his spot, looking down as guilt ate him up.



After some minutes of dancing, Lucia decided to go and sit on a stool as she watched the others.

“They never get tired” She thought and smiled

Suddenly a drunk man came and sat next to her. She looked at him to see he was looking at her from head to toe while licking his lips.

Lucia shifted away and covered her chest with her hair as she tried to pay attention to her friends.

“Hey, aren’t you the slvt who slept with a man 10 years older” The man said but she didn’t reply him

It looked like the man immediately picked offense in it so he grabbed her arm harshly.

“Hey! I’m talking to you!” The man snapped.

“Ouch, let me go!” Lucia struggled to get out of his grip but he tightened his grip on her arm.

“Let me go!” Lucia struggled while the man smirked.

“Since you were able to sleep with a man that old, I hope you don’t mind if it reaches my turn, I will pay you if you want” The man whispered to her ears, brushing his fingers on her exposed.

Fear immediately gripped Lucia and she made to scream for her friend but the man blocked her mouth.

“Calm down pretty, it hasn’t yet gotten to the screaming stage. You can do that while we’re in bed” The man chuckled.

Someone tapped the man on the back and the man turned but a hard punch welcomed his face immediately

“f-__-k!” The drunk man cussed, holding his nose

The person that punched the drunk man immediately grabbed Lucia’s wrist and they immediately bolted out of the club.

“Hey!!” The man immediately stood up and began chasing them.

They kept running while looking back till the man got tired and stopped chasing them. Lucia and the figure ran in a quiet alley before stopping

Lucia immediately placed her hand on her knee, trying to catch her breath.

“Why are men so…” Lucia didn’t complete her sentence since she was breathless.

She looked up at the person who save her and he was putting on a face mask with beanie. He pulled off his beanie and face mask and Lucia’s eyes widened

She immediately stood up right. “Jay.. Jayden” She muttered, blinking twice.

“Yeah” Jayden nodded breathing heavily too as he looked back to see if the man hadn’t decided to continue the pursuit.

“W-what are you doing at a club? I mean why did you save me? Sorry, I mean thank you” Lucia said and bowed politely.

“It’s okay, I didn’t know it was you. Just saw that man harassing a lady and I decided to help” Jayden smiled

Lucia looked away as the air between them became awkwardly silent.

“Umm, I’m sorry about earlier. I didn’t know I was in your suite and-“

“It’s fine” Jayden said.

“Okay..” Lucia said.

“I know you might already know me but I’m Jayden, nice to meet you” Jayden stretched.

“And I’m Luciana.” Lucia accepted his handshake.

“Umm, I have to go now” Lucia said and waved at him.

She turned to leave but immediately paused when she realized she didn’t know her way around.

Jayden chuckled when he saw the puzzled look on her face.

“I’ll take you to the club” Jayden said, wearing back his beanie and mask.

They both left like that.



The electronic bell rang and the students immediately began rushing out of the class. Kingsley stood up and quietly left the class.

“Why is he all moody today?” Lucia wondered as he watched him leave the class despite all the signals he was getting from girls.

“Not like I care” Lucia shrugged and began packing her stuffs too.

“Let’s go for lunch!” Eva walked to Lucia.

“Girls you’ll have to go without me, I have to meet him! He says he just arrived in our school and is waiting for me at the school garden” Scarlett said, fanning herself.

“I’m super nervous” She said and Becky rolled her eyes.

Scarlett waved at the girls and immediately left while the others went to the cafeteria for lunch.



Scarlett sat on the bench as she looked around her while occasionally glancing at her phone.

“He said he was wearing red sneakers” Scarlett thought, studying all the sneakers that walked by.

All of Eva and Becky’s taunting suddenly began popping in her mind and she couldn’t help but feel anxious and nervous.

What if he sees him and she doesn’t like what she sees? What if he sees her and finds her too shapeless for his type?

