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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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SYMPHONY OF HEARTS – Episode 13 & 14

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{ ….The Sparks Within …. }

THEME; Destined To Be With You.


By, Ariel Mirabel

ENJOY!! 🧸🎀

✰{ 𝓑𝓮𝓬𝓴𝔂’𝓼 𝓟𝓪𝓼𝓽 }✰

She spit it out and looked back at her phone with wide eyes. They got accepted into one of the biggest entertainment industry in Korea?!

“What the fuuuuckkkk!!!!” Lucia screamed out.

She immediately rinsed her mouth and washed her face before bolting out of her room.

She got downstairs and met her friends in the same state of shock as her, looks like they received the second e-mail like her.

“We…” Becky began, looking shocked.

“We just hired inside one of the biggest companies in Korea” Eva continued

They stared at each other in shock before a loud scream rented the whole house as they screamed and jumped excitedly.

“Ahhhh!!! I can’t believe this!!” Scarlett screamed, hugging Lucia tightly.

“We’re back in business!” Lucia squealed.

“It says we have a meeting with the chairman by 4pm” Eva said.

“Great! Just after our classes!” Becky smiled.

“Speaking of classes, we’re f-__-king late for school!”

The girls immediately dispersed themselves to their respective rooms to prepare.



👥 Mason finally came to school!!

👥 OMG he looks so hot!!

Mason hissed at the crowd of girls before heading to meet his friends. The fact that he became popular because of his brother’s popularity is enough to annoy him.

“You finally decided to come to school today” A guy smiled when Mason walked to him.

The guy is Finley, he’s cute especially with his dimples. Unlike Mason who is born rich he comes from a decent family. He attends the school through scholarship.

He works part time job so as to support his family financially

“So Finley, are you still up for tutoring my sis?” Mason asked

“Sure, so far as the pay is good” Finley winked.

“Alright, I’ll-“

“Hyung!(Big brother!)” Quinn called, advancing towards them with her friends.

“Good morning senior Mason!” The girls greeted and they blushed when Mason nodded at them

Quinn sighed as she watched her friends before facing Mason. “You came to school today”

“Yeah.. Was bored at home” Mason shrugged.

“You came just in time, remember mom asked me to find you a tutor” Mason said and Quinn frowned.

“I just dropped a tiny little bit in my academics! I told you I’ll improve this semester, why are-“

“Hi, I’m Finley”

Quinn’s words immediately flew off her head when her eyes finally landed on her Finley. She began staring at him with wide eyes, looking dumbfounded.

Everything about this person standing before her was perfect, from his height to the way he smiled at her and those dimples.

“Quinn!” Mason’s voice snapped her out of her trance. Her eyes widened when she saw Finley’s hand was extended all this while for a handshake.

“Oh” She quickly accepted his handshake.

“Here’s my friend, Finley. He’ll be your new tutor from now on” Mason said and Quinn nodded excitedly.

The electronic bell rung.

“Time to head to our class, don’t play around” Mason said before walking away.

Quinn kept staring at Finley as he walked away with his brother.

“Quinn, what’s wrong with you?” One of her friends asked.

“I think… I’ve fallen in love” Quinn said dreamily.


<GRADE 12>

The class was quite silent as the students payed their utmost attention to the teacher. Lucia bit the cork of her pen as she stared at the teacher.

Despite trying her best to understand what the teacher was saying, she still couldn’t grab what the teacher was saying.

She sighed out but smiled when she remembered of the great news they received this morning.

Kingsley didn’t fail to notice the happy vibe coming from her and he smirked, already knowing why she’s happy.

Though something didn’t sit well with him. Despite how much he tries to picture her the way the scandals painted her, he can’t.

She might be annoying and all that but he still can’t settle with the fact she would do something so degrading.

“That’s all for today class” The teacher, closing his book.

“For our next project, I want you to work it with your seatmate” The teacher said before leaving

“What?” Lucia muttered under her breath, looking really unpleased. She looked at Kingsley and rolled her eyes.

“Keep rolling your eyes, you’ll probably find a brain up there” Kingsley smirked.

Lucia stopped up and stepped on his toe really hard.

“Ouch!” Kingsley glared at her.

“Oh sorry, it was just an… accident” Lucia said, stressing the word “accident” before leaving.

“That brat” Kingsley hissed and stood up to leave too.

They were having swimming classes next so everyone began leaving to change.

“So will you come to my house or yours for the project” Becky asked Mason who was sitting next to her.

“Your house? Eww, I’ll send you my home address” Mason said before leaving the class.

Becky glared at him as he left.



Scarlett was the first to come to change for the swimming lessons. She actually left the classroom first because she feared having a conversation with Jackson.

