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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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THE END: SUDDEN PRINCESS – Episode 73 & 74

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{..Wrong place, Right time..}

Chapter 73💕74 {Final}

THEME: Written again..✍️

By, 🌺Mayor🌺




He moved his gaze to her looking dashingly handsome on his black retro suit. The world seems to stop around them as the both stared at each other.

The glass of wine slipped off Alice’s hand, and crashed onto the ground….

The gasp of Rowena, bought Alice back to reality. She looked down to the shattered glass on floor and slowly back to Richard.

He was staring at her worriedly.

“Are you okay?” He asked stepping closer. Alice stepped backward and then turn to walk away. He doesn’t remember her? She doesn’t know how to take this but it hurts.

“Alice?” Rowena called but Alice didn’t stop walking.

“Excuse me, I’ll be right back” Richard said, and walk after Alice. Others was a bit stun by this.

“Do they know each other before?” Mr. Walton muttered.

Getting outside, Richard spot Alice outside the hall. He walked towards her, staring at her back.

“Have we met before?” He asked lightly with a frown.

Alice who heard this closed her eyes, a tear dripping down her face. She turn to look at him with broken heart.

“I know this is selfish but, I really do wish we both have the memories” Alice said, leaving Richard confused. She turn to stop a taxi driver and left the place.

Richard stared at the car leaving. A pang of pain struck him. What’s this feeling? He knew she was the girl who he had almost hit with a car years ago but felt that wasn’t the only time they have met. And what does she mean by memories?

“Hey bro” A man dressed in a fine suit called behind him, his face was that of Derek.

“Hey Damien” Richard greeted, Damien was his best friend, a billionaire too just like Richard.

“What happened? Did you just get dumped?” Damien asked.

“No..” Richard thought for a while, he looked up at where Alice had left. “It feels like it” he mumbled.

“Babe!!” A lady screamed from a distance.

Damien looked back at his wife and smiled. It was Pamela, Pheadra’s reincarnation. She was dressed in a beautiful purple dress, her blond hair falling on both of her shoulder.

Getting to him, she kissed his lips lightly.

“What took you so long?” Damien pouted.

“My car broke down. Luckily, one of my friend saw me and picked me up” She explained.

“You could have just called me to pick you up instead” He remarked.

“There’s no need since I’ve seen help already”

“Is it a guy?”


“A lesbian?”

“Gosh Damien. No one is stealing me from you” She rolled her eyes.

“Cool, let’s go inside and dance” Damien said and excused himself.


“He doesn’t remember me” Alice mumbled and placed her head on the table. She bring it up again.

“What should I do?” She mumbled again, placing her head back to the table. She pulled it up again.

“Is it all over?” She repeated the same action.

“You’re over reacting Alice. If your Zameil doesn’t remember then I’m sure his heart will” Horea who was in her kitchen said. She was busy making some pancake.

“It’s going to feel weird. He won’t seem like the Zameil I know. Mr. Walton looks like the king. Argh, I’m going crazy” Alice pouted.

“Have you tried talking to him?”

“I walked away from the party. I just didn’t know what I was feeling at that moment. Can’t he just remember me? Why am I the only one with the memories here?” Alice asked.

“Plus me..” Horea shrugged.

“You are a goddess, we are literally the same. You don’t count” Alice raised her brow.

“Fine, fine Alice. There’s a probability he might gain the memories. But for you to find out, you have to be there for him” Horea explained.

“You mean I should get closer to him?” Alice asked.

“Yes, that’s what I meant” Horea replied and Alice sighed.

In the large office, Damien walked in and found Richard with his eyes closed, he have a deep frown of his face.

“Richard? Do you really have to force yourself on this? Have you seen the doctor?” He asked.

“I did, he kept saying the same story. There’s nothing wrong with me” Richard sighed and sat up. “I’ve been having this dream Damien. It’s about a girl I…” he yelped holding his head.

“What girl?” Damien asked.

“My wife?” Richard replied and Damien laughed lightly.

