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Wednesday, October 16, 2024
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“Kathryn didn’t tell me they will be coming back to Florida,such a betrayal” Vera said as she dail a number on her phone.

Mr Anderson look at her and shook his head before resuming what he is doing.

They were in the living room actually and they were both reading the newspaper,that where she saw the news earlier.


“She is even ignoring my calls now, What Insolent, She must think she is way better than me now”She scoff.

“Felix surely won’t be the end of me, If he had get married to Bianca long ago, We will have been more wealthier than Kathryn, But he is just as Stubborn as you, if only you also help me in convincing him”She said.

Axton said nothing,he kept flipping through the newspaper not sparing her a glance at all.

“Or Maybe get Married to Mara , They are childhood friends so they will relate well but The Robert are more wealthier ,he his dating that Ɓîtçh Useless Daughter who has nothing to over me”She said.

“If you may excuse me. I will like to go to my Room now, Goodnight”Mr Anderson said and leave.

“You both are Useless, What if my Money runs out, This won’t do, I have to be loaded and Presentable before Meeting Kathryn Again, Felix I swear you won’t be the end of Me, Never”She yelled as she dail Felix Number.



“What did you mean you are sleeping here, Get off me “Addy said.

“I am your Fiance , Remember,We are supposed to be together, Always”Mara said.

They are actually on his bed and she is hugging his arm tightly.

“No, we are just faking it “He successfully remove his hand from her.and

“Come on, Not like you have girlfriend or something”She roll her eyes

“I do have a girlfriend”He said and she look up.

“Really?, I knew it, Who is she ? , Where is right now?, Why didn’t you tell me before why now?”She ask.

“Which one did you want me to answer exactly?”

“Who is she first? then the rest”

“Charlotte”He said.

“The same Beauty I met in class, But you clearly told me she is not your girlfriend “She said.

“Actually, We break up already but I still love her ” He said.

“Why did you two break up when you are still much in love with each other?”She ask and he gave her a confusing look.

“Don’t tell you your are Dumb upon all your Cuteness”She palm her face.

“What did you mean?”

“She still love you idiot “She said.

“Really?, I doubt that , She wouldn’t break up with me if she still love me” He said.

“I will prove it to you ,Wanna Bet?, And if I do?” She smirked.


“You are gonna kiss me hard till I Puck In your mouth “She said.

“Eeeew, Are you insane, Why will I do that ? , I am not interested”He said.

“You are really selfish, is it a crime to wanna taste your lips, the pinkness is driving me crazy , it’s tempting” She pouted.

“I wonder how your Luke put up with you”He shook his head.

“He has no choice, He knows me Well and besides I am pretty….”

His phone suddenly start ringing interrupting her.

He check the caller ID,his Expression changed immidiately.

He has this terrified face on,Mara noticed it ,she grab the phone from him and climb off the bed.

“I knew it ,it’s this Dragon King again”She clenched her teeth.

“Give me back my phone”He said.

“Nah, I will be the to answer this “She said and before he could talk she pick the call.

“Mara stop”

“Shush, Hey! Daddy Dragon”She said smiling.

“Hello, is that Mara “Mr Miller smiled over the phone.

“Yeah , ,Mara Crazy speaking, What’s up, why did you call”She said Bodly And Addy couldn’t believe his ears.

He stare at her Speechlessly.

“Are you two together right now?, I called to ask that”Mr Miller said.

“Yup, He is freshening up, We are about to have a long steamy Night together”Mara said and and Addy Raise his brows.

“Ok, Enjoy!”Mr Miller smiled.

His smile could be notice even on the phone.

“Alright ,Daddy Dragon, My regards to your fellow Dragons”She said and without waiting for his reply she hang up.

Addy was already laughing hard already.

“Seriously?, Daddy Dragon?”He said laughing.

“Yeah, You don’t like it how about Daddy Lion then”She said.

“I don’t mean that,I mean why will you call him that?”

“He is no different from Dragon, any thing he blew out fire so scary, thank God he didn’t get to destroy your cute face with fire” She said.

Addy sighed sadly.

“Don’t worry Baby, I am here now, I won’t mind beating him to a gulp if he tries hurting you again”She said demonstrating.

“With this body of yours?”He said mockingly.

“Don’t judge the book by its cover, Or should I try with you first”She said.

“No no, Gosh, it’s late aren’t you tired of talking”He rough his hair.

“I am not call a Human Parrot for nothing, How about we have the long streamy night now”She winked and started walking closer to him.

“Not me and you , you are crazy” he said and run out of the room.

“Great job, I get what I want ,I have this bed all to my self now” She said and jump on the bed happily.



“I and sorry ,Are you still mad at me , Cherie”Felix ask.

“Why wouldn’t I, if I didn’t jump in earlier ,she will have kiss you earlier”She said.

“I am sorry ,Babe ,I promise it won’t happen again,I promise , Can you stop acting cold toward me , I don’t like you staying Mad at me “He said.

“Can I get a kiss”She pouted Cutely.

