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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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SYMPHONY OF HEARTS – Episode 11 & 12

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{ ….The Sparks Within …. }

THEME; Destined To Be With You.


By, Ariel Mirabel





ENJOY!! 🧸🎀

✰{ 𝓐𝓬𝓬𝓮𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓭 }✰

“Eat it” Velvet said, gesturing at the food

The whole crowd the canteen began bubbling with murmurs, eager to know what’s going to happen next.

The girl who sitting on the floor, crying her eyes out quietly stood up and scurried away before they noticed her.

Avery looked up Velvet from where she was sitting on the ground. One could see was somewhat scared but was trying to act tough.

“Ɓîtçh are you deaf? I-“

Velvet paused when her phone vibrated and she checked it before looking at Avery while smirking.

“You’re lucky I’m in a hurry to meet someone, you would have mopped this whole area with your tongue” Velvet said and made to leave but stopped in front of Maggie who was glaring at her

Velvet smirked and casted her a “be careful with me” look before walking off. The students murmured as they watched Velvet leave.

Maggie folded her fists tightly before walking off in anger, leaving Avery on the ground.

Lucia’s gaze followed Velvet till she exited the canteen.

“Who is she?” Lucia asked

“She’s Velvet, the only girl that can put bullies into their places. I heard that her and Maggie used to be close but not anymore” Eva said.

“Why?” Lucia asked, slowly sitting back down.

“Well I think Maggie betrayed her by having a one night stand with Velvet’s boyfriend” Becky said, eating her food.

“What?” Lucia’s eyes widened and Eva nodded.

“That’s so cruel of her. What happened to the boyfriend” Lucia asked.

“Well they broke up last year but I heard he transfered to another school” Becky said and Lucia nodded.

“Well I think I like Velvet” Lucia smiled.



Velvet walked up to the rooftop and met who she was looking for. She smiled and walked to him then slapped his head

“Ouch!” Kingsley winced, rubbing his head as he turned to her with a frown.

“I missed you dummy! Why didn’t you tell me that you’ll be coming back” Velvet ruffled his hair like a kid.

“Stop that, I’m not in the mood” Kingsley sighed.

“Is it because of your stepmom or should I say ex? Gosh, that’s so weird” Velvet sighed, sitting down next to him.

“You still haven’t changed your weird tomboy style huh?” Kingsley said.

“Yup, I could still remember when we were small and how I used to steal all your clothes” Velvet said and Kingsley smiled.

“Oh! I have a great news for you” Velvet sat up straight and Kingsley looked at him.

“Guess who passed the scholarship test and will he joining us” Velvet said.


The door to the rooftop swung open and Jackson ran in, breathing heavily.

“Sorry, I’m late” Jackson said.

Kingsley’s eyes widened. “Jack?” He muttered and his eyes brightened.

“Yup, finally our trio is complete” Velvet winked.

Kingsley stood up to hug Jackson briefly. Velvet, Jackson and Kingsley used to be good friends when they were kids till Kingsley traveled abroad.

Velvet’s family were well acquainted to Kingsley’s family while Jackson’s father worked for Kingsley’s dad and that’s how they got to know each other.

“I bumped on Maggie while coming.. She changed” Jackson said and Velvet’s mood changed.

“Vel, why don’t you forgive Maggie? Let’s end this misunderstanding and finally become the squad we used to be” Kingsley said.

“She didn’t felt an ounce of remorse when she did that, so what should I forgive her” Velvet said and Kingsley kept quiet.

“So, I finally met my online girlfriend!” Jackson spoke up, trying to liven up the mood.

“What? The one you wouldn’t stop talking about? I bet she turned out to be our school teacher” Velvet laughed and Jackson frowned

“No, she’s young and super pretty. She’s in that girl band that lost everything due to the scandal of a band member” Jackson said.

“Pinky Pixies?” Velvet asked and Jackson nodded.

“Who are they?” Kingsley furrowed his brows.

“Well they debuted last year and so far they were successful, even more than ECSTASY till a huge scandal sparked last two months of Lucia, the youngest in the group. The scandal says she slept with a man 10 years older just to get their group to the top” Velvet said and Kingsley’s eyes widened.

“Wait, can I see the pic of that Lucia in particular” Kingsley said

“Uhh.. Sure” Jackson said and searched till he fell on it before showing it to Jackson.

His eyes widened. “That brat… It’s her” He said inwardly.

“You look stunned, do you know her?” Jackson asked

“Well she’s my seatmate in class. Super annoying and bratty” Kingsley said, handing back Jackson’s phone.

“And the rumors, is it really true?” Kingsley asked.

