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Friday, October 18, 2024
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SUDDEN PRINCESS – Episode 57 & 58

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{..Wrong place, Right time..}

Chapter 57💕58

THEME: Written again..✍️

By, 🌺Mayor🌺





“She wants Alice”

Old Gytha pinched the bridge of her nose. Why can’t Delilah be patient?!

“I’m not done with the Queen yet. Or does she not want to rule anymore. Why is she so adamant with Baal?” Old Gytha asked. The female demon she had ki||ed had burned into ashes already.

“It’s been years Old Gytha”

“Delilah just found a body two years ago and she is getting impatient already? Just because she is Baal’s bride doesn’t mean I am afraid of her” Old said coldly.

“Now is not the right time of demons fighting. We have only one motive. Baal” The second male demon spoke this time.

“And that’s what I’m working on. You been here might risk my identity. My plan is already working well. The king will die soon”

Just after Old Gytha’s word.. They heard the scream..

“Your Majesty!!”

Everyone eyes widened as the king fell heavily on the floor. The Queen stood up immediately and went to hold him same with the people around.

“Blood” The Queen muttered seeing the king’s bloody lips. Deep down.. she was brimmed with joy.

Zameil and Derek exchange a look. Alice and the others was shocked.

“Noo!! Mom!!” Alice heard the voice and gasped.

“Mirabel” she left the place in a hurry. Zameil saw this and followed her too.

Getting there, Alice eyes widened with terror same with Zameil too. Mirabel was sitting on the floor staring at the door which has so many smokes coming out from it.

Wait isn’t that the room where Macbeth is kept?!

Zameil immediately broke the door while Alice went to pick Mirabel from the floor.

“Mom!! Macbeth!!” Mirabel scream with tears streaming down her face. Eleanor is also in the room?! Alice screamed inwardly. Mirabel’s heart was breaking into piece. Her eyes caught a terrifying glimpse before Alice covered her face.

Alice saw the scene too and the blood on her face dried up.

Some guards rushed into the scene and and helped Zameil putting out the fire. It was intense, and it took a while before they could stop it.

Alice had taken Mirabel in a room and tried to console her, she was trying to hold her tears too.

“I want to see them. I can’t lose them!” Mirabel yelled and tried to get out of the room. Alice held her and hug her to himself.

“Don’t go out there” Alice said.

“My mother and Macbeth are waiting” Mirabel said.

Alice broke the hug and look up to her. She swallowed before speaking again.

“They are not Mirabel. I’m so sorry”

“W..what.. should I do? I’ve.. lost two important people.. it’s probably my fault” Mirabel’s lips tremble.

“No it’s not” Alice whispered.

“The pain is too much Alice” Mirabel voice croaked. Alice draw her close and gave her a hug and let her cry in her arm.

“How’s Mirabel?” Phaedra asked after spotting Alice coming from a distance.

“She’s asleep” Alice muttered, the fire scene recalled in her head.

“She must’ve have ki||ed herself after Macbeth died” Pheadra said.

“I h@ťě her. At least she could have thought of Mirabel. That young girl is facing a lot” Alice muttered.

Phaedra wipe the tears on her face. Eleanor had been the closest aunt to her. Alice saw her tears and draw her for a hug too. Phaedra let out her tears.

“I feel so bad. I wish she could have shared her pain with me, I would have love to help her” Phaedra sobbed.

Alice felt her heart break. Eleanora and Macbeth’s death still feels like a dream to her. Even though Eleanor had done something cruel just to protect her children, Alice still felt bad for her.

Scar of the past can make one make a wrong decision..

She must have blamed herself for Macbeth’s death and couldn’t help to take her own life to, afraid to live with the guilt. She must have been afraid to face Mirabel and told her that her sister had died and she had caused it..

Eleanor must have been so scared to face the cruel world she had always face..

But is ending her life worth it?..

What about Mirabel?…


Zamiel had a hard face, same with Derek. They were just coming out from the king’s chamber.

The physician who had just attended to the king mentioned that the king has an internal bleeding and at the moment, there is no solution to his predicament.

Augustus came out of the room too, his eyes met with him, and Zameil could swear he saw the smirk on his face before he left.

“Zameil” Derek called and he turn his head back to Derek.

“The full moon is in two days. I don’t know why the feeling do come late but it might mean something else is coming” Derek said and Zameil sighed.

“Another war?” Zameil asked.

“A tougher one” Derek added.

