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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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SUPER STARS – Episode 15

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(Trapped in
their web)


THEME: Melodious vocalist


By, Manuel blaq .A.






{y̷e̷s̷!, s̷h̷e̷ i̷̷s̷ m̷y̷ m̷o̷m̷ }


“What did you just say?”,Kristen asked him,even though he heard what he said loud and clear,

She wished he could say it again but with more seriousness,she couldn’t deny it anymore,she loves him,

“Just kidding”,he said and she let out a awkward smile before facing the book she was reading,

She flipped the book open and closed it back,before turning her gaze on Manuel,

“You can go now,you are distracting me from reading”,she said

“Let’s read together then”,he said and was about collect the book from her,

“No,you can’t read this”,Kristen said hiding the book at her back,

“Why can’t I?”,Manuel asked her

“Nothing,but I won’t allow you read this book”,Kristen said holding the book very tightly,

“Stop this,let’s read together”,Manuel said

“They are other books in the shelf here,in the library,as for this particular book,you are prohibited from reading it”,Kristen said

“I won’t touch you,I know you are doing this because you know me to be a Playboy, right?”,Manuel said

“No that’s not the reason”,Kristen snapped,

“So why are you not allowing me read the book?”,Manuel asked

“That’s because……because”,She stopped when she couldn’t think of a perfect lie,

“You can’t just read this book”,She quickly said,

“Okay,I think I would leave you to be alone”,he said and was about to leave when Kristen held his hand,he looked back

“You are not mad at me,right?”,Kristen said blinking her eyes twice,

“How can I be mad at this cutie”,he said and cupped her cheeks,she blushed

Manuel started leaving and Kristen was staring at his back view till he was out of sight,

“Gwad,why is my heart beating so fast?”,she asked herself while palming her chest,

“That’s is because you are in love with him”,a voice sounded behind her

“Oh my….”,she gasped in fear

“Chill,it’s me”,the voice sounded again and Kristen turned to see Dassie,

“Are you a ghost?,when did you arrive here?”,Kristen asked

“Before you and Manuel came in”,Dassie said,

“What!”,Kristen gasp

“You are in love with him,right?”,Dassie asked Kristen,

“Yes I do”,Kristen replied

“Why don’t you confessed your feelings to him”,Dassie said

“Let’s talk about you,Don’t you think Spice loves you,from the way……”

“I know but I don’t love him”,Dassie cut her off,

“Why?,because of that guy you told me about?,Ashley or Ashes,wh@ťěver he was named by his parent,I don’t care,it’s because of him,right?”,Kristen asked

“No,I decided to move on after your advice,but I love someone else,not spice”,Dassie said

“Who?”,Kristen asked

“Forget about it”,Dassie said

“That’s by the way,why didn’t you let Manuel read the book?”,Dassie asked and Kristen raised the book to her face so she could take a clearer view of the title,

“7,tips to make a man fall in love with you!”,Dassie said,covering her mouth with her palm,


Cheryl was the first to stand up,since she was on top,

“Am sorry for making you fall”,Cheryl apologized,

“It’s okay,not like I fell on the floor”,Frederick said and walked out from her room,

Cheryl went to the living room,she took the the remote control and turned on her favorite channel,

Snow came into the living room,he was sticking out his tongue as he kept panting,

He climbed the couch were Cheryl was sitting on,and went closer to sit with her,

“Snow,what’s up”,Cheryl said and it’s started barking,

“Woo! Woo!”,It’s kept barking

“It’s okay snow,I didn’t ask you to start barking”,She said

“It’s his own way of replying to questions,you don’t expect him to speak like humans”,a familiar voice sounded behind her and she turned to see Jeremy,

Cheryl just nodded her head,

“Let me show you how smart my dog is”,Jeremy said

“Snow!”,he said again, snapping his fingers and snow ran to him,

“My Jacket is on my bed,am cold”,Jeremy acted like he was cold,snow ran off immediately,