She opened her locker and brought out her swimsuit then placed it on the bed. Just when she was about to start unbuttoning her shirt, the door swung.

She jolted and turned but her eyes widened when she saw it was Jackson.

“Sorry for the intrusion but we need to talk” Jackson said, locking the door.

“What..” Scarlett took in her lower lips.

Jackson took steps forwards and she took some steps back. He sighed and just kept the distance between them. “Why did you ignore my calls and why are you avoiding me?” Jackson asked softly

“Did I do something wrong? Or did I fall off the standard of the imagine you had in mind?” Jackson asked.

“No, it’s not that!” Scarlett said immediately. “It’s just that..” She took in her lips and immediately whined out.

“I fainted in front of you! I mean who does that! I wanted our first encounter to look perfect like in a fairytale but I just blacked out right there! I was too embarrassed to pick your calls. It’s your fault too, why did you have to be this perfect! I had a hard time convincing myself I was dating someone like you. Now, I’ll have some annoying girls lurking around you and I don’t like it. But-” Scarlett kept blabbing on and on that Jackson couldn’t hide the surprise look on his face.

He never knew she could talk this much. Jackson surprised face slowly turned to an amused one and he couldn’t help but laugh lightly.

“Am I that handsome?” Jackson chuckled and Scarlett looked down shyly.

He took a step closer and this time she didn’t back out, she just looked down nervously as he approached her.

He took her hand and Scarlett gasped faintly, slowly looking up.

“I’m just Jack.. A normal guy who got into this school through scholarship” Jackson said and Scarlett nodded.

“To be honest, at first I never believed in this online dating stuff but chatting with you kinda made me believe it. Same way we made it work online, let’s also make it work in real life” Jackson said and Scarlett nodded while smiling

Jackson mirrored her smiled and brought her hands to his lips, placing a kiss on her knuckles and just that sent butterflies to her tummy.

“Need to go and change. Bye” He said and left the room.

Scarlett look at the knuckles he kissed. “I’m never washing this hand ever again!!”



Maggie emerged out of swimming pool with water dripping of her smooth and spotless body as she pressed the water off her hair.

The boys couldn’t help but stare at her and the person model body she has. Even the girl’s watched her too, wishing they had the same body.

The looks she received even fueled Maggie’s ego even more.

“Guys! Listen up!” Sylvia said and they turned to her.

“This Saturday is my birthday and I’ll be throwing a grand party. Everyone is invited, make sure you don’t miss out coz our guest of honor will be ECSTASY!” Sylvia said and the students began murmuring, feeling super excited.

“Should we go?” Becky asked.

“I’m not so sure…” Lucia said.

The four of them were sitting at the edge of the pool, kicking their feet in the water as they waited for the supervisor to arrive.

“C’mon, it’s a party! Let’s go and have fun!” Scarlett said and Eva nodded.

👥 He’s so hot!!

👥 The way his hair sticks to his face, gosh!!

Kingsley who was busy swimming, came out of the water. His muscles twitched as he ran his his hand through his hair, water dripping off his abs.

Kingsley looked at her and smirked. She frowned and rolled her eyes.

“I don’t get why you and Kingsley don’t like each other. He’s cute and you two go well together” Eva said.

“What? Eww no! Jayden is cute” Lucia frowned and immediately took in her lips when she realized what she just said.

As expected the girls were already giving her a funny look. She sighed out.

“It’s not what you’re thinking okay? We’re just friends!” Lucia said and stood up.

“Need to use the restroom” Lucia said and turned to leave but stopped when she was blocked by Maggie and Avery.

Lucia made to take the other way but stopped when she heard Maggie’s words

“Stay away from Kingsley” Maggie said and Lucia smirked.

“What? Feeling insecure?” Lucia crossed her arms.

Maggie took a step closer with the aim of intimidating Lucia but she stood her grounds.

“You don’t know the lengths I can go for Kingsley so take this as a friendly reminder to stay away from what belongs to me” Maggie said and Lucia chuckled.

“I was wondering what’s wrong but now I understand that your brain is on vacation but your mouth is working overtime. Yunno it’s better to let someone think you are an Idiot than to open your mouth and prove it.” Lucia shrugged.

“What!!” Maggie flared up, folding her fist tightly. Without wasting time she pushed Lucia inside the water.

The students gasped and their eyes turned to them when a loud splash noise was made as Lucia inside the water.

Lucia brought out her face to surface as she gasped removing the strand of hair from her face. She looked up to see Maggie smirking at her.

Lucia got out of the water and immediately pounced on Maggie. She pinned Maggie down, raining slaps and punches on her face while Maggie tried to fight back but couldn’t.