Zameil saw Alice staring blankly at the dark sky. She was obviously waiting for him. Her face turn into a worried one spotting him.

“How’s the king?” She asked and Zameil shook his head slowly.

“I don’t think he’ll survive” He replied and Alice face dropped.

“What are we going to do? If the king dies then the Augustus and the Queen are going to find a way to hurt you”

“I know, that’s why we are leaving after the full moon” Zameil said and Alice remembered something.

“Which is when?”

“I don’t know” Zameil lied. He doesn’t want her to know about the deal. That would scare her.

“How did you do it that night? I meant the night with Baal” Alice asked.

“I controlled it” He said. She wanted to asked another thing but Zameil shut her up with a kiss. “We should sleep now wife”.

“Mirabel is staying with us” Alice informed and Zameil nodded.


Riya bashed into the Queen’s room, her eyes brimming with tears. Queen Delphine eyes flew opened and her brow knitted.

“How could you?!” Riya growled.

“What are you talking about?” The Queen asked.

“You know exactly what am talking about. You and this old hag ki||ed him?! What have he ever done to y…” Riya couldn’t finish her word as a dark foce threw her to the nearest wall. And invisible force squeeze her neck and lift her up from the ground, her legs dangling in the air.

“Didn’t I tell you to keep your mouth shut?” The Queen asked while Old Gytha tried her best to hold her ki||ing instinct.

“Why.. would you.. want to.. ki|| your husband?” Riya managed to asked, blood dripped down her lips.

“He never act like one. He was behaving so well not until he began acting like a bastard”

“You’re.. a mons..ter.. if the king dies.. I’ll tell the whole.. king..dom what you did..” Riya said stubbornly.

“Should I just ki|| you then?” The Queen asked. Riya felt her lungs begging for air. Her throat burn and her head spin.

Letting out a frustrating groan, the Queen let go of Riya and she fell onto the floor gasping for air.

Queen Delphine snapped her fingers and Riya immediately felt herself losing something.. her throat felt empty.

“I’ll give you out to the Gatrish kingdom’s prince. You’ll be the first to earn me power” Queen Delphine said.

Riya made to speak but she couldn’t. Her mother took her voice. Her face squeeze with terror as she tried to speak but no sound came out from her lips. Tear ran down her cheek.

“Guards!” The Queen called and some guards walked in. “Take my daughter to her room and lock her up. Make sure no one sees her” she instructed.

Riya tried to get away but the guards was too strong for her.

Queen Delphine faced Old Gytha.

“Your grace” Old Gytha bowed her head lightly.

“Is it true Eleanor and one of her twin died yesterday night?” She asked with her face deviod of emotion. This is the type of person she wants. Someone hungry for power and can do anything to get it.. Queen Delphine.

“Yes my Queen. It seems she set herself and her daughter on fire” Old Gytha replied and the Queen smiled. Heaven must have been on her side..

“How long is the king going to last?”

“Three days at most”

“Good, now we’ll get rid of those rat in the palace” The Queen’s eyes flickered with something dangerous.


Alice watch Mirabel eating so slow. Mirabel dropped the fork and sighed.

“I can’t eat any longer” she complained.

“Just a little more. You’ll get sick if you continue like this” Alice said.

“Have you ever lose someone?” She suddenly asked.

“I lost my dad when I was in your age. He died in a car accident” Alice said.

“A car? What’s a car?” Mirabel asked and Alice cleared her throat.

“Uhm I meant just accident” Alice said.

“You speak like you’re from another world since the day I met you” Mirabek said cutely.

“Really? Do you want to hear about it?” Alice asked, maybe California’s discussion might brighten the girl’s mood.

Galen was busy eating when Carlos hit his hand in the table before him.

“I’ve been looking of you jerk” Carlos shot Galen a dirty look. “You’re the reason why Sarah is dead”

Galen only kept quiet and stared into space. He was a bit amuses on how Galen had change a little, he look a bit stronger. Carlos grabbed him up by the collar anyway.

“She wouldn’t have end up like this if she had stayed like I asked her to but no.. she went because of you and you couldn’t do $h|t to protect her?!” He yelled.

A hand held his, it burn his skin and he immediately let Galen go. He look up and saw Saverina glaring at him.

“It’s not his fault” Saverina said, and Carlos scoffed.

“Tssk.. and who the hell are you to tell me that?” He asked.

Saverina wanted to speak but Galen spoke Instead.