“Watch and see how smart snow is”,Jeremy said and Cheryl only smiled

Few minutes later,Snow was back with Jeremy’s jacket in between his teeth,

“Woah!”,Cheryl gasp

“Good boy”,Jeremy said and ruffles his fur before collecting the Jacket from him

“Can I too,send him on an errand”,Cheryl said staring at the cute dog,

“Sure”,Jeremy said

“But he only obeys me”,Jeremy added

“I will break that record”,Cheryl said

“No,don’t do it,last time I did,it’s nearly bite me”,Frederick said coming in,

“That’s nonsense”,Cheryl said

“Hey Snow,am hungry”,Cheryl said and to their surprise snow jumped out of the couch,

“Nah,it’s won’t obey you,it’s will come and bite you”,Jeremy said

Few minutes later,Snow was dragging a basket of apple with his teeth as he walked towards Cheryl

Frederick and Jeremy eyes widened while Cheryl smiled

“Snow loves pu**y too”,Frederick said

“My apples!”,Jeremy screamed


Javier came here to drink after what he saw,he already drank six bottles and he is till drinking more,

He couldn’t just get the scene off his head no matter how hard he tries,

He started pouring the alcohol on his head when the scene flashed his head,

His shirt was already drenched with alcohol,as his whole body reeks of alcohol,

“Why me?,why can’t I get want I want,she was my first love but he took her away from me,why Frederick?,is it because his rich?,am rich too,am freaking handsome too,am way more handsome than him,so tell me why you choose him over me,Cheryl please come back to me,it’s you I need,am in love with,my heart is beating crazily only because of you”,Javier lamented in his drunken state,

Someone appeared beside him and he looked up,

“Cheryl?”,he called when Cassie was the one standing beside him,

“Cheryl I love you”,Javier said

“It’s not Cheryl,it’s Cassie”,Cassie said,though she was feeling bad,he is this way all because of Cheryl,somehow it’s hurts her feelings,

“I know you are lying,it’s you Cheryl”,Javier said and stood up,

“I told you… ”

Cassie stop talking when Javier cage her to the wall,a gasp escape her lips,

His face was very close to her face that she could feel the air he breath out through his nostrils,

He sighed deeply and an unpleasant smell of alcohol hits her nose but she didn’t care,she was busy staring at his handsome face,as she wondered why this man standing here has this effect on her,

“What…..are….you.. doing?,She managed to say but her eyes widened when he slammed his lips on her own,

Her heart beat increased as butterflies assembled in her tummy,she was developing sparks all over her body that she didn’t know when she started kissing him back,

The feeling she’s getting right now,she wishes for it to never end,

They kept devouring each others lips,at this moment nothing else concerns them,

Tristan entered the frat house and the first thing his eyes captured was the kissing couple,

His eyes widened when he saw it’s was no other than Cassie,he watched as the both kiss and it’s was as if an invisible spear was thrown directly at his heart,

He palmed his heart and manage to leave dejectedly,


Gigi was in her room crying her eyes out,she has being crying since Nathan turned her down,

Her eyes were all swollen and reddish as a result of how long she has been crying,

No one was in the house to console,absolutely no one,

It’s was only her,enduring the consequences of one sided love,she wished for the ground to open and just swallow her,but her wish wasn’t granted,

*Am in love with someone else*

This sentence rang in her head and a serious headache hit her head,

Everywhere and Everything was becoming blurry to her eyes as her eyes was closing slowly,she was slowly traveling into an unconscious state

Her eyes closed completely and she fell down,

She passed out!


“when are you going to confess your feelings to Nathan!”,Miguel asked Ariana,

“I dunno,am just scared that he might reject me”,Ariana said

“I think he is also in love with you,just try and confess to him”,Miguel said

“I will do that later”,Ariana said

“That’s a good idea”,Miguel said,he stood and started leaning closer to her,

Meanwhile,Nathan was looking for them everywhere and he decided to check here only to see Miguel leaning closer to…..

