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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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“Can I seat with you?” Jason ask standing in front of Beauty who want paying him attention at all.

“No” She roll her eyes.

“Ok” He muttered and sit.

“Hey, don’t you understand English” She snapped at him.

“Can I ask you why you are always angry ?”

“I’m born this way, I have always been like this” She said.

“I see, but can you stop, You will get wrinkles even before you get old, it’s bad for you, you are always frowning, it’s bad for you pretty face” He said.

She make a disgusting face.

“You are still doing it, You look like an old Granny right now” He said and she hit him.

“Stop talking to me that way before I kick you @zz” She said.

Jason shook his head.

“You know what, I have been meaning to ask, What happened between you and Courtney, You seems to know each other” Beauty said facing him.

“I’ll tell you only if you will do something for me” He said and she raise her brows.


“Promise me you will always Smile , I’m with you and stop hating on me, I did nothing wrong and let’s be friends” He Said

“All granted Except being Friends” She scoff.

“Really, Please I really like you_

She glared at him.

“No ,I mean, I really want to be your friend, not the other way round” He quickly corrected himself.

“I’ll think about it” She said.

“Thank you”He smiled.

“Can you tell me now?”

“Actually, we dated In highschool, or should I say she dated me_”


“She has this huge crush on me since we were in Grade 9, She sent me gifts, present occasionally, Expecially My Birthday, She go extramind in celebrating it for me, Even my own parent doesn’t remember to throw a part for me but she did_”

“Wait a minute, You are not even that handsome” Beauty said eyeing him.

“You can’t deny I got a cute face ,I still have it” He winked.

“Stop doing that if you don’t want your eyes plucked out” Beauty said seriously.

“I value my eyes please” He said.

“Go on, you haven’t tell me what really happened yet”

“When we got to Grade 12, On the day I turn 17, She come to my birthday party as usual, She told me she has a biggest gift for me, And she is going to show me when everyone left, My Mum and Dad are always busy abroad so they were not around, only My Nanny and out maids_”

“Can you stop Blabbering and get straight to the Point, it’s tiring, Are you a parrot” Beauty cut him off.

Jason sighed unbelievably.

“After everyone else’s left ,She drag me to my room and stop herself, She ask me to sleep with her_”

“Did you really f-__-k her” Beauty ask.

Jason nodded.

“Bad Boy” Beauty muttered.

“Trust me, I tried resisting it but she was just too, I can’t control my budge,So I had to do it, we started f-__-king everyday eversince” Jason said.

“Everyday?” Beauty said with wide eyes.

“Yeah, She even went as far as introducing me as her boyfriend, When I don’t even love her at all, I break up with her on her graduation day, I was shocked to see her after five years” Jason said.

“No wonder, she has always been a Slut” Beauty muttered.

“So can we be friends now?”

“In your dreams, f-__-k Boy” She galred at him.

“Your different from her , trust me”

“My answer is still no” Beauty said and put her Earpiece on, before playing music on her phone.

Jason shook his head watching her.


“Why did you suddenly leave earlier, Where did you go?” Bianca ask adjust her head on his shoulder

They are actually watching the stars outside.

“I think Its a Prank text, I didn’t see anyone when I come back” He said showing her the text.

“Oh” Bianca muttered.

“Look it’s a Shooking star, let’s make a wish” She gushed closing her eyes and saying some word.

He stared at her and smiled.

She open her eyes when the $h00ting star was gone.

“Why didn’t you make a wish?” She pouted sadly.

“Because my wish is already granted” He said.

“Really?, What the Wish?”

“To have you by my side, Always” He said and she blushed heavily.

“You are really beautiful, Why am I just noticing ” He said and She smile broadly.


“Yes, I can’t enough of this pretty face” He said cupping her cheek.

“What did you wish for?” He ask.

“Secret” She whispered.

“You can’t tell me?”

“To be with you Forever” She said.


She Smiled lightly.

“Don’t go around smiling like that with other guy that way or I might loose it” He said seriously.

“What’s wrong with that, it’s just a smile” She tease him.

“It’s meant for me alone okay?”

“Give me a kiss then or else I’ll do it” She pouted.

She held her face and kiss her forehead before kissing her lips lightly.

“Sweet” She Muttered liking her lower lips.

“The stars is really beautiful, Look” She said pointing at them.

“It is” He said staring at her.



Courtney as been crying nonstop in her room and Mary is trying her best to stop her but she wouldn’t stop.

She actually come home directly after leaving the place earlier.

“You know how much I love him in Highschool, I even give him my Virginity, Mum”

“It’s okay, Stop Crying” Mary cautioned.