“You aren’t married Richard. Did you drink?”

“No I didn’t. It’s felt real. I think it’s trying to connect me with someone” Richard muttered. His mind immediately went to Alice.. “Her” his word came out like a question than an answer.

His train of thought was disrupted when one of his employees entered the office and informed Richard about a visitor wanting to see him.

“Let her in” He ordered and placed his gaze on his system.

The door opened and she stepped in. She was dressed in a fine office attire and her aura was giving out a professional vibe.

Damien smiled and was impressed by her appearance. She gave him a smile. Derek’s reincarnation sure looks great.

Her eyes focused on the man staring at his system screen.

Richard lifted his gaze to her and his face turn into a stun one. She is the intern?

“Hello Mr. President, My name Alice Lancaster”

The name rang into Richard’s head causing it to throb in pain.


It rang in his head again.

Damien got worried. “I have to take you to the doctor”

“No, I’m fine” Richard quickly said. Alice let out a knowing smile. “You should leave, I need to talk to her alone”

Damien didn’t asked any uncomfortable question. He turn and left the room.

After he did, Richard stood and walked towards Alice. His beautiful blue eyes always seems to amaze her.

“The only time we’ve met was the day I almost hit you with a car. But it seems there are more to it” He stepped closer. Alice stepped backward but her back reached the table behind her.

“Who are you? And what do you mean by memories?” He asked staring deeply at her.

“I’m sorry Mr. Richard. I don’t think I’m in the right state to tell you what you want..”

“Why?” Richard cut her off. He shifted closer, placing his hand gently on the table behind Alice, his height overcoming hers.

Alice swallowed nothing, his closeness was beginning to affect her. She noticed his gaze move to her lips.

“Why do I feel like kissing you so hard right now, Alice?” He asked. Alice heart skipped a beat. She almost gave in but then remembered this is not the right time.

He draw his lips close to her face but her hand stopped him.

“Mr. Richard?” She raised her brow.

Richard got back to his senses and pulled away from her.

“Sorry, I.. I didn’t mean to..”

“It’s fine” Alice smiled. She pulled out a book from her bag, and dropped it on the table.

“This might help you clear your confusion” She smiled and left the office.

Richard reached for the book and stared at it.

“History of Ammon” he muttered.

At night Richard sat on his king sized bed staring at the book Alice gave to her. He exhaled deeply before opening the book. If this is going to help him clear his confusion like she had said then he should try it out.

A long while later, a woman dressed in an expensive dress knocked on Richard’s door lightly.

“Evening dear, your dinner is ready” Richard’s mother informed but then heard the light sob coming from inside. She opened the door immediately and found Richard staring at a book, his face wet with tears.

He had just read everything.. and his heart aches so much.

“Baby, are you okay?” His mother asked.

Richard stood and left the room ignoring the call of his mother. It was raining but he didn’t care. He had asked Damien to find out where Alice lives, so he drove straight to her place.

Getting down quick from the car, he slammed his car door and head for her home entrance. The rain wetting his dress and his shirt glued to his hard tone skin.

He knocked hard on the door. He badly wants to see her. Hearing no reply, he knocked harder.

“What the..” The door flew opened and Alice wanted to cursed but stopped when she saw who it was. His wet black hair was glued to his face, his white shirt soaking wet, his chest heaving hard as he stared deeply at her with a broken look look.

“Za.. I mean Richard.. what are you…”

Her word was cut short when the man dragged her to himself for a tight hug. Alice eyes widened at his action.

“I remembered” his hoarse, broken voice made her eyes widened the more.

“What?” She stuttered with her eyes tearing up.

“I remembered the pain I caused you wife.. and” He hugged her tighter. “I’m sorry”

A tear creeped down Alice face. He remembered her? She bought her hands up and hugged him back. The fact that he called her wife shows, he was back. Her Zameil was back!!

“Jerk” She muttered, hugging him tighter.

