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Friday, October 18, 2024
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SUPER STARS – Episode 12

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(Trapped in
their web)


THEME: Melodious vocalist


By, Manuel blaq .A.






{PLAN TO ki|| II}


Javier and Jeremy ran to him,Cheryl stood there staring at him in tears,

She squatted slowly and started stroking his hair ,taking a closer look on his pale face,

Please don’t die,She cried

Someone should do something please,she cried again,

Javier sighted Mike still on the rooftop and took off,Javier ran to the rooftop,luckily Mike was still there,

Hey!!,Javier screamed

Mike turned and saw Javier few distance away from him,

Bye,He smirked and went down using a rope as a support,

Javier ran towards him but it’s was already late,

$h|t!,He spat

Frederick was rush into the hospital,he was laying on a stretcher,

Cheryl was seen following him behind while in tears,Jeremy was following behind,Javier is still after the Mike

Warren came out wearing his Laboratory gown,

Go prepare an OR,Warren said to one of the nurses present,

Okay,Doctor,a nurse said and left,

Almost immediately Warren phone rang,he picked up,

OR 2 is ready,A female voice sounded from the background,

Warren hanged up,

Let’s go,Warren said to the remaining nurses present,

Cheryl never stop crying while Jeremy was sobbing quietly,

Please Doctor save him,Cheryl pleaded as her tears cascaded down her cheeks,

Of course I will,he is my nephew,Warren replied,

Frederick was pushed into a room and when Cheryl tried entering a nurse blocked,

Why you blocking me?,I want to make sure he is fine,Cheryl cried

Sorry Miss,you can’t come in,the nurse said and finally close the door,

Fred! No!,Cheryl cried

Mrs Maxine stormed into the hospital almost looking like a mad woman,

? Mrs Maxine!

? I pity her!

? she is so caring

? I wish my mom is like her!

Maxine ignored all the comments,she was looking for Frederick as she walk deeper into the hospital,

She heard the news through the TV

Her legs finally took her to where Cheryl and Jeremy was sitting waiting,

Where is my son,she cried

He is in the OR,Jeremy replied

Cheryl wasn’t in her right senses,she was temporarily deaf and dumb,she’s literally temporarily blind too,

All she could see is the doctor that would tell her if Frederick is fine or not,

Her eyes were already swollen,her lips were pale,

Mrs Maxine sat beside Cheryl,

Princess,Maxine called but got no reply from Cheryl,she nudge her body still she didn’t say anything,

She was just crying,she was shivering too,seems the weather is cold,

Javier came in and luckily he met those three,Cheryl,Maxine and Jeremy,

How is he?,Javier asked Jeremy

He is still in the OR,Jeremy replied,still sobbing,

Someone would think Jeremy is crying for his sick Dad,because at the moment he was acting more like a baby,

Javier glanced at Cheryl and he felt bad,

Why is she crying like this?,those she has feelings for him?,He questioned in his mind,

Outside the hospital was millions of stupidz fans,

Some were with flowers,some were with package gifts,some were carrying boards,

Not only the fans made up the crowd,about two hundred reporters were there too,

? How is our Fred!

? quick recovery Fred!

? Get well soon!

? why was he shot?

? shinning light of the stupidz

? please save our Fred

? what happened to Fred?

? About 2:30pm today,Frederick Alexander,the songwriter and leader of the popular bands,the stupidz was shot by an unknown person,right now he is being operated in one of the best hospital in Australia,

Follow Luna news,for more updates, thanks

? we love you Fred,get well soon

?Frederick Alexander,the songwriter and leader of the stupidz,also the grandson of the richest man in Australia,he was shot by the unknown and was admitted into lifegate hospital,the assassination happened 2:30pm today,right now he is undergoing treatment in the OR

Follow ADC news for more update,thanks

? Keep our Fred safe

? we want to hear his voice again!

Warren came out of the OR and Cheryl was the first to rush him and started bombarding him with questions,

How is he?,Hope no problem?,He is okay,right?,Can I see him now?,is he awake?,did the surgery went well?answer me,why are you quite? Cheryl kept questioning,

Which do you want me to answer?,Warren asked

All of them,Cheryl replied

Jeremy,Javier and Maxine was just staring at Cheryl,

When did she become this close to frederick?,was the question they kept asking themselves

Well,Frederick is fine,the surgery went well,Warren said

Can I see him now?,Cheryl asked again

Sure,but that would be after he is taking out of the OR,Warren said

Okay,Cheryl replied

That’s a relief,I will take my leave now,Maxine sai

Why?,Cheryl asked

He won’t be happy to see me,Maxine said

That’s not true,everyone would be happy to see his or her parents,Cheryl said and Maxine sighed

What if their parents is a murderer,Warren said with a smirk,

Maxine left with looking at anyone else as she walked away she was in tears,


? How is Fred?

