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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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SOULMATES – Episode 12

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Let me be your…


( Love wasn’t part of the plan )



CHAPTER 23 & 24


Addison remained unmoved as he kisses her. She didn’t respond and her eyes stayed wide open. Finn keep held her face, he tried to push his tongue inside her mouth but she snapped out of it pushing him away before he could. She got away from the bed instantly and ran out of the room panting hard.

Slamming the door shut, she rested her back against it. She touches her lips and she beamed.

“No…this isn’t right!” She shook her head.

“Snap out of it Addie!!” She slap her cheeks

“Why is this happening to me???” She dived her fingers into her hair roughly.


Addison walks in stealthily into the room.

She looks over to Robin only to see him sleeping soundly. She smiles to herself.

She took her phone which was on the desk and also took some money from her bag.

“I need to leave now. I can’t face these people when the morning comes. I’m so embarrassed” She whispered. Sighing, she looks over to Robin who wouldn’t stop gritting his teeth like usual. She shook her head at him.

“Seriously…what is he? A beast?” She clicked her tongue before tiptoeing out of the room.


Addison sighs looking at the unconscious Aiden lying on the bed with different wires passed to his body.

She placed her hand on the transparent glass wall dividing them.

“Aiden…get up quickly. I miss you a lot”

She felt a touch on her shoulder and looks back.

“Dad…” She hugs him while he pats her.

“When did you get here? It’s quite late”

“It hasn’t been long” she pulled out.

“You could have waited till tomorrow…it’s dangerous for you”

“Don’t worry…I’m fine Dad”

“You should go home for now. Remember you can’t be seen like this. Change and come back tomorrow morning”

“No one will recognize me…don’t worry” she showed him the facemask she had wore to the hospital.

“Still…we have to be careful you’re a celeb now remember. Go on…I’ll meet you at home”

“Alright Dad…” She took one last glance at Aiden.

“I’ll leave now” She wore the face mask and covered her face well with the facecap she’s wearing on her head.

“See you at home” She gave him a quick hug before leaving. Just as she stepped out of the ward she crashed into someone.

“Are you okay?” She asked the lady holding her.

“Oh my!” She gasped at the sight she saw. The lady was looking half dead, she has a pale face and chapped lips. Looking like she’s ready to faint any moment soon. Addison help her up gently.

“Are you okay Miss?” She asked concerned.

“Brother…” The lady only said running away from her.

“Excuse….me. She doesn’t look too good” Addison sighs. She bent and picked up a hairband which was on the floor. It looks old and tattered.

“This is hers” She looks back but couldn’t find the shadow of her.

“Maybe tomorrow then…” She keep the hairband in her pocket and leaves the hospital.


“PM! WHAT’S WITH THE f-__-kING ARTICLE! WHAT WERE YOU DOING TO LET THAT GOT OUT!” Robin ranted immediately he got into the PM’s office.

“Viola’s agency released the article. A picture of you guys was uploaded for f-__-k sake! I told you to be careful”

“That picture…it’s not recent. It’s not true!”

“It’s has gone viral now…there’s no way to back out”

“You can’t let this happen PM. I told you she’s really not the one!”

“There’s no use denying it now Robin. Just go along with it for now. The album release is fast approaching and it wouldn’t be good to mess things up now. We’ll arrange a press conference to publicly announce your relationship so get ready. Viola is already on her way here” The PM pat his shoulder.

“Viola…” Robin gritted leaving the PM’s office angrily.


Addison walks out of the hospital a little sad.

She has went to check on Aiden and had hoped to see the lady from the other night but unfortunately she didn’t. She had shrithe about the hospital for almost two hours in hope of seeing her but no. The hospital is just too big with multitude of people.

She sighs looking at the hairband.

“Should I keep this? I don’t need it but…it looks precious…I don’t feel good throwing it away. People are like ocean who knows I might meet her again” she shrugged putting it in her small kitty crossbag which was slung over her shoulder. Yeah, she dresses like her normal self.

