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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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SYMPHONY OF HEARTS – Episode 1 & 2

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{ ….The Sparks Within …. }

THEME; Destined To Be With You.


By, Ariel Mirabel

ENJOY!! 🧸🎀

✰{ 𝓐𝓷𝓭 𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓢𝓽𝓸𝓻𝔂 𝓑𝓮𝓰𝓲𝓷𝓼 }✰


🎼When we’re together, time just flies

🎼I never want to say goodbye

🎼Your touch, your smile, your everything

🎼Makes me feel like I’m on a swing

🎼Cause you give me butterflies

🎼Cause you give me butter..flies

A very beautiful and melodious voice rented the silent classroom filled with students watching her as she sang her heart out in front of the class.

Her face came to view. Chubby cheeks, red big pimples all around the face were the words to describe her face

Lucia finished singing and she faced the teacher who clapped for her happily. The teacher faced the students, expecting them to clap along but none of them made a move

They all stared at Lucia with bored eyes, some looked pissed, while some rolled their eyes.

Lucia’s gaze slowly went down to the ground with the mean look she was receiving.

“Well done Luciana, once again you score a ten on ten. Your voice is so good and soothing and the fact that you wrote those lyrics, bravo!” The teacher complimented Lucia who smiled.

“Too bad this is the only subject she can score an A.” A girl said and the class immediately erupted in laughter.

“If only her voice complimented her face then that will give me reasons to look at her, all I see right now just gives me reason to puke” Another girl said and the class laughed even more.

Lucia kept her gaze down, fighting back her tears as the class laughed even more.

“Zoey! Watch your mouth, it’s not a very nice thing to say” The teacher reprimanded the second girl.

Zoey rolled her eyes as she chewed on her bubble gum.

The teacher faced Lucia and smiled. “You can go and take your seat Lucia” She said and Lucia nodded then began walking to her seat

Zoey intentionally set her foot out of her desk and Lucia tripped on it, falling down. She bruised her knees in the process

“OMG!! Earthquake!! A whale just fell down!!” Zoey gasped and the class laughed loudly

“Zoey! To the detention hall, right now!” The teacher said sternly.

Zoey hissed and stood up from her desk, she glared at Lucia who was still sitting on the ground and Lucia shivered, already knowing it’s bad news for her

“Disgusting” Zoey said and walked away, stepping on Lucia’s finger in the process.

“Ouch!” Lucia winced, holding her finger.

She slowly stood up and went to the back where her seat was

👥 So ugly!

👥 Thank God I don’t live with her, I’d have preferred being blind than looking at this everyday

👥 She’s always sweaty, so gross

👥 Eww, look at her pimples.

“Who wants to follow Zoey to the detention hall” The teacher said and the class immediately became silent.

“No one? Cool” The teacher said and faced the board

Lucia cleaned her tears that were thr_@tening to fall as she rubbed her hurting finger.


The loud electronic blared loudly, signalling the end for today’s class. Students were seen trooping out of their classes, heading to the school exit.

Everyone of them looked so cute and handsome with slim and gorgeous bodies. They chatted amongst themselves as they walked out

Lucia walked out of the classroom with her head down while holding onto her books. Every students she walked by casted a disgusted look at her.

Lucia who had her head down while walking suddenly bumped on someone. Her eyes widened in fear when she saw it was Zoey with her minions behind her.


“You piece of trash!” Zoey landed a deafening slap on her cheek without wasting time.

Zoey is the queen bee of the school, and though her parents are strict, she still does what she wants.

Lucia held her cheek tightly in pain and before she knew it Zoey slapped her again and pushed her to the ground.

“Because of you I got a detention!” Zoey barked

“I’m sorry” Lucia cried

Zoey placed her foot front. “Beg me properly. Kiss my feet while apologizing and don’t stop till I say so” Zoey smirked

Lucia nodded and got down on her knees, she made to bend down and kiss Zoey’s shoe when her school jacket tore.

The students passing by immediately began laughing at her

👥 Hippopotamus is that you?

👥 Does she gets fatter by the day?

Lucia cried even more with all the words that kept hitting her.

“What are you f-__-king waiting for?” Zoey’s voice echoed, bringing her back to reality

With closed eyes, Lucia brought her face down and kissed Zoey’s shoes.

“I’m sorry” She muttered and kissed her shoe again before saying it again

The mocking laughter of the student hit her ears as she continued doing it.



Lucia could be seen sitting before her small reading table as she smiled while staring at her small phone. The phone’s screen had a lot of cracks on it and some part of it looked blurry.

She smiled as she rubbed her thumb on the picture she was staring on her phone. It was a picture of guy who was drinking from a bottle, the picture looked like it was taken unaware.

