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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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SYMPHONY OF HEARTS – Episode 25 & 26

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{ ….The Sparks Within …. }

THEME; Destined To Be With You.


By, Ariel Mirabel





ENJOY!! 🧸🎀

✰{ 𝓐𝓶 𝓘 𝓤𝓰𝓵𝔂 }✰

“I’m just-“

A bar of soap immediately flew to Kingsley’s mouth.

Kingsley spit out the soap with a scrunched look on his face due to the odd taste the soap left in his mouth.

He made to remove his hand from his eyes but immediately covered them back.

“Lucia, just hear me out-“

“Get out!!!” Lucia screamed


Another bar of soap flew to his direction, hitting his forehead. Kingsley immediately left the shower room before another object could fly his direction.

“How dare he!” Lucia said, running her hands through her wet hair with her other hand still covering her chest.

“I should have locked the door” Lucia scolded herself.

She thought everyone already left so it escaped her mind to lock it. The thought of Kingsley seeing her naked run through her mind and she flushed red, both in anger and embarrassment.




“I like Senior Finley” Quinn blurted out and Finley’s eyes widened.

He immediately spit out his drink in shock, directly on Quinn’s face.

Finley’s eyes widened even more when he saw he spit his drink on her.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to” Finley quickly said.

“It’s okay” Quinn smiled and brought out a handkerchief from her pocket then wiped her face.

Once she was done she looked back at Finley. Finley looked at her, hoping she’ll just tell him it was a prank but no she didn’t… She was really serious


“I know you don’t like me, you probably see me as a baby” Quinn pouted.

“But that changes nothing, just give me a chance please. Let’s date for one month and if I don’t succeed in making you fall for me, you can break up with me” Quinn said and Finley’s eyes widened even more.

“Quinn, I can’t” Finley said

“Why? Because I’m not that pretty like the girls in your class?” Quinn said at the verge of tears.

“It’s not that, Quinn your brother-“

“He doesn’t need to know” Quinn said and took his hand in hers. “Just one chance, please. You have nothing to loose” Quinn pouted.

Finley stared at her and swallowed hard.


It was dark already but the streetlights, car lights and even lights coming from the various houses illuminated the street.

Becky could be see walking through the streets with her hands the pocket of the big grey hoodie she was wearing.

She stopped in front of the two floor apartment and stared at it. That was her house, the place that held all of her childhood memories… Both the good ones and the bad ones, mostly the bad ones.

She took in a huge breath and made to advance to the house.

“What are you doing here?” A voice spoke behind her, sending chills down her body.

“M.. Mom” Becky muttered and turned.

“I asked you a question” The woman said and Becky swallowed hard.

“I miss you and dad” Becky said, more like in a whisper.

Becky’s mom scoffed. “If you missed us you wouldn’t have done what you did” Becky’s mom said.


“I don’t want to see your face… Go back to the slumps with you and your three slutty friends” She said harshly.

Becky’s lips trembled as she fought back the tears welling in her eyes.

“I’m sorry mom” Becky muttered.

“If you’re sorry then bring back my son!!” She screamed out that Becky flinched.

Becky’s mom glared one last time at her before walking in the house.

“Love, who’s there” Becky could here her father’s voice coming from inside.

Becky’s mom turned to look at her. “Nobody… It’s a nobody” She said and spammed the door shut.

Becky stood there as she stared at the house with tears streaming down her cheek.

She dipped her hands in her pockets to bring out the razor but then remembered Kyle threw it.

“So it’s because of her you nearly hurt yourself”

Becky turned to where the voice was standing to see a tall figure standing behind her. He was putting on a hoodie with a face mask that concealed almost all his face.

The person pulled off her mask, revealing none other than Kyle.

“You..” Becky muttered.

“Do you wanna talk about it?” Kyle said.

Becky stared at him and cleaned her tears then made to walk away but he grabbed her wrist.

“Let me go” Becky said, in her voice you could hear she was fighting back new rounds of tears from falling

“If I let you go you’ll hurt yourself” Kyle said.

She looked at Kyle with tears in her eyes and he smiled back warmly.

“Come with me” He said and released her wrist, holding her hand before leading the way.

Kyle let her to a car that was parked not far with a man that Becky strangely recognized. She saw this man lurking around her all day long

Could it be that he sent this man to spy on her?? Becky looked at Kyle again

“Sir” The man bowed respectfully.

