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Wednesday, October 16, 2024
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SOULMATES – Episode 32

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Let me be your…


( Love wasn’t part of the plan )




CHAPTER 61 & 62


It’s been over a week now since Rush’s burial. The news eventually got and the masses mourns gravely for his death. Obviously, the band wasn’t left the same as before. They were all gravely shaken especially Robin. For days the atmosphere was sullen. It was like excitement died along with him. Robin whereas has always been in his room wallowing and mourning. To him, nothing hurts more than losing someone dearest to him. Viola on the other hand seems to get over it petty easily. Three days after the burial she got back to work engaging in different commercials and all.

Dwelling over his death wouldn’t change a thing so the guys decided to move on also. They all continued with their lives trying to get the lost excitement back but that isn’t working out with Robin still sulking.

Addison walked into the room slowly, closing the door behind her gently. She started walking towards the bed but then stopped when her foot hit something. It was a bottle. She looked down to realize there were many of it scattered on the floor. She took her eyes away from the empty bottles littering the floor to Robin who laid sprawled on the bed. Slowly she crawled on the bed laying behind him.

Aiden had actually called on her since it seems she’s the only one who could get him out of his misery right now. He left the house whilst Addison came dressing as him. She softly placed her palm on his arms rubbing it slowly.

“Robin…” She called in a serene tone. Robin opens his eyes but said nothing. He didn’t turn over to her either.

“At some point in life we all lose someone or something precious to us. It brings us so much pains and agony but we have no choice but to embrace it like that. Cause there’s nothing else we can do. Wallowing and lamenting is an option…but dwellling in it too much is never an. Sometimes..we just have to accept things the way it is…if not we’ll only lose ourselves. You’ve done it before Robin…I believe you can now as well. He may be out of this world now…but he isn’t out of your heart is he? He’s still part of you and forever will. I know I’m not in any position to say this but…it’s time you let go now. It’s time you stopped hurting yourself. Keep on living.. For yourself, for the millions people waiting out there and for him…and for me waiting for you also” she said the last part within herself.

Robin laid there listening to her without uttering a word. Tears formed in his eyes and slowly, they dripped down his cheeks.

“You can do it Robin…I know you can” She muttered resting her forehead against his back. Her hands wrapped around him and she close her eyes. They remained like that without uttering a word to each other.


Robin rolled from one side to the other on the bed. His hands search for a particular thing on the bed but when he couldn’t lay his hands on what he’s looking for, his eyes came ajar immediately. The bed was empty except him on it and he scrunch his face in displeased. The bathroom door opens and he snaps his head to it.

“Robin! You’re awake!! Thank goodness!!” Aiden exclaimed with smiles walking over to him.

“I actually thought you were gonna sleep throughout today also. You don’t know how worried I was. It’s a good thing you seems better now. What more could I possibly want?” He said.

“You are…?” Robin asked slowly earning a frown from Aiden.

“Does sleeping too much has an side effects? Does Amnesia have to do with it?” He crooked his brow.

Robin blinked his eyes. This is not whom he thought it’d be.

“Nothing…” He muttered lying back on the bed.

“Are you just gonna lie down back? Again?” Aiden asked but he gave him no response.

“Seriously…it was so hard to make you finally wake up I can’t believe you’re going back to sleep” He complained. Robin ignored him and covers himself with the duvet.

“But will you be okay? I have to go out shortly. It’ll be good if you could get some fresh air also. How about we go together? I just need to see Addie before she leaves” He said making him snap his eyes open back.

“Leave?” He thought out loud.

“Yeah…she’s actually going back to the state. Her flight is later in the afternoon by two or three I think. I can’t believe she made the decision to leave. You know what she told me? Addie told me everything seems like her fault. Her coming back actually hurt a lot of people. So she decided to leave back…to her life. I’m actually gonna miss her a lot. Come to think of it…I haven’t done anything to her even though she helped big time” He sighs.

“Wanna tag along?” He touches him.

“No…” Robin replied flatly and he nodded.

“Alright then…I’m gonna be back soon. Take care Robin” He pats him before excusing himself out of the room. Immediately he left, Robin Sat up the bed. His eyes roves around and it landed on his pendant just on the bed stand. She must have left it the other night. That means he isn’t wrong. It was really her. He took the pendant and peered at it affectionately.

So this is her goodbye…he thought.


Later the day, Robin descend the stairs with his hands pocketed.

“BIN!!” Ash called suprisedly running over to him.

“Finally!” He grinned hugging him tightly.

“Hey! You’re chocking me” Robin pulled him away.

