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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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SOUL SWITCH – Episode 42

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⚜️⚜️ Soul
Switch 🔱🔱

By: Rosemary O.

I couldn’t post because I was kind of busy, I am preparing for my exams 🥺🥺🥺.

° Episode 42 °

• Few hours later •

The girls were in the dressing room getting ready for the concert.

It was already evening, just a few minutes before the DIVAS went up on stage.

Dami sat quietly as the makeup artist worked on her. Her face was swollen, and she looked pale.

Well why won’t she? She literally cried her eyes out.

She just wanted to go back home and huh her pillow but guess what??

She still had to perform in the concert.

Crazy right??

For celebrities, even when they are in their worst shape, they had to entertain their fans no matter what.

What a sad life!!!!!.

No wonder most of them take drugs, commit suicide and do other crazy things.

At this point, she just want to go back to her own life. She missed being Dami.

It was time, so they made their way to the backstage.

But just before they left the dressing room, Happy held Dami back.

Are you okay???. You look really horrible, Happy whispered.

I am fine, Dami mumbled and moved away from her grip.


The crowd cheered as soon as they came up on stage.

Dami looked around.

Can she really do it????

👥 Chelsea!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
👤 We love you Chelsea!!!!!!!!!!!.

Happy smiled beautifully, and waved at them, Lily, Kimberly and Ava did the same.

And then Dami faked a smile and also waved at them. Just like Chelsea had always done.


Chelsea stared at the snacks in front of her and swallowed her saliva.

You can do this Chelsea, don’t eat the snacks. You should be more concerned with escaping, she told herself.

But then…..

f-__-k that I am hungry, she mumbled. She picked the snack up and was about to devour it when she heard footsteps.

She dropped it immediately and went back to her previous position.

The door opened and the man came in again.

Why the hell can’t she remember where she saw this man???.

He definitely looks familiar.

Oops our baby girl isn’t feeling hungry huh, he chuckled.

Just let me go, you won’t get anything from me, Chelsea said.

He laughed.

Do I look like one who that will invest in an unprofitable business??, he asked.

Baby girl, you better eat well and stay tight. You will be here for a very long time, he grinned.


He dropped the snacks he was holding on the floor too.

Just then she remembered something. Her phone, she was with her phone when she got kidnapped.

She dipped her hand into her pocket and………..

f-__-k!!!! it wasn’t there.

Looking for this??, Pablo asked showing off the phone in his hand.

Why did you……….

Do you really think I will take chances when I know you can be tracked?. Do you take me for a fool??, he asked.


Whenever you feel like your stomach is about to tear, you can eat, he said.

And after saying that, he left the room.

Damned jerk!!!!!!!.

After Pablo left the room, he called Krystal.

She picked up almost immediately.

Zeus hotel, 9pm. If you want to see your daughter, he said and ended the call.

Let the game begin, he grinned.

Meanwhile, Chelsea stood up and started looking around immediately.

She needed to look for a means or a way out, she can’t keep staying here.

But apart from the tiny window and door there was nothing new.

She sighed and walked to the window

But wait………there is something on the window frame.

A pen????

Of what use will it be???. Nevertheless, she kept it in her pocket and went back to her position.

She stared at the snacks lying on the floor.

He was right. She needed to eat, she can only escape when she’s strong.

She grabbed the snacks and started devouring it immediately.


The crowd kept cheering throughout the performance.

Then they finally finished and left the stage.

Dami headed to the restroom. She washed her face, not caring if she washed away the makeup.

Then she stared at her reflection in the mirror.

” I am definitely losing my mind”, she mumbled.

She stayed there for almost twenty minutes before finally leaving.

As soon as she stepped out, she accidentally bumped into Kimberly.

It looked like she was just standing there, waiting for her.

Kimberly wasn’t really a big concern for her. She had other things on her mind.

She moved away and made to leave but Kimberly pulled her back.

The witch has been calm for a while, why is she after her today????.

I kept wondering why you looked like you were going to die, Kimberly laughed.

What do you want?, Dami asked.

Kimberly laughed wickedly before moving closer to her face.

You lost him, Miles dumped you right?, she grinned.

What???? How did she……….

“His management announced it,” she said, waving her phone in front of her face.


What the!!!!!!!!.

Kimberly snatched the phone from her hand.