Scarlett swallowed hard and looked down on her phone then began typing a text message to him.


She was so focused in typing that she didn’t notice someone just sat down next to her.

The moment she sent the text message, she heard someone’s phone beeped right next to her.

Her eyes widened and she slowly down to see the person was wearing red sneakers. Her gaze slowly began moving all till her gaze settled on his face.

He smiled. “Hi, Scarlett” He said and Scarlett blinked as her phone slipped off her hand, falling on the ground.

If not because of the fact that he told her he will be coming to the school on scholarship, she would have never believed he was poor.

The person sitting before her looked like a prince from a fairytale with his freckles and cute smile.

Scarlett just kept blinking as she stared at him.

“Umm Scarlett?” He waved his hand before her.

“You… You’re Jackson, right?” Scarlett asked and he nodded.

“You’re pretty” Jackson smiled.

Scarlett’s eyes suddenly rolled up to the back of her head and she fainted.

Jackson’s eyes widened.

“Scarlett? Scarlett!”



Lucia and the girls walked in cafeteria and as usual mean glares followed her till they sat down before a table.

“I’ve been meaning to ask, the rumors about me sleeping with a man 10 years older. Is it true?” Lucia asked.

“Oh no! Not at all!” Eva immediately said.

“Yeah, the same day the rumors got revealed we were practising so it was impossible for you were with us when the rumors got revealed” Becky said.

“Unfortunately no matter how much we tried to explain no one would believe us” Eva sighed.

“So that means someone framed me” Lucia said and they nodded.

Lucia held her chin, another mystery she has to solve. But to solve it, her and the group need to gain back there fame but how? Who will accept them in their company

“Argh!” Maggie’s scream came from the other corner of the cafeteria.

All eyes turned to her. It looks like a girl accidentally spilled her food on her.

The girl immediately went down to her knees. “I’m sorry Maggie, please forgive me!” She began begging.

“You blind piece of trash!” Avery stood up and snapped the girl hard while Sylvia helped Maggie to clean off the food from her clothes.

The girl immediately began crying as she held her cheek. Maggie grabbed the tray of food on her table then poured it on the ground

“Eat it with your mouth like a dog and once you’re done, lick the ground. I don’t want to see any stand on the ground” Maggie smirked

“Huh?” The girl muttered in shock

“Didn’t you hear her? She said eat it!” Avery said and pushed the face of the girl inside the food.

Lucia watched the scene before her with restrained anger as she folded her fists. She stood up but Becky immediately held her wrist.

“Don’t, you’ll only bring more h@ťě on yourself” Becky said.

A girl suddenly ran in the cafeteria and announced.

“Guys! Velvet is back!” A girl announced and murmurs began.

👥 The fighting machine is back!

👥 Gosh, I kinda missed her

👥 She got suspended for a full month because she fractured the arms of a bully

All eyes turned to the door as a girl walked in the cafeteria. Shoulder length black hair with a lollipop in her lips. She’s the only girl in school who wears the male uniform, a baggy trousers and shirt.

“How I missed school” She smiled as she walked with her hands in her pocket.

She stopped when she saw the scene of Avery pushing the poor girls face inside the food.

Her face twitched immediately. “Bullies, that’s what I h@ťě the most” With that she began walking to Avery.

“What is your problem?” Avery released the girl when Velvet walked to her.

Velvet tilted her head to the side and smirked.

“I’m in a good mood, so I’ll wave it off if you apologize to her.” Velvet said, gesturing at the girl who was sitting on the floor crying her eyes out with her face stained with food.

“What will do? Huh? You Ɓîtçh” Avery smirked.

Velvet clicked her lips on the lollipop in her lips. Before Avery could blink a heavy punch landed on her face and she staggered back, falling down as she felt cafeteria was spinning in her head

“Eat it” Velvet said, gesturing at the food

💜 𝐓𝐨 𝐁𝐞 𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐮𝐞𝐝 🖤

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