“I’m just so f-__-king excited to see you well again. You don’t know how worried I’ve been seriously. If you hadn’t come out I was gonna drag you down myself. But thank you really Bin…for not giving up…on any of us” He pulled him into another tight hug.

“I’m sorry for everything…I’m sorry for doubting you…and for my mean remarks. I love you so much Bin. I do” Ash said in a teary voice.

“I’ve heard you so fall off” He made to shake him off but he stayed glued to him.

Robin sighs.

“You can let go new Ash…don’t overdo it” He said in a warning tone and he slowly pulled away sniffing. Robin looks at him then tweak his nose.

“I’ve missed you” Ash mutters but Bin only returned it with a smile.

“I see you’ve finally woken up to your senses…seeing you down here is a surprise. Thought you were gonna die and rot in your room” Finn’s voice said at the kitchen.

“Thanks for your concern” Bin muttered taking a sit.

“Where’s…he?” He asked referring to Aiden.

“He went out since morning and he’s still yet to return.” Ash checked his wristwatch.

“Ah! He must be at the airport. It’s almost time” Ash added.

“Air…port? For what?” He asked feigning oblivion.

“His twin sister is apparently leaving today. According to what I know…she’s isn’t coming back….never!” Finn affirms staring at Robin. They both locked eyes for a while and Robin was the first to break it.

Ash sighs loudly.

“I can’t believe she’s really leaving. I’m gonna miss her a lottt” Ash pouted.

“Just when I thought I finally got the chance to $h00t my shot, she had to make this hell of a decision about leaving…my poor heart” He lamented dramatically.

“Aren’t you gonna say something or rather do something?” Finn asked Bin.

“What?” Bin asked uninterested.

Finn couldn’t help but scoffs.

“Don’t give me that face Robin…this is your only chance. If you don’t go after her now I promise you things are never gonna be smooth between us anymore”

“What are you saying Finn? That’s scary” Ash chipped in.

“He knows better. You have forty minutes left…remember any decision you make now is gonna bring out one of the two options. One either you lose her forever or you get to keep her by your side. Think hard and well I’m ain’t gonna say more than that” Finn said before leaving to his room.

“Bin what’s he talking about? Lose?” Ash asked cluelessly.

“It’s nothing” Bin dismissed him resting his back on the sofa.

“I think it is something…” Ash muttered.


Addison check the time on her phone. It’s almost time for her flight to take off and Aiden still haven’t appeared yet. She has been waiting for him for over an hour now but he wouldn’t show up.

She dialled his number but he won’t pick up either.

“Did something happened?” She thought.

A message came to her phone and it was from him

? I’ll be there soon…wait for me ? The text says.

? Be fast…it’s almost time for my flight. And I don’t wanna leave without seeing you at least ? She texted back and sighs waiting for him to arrive.


Addison held her luggage tightly. She stood among the crowd of people looking around. Aiden doesn’t seem to be showing up anytime soon and she really needs to get going now.

? I’ll call you when I land. Bye for now Sis..I love you ? She texted him and sighs keeping her phone in her pocket. She took a step but then stopped.

Memories of when she first arrived flushed through her mind. How she’d met him and everyone of the band members. It was a memory she could never forget.

She smiled reminiscing.

“I’m gonna miss everything…everything” She breathes in and out.

People stares at her as they passes by. Some murmurs to each other also giving her some strange glances. They must have recognized her. Of course she looked familiar…since she has one of the STARR BOYZ face.

But despite everything happening around her, she seems not to notice anything. She brought her hand to her neck rubbing the part where the pendant was before.

“Especially you…” She mumbles getting lost in her own thoughts.

Someone suddenly pull up the hood over her head jerking her out of it. The act was sudden so it shook her back to reality. She looks back with instantaneous effect but gasped on seeing him. He was also in hoodie with the hood over his head. He was staring down at her with slow but rapid breathes. He seems like he was tryna catch his breath.

“Ro…bin?” She called to be sure she isn’t just seeing things.

“Robin…is that really you?” She said now with glassy eyes.

“Please…tell me it’s you. Tell me…it’s really Robin…” Her eyes brim with tears as she says this. Robin slowly stepped closer pulling her into his arms.

“You stupid Blobfish…what were you trying to do? How dare you try to…run away?”


“If you do this one more time I’m gonna ki|| you…for real”

Addison tightened her hold on his hoodie with the tears falling freely now.

“I…have something to tell you Addison” He mumbles and she withdrew looking at him.

“Here?” She muttered.

“It doesn’t matter. I just need to say something” He replied and she nodded giving him permission to.

