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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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SUDDEN PRINCESS – Episode 31 & 32

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{..Wrong place, Right time..}

Chapter 31💕32

THEME: Written again..✍️

By, 🌺Mayor🌺




“And when that happens, we’ll ki|| that bride of yours, Zameil” she whispered.

Alice stood there watching the scene, her fist clinched hard beside her…

Without a word, Alice turn around and left the place.

Shutting his eyes, Zameil tried his best to push Baal back to its place. All of a sudden, he felt his body release, the urge disappeared. He opened his eyes and found Delilah gone.

Her face seems a bit familiar and it was disturbing. How was she able to trigger Baal when it’s not the full moon yet? He is going to find out.

Getting to Alice’s room, he found her sitting beside her maid. Her head was down and he could sense her sorrow.

“Alice?” He called lightly as he stepped close.

“She’s dead” Alice voice sounded low and broken.

Zameil furrowed his brow, he looked at Helen and saw that she was right.

“She was ki||ed” Alice added looking up at him. He saw the tears in her eyes. She must have liked this maid a lot.

“Hey” Zameil stepped close and crouched before her. “We’ll find the culprit” he made to touch her face but Alice dodge his hand.

“Go away,” she spoke and stood.

Zameil held her hand. “You stay with me tonight”

Alice yanked get hand away. “I’ll stay with Eleanor”

“Alice…” He made to stop her again.

“Please don’t make me feel worse” she pleaded. Zameil’s heart sank on it’s own as he watch her leave.

Eleanor was busy knitting, this is something she loves doing during her leisure time. A knock sounded by her door. She saw Alice standing before her.

Seeing her sad expression Eleanor frowned. “Alice are you alright?”

“Can I stay here with you for the night?” Alice asked.

After a while Eleanor sighed. “I’m sorry about your maid Alice”

“Thanks” Alice muttered.

“I know how it feels. I once lost my maid too. She died of sickness. I was sad for days because she was my closest friend ever since my mom died.”

“The second Queen?” Alice asked and Eleanor nodded.

“Hm, Queen Themis, the king’s second wife. I was fourteen when I tried to wake my mom one morning. She didn’t answer like she used to.. she laid there unmoved. Her death was so mysterious to me.” Eleanor replied.

This would be the first time Alice would see Eleanor this way.

“I’m sorry” Alice muttered, she wanted to hear more of her story.

“It happened many years ago, I’m over it already. After my maid died, the king gave me out for marriage. The prince of Damascus. He was not a husband type.. he abused me all the time over silly mistakes. Even when I was pregnant with the twins, he never stopped..”

Alice eyes widened, Eleanor faced all of that.

“I gave birth, yet he was still a jerk. He did worst by cheating on me.. then one day, when the twins were three years old. My husband, Cyrus was said to die in a war” Eleanor stopped for a moment and gave Alice a look.

“That’s sad”

“I shouldn’t feel sad but I did. The kingdom was raided and my father asked me to come back to the palace with the twins. That’s why I’m here like a ghost” Eleanor chuckled.

Alice took a deep breath and asked. “C..can I give you a hug?” She asked.

Eleanor smiled a little and moved close to Alice, they hugged. “Thanks dear”

Alice pat her back gently with a small smile.


The sun rose up setting on two figure in the training ground. Their sword clashed against each other creating sparks.

Sarah jumped aiming her sword towards Galen’s head. Galen pulled his head backward, turn and blocked the next attack from her. She was so fast, he barely see her move. Soon, he tried making his own attack but Sarah’s sword was already pointing at his face.

“Dead” Sarah smirked.

“$h|t” Galen cursed under his breath, bringing his sword down.

“Haha, that was awesome Galen. You’re getting better!” Sarah exclaimed with a bright smile.

“Don’t tease me Sarah. How could you be so good. I trained day and night but still you’re unbeatable.. I’m jealous” Galen chuckled.

“Ha.. I’ve been practicing since I was little. It’s been years. I should be the one jealous of you. You’re a great learner. I wouldn’t be this strong yet if I were you” She said and watch Galen handsome smile.

“You’re good with making people feel better” Galen said. They both stared at each other. He spoke again. “Thanks for everything so far”

Sarah bit her lips hard. Why does she feel weird around him? She is older than him and yet she is feeling this way?

“Uhm, I’m hungry. Let’s go back in” She stood up and left. Galen smiled and followed her too. He knows how she feels about him and felt the same way.

