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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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❤(His crazy queen)❤
By,Debbie writes




“Still want to deny Mrs Knight or should I say Mrs Celine” Marissa said

“You….” Mrs Knight was interrupted by the video playing on the large TV

It was a video of how she ki||ed Mr Knight,everything that happen that night

“But I clear everything,how did she get it” Celine thought

“You must be thinking of how I get the video right?”Marissa said

“Inside the car,the driver knew that you might ki|| him in other for him not to die for nothing, he inserted a small camera and a pen recorder,if the camera wasn’t found out,someone would find the pen recorder,thank God mom found it out” Marissa said

Seen that she has been bursted Mrs Knight was about to run away when Marissa next word stop her

“Your boys her already captured,I came prepared,you can’t ki|| my father in law and go scout free ” Marissa said her facial expression was scary,like a female warrior who was going to a battlefield

“Just surrender” She added

“Do you think is my fault huh,I loved him first even before they know each other, but she took him away from me,she deserve to die ok, just because she has money does not mean she must get everything that belongs to me”Celine said

“You don’t love him okay,you are just obsessed” Marissa said

“Then do you know your lover here is a ki||er,he ki||ed Thea”Celine said she won’t go down alone

“You mean that you ki||ed Thea and frame him up”someone from the people who was invited said coming to the front

“What are you talking about” Celine said

“You know better than anyone about what am talking about, you ki||ed my twin sister” Tyler said playing the video

Alex was walking towards his car,when Thea called him,he didn’t want to respond but having a second thought he turn back,Thea as been disturbing him,telling him that she loves him,but his own answer was always a capital NO but Thea was stubborn and clingy

Thea who was walking towards Alex froze when she saw the red dot on his forehead

The only thing that occupy her mind was”Danger, SAVE HIM”

Since she was just three step away from him she ran hugging him,immediately a bullet penetrate into her head making her to go down,the gunshot wasn’t heard because the gun the $h00ter used was a silent one

“She is so wicked”

“No wonder she sack all the former workers of the company”

“Still want to deny” Tyler asked as tears form in his eyes,it was so painful

“Wow”a man said clapping from the middle of the crowd,he moves toward Celine before removing his mask revealing Mr Knight

“Ghost! Ghost!,don’t come closer” Celine screamed running around

” Father”Alex called,he was seated on the floor

“Son”Mr Knight called

“Our granddaughter look like you see,she was the girl whom you hug that day” Mr William said admiring is granddaughter

“Of course” Mrs William said

“Darling” Mrs Knight said coming from the crowd

“You’re alive” she said touching his face affectionately

“Of course,after she shot me and push me off the cliff, I fell inside the river,and a young boy saved me,thank God the bullet didn’t reach my heart or bones,I was saved,I fell into a coma for three years after that I have to start learning how to walk again,after that I began my investigation” He said but he was sad seeing the state his wife was

The cops where called inside,they handcuffs her(Celine),they were about to took her out when Marie stop them

“I have a confession to make dear daughter” Marie said looking at her daughter

“What is it” Marissa was scared did her mother have a hand in it

“This is not my real face” Marie said before removing a facial mask from her face showing her real face she look so much like Marissa,she was also very beautiful

“Marie William, the hidden child of the Williams,are you not dead already” Celine mutter in shock

“Dead you say” Marie said

“Marie” Both Lord Wayne and Mrs Kendell who was Betty mother said

“You know her” Betty ask her mother who didn’t even glance at her

“Surprise to see me Mrs Kendell” Marie said she so much loath this woman

“Have you ever thought that your first child might not be dead” Celine said

“What are you talking about?” Marie asked

“Yes,what are you talking about am my mother’s first child” Marissa said

“Oh,she didn’t tell you,then let me do you a favour,years back your mother was in love with Lord Wayne but their relationship was break up by Mrs Kendell who said she was pregnant with Lord Wayne baby”Celine said

“Fake pregnancy” Celine said laughing

“What are you saying”Lord Wayne asked

“Am sorry Mrs Kendell but I need a company in the cell” Celine said

“Years ago both the Williams and the Wayne’s get their child engaged when they were in love with each other, everybody was happy except Mr Kendell who was Lord Wayne best friend,he befriended Lord Wayne for money and fame thou Lord Wayne gave him enough fame but it wasn’t enough for a greedy man like Mr Kendell
he asked his girlfriend to help him,Mr Kendell invite Lord Wayne to a club thou Lord Wayne didn’t want to go but he go there because he couldn’t turn down his blossom friend,not knowing that a trap was set for him, he was drug, Mr Kendell assist him to the room,then he injected Lord Wayne making him unconscious, he strip him naked then he asked his girlfriend who was Mrs Kendell to also strip of her cloth they lay Lord Wayne on the bed while Mrs Kendell lay beside him,the next morning Lord Wayne couldn’t remember anything so it was easy for Mrs Kendell to tell him that he have segz with her,Lord Wayne gave her money to keep shut about what happen because he couldn’t afford to let his beloved girlfriend to know what happen,but after a month Mr Kendell came up with a fake pregnancy to hold Lord Wayne, then Marie was already pregnant for him,she was about going to tell him the news when she heard someone arguing with her fiance that she was pregnant for him,the news alone weaken her so she left after eight month she gave birth to a baby she was weak when she gave birth to the baby so she didn’t get to see the baby after she woke up she was told that the baby was dead,been heartbroken she decided to take revenge on her fiance for cheating her on her quest for revenge she met Mr fred, the most oldest mafia in the world who was known for gruesome ki||ing,at first she was afraid but she later brace up,she started training under him,that was then she know that the old man was not as brutal as the rumors termed him,he only revenge those who ki||ed his son and his wife,his grandchild was the only family he has left but he needed a woman who can Břě@šťfeed her and take care of her, that was part of the reason why he agreed to train Marie,since she was a mother, Marie Břě@šťfeed the baby take care of her until she was of age,the girl who was Arizona loved Marie so much so she took her as her mother,when Mr Fred was dead,his property was divided into two one for Marie the other for Arizona,Arizona couldn’t live without Marie so Marie bought the house besides hers,and always go there to take care of Arizona, after two years she found out that Mr Kendell want to drug Lord Wayne to ruin his reputation, she was still in love so she took the risk,paying the girl who was asked to sleep with him,Lord Wayne was drug,he couldn’t control his segzual hormones,he slept with Marie without protection that one night stand produce Marissa after years Mr Kendell tried it again Marie also took the risk again which produce Michael,Marissa younger brother,but have you ever thought that your child might not be dead”Celine said

“You really know a lot” Marie said looking at her

“Of course that was why the Kendell family have to obey my command, but I thought the rumors said you were dead”

“Am not dead OK,I fake the rumors myself” Marie said

“Well Ryan Wayne his your son your first child” Celine said dropping the bombshell

Marie staggered after hearing this

“Well the Kendell knows about your pregnancy, since you left home and go to a small town, it was easy to bride the doctors and nurses, you where told your baby was dead” Celine said laughing like a psycho

The cops quickly handcuffs both Mr&Mrs Kendell before they think of running

The cops took the culprit out, everyone began to disperse,leaving the hall

Ryan was shocked about the revelation, Betty was also shocked

Marissa just walk out she was having a headache, the truth was shocking.

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