A tank top over a blue crazy jeans with white sneakers. A blue beanie cap was wore over her head also. She breathes in the air and smiles.

“Today is for me alone…should I go on a date?” She giggled walking out of the hospital premises.


“Thank you Mister” Addison smiles as she was given her two ice cream cones.

“Hmm…ice cream on a sunny day. Perfect” She licks the ice creams one after the other. A vanilla flavor at one hand and chocolate on the other hand.

She walks around the town of Texas alone remembering the first time she did with Aiden.

She got to the karaoke they went the other day and stopped peering at it.

She turns to leave but then her eyes caught someone familiar.

“Finn?” She shifted back hiding behind a pole as she saw him ran out of the karaoke. He ran after two guys whom she presumed to be thugs.

“Again? Oh no! This is bad” Addison mutters.

Finn and the men exchange some words and the next thing, they slung their arms around him taking him to God’s knows where.

“Oh!” She secretly followed.


After trailing them, she ended at a place which seems like a cul-de-sac.

She covered her mouth with her palms in shock watching the two men beat Finn up taking turns.

“f-__-king $cvm!!”


“Freaking bastard!!” They cursed as they hit him.

They suddenly heard the police siren and instantly stop.

“f-__-k let’s get out of here!” They were about running away but Finn grab the leg of one.

“At least…tell me where she is…please” He pleaded weakly.

“She’s in the country. That much I can assure you. Who knows maybe she escaped to look for you also. Don’t call us again now. I don’t ever wanna see you” The thug replied before running away also.

“Quinn…” Finn mutters weakly on the ground.

Addison stopped playing the siren from her phone and sighs.

“Finn…” She mutters looking at him struggle on the floor. She made to go to him but then stopped and run out of there instead.


After buying some necessary treatments she paid and was about leaving but stop when she remembered something.

“Give me Colossal splint please?” She requested.

By the time Addison would have ran back to the Blind Alley, Finn was already no where to be found. She sighs disappointed.

“Will he be fine?”


“Get out!” Robin ordered strictly as he barged into Viola’s waiting room.

“Give us some minutes” Viola said to her manager.

“Two mins” Briggs, said going out.

Robin dragged Viola up roughly immediately Briggs went out.

“Hey! You’re hurting me!” Viola cried trying to push him off her.

“What did you do?”

“Let go and let’s talk”

“Are you crazy! WHY WOULD YOU RELEASE SUCH A THING!” He yelled at her face.

“ROBIN!!” Viola yelled back.

“Let me go” She glared and he let her go rubbing his temple annoyingly.

“Why did you release that picture? What is your motive?”

“Just…just go along for now”

“Are you crazy?”

“I have a reason for doing this?”

“Without discussing it with me first?”

“You wouldn’t agreed and moreso…the reporter wouldn’t stop interrogating me so I just went along with it.”

“Are you being serious right now? You could have just denied it. It’s my problem not yours!”

“Calm down okay. Listen just accept it. It wouldn’t be bad for the public to think we’re dating. I think it’ll help you more”

“Do I ever said I wanna get tangled with you?”

“Don’t act like you h@ťě me…I’m helping you right now. You aren’t gonna let the public know about your secret girlfriend anyway. You should be thanking me I’m willing to cover up for her”

“I never wanted your help”

Don’t worry…this is just an act. I have no interest in you also. I’m only doing this cause I’ll benefit from it also. I don’t like you so don’t get it twisted”

“Viola you_”

“It’s time for the conference…get ready you two” Briggs interrupted sticking his head in.

“Why don’t you keep your anger for now…we’ll talk better later. Now put on a role of being the loving boyfriend you’re tagged as. You don’t want the press to question you on why you’re being grumpy”

“You better have a reasonble explanation to this” he walked out angrily while Viola sighs.

“So Ill tempered. Jerk”


“Ugh! What a long day” Addison groans slumping on the bed.

She took her phone and go through it.

“No calls…no texts” She sighs.

“He wouldn’t even ask about Aiden? How cold hearted” She pouted surfing through the internet.