“I…think I’ve gotten in trouble” He said.

“Trouble?” She raised a brow.

“Yeah…” He nodded taking in his lower lip then release a sigh.

“What kind of trouble? Is it bad?” She asked slowly.

“It’s a big trouble i don’t think I can ever escape Blobfish…I can’t” He shook his head and Addison became worried instantly.

“We shouldn’t talk about this here…first let’s find somewhere to go uh?” She held his hand pulling him away but he pulled him her back.

“Listen to me first…I told you it doesn’t matter. Just listen”

“What kind of a trouble are you Robin? Is it something very serious?”

“It is”

“Oh no! What do we do…I’m getting scared already”

“Will you let me say what it is first”

“I’m….I’m kinda scared to hear it”

“Yeah you should be…” He lowered his head.


“Nevertheless…i want you to hear it. So now listen cause I’m gonna say it once. It’d be too embarrassing to repeat myself”

“Are you ready to hear it?” He asked and she nodded.

“Okay…here is the thing. It was something unexpected and it is very unlike me. I never gave it much thought initially but then it started getting on my nerves that I had no choice but to…admit it. I never intended for any of this to happen but it ended up happening. I…got in trouble by falling. And it wasn’t just a simple fall…I fell madly for you…Addison” He professed.

Addison stood stunned starring at him for a while.

“Why…won’t you say anything?” He asked noticing her expression.

“Wait..i…what was the trouble again?” She quizzed to be sure of what she just heard.

“I said it just now. I’m ain’t gonna repeat myself I told you I’d too embarrassed for that”

“Then….I heard right, right?”

“You sure did”

“Falling for me….was the trouble you landed into?”

“Yeah…apparrently” He agreed. Addison couldn’t help snickering.

“Why are you laughing?” He frowns.

“It’s not funny but…I just find myself laughing”

“So…what do you say?”

“Umm….I say…I’ve got to get going probably soon cause it’s almost time for my flight” She replied surprising him.

Clearly, he wasn’t expecting that kind of answer from her. So she was still gonna leave despite how he ran over to stop her from leaving?

Robin’s face dropped immediately he heard this. She is gonna leave despite what he had said. He had ran over with the full assurance that he’s gonna take her back with him but what she said just now…caught him totally unexpected.

Why didn’t he think she might reject him? What made him so confident that…she’s gonna jump right into his arms the moment he said that? He should have thought about it deeply…he should have.

“Flight 68 to Spain boarding now through gate five…dear passengers please make your way forward” An announcement boomed out on board. They both look up them look back at each other. He nodded and faked a smile.

“It’s okay…you should leave. Don’t mind me…I’ll just deal with my $h|t alone” He mumbles.


“Go” He gave her that sad fake smile before turning away from her crestfallen. Addison stares at his retreating disappointed back for some secs before calling unto him.

“Wait Robin! Wait!” She held unto his hand. Robin looks at her with a bittered face.

“Did…you ran all the way here to tell me that?”

“What do you think?” He asked back.

“Flight 64 to Spain boarding now through gate five…dear passengers please step forward” An announcement boomed out on board again.

“You should go” He removed his hand from hers but just before he could turn to leave, Addison grab his hood, stood on her toes and smashed her lips on his. It was a quick peck. She unlocked and withdrew from him releasing him as well.

“Seems like you didn’t notice but…I’ve been having that troubles for a while now cause…I keep falling for you every d@mn time” She said locking gaze with him.

“I thought you always knew…you’re really a hammerhead bat” She teased and he couldn’t help welcoming a large smile on his handsome face.

“Of course I do. Why do you think I let you off the hook every d@mn time you caused trouble. It’s because I wanted it” He smiled back pulling her closer by the waist. Their chest slammed and her lips slightly parted with their hearts beating crazily in sync.

“I told you once right? That my heart recognizes you, want me to show you a proof of that?”

“Please do” She said without thinking and he smirk before connecting his lips with hers. Both their eyes flew shut instantly and she held unto him tightly kissing steamingly without minding the people around them. For them right now, it’s only them in their goddamn world and they don’t give a f-__-k about any other thing else.

Aiden stood at a corner watching the two lovebirds. He had a face cap, shades and mask on concealing his identity.

“I’m glad…it ended up well” He smiles before turning away.

Still salvaging each other’s mouth, Robin lift her up and she wrapped her arms around his neck.

“Don’t leave…Addison stay with me instead and I promise to make your decision worth it”

“I’m never gonna leave you Robin… I just realized I don’t have the heart to do that” She replied placing her lips back on his.





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