? is he out of the operation room?

? say something

? Mrs Maxine!!

All I have to say for now is that,the surgeon went well and your superstar would be fine,Maxine replied to the reporters,


Meanwhile back inside the hospital,Cheryl was with Frederick,

The doctor allowed one person to see him for now,till he wakes,Javier and Jeremy allowed Cheryl to go

Fred please wake,She sobbed and stroke his hair

Frederick eyes flew open he closed it before opening it again,

Fred!,Cheryl said as tears flowed down her cheeks but this time it’s was tears of joy

Frederick remembered something

Frederick was walking to class together with Jeremy and Javier when he saw the little girl he met when he was young,

The next thing his eyes caught was a red light shone on her chest,he looked up to see the mask man with a sniper

$h00t!,He spat

He made to push the girl out of the way but got shot instead,

He looked up with drowsy eye to see it’s wasn’t the little girl but Cheryl

Jeremy and Javier ran into Frederick ward when they heard his voice,

Frederick,Jeremy muttered and went closer and hugged him,Frederick hugged him back with a smile,

They disconnected it after some minutes and javier went to hug him too,

Am glad you are fine,Cheryl said with a smile,

Just mention anything you want me to cook for you,and it would be ready in just five minutes,she added

Really?,Frederick said with a smile which shocked the hell out of Jeremy and Javier

Did he just smile?

Yes,Cheryl replied

Okay,I think chicken parma would do,Frederick said with a smile

Okay,I would be right back,she said and left,

I need to take care of something,bye,Javier said and started leaving,

Me too,Jeremy said and followed Javier,Frederick sighed after they left

Why was I seeing the little girl when Cheryl was the one standing there?,

Is she the little girl I met?,this question ran through his skull

Manuel woke up to find himself sleeping soundly on his bed,

How did I get here?,he asked himself

Kristen brought you here,He heard Xavier voice,.

What!,he gasp and slowly his memories started returning back,how she cleaned up what he messed up,and he kissed her and how she carried him on her back,

No!,this can’t be happening,what was she doing in our mansion,Manuel said

She said you called her,Xavier replied

I f-__-ked up,he said

Spice and Tristan walked in

Guys,Frederick got shot,Spice broke the news


The school cheat us,how can the stupidz Mansion be bigger and beautiful than others,Gigi said

They were together in the kitchen,Gigi,Cheryl,Cassie and Kristen

Money rules the world,Kristen said

Yes,I second that,Cassie said

Cheryl wasn’t listening to them she was busy with the chicken parma

Baby girl, how is Frederick?,Cassie asked

He is doing well,Cheryl replied

Can we see him?,Gigi asked

Really?,when did you start Caring about him?,Cheryl asked

We thought he is a jerk but he proved us wrong,Gigi said

Okay,but I think seeing him tomorrow would be better,let him rest for today,Cheryl said


A man wearing a black hoodie entered the ward with a devilish smile playing on his lips,the wards light were off as darkness ruled over the room

The ward was no other than Frederick ward,Frederick was sleeping when he came in,

The man brought out his handkerchief and sparyed a sedative on it before using it on Frederick,which made him slept totally this time,

He used a pillow to cover his head before he pointed a gun on his head,

Good bye,he muttered and was about pulling the trigger when Cheryl came in and switched on the light,

Hey,what are you doing?,Cheryl screamed

The man pushed Cheryl out of the way and was about to escape,but a kick from someone made him fell on the ground,

Cheryl turned to see Kristen

Who are you? and who sent you?,Kristen asked

Do you think I would answer that,easily,the man smirked,

Kristen brought her leg to his Ďïčk before stepping on it very hard,


the man cried in pain

Are you going to talk now?,Kristen smirked,

Yes,I will talk,he said

Start talking,Kristen yelled

Am Rex,he said

AHH!!,Please don’t ki|| me,you are marching on my balls,if it’s burst then am dead,please save me,the man cried in pains

Who ordered you?,be fast!,Kristen yelled



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