“Please take us to my safe place” Kyle said and the man nodded before opening the car door.

They both in and the driver immediately took off. The drive was took a fair amount of time before they arrived their destination.

They got down and Kyle led her inside a small house. The house had just one bedroom, a small living room with all sort of playthings there and a kitchen.

The house was small but looked so beautiful at night, she could just imagine how it would look in the morning.

A swing could be seen outside with flowers planted almost everywhere around the house. The aura emanating from the place strangely soothed Becky so much.

“I used to come here a lot with Mason but ever since we fought the place has been deserted” Kyle said, taking a seat on the single couch in the living room

“You two fought? Why?” Becky asked and she could sense the change in his mood

“It’s okay if you don’t wanna talk” Becky said, taking a seat next to him

She looked around the area and sighed out.

“I just wanted to show you this place so that if you ever wanna be alone you can always come here” Kyle said

“Thanks” Becky smiled lightly.



“Think Kyle won’t be coming back tonight. Do you think he went to f-__-k?” Andrew asked as he walked to the living room where Jayden was sitting.

“He’s not longer a kid yunno, he can do wh@ťěver he wants” Jayden said, staring at the bracelet in his hand.

“It’s pretty, who’s it for?” Andrew asked..

“Wait, why am I asking it’s definitely for that girl. Lucia I think” Andrew shrugged.

“Do you think she’ll like it?” Jayden asked

“Don’t tell me you like her” Andrew smirked

Jayden just smiled and looked back at the bracelet.



Kingsley walked out of the bathroom in only a pair of joggers as he dried his hair with a white towel.

He dropped the towel down and sighed when the image of what happened earlier flashed in his mind

“Will you just stop thinking about her?” He groaned frustratingly and picked his phone then went to Lucia’s contact which he saved as “Brat”

He actually got her number from the company. He clicked on it and began typing a message


He sighed and deleted back the message then tossed his phone to the bed.

The image of her bare back flashed in his eyes and he ruffled his hair.

“You’re not a pervert Kingsley! Stop thinking that way!” Kingsley scolded himself.

“It’s been more than a year you last f-__-ked, maybe that’s why you’re thinking this way. That brat is too skinny and flat for your liking” He muttered to himself and nodded

Something suddenly ran through his mind and he frowned. Earlier, Lucia has a birthmark on her back.

He quickly picked back his phone and went to the scandalous video of Lucia with the old man. In the video her body proportion looked very different and also the birthmark wasn’t there in the video.

A smile crept up his cheek. “I knew it, this video was fake. Lucia will never do such a thing” He muttered.

Now the only thing left was to find who edited this video and he could clear Lucia’s name

He began searching for proofs on his phone but suddenly stopped.

“Why am I doing this for her? I shouldn’t even care about her right?” Kingsley thought

He ruffled his hair frustratingly.



Becky turned on the bed and let out a sleepy sound as she slept soundly. She frowned when the area oddly didn’t feel like her room.

Her eyes immediately flew open and she immediately sat up on the bed, her eyes darting around. She touched her body as she looked round the strange room

Her eyes landed on Kyle while was sitting on a chair, smiling as he watched her.

Now she remember. Last night they talked so much that she didn’t realize when she fell asleep.

“Did… Did you-“

“I didn’t know where you live so I couldn’t take you home and I couldn’t go back home since I’ll leave you alone here so I stayed” Kyle replied, standing up

He could still see the look in her face. “I didn’t do anything to you, I’m not that type of guy so relax” Kyle smiled and she instantly relaxed.

“We have classes in the next hour so I think you should rush home. Your phone has been buzzing like crazy” Kyle said and she immediately grabbed her phone

Her eyes widened when she saw the uncountable missed calls and messages from her members

“They’re so gonna ki|| me!” Becky screamed out, running out immediately

Kyle smiled as he watched her leave.



Lucia kept her books in her lockers and locked it. The look on her face changed when she saw Kingsley approaching her.

“Lucia, we need-“

Lucia ignored him and walked to Jayden who was also coming towards her.

“Hi Jay” She smiled.

“Do you want to take a walk with me? Let’s go!” She held Jay’s hand and they walked away

Kingsley stood there as he watched them leave. He slowly folded his fists, feeling angry.