“Well nothing has been done to clear it so… I guess so” Velvet shrugged

Kingsley just nodded.

Almost immediately the electronic bell rung.

“Let’s go to class” Velvet said and led the way



Scarlett slowly opened her eyes to see she was in the school’s clinic. She immediately sat up and looked around to see no one

“Was.. Was I dreaming?” She muttered.

Almost immediately a nurse walked. Relief watched through her when she saw Scarlett was awake.

“Thank goodness you’re awake, I was about to call the school administration” The nurse sighed.

“Umm.. What am I doing here?” Scarlett asked.

“Oh a handsome boy brought you here. You were unconscious” The nurse said and Scarlett gasped.

“The f-__-k! It’s really! I fainted in front of him.. Shibal! Shibal! Shibal! (f-__-k! f-__-k! f-__-k!)” Scarlett panicked as she felt like the ground should swallow her up.

“You should probably get going, I heard your classes have started” The nurse said and Scarlett nodded.

She immediately wore her shoes and ran out of the ward while smoothing her short hair with her hands.

She got to class and opened the door to meet the teacher already in class.

“You’re late” The teacher said.

“I’m sorry, wasn’t feeling too well” Scarlett apologized and the teacher nodded for her to go to her seat.

She faced the students and her eyes widened when she saw Jackson sitting next to another student.

Jackson looked up from his notes and smiled at her. She quickly looked away and hurried to her seat.

“Is he your boyfriend?” Eva whispered to Scarlett when she noticed Scarlett’s weird behavior

Scarlett nodded, burying her face in her books.

“He’s cute!” Eva winked.

Kingsley couldn’t help but look over at Lucia once in a while. He still couldn’t believe she did what the scandal says.

Yes, she’s stubborn and annoying and bratty but he honestly didn’t think she’ll do something like that

Lucia sighed and looked up from her notebook.

“Will you stop staring at me? It’s annoying! I know I’m pretty and you can’t resist my charms but you’re not my league” Lucia said and Kingsley scoffed, mockery clearly evident in his tone

“Falling for you is like a mini version of hell and besides I’m single, not desperate” Kingsley smirked.

Lucia glared at him. “You-“

“Luciana Park! Kingsley Kim! Behave yourselves” The teachers voice echoed.

Lucia and Kingsley glared at each other before facing front.

“Don’t you think she’s trying to use her trick to flirt with King” Avery whispered to Maggie who was fuming already

“No way… Kingsley is mine” Maggie said, glaring at Lucia.



The whole school was deserted, the last student who was seen leaving was Kingsley. He stayed back because he had some notes to fill up.

He walked out the building and was heading to his car when a voice called his name.

“King!” Kingsley turned to see it was Maggie. His face dulled down immediately.

“What?” He said.

“Can we stop this fight already? I’m sorry okay? I’m sorry, let’s stop giving each other the cold shoulder okay?” Maggie pouted.

Kingsley sighed and faced her. “Will you stop being a bully?” He asked.


“You very well how much I got bullied when I was a kid because I didn’t have a mom. Seeing others getting bullied just reminds me of that” Kingsley said and Maggie took in her lower lips.

“Okay, fine. I’ll try” Maggie said.

Kingsley smiled and spread out his arms. Maggie immediately hugged him.

“I love you” She muttered and Kingsley’s smile fell.

Maggie cupped his cheek and stood on her toe, bringing her lips closer to his but Kingsley shifted away.

“Margaret” Kingsley called, looking surprised.

“Quit that surprised look King, you know very well how much I love you” Maggie said and held his hand.

“Our family wants us to be together, I want to be yours. Please give me a chance and I promise I won’t let you down, please” Maggie said.

Kingsley sighed and slowly removed his hand from hers.

“I’ll act like all this never happened” Kingsley said.


“Margaret, I love you but not the same way you love me. I see you as a kid sis, a friend.. You deserve to be with someone who loves you, please just ki|| that feeling” Kingsley said softly.

“Do you think it’s that easy?” Maggie said with tears in her eyes. “I don’t want you to see me as a kid sis, I want you to see me as a lady who loves you” Maggie said loudly.

Kingsley sighed.

“I’m sorry.” Kingsley said and with that, he got into his car and drove off.

Maggie watched as the car sped off with tears in her eyes.



Lucia logged into her laptop and sighed when she saw no inbox. Days ago, she applied to many companies to take them in but it looks like none of the companies wants them.

“This is so frustrating!” Lucia whined, running her hands through her hair.

Scarlett walked in Lucia’s room, dressed in a pink crop top and white mini skirt, looking cute and Șëx¥.