Miguel leaned closer and removed the dirt on Ariana’s hair,

Nathan stormed in,you need nobody to tell you that he is angry,he went closer to Miguel and threw a hard punch on his cheeks,Ariana gasps

“How dare you kissed her!!”,Nathan thundered

“What do you mean?,he didn’t kiss me”,Ariana half yelled

“What!,I caught him leaning closer to kiss you”,Nathan said

“O boy, try to dey calm down,nah dirty wey I comot from her hair,abi you wan use hand destroy my mouth”,Miguel said in Nigeria broken English,

He has been to Nigeria before so he sure knows how to speak their broken language,

“What are you saying?”,Nathan and Ariana said

“Nothing,remember I spent five years in Nigeria,that’s just one of their languages”,Miguel said

“Okay”,both chorused

“Am sorry for the punch”,Nathan apologized,

“It’s okay”,Miguel said

“Wait. you got Jealous,does that me you….”,Ariana stopped and blushed

“Yes,I love you Ariana”,he said and she slammed her lips on his own,

They broke the kiss

“I love you too,Nathan”,Ariana smiled

They reconnected their lips and started kissing each other Madly,

“No girlfriend,big problem,am single,still searching”,Miguel said in Nigeria language again,


Rex was in the cellar drinking while he was thinking about Kristen,

He smiled when he remembered how she punched him,

He couldn’t hold his laughter when he also remembered when she was marching on his Ďïčk,

He should be angry,right?,but why is he smiling and laughing,

“What’s up”,Mike came to sit with him

“You know k-Girl,right?”,Rex said and Mike nodded

“Let’s kidnap her”,Rex said

“Shhhh!”,Mike said placing his index finger on his lips,

“What!”,Rex said

“Watch your mouth,the boss has no flies on his body,the last time I did that without his permission…. ”

“Are you helping me or not?”,Rex cut him off,

“I will”,Mike said


Julio was seen signing some documents,he was putting on glasses,though they’re medicated,

Robert came in,

“Sir,this is the coffee you asked for”,Robert said,

“Drop it on the table,you can leave afterwards”,Julio said and Robert did as he was told,

Julio grabbed the mug but his hands were checking,he tried controlling it but it’s was impossible,

Finally,the mug fell off his hand broke into pieces,

He sighed

“What’s wrong with me?”,he asked himself,and that’s when Warren came in,

“Why didn’t you knock?”,Julio said

“C’mon,we are family”,Warren said and sat down without permission from Julio,

“I think you should run a test on me”,Julio said,

“What’s the problem?”,Warren asked

“We will have to perform a CT and MRI scan on you to know what the problem is,but from the look of things,it’s bad”,Warren said after Julio have told him the symptoms that happens to him

“Okay”,Julio said


Today,Everywhere was moody and that’s because today is the death anniversary of late singer,Lady Suzy,

Her fans who missed her so much decided not to eat the whole day,


The student were in the cafeteria eating when the television went on,

? As you all know today is the death anniversary of the late popular singer Lady Suzy,her fans showed their loyalty by deciding to starve themselves for the whole of today

? May her soul rest in peace!

? Heard she committed suicide!

? Suicide is not always the best option

? she didn’t think how are kids would feel

? She has no kids

? Rest in perfect peace,Lady suzy


Cheryl tears flowed down her cheeks as she sobbed quietly,she was currently sitting on a couch her eyes glued to her phone,

Today is her Mother anniversary,she is just coming back from the grave site,right now she was staring at her mom(suzy) picture while sobbing quietly,


Nathan was kneeling on his Mom’s grave with a bouquet of flower in his hands,

“Mom,how are you doing?,just like you wanted Cheryl is becoming a popular singer,hope am doing a great job taking care of her”,Nathan said holding back his tears


Back in white Mansion,Cheryl was still staring at her mothers picture,

“Why are you staring at that?,you related to her?”,she heard Frederick voice,

“Yes,she’s my mom”,Cheryl said Frederick received the shock of his life

He dash out of the mansion and zoomed off the school compound in one of his car,

He was driving through the express road roughly like a maniac,

“No,this can’t be”,he said increasing the speed of his car

*yes,she’s my mom*

Her words rang in his head again and he palmed his head,loosing control of the car







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