“Hey! Hey!” Avery said and made to join hands with Maggie but Lucia grabbed her hair and landed a slap on her cheek before pushing her in the water.

Maggie used the opportunity and switched positions, having her turn to deal with Lucia but it wasn’t for long for Lucia overpowered her.

“Lucia!” Eva and Scarlett went to separate them while Becky sat there, enjoying the fight.

The students too were so noisy as they filmed the fight.

“Lucia, enough!” Scarlett and Eva tried to hold Lucia back.

“What is happening here?” The swim coach voice roared in the area. He looked really angry.

“Maggie Jeong! Luciana Park! To the principal’s office” He said.

“It’s not fair, she started it!” Maggie pointed at Lucia.

“You pushed me in the water!” Lucia fired, feeling the urge to deal back with her

“Enough! To the principal’s office!”



The swimming classes ended few minutes ago. Becky was seen sitting on a bench with her hands in the pocket of her hoodie as she let the wind dishevel her hair.

Her phone rang and she brought it out. A smile escaped her lips when she saw who was calling.

“Mom, how are-“

“You bastard!!” Her mom’s voice echoed through the phone.

Becky went mute immediately. She already knew what coming next.

“Why did you ki|| my son! Why!! I h@ťě you! Why aren’t you déad yet!!” Her mom spatted on the phone, from the way she spoke one could clearly tell she was drunk.

“I didn’t ki|| Claude” Becky muttered, clutching tightly onto the skirt she wore.

“You ki||ed my son!!” The woman began crying on the phone. Another voice was heard apart from the woman voice looks like someone came in and took the phone from her.

“Becky-” Her dad’s voice was heard but Becky had already cut the call. She tossed her phone aside and the grip on her skirt tightened as she remembered that fateful day.

Becky used to have a big brother. Although he never really liked her, she has always admired him as the best big brother.

It was no secret that Becky’s mother loves her big brother more and she had no problem with it because of her admiration towards him till Claude’s attitude towards her changed

When Becky turned 15, Claude will always be acting weirdly around her touching her in an appropriate way and when Becky will complain to her mother she will wave it off, saying Becky was over reacting

It all continued till the day Claude decided to take it far. One a rainy night when Becky’s parents left for a party Claude sneaked in her room and attempted to rape her.

She begged and pleaded but it fell on dead ears, he almost did it but Becky’s hand fell on the scissors. Out of instincts, she stabbed him with it severally. Unfortunately Claude didn’t survive it.

The next day their parents came back to meet a dead Claude with Becky’s hand full of blood. That was the day that marked her mother’s hatred towards her.

Although the cameras in the house proved that Claude really tried to rape her and she did what she did out of self defense, that never changed her mother’s hatred towards her.

Due to that, Becky decided to leave home and pursue her dream of being an idol hoping it’ll relieve her but it didn’t. She didn’t even tell her band members about this.

“I didn’t do that.. I didn’t ki|| my brother, it was an act of self defense” Becky kept repeating to herself as she gripped tightly onto her skirt, her anxiety climbing so much.

“I didn’t do it… I didn’t do it…” She shook her head. She immediately dipped her hand inside her pocket and brought out a razor

Becky lifted up the sleeves of her hoodie that bad several scars on it, all inflicted by her

Yes, she developed a “Self injured disorder” which no one knows. To relieve herself of the anxiety she harms herself.

Becky was bringing down the razor to her wrist when someone grabbed her wrist from behind.

“What are you trying to do just now!” Kyle snatched the razor from her.

“Give that back!” Becky shouted. He could sense the pleading tone behind her voice.

“You were trying to harm yourself just now!” Kyle said, throwing the razor off the rooftop.

“No!!” Becky screamed out.

She glared at Kyle and made to rush out of the area but he grabbed her wrist.

“Let me go!”

“I can’t let you go when you’re in this state. Who knows what you might try to do” Kyle said.

Becky shook her head in tears. “I didn’t do it! I didn’t ki|| him! I didn’t ki|| him!!” She said and Kyle stared at her in confusion.

“I didn’t mean to… It was an act of self defense” Becky cried, grabbing onto his shirt.

Kyle felt his heart flutter just at that and he gulped down, staring down at her face that looked so pretty despite the tears.

Mason who was coming to the rooftop while pressing his phone stopped when he saw them. He glanced at them with a confused look on his face

He didn’t fail to notice the look on Kyle’s face and that made him smirk.

“He likes her?” He thought and smirked even more as a thought came into his head

💜 𝐓𝐨 𝐁𝐞 𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐮𝐞𝐝 🖤

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