She frowned when she saw Lucia sitting on her bed, looking so unkempt.

“Why aren’t you dressed already?” Scarlett crossed her arms.

“Hmm? What for?” Lucia blinked and Scarlett rolled her eyes and sighed.

“Don’t tell me you’ve forgotten? We bought tickets to the concerts of ECSTASY. VIP seats” Scarlett said and Lucia’s eyes widened

“We’re waiting for you downstairs, hurry up.” Scarlett said and the room

Lucia immediately stood up from the bed and took a quick shower. Her wardrobe was filled with revealing wears and since she wasn’t used to wearing those, she picked a hoodie and jeans.

It looked quite odd for a concert but that’s what she’s comfortable in. She brushed her hair and immediately rushed downstairs.

Almost immediately, Scarlett’s phone rang. She looked at it and sighed when she saw it was Jackson calling

“Won’t you answer the calls of your precious boyfriend?” Becky said sarcastically.

“I’m.. I’m still embarrassed. Let’s go, I’ll talk to him tomorrow” Scarlett said and with that, they left.

“Who’s your bias in ECSTASY?” Eva asked Lucia

“Umm.. Jayden” Lucia smiled.

“Mine is Andrew” Scarlett said

“Mine is Kyle” Eva smiled

“Mine is none, I’m going because you guys are going” Becky shrugged and they chuckled before boarding the cab.



Kingsley was seen in front of his laptop as he sipped a mug of coffee while manipulating it. He asked his company’s manager to send him the files of the applicants and he was going through it, approving and declining those he didn’t find talented.

He paused when he saw a familiar name.

“Pinky Pixies?” He muttered and his mind drifted to his discussion with Velvet and Jackson.

“It’s that brat’s group” He muttered. Accepting them into his company will only implicate his company into their scandal.

He made to reject them but paused when a thought came up in his head.

“Time for payback, brat” He smirked and clicked the accept icon.



The concert ended few minutes ago and the huge crowd was seen screaming their lungs out as Jayden and his crew left the stage.

“It was so fun!!” Lucia exclaimed her. Never did she thought she’ll get to attend a concert

“I know right? Let’s go to the backstage maybe we’ll be lucky to have their autograph” Scarlett said.

“Wait, I don’t-” Before Lucia could object, she was already dragging her to the backstage.

They got there and met some fans struggling to have their autographs before they entered the van that will take off.

The girls went to fight for their own autograph. Lucia stood in the middle of the crowd rushing for Jayden’s autograph.

His gaze went to her and he smiled. “Hey” He mumbled inaudibly as he waved.

Lucia smiled slightly, waving back. After two or three autograph, Jayden finally got to her.

“Didn’t know you attended our concert” Jayden said, taking the book she came with to sign his autograph.

Unlike his usual normal wears he was wearing a rock style outfit, looking hot and Șëx¥.

“Well I do love some of your songs” Lucia said.

“Oh cool” Jayden smiled and handed her back her book.

Lucia looked at it to see he also wrote his number.

“Your number.” Lucia muttered, looking up at him and Jayden nodded.

“We keep bumping into each other in awkward situations so I guess destiny wants us to be friends. I’ll be expecting your text” Jayden said.


“Goodbye” Jayden waved and Lucia didn’t complete her words. She just smiled and waved at Jayden who walked to his band members.

“I saw you give your number to that girl. Do you like her?” Kyle winked when Jayden got to them.

“It doesn’t hurt making female friends right?” Jayden shrugged.

Andrew licked his lips as he looked at Scarlett. “She’s hot” Andrew smirked.

“She looks too innocent for you. Stay away from the poor girl Andy” Jayden shook his head.

“She’s my type” Andrew smiled, starring at Scarlett.

Scarlett who noticed Andrew staring her gave him a confused look. He winked at her before getting in the van that took off.




Immediately the clock hit 8 on the dot, the noisy alarm began beeping loudly. Lucia groaned and sat up then angrily turned off the alarm.

She yawned and stretched her arms tiredly, her hair pointing out in all directions.

Lucia rose up from her bed and headed to the bathroom with her phone. She picked her brush and pressed out the paste on it before bringing up her phone to play a music when she noticed an e-mail was sent to her

“Hmm? From K~KIM ENTERTAINMENT?” Lucia muttered and opened the message.

Her eyes widened as she choked on the foamy substance that was in her mouth.

She spit it out and looked back at her phone with wide eyes. They got accepted into one of the biggest entertainment industry in Korea?!

“What the fuuuuckkkk!!!!”

💜 𝐓𝐨 𝐁𝐞 𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐮𝐞𝐝 🖤

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