“I’m sorry Carlos” He said this with a small bow. “I’m sorry I couldn’t protect her”

Carlos tried his best to hold his tears. He grab a bottle of beer from the table and walk away.

“Why did you do that?” Saverina asked when they both sat outside.

“Because that’s what he needed at the moment. Sarah was a close friend to him. I’ll feel the same way if I were him” Galen replied.

“Hm, you’re getting smart these days” Saverina chuckled.

“What? Was I dumb before?” Galen eyes widened.

“Hmm.. a little” she replief and he scoffed.

“Any new about the king?” He asked.

“He’s not healing, he’ll die soon”

“How could you have said it like that?!”

“How should I say it?” Saverina asked.

“In a cool way” Galen replied and then scoffed.

After a while of silence.. Galen spoke again.

“I’m not dumb”

Alice found herself before the people staring at her with h@ťěful gaze screaming. “ki|| her!!”

One thing she noticed.. these people aura doesn’t seem human.. this is the nightmare again, hunting her.

Again, her mother was bought before her and her head got slashed. Alice breath way too hard and her face had terror on it.

A cold hand wrap around her neck.. she knew it was Baal.

“Do you like what you see?” He asked in dark tone.


Alice’s eyes flew open and saw Zameil staring at her with a worried look. She shifted away from him at first because of the fact Baal has the same face as him but then realized her action.

“Zameil?” Her voice croaked.

“Hey, it’s me”

Hearing those words, Alice moved to hug him immediately and buried her face in his chest. Zameil had been a bit worried about her lately, she doesn’t act too strong like she use to.

“I’m scared, don’t leave please” she whispered. She feel so unsettled and it scares her.

Zameil run his finger through her hair and kissed her forehead.

“I’m here, I’m not going anywhere” he whispered.

“Make sure you stay with Alice the whole time. Don’t let her go anywhere” Derek said to Phaedra and he nodded.

“How long will this take? We need to leave the palace really soon” Phaedra said.

“Till morning I guess” Derek said. He had no clue on what Baal is planning to do. Derek bought out a bottle filled with black sand.

“What’s that?”

“Mountain ashes. In case Baal wants to go for Alice this would stop him. This can stop a demon from crossing. I and Zameil discovered this today” Derek said and pour the mountain ashes at the doorstep.

“Be careful” Phaedra whispered, and Derek smiled.

“A deal? How could you? And why are you just telling me this?” Saverina’s eyes almost pop out when she heard this.

“This isn’t the time for you to argue Saverina. I just need you help to track where Baal goes to when he comes. Is there a way to do that?”

Saverina cast a spell and a small stone appeared.

“He have to swallow this” Saverina said. Zameil didn’t think twice as he swallowed the stone.

“Does Alice know about this?” Saverina asked.

“She can’t. It’ll put her in danger” Zameil replied as the three walked into the large room.

The full moon slowly comes up, Zameil was sitting around the corner, his face squeezing with pain. Soon he began to transform with a painful groan.

He stood up, his white long hair glowing, his golden eyes shifted to Saverina and Derek in the room. They both have glowing eyes too.

“Haha! Finally no chains” Baal chuckled staring down at his hands.

“You better keep your promise” Derek growled, his fangs visible.

“Of course. I crossed my heart when Zameil visited. I don’t want to be trapped” Baal said walking closer. Derek eyes glowed the more at each step, same with Saverina.

“Where’s Alice?” Baal asked.

Alice and Mirabel was busy saying story to each other. Mirabel was now fond with Alice, though she missed her family. Alice faced Phaedra who was quiet the whole time.

“What’s wrong with you? You’re awfully quiet” Alice said.

“She misses uncle Derek” Mirabel said.

“No, her husband” Alice corrected.

“And you too right?” Mirabel winked.

“Funny, I wonder if they are done. Should we check on them?” Alice asked.

“No, the guard said, the don’t want to be disturbed”

Alice frowned, she could sense Panic from Phaedra. She stood up and went to the window to open the curtain.

“Alice wait!” Phaedra called but she already opened the curtain. Alice eyes caught with the full moon.

“Full moon?! Where’s Zameil?” Alice head straight to the door.

“No Alice wait!” Phaedra wanted to grab her but Alice reached the door already.

As Alice opened the door, her eyes met with a pair of golden eyes staring down at her amusingly. The nightmare she had lingered in her head and she could feel fear creeping into her.

His hair white glowing and his aura screaming..

Run for your life!!…

“Hello Alice” His deadly voice sounded and his lips curled up into a creepy smile.





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