Getting to the room, Sarah sighed. “We’ll continue the training after break..”

Her word caught up in her throat when Galen lean down to peck her lips. She stood like a statue with her face red even after he had pulled away.

“I’ll see you later” Galen smiled then close his door.

Sarah exhaled through her lips, she tapped the left side of her chest gently. “Hang on there heart.. gosh”

Galen also exhale not believing what just happened. He must be crazy to do what he did. Turning around he spot Saverina.

“Ah $h|t!.. Saverina.. Could you stop sneaking into my room that way?!”

Saverina tilted her head with curiosity. “Who’s she?”

Galen blinked severally. “Huh? I don’t know what you’re talking about”

“The girl you just kissed”

“She’s my training Guardia.. I mean no we didn’t kiss”

“Do you really think you can lie to me?” Saverina raised her brow.

“What are you doing here after all these days huh? I thought you’ve completely forgotten about me” Galen said.

“I was busy. Do you think it’s easy to work as a maid. That Old Gytha won’t stop giving me a hard time. I f-__-king h@ťě that ugly woman” Saverina complained.

“For how long are we going to keep doing this? And how long will that strange person be in Elizabeth body?” Galen asked. Saverina had told him about Alice’s condition.

“I don’t know but I guess we’ll have to wait a little bit more. I have good news and bad news” Saverina stated.

“That’s creepy. What’s it?”

“The good news is Alice seems to have some strange ability she doesn’t know about. I guess it’s because she’s the chosen one”

“And the bad news?”

Saverina raised her head up to Galen. “There’s a war coming”


Alex sat alone in the garden. He was feeling better after some medicine prescribed by the palace physician. He must have gotten sick because of the travel and the new place.

“Hey” He turn just to see a girl. The girl he saw at the feast? She had little make ups on and was smiling so hard at him.

“Hey, it’s you” Alex greeted back.

Macbeth lips fell a little but she quickly pulled it back up. Alex must have thought she was Mirabel.

“What are you doing here out alone” She stepped forward. Alex noticed the change in her voice or maybe it was just his instinct.

He didn’t know the fact that the king’s granddaughters are twins.

“I was inside my room throughout yesterday so I need fresh air” he replied. His smile made Macbeth blushed.

“I came to visit but I heard you were sleeping so I decided not to disturb. How’s your health my prince?” She asked.

My prince??

“Uhm.. fine I guess” Alex couldn’t help but speak again. “You seem a little different”

Macbeth quickly find something to cover up. “just my mood”

“Oh cool”

From a distance, Mirabel watch the scene and exhaled deeply. Maybe she should just forget about it. They seem to be getting along.

“You like him?” Alice voice came from behind. She had been watching he for a while.


“And You’re just gonna give up?” Alice asked.

“I have no choice.. I mean.. I don’t like him” Mirabel gave Alice a glare for tricking her.

“Stop hiding feelings little one” she said. Mirabel sighed.

“I just don’t want any grudge between I and Macbeth. It’s better I let go” Mirabel said. Alice gave her a proud smile.

“You have such a matured brain there huh? If I were your age I would have gone there and kicked Alex’s @zz” Alice said and they both laughed.

“C’mon let’s do something fun” Alice said.

“Let’s play a game” Mirabel said.



Queen Delphine had her eyes closed as the maid wash her feet. Augustus walked into the room and sat before her.

“Mother” His deep voice sounded.

Queen Delphine asked the maids to leave and she faced Augustus.

“How is it going?” Augustus asked.

“I told you not to worry. I have everything set. Derek will be gone soon and I’ll have Phaedra marry Caesar” Queen Delphine spoke.

“Is that so.. I thought you were going to give Riya to him” Augustus said.

“Riya can wait. I just don’t want Derek to be part of the family. He’ll always want to be back.. well that’s if he survive. Phaedra getting married won’t give him the chance. Are you not satisfied with the decision just so you can continue your disgusting act…”

“Mother stop bringing that up. That’s not the reason.. I just don’t like that Caesar of a guy” Augustus said.

“Hmm, he’s better than Derek” Queen Delphine shrugged. Augustus stood to leave.

“There’s a war coming up soon. The Crow clan are planning to attack soon” Augustus informed and leave while the Queen enters into a deep thought.

‘Take her!’ Derek’s inner wolf growled as he watch Pheadra bitting her lips while knitting.

