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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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Larisa opened her eyes slowly and breathe out softly,she looked around and discovered she’s in the room,her heart skipped a beat when she remembered Renata and her snakes but somehow she felt no pains. She sat up and checked her legs,she found no sign of the wounds

“Was it a dream?” She muttered and looked out of the window

“It’s night already” She said and left the bed,she walked to the bed and opened the door slowly,checking if no one is coming and then went out.

“Eclipse” She heard BB’s voice and she turned immediately with a smile

BB walked over to her

“Are you feeling good now?” She asked and Larisa nodded

“So it wasn’t a dream” Larisa chuckled

“You should be careful around Renata,she’s dangerous” BB said

“Her name is Renata? The Snake girl?” Larisa asked and BB nodded

“Let’s not talk about her,you must be hungry,here” BB gave her a snack

“Thank you” Larisa smiled

“Come with me,I will show you something” BB said and grabbed her hand,Taking her away.

“Where are we going? I won’t get into trouble right?” Larisa asked

“Of course not” BB replied and they kept on walking till they entered and empty hall

“Wow,so large” Larisa muttered

“Let me give you a show” BB smirked and Larisa nodded

“Close your eyes” BB requested and Larisa immediately closed her eyes

“Open” BB said after just two seconds

“Whoaaaa!!!!!!” Larisa screamed out

The whole hall already turned to blue ice and it was glowing so beautifully

“Wow” Larisa tapped the floor with her legs

“Love it?” BB asked


“I’m the ice queen” BB said proudly and her hair turned blue

“Oh my gosh,you’re so amazing Ice cracker” Larisa chuckled

BB made two skateboard from the ice

“Here,get on it” She said

“I don’t know how to do that” Larisa said

“I will hold you and teach you,come on” BB said and slowly Larisa got on the skateboard while BB held her tightly.


The pool party was ongoing and all the gangs were having fun aside BB and Jericho who are absent.

“Looking for BB?” Ethan asked Rocco who kept on looking around

“Have you seen her?” Rocco asked

“Not at all” Ethan said and Rocco dropped the alcohol in his hand,

“Where are you going?” Cash asked

“I will be back” Rocco replied and left the pool side.


Somewhere far from the pool,Scarlett was sitting down quietly but all she was thinking about was how to deal with BB.

Soon,a guard showed up and immediately Scarlett called him

“What do you want?” He asked

Scarlett’s eyes turned to orange color

“Find BB and ki|| her,right now” She said in a whisper and blew air from her mouth to the guard’s face

“Anything for you master” The guard bowed and began walking away

Scarlett smirked and almost light up her cigarette when suddenly a hand Grabbed her and she turned

“What do you think you’re doing?” Pistol asked angrily

“You don’t expect me to do nothing,she yelled at me coz of an ordinary Slave and I h@ťě it” Scarlett replied

“So is this the solution!”Pistol Snapped

“I don’t Wanna see her face again” Scarlett smirked

“What are you two talking about?” Rocco appeared and immediately they kept quiet

“I’m asking you a question!!!” He yelled

“She confessed a guard…to ki|| BB” Pistol said and Rocco’s eyes widened

He immediately turned to leave

“Don’t bother going,he won’t stop until he carry out what I sent him” Scarlett said

“Then I will come back and ki|| you also” Rocco said without turning back and immediately he ran off

“Pray nothing happens for BB,He won’t forgive you” Pistol said and walked away

“What the f-__-k is so Special about her!” Scarlett screamed


Larisa and BB are both sitting down,BB got rid of the ice already so it’s all back to normal. The guard who Scarlett sent walked in like a possessed Zombie,his eyes glowing with orange. It was so silent as she approached BB and Larisa who were busy chatting and doesn’t seem to notice him.