“Yeah I deserve that for causing you pain. I’m sorry”

Richard broke the hug and stared down at her wet face. He reached for her face and wiped the tears in her cheek using his thumb.

“I’m sorry” He whispered.

“I missed you” She said.

He held her face and lean down to capture her lips with his. The kiss was slow and gentle, the feeling the missed so much came out from its deepest. The kiss slowly turn into a hit passionate one as they both got lost into each other.

Alice held his shirt leading him inside. Their lips burn as it moves against each other. He lifted her up to himself, his muscules harden. Alice had her arm wrapped around his neck.

After a while, they broke the kiss. Staring at each other, they both chuckled. He caressed her lips with desire burning in his gaze.

“Let’s get married tomorrow. I want to stay in the same room with you like we use to” He whispered.

“What! I’m still in college, my friends will be too shock if I get married so soon. They don’t know about us, we need to take it slow” She said.


“It’s Samantha here. Not a witch though” Alice grinned.

“Everyone is normal here, what about Galen?” He asked.

“He’s Zero here. He’s naive” She replied.

“Come to think of it that beggar on my street was..”

“Augustus” They both chorused the answer and laughed. Richard draw her close and hugged her.

“f-__-k I missed you” He whispered.

“I missed you more. My prince” she whispered.

“I like the sound of that”

“Yeah me too”

Richard grabbed her @zz, drawing her close. “I don’t care about your college or friends. I don’t think I can sleep a wink without you by my side” He stated.

“Okay.. Mr. Prince. This is not Ammon”

“How long do I have to wait?” He asked.

“A year”

“What! I can’t take that” Richard shook his head.

“You still have me. Whether we’re married or not”

“f-__-k” He slammed his lips on hers again, kissing her hard this time. Rowena won’t be home tonight and she was the happiest.

In the next moment, Richard was th-ru_sting himself into Alice earning those sweet Mõ@ɲ he had missed. They both felt each other’s warmth till their satisfaction.



Alice slowly walked down the aisle. Right before her was Richard, looking so handsome with a lovely smile on his face.

It was their wedding..

Horea wiped the tears that fell off her face with her handkerchief. The scene was just too beautiful.

Samantha let her tears fall. Her friend is getting married. Rowena was the happiest. She had thought she’ll lose her daughter when she fell from the school building.. she never thought a day like this would come.

Richard badly wish to just take her away. He had been waiting for this day in forever.

“Do you…”

“Yes!” Alice didn’t let the priest finish.

“Do you…”

“Yes! Please” Richard did the same. Immediately the priest joined them together.

Richard pulled her close for a kiss. The guest stood and began to clap loud.

Damien draw Pamela close to himself.

Richard broke the kiss and they both smiled with happiness.

“Let’s party!!!” Horea yelled from the crowd.

Lora ran towards Alice and handed a flute to her.

“Big brother says you love playing flute” She said cutely.

“Yeah” she nodded. The drummers started giving out their melody. Alice placed the flute on her lips.. in the next moment, the hall was filled with her music.

Horea was the first to start dancing followed by the others. The hall was filled with everyone giving out their moves. The twins was busy dancing with their mother. Samantha and Galen, Damien and Pamela, Mr. Walton and his wife, Rowena and Horea.

Alice stopped playing and also joined the dance. She saw a cup of beer and wanted to drink it but Richard took it from her.

“No alcohol this time” He shook his head.

“What?” Alice stepped closer to him leaving no space. “Are you scared I’m going to seduce you again?” She smirked.

“I don’t mind taking you before everyone” He replied. Alice eyes widened with shock and she hit hit on the chest.

“Are you out of your mind?” She shot a glare at him.

“For you.. yes” he grin handsomely and kissed her again.

This might be the end of the novel but not for them. Their love blossom as days goes by. They knew not matter what life throws at them, they would face it together and never give up…





Finally another book down 😍. It has been a rough, interesting ride. This book carry suspense that left me the writer curious 😂

Anyway it was lovely 🥰 Ghost readers no do me good oo.. I hope y’all can change.

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