“Can you stop biting your lips?” Derek blurt without control.

“Huh? Why?” Phaedra asked. Hunter also gave Derek a look.

“I mean, you might be hurting yourself that way” Derek lied.

“I do that a lot” Phaedra chuckled.. gosh her smile. “Ah right, werewolves do have inner wolf right? The one that do speak within them.” She asked and Derek nodded.

“What does it say about me?” Phaedra asked curiously.

‘She has a fine @zz!!’

‘I wanna be inside her!’

‘She is so f-__-king hot!’

Derek inner wolf yelled and he swallowed. Phaedra gave him a questioning look when he was silent.

“Uhm, he said you’re the most beautiful girl had ever seen” Derek lied. ‘Liar!!’ his inner wolf screamed.

“Wow, that’s so nice, can I see him?” She asked.

‘f-__-k yes!’ his wolf screamed again.

“No, not today” Derek replied and he could feel his wolf going crazy. ‘Shut the f-__-k up or I’ll shut you up!’ Derek warned his wolf and it behaved itself.

Seeing the sad look on Phaedra’s face. He said. “It’s okay, I promise you’ll see him” he raised his hand to her face caressing her cheek gently.

Phaedra’s heart began to pound hard at his touch. She could feel her desire growing at each moment that pass by. Derek wasn’t left alone, in fact his was worse because he had been holding himself for too long.

“Can I kiss you?” She asked catching him by surprise. Derek didn’t waste time as he slam his lips on hers.

Phaedra responded to kiss immediately, she reached for his hair and pulled him close for a deeper kiss. Derek made her lay on the bed, her hair spreading on the soft bed. After kissing for a long while, he broke the kiss and stared deeply at her.

“I love you mate” He confessed as he watched her catch her breath.

“I love you Derek” She confessed too. They both smiled at each other before reconnecting their lips.


Alice was feeling bored again. She was missing her home and everything. She wondered how her mom, Samantha and some of friends are doing. She misses California.. removing the wet cloth on her face she sighed.

“Where’s that jerk? Is he with another woman again. How could he have kissed me when he knows he doesn’t want to have anything to do with me?” Alice muttered without knowing.

“Big brother has no mistress” Mirabel’s voice sounded from behind.

Alice eye flew open and she sat up immediately. “Huh? Did I say that loud?”

“Unlike his brothers who has so many women even after marriage, Prince Zameil is different. He once had mistresses but not anymore. Wait.. did I hear you say you guys kissed?! Oh my God!!”

“We.. uhm”

“There’s no need for you to lie” Mirabel shook in her head.

“Since when does he not have any mistress?” Alice curiously asked.

“The day he was told he is going to get married to you.. I’m pretty good with informations in the palace” Mirabel felt proud of herself.

Alice walked through the hall. She didn’t see Zameil in his chamber. She walked towards a guard.

“Where’s Zameil?” Alice asked.

“The study room, your highness”

Alice was led to the study room. The place was huge, empty and quiet. She took slow stepped towards the large table at one corner while her eyes darts around the place. She picked up the opened book on the table and pouted.

“Is he not here” she whispered to herself but then felt a hard chest behind her.

Subconsciously, she swing her arm to hit the person from behind but she was stopped and was pinned against the table. Her eyes met with those beautiful blue eyes instead.

“It’s me” Zameil lips curled up into a handsome smile making her heart skip a beat.

‘Don’t fall! Don’t fall! Don’t fall!’ Alice screamed inwardly but she found herself drooling over his look.

“Why are you here? Do you miss me?” He asked.

His question pulled her back to reality and she pushed him away from her.

“Missed.. tssk.. why would I miss you?” She asked.

“Because we haven’t seen each other the whole day. I was about to come looking for you but I’m glad you’re instead” He said with his face close to hers.

He is at it again.. playing with her mind?

“I’m not here for you!”

“Then why are you here?” Is he seriously asking her that question?

“I came to read” She stared at him for a while.

“You’re lying, your heart just skipped a beat” Zameil said and Alice closed her eyes in frustration.

“Well f-__-k you” she said and made to leave but Zameil dragged her back. She felt him groped her @zz and lift her up from the ground then place her on the table.

He placed his both hands by each sides as he stood at the middle of her leg.. his face inches from hers.. her breath seized.

“W..hat the hell are you d..oing?!” Her eyes widened at his action.

“I’m going to f-__-k you.. just like you requested”





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