He never forced himself on people but here he was forcing himself on this girl. It annoyed him but at the same time it didn’t, crazy right?

His gaze went to their interlocked hands and he could feel something stinging him. With a hiss, he tore his gaze off and walked away.


Lucia breathed out when Kingsley was out of sight. She doesn’t want to speak with him for now.

The fact that he was ogling at her body made her feel angry but she has herself to be blamed. Just the thought that someone saw her body made her feel so embarrassed.

Strangely she felt scared. Despite being in a much more prettier body, Lucia still felt ugly. What if he also sees her as such.. An ugly toad.


Lucia jolted up and blinked, looking up at Jayden

“I’ve been calling your name. You seem lost” Jayden muttered.

“Oh, uh… Not really, was thinking of something silly” Lucia smiled awkwardly

“I have something for you” Jayden said and brought out the necklace from his pocket

Lucia gasped. “It’s so pretty”

“I was passing by a shop and I saw it in display. It reminded me of your beauty” Jayden said

“Really?” Lucia blushed

He took her hand gently and clipped the chain bracelet round her wrist.

“Looks even more pretty” Jayden said.

“Thank you, Jay!” Lucia said and hugged him

Jayden froze and blinked but he slowly smiled and hugged her back.

“It’s nothing”



Mason and Finley walked in the cafeteria and as usual the girls kept drooling over them especially Mason but he didn’t look their way.

They took their seats.

“What do you think we should order?” Finley spoke.

“How about-“

“Hyung! (Big brother!)” Quinn’s voice was heard as he walked towards them

Finley shifted uncomfortably on his seat as he stared at Quinn like he saw a ghost

“I’m not giving you any money” Mason immediately said and Quinn frowned.

“I didn’t come for that, just wanted to check up on you” She grinned

Mason stared at her weirdly. Quinn rolled her eyes

“Fine I’m leaving since I can’t show my kindness to my big brother” She said and looked at Finley. Finley immediately looked away.

“Senior Finley, I have biology test tomorrow can you tutor me tonight please?” Quinn asked with the prettiest smile ever.

“S… Sure”

“Thank you!” She said and walked away

Finley looked at Mason before looking at Quinn.

“If Mason ever find out, I’m déad”



Lucia walked out of one of the seven cabinets in the female’s restroom and went to watch her hand.

She was still at it when the door swung open and Kingsley walked in. Her eyes widened but she immediately frowned

“You… What are you doing here? This is the female’s restroom” Lucia demanded.

“Do you give me a choice? I’ve been trying to explain myself for almost the whole f-__-king day” Kingsley snapped. It was clear he was slightly annoyed

Lucia glared at him and made to walk away but Kingsley pulled her bank to his front.

“Let me go!” Lucia struggled.

“You’re not leaving till you hear me out” Kingsley said

Lucia glared at him again and began struggling but a gasp escaped her lips when Kingsley picked her up from the ground and placed her on the sink with both of his arms resting on her sides.

“Will you now hear me out or should I proceed further” Kingsley said.

Lucia looked at his face with wide eyes. She suddenly remembered he teased her this same way the practice room. He’s trying to tease her again.

“What you gonna do? Huh? Let me go” Lucia struggled but a sharp gasp escape her lips when Kingsley brought his face impossibly closer to hers.

She could have sworn that their lips touched because she still felt that tingling feeling on her lips.

“Do you really want to know what I’m gonna do?” Kingsley asked and she swallowed hard.

“Since you already saw everything… W-What do you think about,,, my body. Am I ugly?” Lucia asked and Kingsley looked quite surprised.

“You really want to know my honest opinion?” Kingsley whispered, staring her face.

Lucia’s which kept her gaze down slowly looked up at him in the eye before nodding.

“Yes,” She said.

Kingsley cupped her cheek and rubbed it.

“I couldn’t even sleep last night because you kept running through my mind non stop, your pretty face, pretty body… But you know what’s the most beautiful aspect in you?” Kingsley asked.

Lucia shook her head. Kingsley smiled at her for the first time since they’ve known each other

“It’s your heart… And that’s the best kind of beautiful” Kingsley said

Lucia stared at him as a drop of tear fell from her eyes.

💜 𝐓𝐨 𝐁𝐞 𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐮𝐞𝐝 🖤

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