Jericho was lying down on a bench the whole time,watching BB and Larisa but he didn’t make himself visible. He suddenly looked back and saw the guard,holding a gun in his hand and pointing at BB directly,He got up immediately and rushed toward BB,pushing her away and the bullet hit him instead

BB and Larisa gasped out with wide eyes

“What’s that?” Larisa asked,looking at the guard who was still aiming at BB

“Jericho,are you okay?” BB asked

“Stay back” Jericho said at once and stretched his hand at the guard,his gun disappeared from his hand and landed in Jericho’s hand

The guard didn’t give up,he brought out a knife

“He’s under a spell” Jericho said

“No,he was confessed by that f-__-king Scarlett and I’m going to ki|| her I swear” BB Said,trying to work away

“Stay back!” Jericho shouted but it was too late,the knife from the guard stabbed BB’s arm as he threw it

“f-__-k” BB removed the knife immediately and blood started rushing out of her arm

“Oh no,ice” Larisa broke into tears

“I’m fine” BB Said

Jericho already appeared behind the guard and he chained his hands to the back

“I will ki|| you!!” The guard screamed,roaring at BB

The door opened loudly and Rocco rushed in

“BB!” He called out

“Rocco” BB called back and he immediately ran to her

“Are you okay?” He asked

“Knife,but I’m fine…..”

“Act like a girl for once! Gosh!” Rocco Snapped and immediately healed up the wound

“I h@ťě being weak” BB rolled her eyes and walked toward Jericho and the guard

“Don’t stay close to him,he will do anything to hurt you” Jericho said

BB’s eyes turned blue and her blue eyes shone against the orange eyes of the guard,soon,the orange died down and he came back to normal

Immediately he lost his consciousness and fell on the floor

“Amazing” Rocco smiled

“Scarlett” BB muttered,folding her fist and tried walking to the door

Rocco and Jericho grabbed her hands at a time and she looked at them with a frown

“What is the meaning of this?” She asked

“You can’t cause anymore trouble….”

“She just tried to ki|| me!” BB snapped at Rocco

“But she didn’t succeed” Jericho said

“So you want me to let this go and you think I am going to?” BB frowned

“I think they are right,it’s only going to cause more fight” Larisa said

“I will walk you go the room” BB held her hand and they left the hall together.

As Larisa walked into the room,she took off her clothes and went into the bathroom.

Her mind went to Lucifer and she started wishing he doesn’t call for her tonight,she was still in pain from last night and she’s not ready to face another one at the moment.


“Hey” Renata called a guard and he immediately walked over to her

“You know the boss’s slave right?” She asked

“Yes” the guard replied

“Good,then go to her and tell her the boss calls for her” Renata said

“You want her here?”

“No,the boss’s Chamber. Not here” Renata immediately said

The guard left and Renata let out a wicked grin

“Finally she will be out of my face” She said and flaunt her hair before walking away.


Larisa was just about lying down on the bed when a knock came on the door.

She got up from the bed and went to open the door, it’s a guard.

“The boss want you to come over” The guard said and Larisa’s heart started beating fast

The guard left her sight

Larisa swallowed hard,she was so scared,not knowing what she will be going through this time,but nevertheless she left the room and started walking toward Lucifer’s Chamber.


Lucifer was inside,struggling so hard with his demons trying to take over his body,just like Vesper said,they loses control sometimes coz of their cravings for blood.

His eyes were all red,glowing like the flames of fires. His fingers kept growing,then it will return back to normal again,but soon he couldn’t control it anymore and the demons took full control completely.

“Ahhhhhhhh!!!!” A deep roar came from him and his claws grew five times longer than usual,his eyes more red and blood gushed out of his eyes when Lucifer tried controlling it even once.

Heavy forces started coming out from his body and in a minute,the whole room turned upside down

At that very minute,the door opened and Larisa came in.

Lucifer’s demons smelt a human immediately and they turned,

“Ahhhhhhhhh!!!!!” Larisa screamed out in fear as she saw the monster in front of her, she turned back,trying to run out of the room but she couldn’t move her legs and in a second,a wind blew her back to Lucifer.

He grabbed her neck and pinned her against the wall,shoving his claws straight into her neck and blood started gushing out.


To Be Continued

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