“My Feelings for him are coming back and I don’t even know what to do” Courtney cried.

“I have something to tell you” Mary said and Courtney look up to her.

“The girl who look exactly like Bianca, She is actually her twin sister” Mary said and Courtney eyes widened.

“Twin Sister, Just how, I know they both look alike for them not to be related but, Mum, How did you know about this?” Courtney ask anxiously.

“I actually sold Beauty to a Couple who’s child died after birth ,, I sold her to them , 22 years ago”


“Because, I’m mad at Sophia, She did things to me that I just can’t Forget, I did it to get my revenge on her, Now that I think of it, I should have just ki|| both the twins, I shouldn’t have spare them” Mary gritted her teeth and Courtney keep looking at her in admist Shock.

“What did she do to you for you to do that to her, Mum_”

“You will never understand this, Courtney, Let’s mummy take care of it Okay?, You know how much I love you don’t you, You are the only product of my true love to Aston, I’ll do anything for you” Mary said.

“I love you too mum, But I love Felix More”

“I know and I will get him back for you”

“How, He is with Bianca now” Courtney…

“Then we will have to take her out of the way , Even if it Means ki||ing_”

“I don’t want her Died, I just want them apart”Courtney cut her off

“It’s still the same, If she is willing to let him go it’s simple no one will get hurt, But if she want it in a hard way, She will surely get it and as for her twin sister who did this to you, I’ll take care of her also, I should have done that a long time ago” Mary said.

“Thanks Mum” Courtney hugged her.

“But how are we going to get her” Courtney ask, breaking the hug.

“I have someone that is spying for me” Mary said.


“Who did you think?”Mary grinned.

“Someone in our School?”

“Yes, Someone closer to her” Mary said.


Mary draw her closer and whisper into her hearing

“What, Unbelievable” She muttered.



“I’m serious mum, she looks exactly like me” Bianca said as she walk to class.

She was actually on phone with her mum.

“Can you come with her please, I’ll like to meet her” Sophia pleaded over the phone.

“Ok, if she will agree” Bianca said hanging up.

Almost immediately , Beauty appeared.

“Good Morning” She( Beauty) smiled.

“Morning, it’s a good thing you are here” Bianca said.

“Why?, Wanna tell me something?”

“My Mum will like to meet you ,I told her about you” Bianca said.


“Is it okay with you”

“Yes, If it’s about you , trust me” Beauty smiled.

“Alright let’s go” Bainca said.

“Do you mean right now?” Beauty ask.

Bianca nodded.

“Com’on , I can’t go dressed like this, I need to look presentable” Beauty said.

“You are okay this way, let’s just go” Bianca said pulling her out before she could say another word

Few Minutes later,they got to her house and They both went in.

Sophia jaws drop on seeing Beauty, she felt connected to her somehow that she can’t explain.

She pull her into a warm hug immediately, While Beauty only act cool and hug her back.

“Really Mum, I don’t deserve a hug” Bianca said Jealousy.

“I’m sorry” Sophia said and hug her too.

“Is that Pancakes” Bianca said rushing over to the table.

She actually perceive the aroma.

“Join us” Sophia pull Beauty to the table with her before she could protest.

“Have some” She said dishing some of it for her.

“Are you Okay?” Sophia ask when she notice her itching nose.

“I don’t eat Pancakes ,I’m allergic to it” Beauty said and Sophia immediately become alarmed.

“Whoa, That’s kinda weird it’s my favorite actually, I can die for it” Bianca said with her mouth full.

“Did you get diagnosed with it or is it Since Birth?” Sophia ask curiously.

“I don’t know actually, , We got to know when I eat pancakes In Grade 7 , The doctor told us I have Oral Mint Anaphylaxis_”

“What”Sophia stood up.

“What is it Mum?” Bianca ask.

“I’m sorry, Who are your parents My Dear?” She ask seating down.

“Blaire and William Wilder” Beauty said.

“Can I meet them?” Sophia said.

“Why?”Bianca said

“Is there a Problem, Ma” Beauty ask feeling wierd.

“No my Dear, Can I ask you a question, Promise this will be the last” Sophia said and Beauty smiled reluctantly.

She was beginning to get uncomfortable by her actions.

“Did you perhaps have a Mark like a Birthmark or So, If you don’t mind me asking” Sophia ask, hoping silently she does.

Bianca kept watching in silence.

“I do have a Birthmark, But how did you know about that?” Beauty replied.

Instead of replying, Sophia burst into tears shocking both of them, They keep exchanging glances wondering why she is acting that way.

“What’s with you Mum, Why are you acting this way?”Bianca snapped angrily.

“Because..She is your Sister Bianca, She is your sister” Sophia said


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