‘STARR BOYZ’ she search and different articles came out about them. Including how she joined recently.

“Right?” She was about searching about Rush but stopped when she saw the latest news.






“what the heck!” She clicked on the headlines only to see articles on Viola and Robin dating. There was even a picture of her kissing his cheek.

Her eyes widened as she saw this.

“No $h|t Sherlock!” She leaped up running out of the room.

“M! D! I’m leaving!” She announced running to the door.

“Dear! Wait it’s late!” Her mom said after her.

“No Mom I must go now! Something urgent just came up!”


“Mom really…”

“Your clothes…are you leaving like that?” She pointed to her dressing.

“Ah right. f-__-k me” She rushed back to her room.

Dressing up hurriedly, she came out of her room only to meet her mom waiting for her already.

“Here take this” She gave her a bag with a box inside.

“What’s this M?”

“Cranberries…give it to that handsome lad that came the other day”


“These are good for him so give it to him”

“You didn’t have to do this M.” She smiles and hug her.

“See you later”

“Be careful dear”

“Bye!” She bid her farewell.


Walking into the house, Addison gasps at the scene that beheld her.

There was Ash locking Robin’s shirt glowering at him.

“TELL ME ALREADY ARE YOU REALLY DATING HER!!” Ash growled at Robin who maintain a calm face.

“So what if I am? Can’t I?”

“How dare you say that? Is this who you really are! Why? Now that he isn’t here anymore you think you can do wh@ťěver you want!”

“Ash listen i_”

“Shut up you prick!” Ash punch his cheek hardly before he could finish.

Addison gasps loudly covering her mouth with her palms.

“You promised me you won’t have anything to do with her but now what? Why? You still love her??” Ash howled at Robin who touch his bursted lips.

“Bastard!” Ash spat leaving there angrily.

“Robin!” Addison ran over to him holding him but Robin jerk her hand away leaving.

“Robin! Robin wait!” Addison ran after him.

“Robin…?” Addison called slowly as she stepped inside the room. She saw him beside the desk taking out a balm. Quickly, she ran over to him.

“Oh! I’ll do that!” She snatched the balm from him dropping the nylon in her hand on the floor.

“You don’t need to. I will”He made to collect it back but she shifted away.

“Just let me. Sit” She pushed him slightly and he landed his butt on the chair.


“Shhh!” She shushed him and he sighs looking away. Addison smiles opening the balm. She got some on her finger and moves closer to him. Robin was looking away so she had to held his face making him face her. Their eyes met and she blinked.

“What?” He asked but she shook her head darting her eyes to his bursted lips.

Soon as she made contact with it, the kiss’ scene replayed in her head. She released a light gasp not taking her eyes off his lips.

“Give it to me I’ll do it” Robin collect the balm from her when he realizes she won’t do a thing.

“No…let me” she made to collect it back but he shifted it away.

“Why? So you can kiss me abruptly again?” He raised a brow while she withdraw biting her lips.

“Just stay away” He started applying the balm himself.

Addison sighs staring at him.

“I’m sorry…it’s all because of me” She muttered slowly.

Bin looks at her.

“The article and also…you got hurt” She muttered, he rolled his eyes.

“What are those?” He pointed to the nylon beside her.

“Ah! Right. This” She took the nylon bringing out a box of cranberries from it.

“Mom asked me to give you these. They are really really good” She beams stretching it to him. Robin just stare blankly at it.

“I don’t want. Take it away”

“Uh? Why? These are really beneficial for your health Come on” she pushed a cranberry forward to his mouth while he moves away.

“Don’t be a baby Binny take it”

“Seriously!” He pushes her away.

“I said I don’t want!!” He finds himself yelling.

“Robin…?” She called slowly.

Robin sighs.

“I’m allergic to cranberries…if I eat that I’ll die!”


He wipe his lips.

“You’re allergic? Seriously?? You aren’t just saying that?”


“Who the hell has an allergic for cranberries?”

“Well I do” He snaps.

“Ohh…okay then…I’ll just eat it alone” she took a bite.