Oops baby girl, don’t fall you might hit your head on the floor, Kimberly laughed.

Dami smiled and turned to Kimberly.

So???, Dami asked.


Are you trying to act tough??, Kimberly asked.

You know Miles and I will get married right, nothing can stop us now. He is mine and mine forever.

You know I never believed that you guys were together but who cares about that, he is done with you, Kimberly said. Dami rolled her eyes and walked away.


It wasn’t up to one hour after Pablo visited when Chelsea heard footsteps again.

She spranged up immediately.

The door opened and another man came in.

“They’re really two,” she mumbled.

He glanced at the empty snack wrappers.

“I guess you’re pretty sharp.”, he muttered.

Then, he began to approach her slowly.

What are you doing, stay back!!, she snapped. He ignored her and grabbed her arm.

What are you doing let go!!!, let go!!!!, she screamed but he dragged her out of the room.

Wow taking her out huh!!!!

She stopped struggling and went with him obediently.

He took her outside.

“The area was so deserted, you couldn’t even see a little hut, let alone a house or car.

Well, except for the house where she was held hostage. There was a short fence surrounding the house and a small entrance.

The man stared at his watch, clearly waiting for someone.

It was her chance, she thought.

Without hesitation, she bit his hand and tried to fight him off, but he was much stronger.

In a desperate move, she grabbed a pen from her pocket and stabbed his eyes.

He screamed and finally let her go. She ran as fast as she could.

But before she could get to the entrance, Pablo appeared and grabbed her.

f-__-king Ɓîtçh!, he growled and slapped her. She fell to the ground heavily.

He grabbed her hair and pulled her up, then he held her throat.

I guess you are like your mum, I mean blood is thicker than water, he said.

Let go!!!. I……..can’t………I……I…can’t……. breathe, she whispered.

But he didn’t let go.

She instinctively reached out with her hand, searching for something to defend herself with. And luckily, her hand landed on a pipe.

Without hesitation, she grabbed it and struck the man on the head.

He yelled and immediately let her go.

She didn’t waste any time and ran away without looking back.

She had no idea how long she ran, feeling like someone was chasing her.

Eventually, she spotted car lights up ahead and continued running. But as she got closer, her vision started to blur.

Out of nowhere, she heard blaring sound of a horn coming from behind her.

She finally stopped and turned slowly, only to see a car speeding towards her.

And then……………boom!

She found herself flying through the air, crashing onto the ground.

At that moment she felt severe pains all over her body.

Then she started hearing screams and footsteps.

Da………mi, she mumbled before closing her eyes


Dami had barely moved ten meters when Kimberly pulled her back again. Dami sighed.

What do you want this time?, Dami asked

How dare you walk away from you loser!!, Kimber snapped.

As Kimberly moved closer to her, Dami instinctively took a step back. However, she quickly realized that the staircase was right behind her, and if she continued moving backward, she might fall.

I am trying to walk away from trouble, I am not in the mood, Dami said.

Kimberly laughed

You should be wailing right now. What even made you believe that you can be with Miles?. You are a loser and I won, she said

What exactly did you win, my left over???, Dami asked.

Shut up!!, Kimberly snapped.

You know I feel sorry for you, you are really pathetic. Who told you that Miles will look at you now I am no longer in the picture?, Dami asked.

Shut up!!, Kimberly snapped.

You’ve been friends for years, but he never saw you as more than that but we became lovers in not less than two weeks, how am I the loser? And why should I wail?, Dami asked.

Chelsea!!!, Kimberly growled.

You are just a desperate and an obsessed fan girl, Dami mouthed. Kimberly’s eyes turned red.

And I forgot to add, Daddy’s girl. Feel free to report to Daddy if it hurts, she added.

After saying that, Dami turned and started making her way down the stairs.

But at that moment she felt someone push her, she needed no soothsayer to tell her who it was.

She tumbled and rolled down the stairs. It all happened in a flash.

She was in excruciating pain, and blood was gushing out of her body.

Then she heard screams and saw camera flashes.

🗣️ Did Kimberly just push Chelsea down the stairs
👥 I definitely captured it, how can she do something like that.
👥 Go help Chelsea!!!!!.

That name Chelsea……………..

“It’s not mine,” she said before closing her eyes.


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