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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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❤(His crazy queen)❤
By,Debbie writes




Marissa,Clarissa and Arizona were seated glaring at the headmaster and Mia who was also glaring back at them

Mike look was blank but he was laughing inwardly, he knows how crazy Marissa could be, not to talk of Clarissa, anything that has to do with him been bullied she h@ťě it

There was a time when a boy who was older than him snatched his snacks from his hand eating it while smirking at him when he was eating he was about asking the boy to give him back his snack when Clarissa grab the boy ear and twist it hard, the boy’s ear was red even his face but Clarissa didn’t release the boy until people had to interfere,Clarissa even insisted that the boy parents should buy him(Mike) another snacks before she can let the boy go

Remembering this he burst into laughter when he couldn’t hold it in anymore, everyone look at him, he immediately turn his laughter into a loud cry

“You know everyday he would always bully me,and the teachers too, they wouldn’t say anything because we are poor” Mike said shedding fake tears

Marissa fold her fist, just because they are poor, gosh,this people would so hear it from her

“So we are hear today because this boy his a troublesome boy,everyday all he did was to cause a fight with Wyatt” The headmaster said adjusting his glasses

The look this girls were giving him was so scary, he his just trying to man up

“So you are saying that my brother here is a trouble maker huh” Marissa cold voice rang in the air, the headmaster shiver at her cold voice

“Who is this girl” The headmaster thought looking at her intensively

“Yes, don’t you hear what he said” Mia asked glaring at her

“Of course I heard him” Marissa said smirking

She brought out her phone looking at the headmaster

“your wife works at Blue hill hospital,you have a maid whom you always ……” The headmaster quickly cut in

“You see you don’t need to worry as from today nobody would bully him am assuring you” The headmaster said shaking, he was even sweating in an air conditioner room

“Thought as much you won’t want your wife to know” Marissa said standing up, she walk over to where Mia and Wyatt sat

She drag Wyatt up, Mia was about to stand up she was just composing herself from the shock, she didn’t understand the trick Marissa do to the headmaster

Clarissa immediately pin Mia down not allowing her to move an inch

Marissa squat down to Wyatt level looking into his eye, Wyatt was scared who was this scary Aunty, Marissa squeeze his ear lightly,she didn’t add more pressure to it

“You should stay away from him understand” Marissa asked Wyatt whose tears was already falling

“Yes, I would stay far away from him” Wyatt said nodding repeatedly

“Good, but let me give you an advice, bullying people is not good don’t follow bad step at an early age, you should be a good boy okay”Marissa said she has already release his ear

“Okay, but sister Mia said that one should always h@ťě the poor people because we are not in the same level” Wyatt said

“Really” Marissa said glancing at Mia who was struggling with Clarissa,Wyatt nodded

“That is not the right thing okay, you have to be good,let me tell you a short story, Once upon a time there was a lion who loves ki||ing small animals because he thought there were not at the same level, One day he met a mouse, the mouse beg him that he shouldn’t ki|| him because he would repay the favour, the lion agreed since he wasn’t that hungry, after few days the mouse was looking for food when he sighted that the lion has fell into a net trap, he immediately rush to the lion, he used his teeth to cut the net into two until they were enough space for the lion to free himself, the lion was so happy and thank the lion saying that if he had ki||ed him that day because they were not in the same level, then maybe he will have been ki||ed by the lion, after then the lion becomes the mouse best friend” Marissa said

“What lesson did you learn in my short story” Marissa asked Wyatt

“We shouldn’t think that we are bigger than people,we should also help people” Wyatt said

“You’re right,so you should apologize to anyone you have wrong,and be a good boy then I will buy you a cotton candy” Marissa said smiling softly

“Of course I would be a good boy, promise you would buy me cotton candy”Wyatt said stretching out his pinky finger

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