Lucia smiled even more, the guy is the captain of the basketball team in her school. Almost every girl in school has a crush on him and she isn’t excluded.

She brought out a paper and smiled to herself as she began writing down a love letter. Once she was done, she read through the letter and smiled even more.

“I hope he also likes the song that I wrote for him” She muttered.

Lucia was still smiling happily but her happiness was shortlived when the door to her room swung open with great force

She immediately stuffed the letter inside her school bag before standing up. She looked back to see a woman who look like she was in her late 30s


A deafening slap landed on her cheek and she staggered back.

“You dumb kid!”

Lucia closed her eyes as papers were thrown at her face. No one needed to tell her those were the results of her exam.

“You failed all your subjects, again! Is it possible for someone to be as dumb as you!!” The woman barked and Lucia shifted back in fear as she held onto her cheek.

“I’m sorry mother..” Lucia said as tears streamed down her cheek.

Eloise Yang is a single mother, she adopted Luciana when she was still a baby and for once never treated her well.

“Tell me what’s your purpose in this life, you’re ugly, fat, dumb, you are totally useless.. Useless!” Eloise shouted at her face.

Eloise breathed heavily, running her hands through her hair.

“If you fail one more semester that’s it, you’re dropping out of school. I can’t be wasting my money to sponsor you to school” Eloise said and Lucia’s eyes widened.

“But mom-“

“Who gave you the permission to speak while I’m talking!” Eloise slapped her hard again.

Eloise looked at her from head to toe with a glare. “Disgusting” She spatted.

The door to the entrance opened and a girl in a chique and expensive school uniform different from Lucia’s uniform walked in the house.

That’s Avery, Eloise biological daughter. Unlike Lucia who attends a middle class school, she attends one of the biggest school in Korea where it is said that only the elites get to attend it

How Avery got in the school is still a mystery because Eloise is just a shop owner and can’t afford to sponsor Avery in that school.

“Mom, I’m back!” Avery exclaimed and a smile immediately crept up Eloise lips instantly.

“Did you study well?” Eloise spoke and Avery nodded.

“I got A and Bs in my test” Avery smiled

“That’s my daughter! To celebrate this, I made your favorite food” Eloise said

“Awwn thank you mom!” Avery gushed.

“I’ll be in the living room” Eloise smiled at Avery then glared at Lucia before leaving the room

Avery looked at Lucia from head to toe and smirked.

“Lemme guess you failed again” Avery said and Lucia said nothing.

“Having you bear the same surname as me is really an embarrassment to me. Thank goodness we attend different school coz I’ll be really ashamed if my friends found out we were related” Avery scorned.

She opened her backpack and brought out three books, dropping it on Lucia’s bed.

“I want these notes well copied before tomorrow morning” Avery said and Lucia slowly nodded

“Good” Avery smirked before walking out.

Lucia looked at the notes as more tears fell from her eyes.



The teacher could be seen in front, teaching while the students copied the notes.

The electronic bell rang, signalling the end of the class. The teacher left while the students began packing their stuff.

Lucia kept her books and brought out the letter from her bag. She stared at it while smiling, even though she knows there’s no way he can ever see her the way she sees him, she just want to let him know that she’ll always be his No 1 supporter.

“What’s she smiling at?” One of Zoey’s minion commented, looking at Lucia

Zoey looked at the paper Lucia was holding and smirked. Lucia stood up and walked out of the class.

“This will be fun” Zoey muttered and left the class too. Her minions followed her immediately while giggling.

Lucia could be seen walking in the hallway with her eyes darting around. Her eyes brighten when she finally saw who she was looking

He was closing his locker when Lucia got to him.

“Dave, hi” Lucia bowed and the boy named Dave frowned immediately.

“What do you want?”


“Babe” A voice said from behind and Dave smiled looking at her

Lucia turned back to see the girl he was smiling at was none other than Zoey.

Zoey got to Dave and kissed him right there before her. Lucia swallowed hard as she looked at them. Never did she knew that these two were dating.

She turned and made to leave when Zoey’s next word stopped her on her track.

“What were about to say to my boyfriend, fattie? Oh what’s in your hand” Zoey asked looking at the letter

Before Lucia could hide it, Zoey snatched it from her.

“Please give it back” Lucia begged with pleading eyes

Zoey smirked and opened the letter, she smirked even more.

“Oh, it’s a letter for my boyfriend” She said and looked at Lucia then at Dave.

Students were already gathering around them.

“What do you want babe, should I read it loud for you?” Zoey asked and Dave nodded.