“You don’t have to ask”He smile and make her sit on his laps before kissing her hungrily.

“I love you Skylight”She said breaking it.

“I love you more Cherie”He said and swung her hand around his neck before slamming his lips on her again.



“I really h@ťě that Ridiculous girl called Mara or wh@ťěver I don’t even wanna know her name, How cab she jump on my Charm like that, This is so Ridiculous”She stamp her foot on the floor angrily.

“You aren’t the only one Bee, I h@ťě the fact that Addy is betronned to her, imagine she is even spend the night with him, f_ck” Charlotte said.

“We really have to find a way to throw her out of this College, she doesn’t belong here” Bianca said and Charlotte nodded in agreement.

Scarlet is also with them ,she wouldn’t deny she h@ťě how the girl was clinging to Edward but she didn’t saw a word .

The finally got to class ,there anger grew more when they saw Mara in the midst of Edward, Addy and most of the guys in class.

Felix isn’t among them thou.

He is sitting with Courtney way far from them, they are smiling while chatting, Bianca felt the urge to beat the hell out of her right now but she controlled her self.

“Hey! Beauties “Mara suddenly wave at them.

As if planned,they all hissed and walk to take a seat glaring at her h@ťěfully.

Yuna and Mia wasn’t left out, Yuna felt like strangling her the way she was touching Oliver,when he never talks to her not to take of touch her.

Mia also folded her watch as she flirt with Edward,blewing him kisses every minutes.

“Did I do something wrong?”Mara ask no one in particular.

“This class is so Boring,I miss Italy already”She added.

“Why not go back?Addy said.

“No, never ,not after meeting all these Dude”She said.

“How about we play a game, it will be fun I promise ,Please guys ,I am bored,this class is too silent for my liking , Please”Mara pleaded.

“Are we kids,why will we play games?” Oliver said.

“Aren’t we still kids”Addy said.

“I love you”She blew him a kiss and he winked at her.

Charlotte keep gulping down nothing watching them.

“But we are having class in an hour” Edward said.

“Chill Daimond, It will be quick”She said and stood up.

She went to the front of the class and everyone turn her direction.

“So what’s this game all about ?” Rowan ask.

“It’s simple,it’s a girl game , All guys are participating no But ,girls can decided not to participate if you want”Mara said.

“Are you gonna force them if they don’t want to “Yuna said h@ťěfully.

“Yes, it’s free will, we aren’t doing any trash call a game”Mia added and roll her eyes

“I am in”Addy Said.

“Me too”Oliver said.

“Me three”Rowan said.

“I am more than ready”Noah said.

“Sure sure , Even when our top 6 hot boys are participating”Mara smirked.

“Fine”Mia and Yuna Muttered.

“You will get to kiss any guy you want if you could finish it five sentence of Tougue Twisters”She said.

“That’s cheating ,you are a Human parrot after all,vyou said do your self”Scarlet said.

“Yeah, we aren’t a parrot like you” Bianca roll her eyes.

“Yes, and more so you are the one that choose the Tougue Twisters ,who knows you might have practice it”Charlotte added.

“Oh ok…I like fair games. How about you guys choose The Tougue Twisters and if I finish all within Ten Minutes, I am kissing every guys in this class , girlfriend or no girlfriend I don’t care “She said.


“Are you guys Scared I will be able to do it”She smirked.

“I don’t think so, that’s will be Ridiculous when you are nota real Parrot “Bianca said.

“I know right” Charlotte Added.

“Guess today is my Lucky Day, Can we Start “She smirked.

They all agreed.

The game eventually Begin,everyone tried thier very best to finish but they ended up given up because they lost there breath or miss a word.

Charlotte also did hers but it get a point she stammered and every class laugh at her even Addy, she felt embarrassed and rush to her seat.

“This is so Ridiculous,I can’t believe this “Bianca said angrily.

She didn’t even read up to three lines before she missed the word.

“Better luck next time”Mara winked and she hissed before going to her seat.

Next was Yuna ,she tried her best but she fail, Mia,Scarlet but they all fail.

“Why is this so f**cking hard”Mia said angrily.

Courtney did not bother participating coz the only guy she will want to kiss is already her boyfriend, she can kiss him anytime she want.

“Finally Its my turn, Are you all ready , Can’t wait to taste you all My Sunshines”She winked and walk to the board elegantly.

She cleared her throat before starting,she started reading the Tougue Twisters faster more faster and perfectly While everyone stare in shock.

In less than Six minutes She is done,what was more shoken is that she didn’t even used up the time given.

? Are you sure she isn’t a Human Computer.

?I can’t believe this!!!

“Woow, Easy peasy, or should I go again making it two kiss from you all “She said.

Everyone keep mute staring at her.

“Are you sure your Fiance is a Human at all?”Noah ask.

“No she is Phychometric”Addy said.

“Time for my price, Sunshines Come out and queue, from the Top Hottest to the least Hottest, Felix ,Addy and Edward your Lips Forward”She shouted.


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