“Ow…sour” She gnash her teeth. Robin looks at her and shook his head.

“You bring me nothing but troubles” He glared walking towards his piano. He sat there and started playing after wearing his headphones.

Addison turns around looking at him for a while. She then sighs before walking out of the room.


“Hey” Addison called Ash who was sitting alone at the terrace. He has a bottle of drink in his hand.

“You okay?” She asked sitting beside him.

“Newbie…I would like to be alone…please” He said slowly.

“Will you punch me too if I don’t leave?” She joked. He looks at her. Addison offers him a warm smile but then he looks away ruffling his hair.

“$h|t it’s happening again” He muttered to himself.

“What was that earlier?” Addison inquired.

“I don’t wish to talk about it”

“But I wish to hear about it”

“Ask someone else…”

“No one else will tell me except you. You’re my gist partner remember?” She nudge him. Ash looks at her again and she wiggles her brow at him jokingly. He couldn’t help smiling.

“Want a drink?”

“Nah my tolerance is low” She declined. He nodded.

“There are two people i admired most in this world. Bin is part of them”

“Then why did you do that to him earlier?”

“Cause I was angry”

“Why were you angry?”

“He broke his promise. His promise to stay away from her”

“Who is the other person?”


“Ohhh…him? I should have known. This is about him again”

“Rush and Robin founded me this dream of mine. They made me what I am today. They’re people I dote on a lot. They’re both very precious to me”

“I would like to hear your story”

“I bet you don’t want to. It isn’t really pleasing for the ears”

“I would like to listen anyway”

“After joining the band…I started to see the world with a different view. I was the last to join. They embrace me when no one did and accepted me when I was condemned by all. I always envy those two a lot cause they loved each other like nothing else. There was no one who knew them like I do. I know practically everything. Including their feelings.”

“Was there a girl between them?”

“Viola. You’ve met her once. At the gym”

“The rainbow head??”

“Robin liked her first…but Rush got her first”

“So she was the one”

“He promised me he’ll ki|| his feelings for her but I can’t believe he dare do do this now”

“Why are you so angry over that?”

“Rush liked her a lot. They loved each other a lot we all know that”

“But Rush isn’t here any longer right?”

“No…he’s still coming back. Robin can’t do this to him”

“Can you tell me how and why he disappeared? I think you know well. Do you know where he is now?”

“That is a story for another day”

“Ugh! You’re so frustrating” She groans frustrated making him chuckles.

“What make you so sure that Rush is coming back?”

“Because he promised me he would” He replied and she nodded.

“How is your song coming along?”

“Ugh! Just wh@ťěver!”

“You should hurry up…now that the dating article is out things are gonna become noisy. Viola is collaborating with us for the album also, $h00ting is probably gonna start very soon”

“How is she like, Viola?”

“Don’t wanna talk about it. Tell me where were you throughout. Didn’t see you around”

“Ohh…had something to do. Busy sorting it out”

“Be careful out there. You know what next time you’re going out tell me I’ll accompany you”

“My company can be a little dramatic” she winks.

“Looking forward to it” He tweaked her nose

“Ow!” She slapped her hands pouting.

“Stop behaving girly”

“I’m not! I’mma man!”

“Exactly…” Ash focused on her staring without taking his eyes off. Addison squirm finding it uncomfortable and awkward.

“Why…are you staring?” She asked slowly.

“I think I just figured something out newbie”


“Something totally absurd”

“Is it bad?”

“Can I ask you something?”

“Yeah” she smiles and swiftly, he leans towards her. Her smile was replaced with a sudden gasps and she blinked. Her heart began racing intermittently at the sudden proximity, and a familiar exciting feeling surge through her. Instantaneously, the atmosphere became tense.

“Ash…” She called as he stared at her deeply with a different expression on.

“I love how my name sounds on your lips”


“Can I…kiss you Newbie?” He asked taking her off guard, a sudden gasp leaves her mouth, her eyes blinked in shock. For a while she thought maybe she heard wrong until he repeated himself.

“I want to kiss you…Aiden”





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