Lucia’s eyes widened in fear. Panic struck her and she began sweating even more.

“Okay the letter goes thus” Zoey said

“Zoey, please” Lucia pleaded but Zoey didn’t spare her a glance.

“Dear Dave, how are you doing today? I hope you’re fine and you’ve eaten well” Zoey stopped reading and laughed

👥 That’s super cringe of her.

“The reason why I’m writing this letter to you is to let you know that I’m your number one supporter, I watched every one of your basketball matches and I’ll keep supporting. Saranghae oppa! I really like you oppa, I wrote a song for you and-“

The students were already laughing so hard, even Zoey stopped reading to laugh along

“I can’t continue reading this, it’s too hilarious” Zoey laughed.

Lucia took in her lower lips, fidgeting on her spot. Shame didn’t allow her to look up.

“So babe, what do you have to say to your number one supporter” Zoey air quoted the “number one”

“All I have to say is eww, hit the gym fattie” Dave twisted his face in disgust and the crowd laughed even more

👥 Shameless must be her middle name

👥 I heard she came out last in this semester exam

👥 Ugly with no brain…

Lucia was still standing there when Zoey’s minion brought in a bucket of dirty water.

A gasp escaped Lucia’s lips when the smelly water was poured on her. The crowd laughed even more, even Dave joined in the laughter.

Lucia’s gaze scanned around the crowd who kept laughing loudly at her with tears pouring out from her eyes.

She immediately ran off in tears. The students died in laughter coz of the way she ran was even funny to watch.



“What! What do you mean by she’s been alive for all these years” A lady’s voice said.

The room was dark, only her silhouette could be seen. She had her leg crossed over the other, sitting on the swivel chair

Another female voice spoke on the phone.

“Ma’am I’m–“

“f-__-king shut that trash you call mouth. If by tomorrow I don’t see proves of her dead body then I swéar, it’s not only your head that will be rolling on the floor” She said and hang up immediately.

“I can’t risk my plans getting ruined because of one girl” The lady hissed, tapping her red painted nails on the table.



Places were dark already with only the streetlights illuminating the area. Lucia could be seen going back home. Her uniform was dirty and she smelled so bad from the water poured at her.

It was late but she didn’t care. Not like Eloise will care if something bad happened to her.

Actually she waited for all the students to leave the school before leaving since she didn’t want anymore problem for the day

Her thoughts went to what happened today, how they all laughed at her and that brought tears to her eyes.

The cloud growled angrily, it was going to rain any moment from now.

She stopped by when she saw a news going on on the TV she could see through the transparent window.

“Luciana Park, the maknae (youngest) of a rising girl group ‘Pinky Pixies’ caught in a segz scandal with a man 10 years older than her.. The reporters confirmed it to be true and…”

“She’s my namesake” Lucia muttered, watching as the pictures of the girl was displayed. The girl looked so pretty and cute.

“You’re lucky, it’s just a segz scandal but you’re still so pretty and gorgeous unlike me. My life is a scandal on its own. I wish I were in your shoes” She muttered as tears fell down her cheeks.

She cleaned her tears and resumed walking. The street became silent with no one around. Lucia stopped walking when she felt she was been followed.

She looked back but saw no one. She now looked front and her eyes widened when she saw a masked woman holding a knife.

“No..” She shook her head and turned to run away but the woman stabbed her on her back

Her eyes widened.

“Argh!” Lucia cried out when the woman pulled out the knife and stabbed her again, this time on her tummy.

She stabbed her again on her chest before pulling out the knife, stabbing her one last time

Luciana fell down to the ground, breathing heavily. The woman took pictures before walking off but Luciana spotted a red bracelet on her wrist

Luciana kept gasping more and more for breath, her blood continued pumping out of her wound

She looked up at the sky.

“I don’t want to die, please” Luciana cried.

Even though she h@ťěs her life, she still has dreams to achieve. She wants to be a star, she wants to be in the limelight, she wants to be recognized for her talent.

Luciana gasped even more for breath, the more the minutes passed the more she find it difficult to breath.

A drop of tear slipped off her eyes as she took her last breath. The cloud thundered and almost immediately the rain began pouring on the body.



Lucia slowly opened her eyes and her gaze met with the ceiling. Her eyes widened and she immediately sprang up from the bed.

She looked around the room

“How did I get in here?” She muttered

She’s alive! She looked at her body and her eyes widened even more, wait something feels off.

She looked at her side to see a mirror there. Her eyes bulged out like never before.

Her reflection, it was that girl she watched on TV. She’s in the body of that girl she watched on TV??


💜 𝐓𝐨 𝐁𝐞 𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐮𝐞𝐝 🖤

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