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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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SOLD TO LUCIFER – Episode 22

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Larisa’s let out a gasp as Orpheus’s lips captured hers,she immediately broke the kiss and moved back.

“I’m….sorry” Orpheus muttered,regretting his action immediately

“It’s okay,goodnight” Larisa said and immediately turned

“Wait” Orpheus grabbed her hand and she looked at him

“I will walk with you” He said and Larisa stared at him blankly before nodding.

Orpheus smiled

“I thought you were going to shout at me and get mad” He said as they started walking together

“I should…it was my first. But I’m not in the position to shout… ”

“No,don’t think low about yourself. I should have asked for your permission before kissing you,if any guy do that,you’re free to slap him or just tell me,I will ki|| him” Orpheus said and Larisa chuckled

“Really? Do you have that type of powers too? You can appear at once if I call your name?” She asked

“No” Orpheus said at once and Larisa laughed

“You look pretty when you laugh” Orpheus muttered

“Thank you” Larisa muttered

“We are here” Orpheus muttered when they got to Larisa’s door

“Goodnight” She waved at him and he replied with a nod,staring at her as she walked in and then closed the door

Orpheus sighed and bite his bottom lip

“Whoa,what a nice view” he heard a voice from the back and he turned immediately to see Renata glaring at him

“Stay out of it” Orpheus said

“And who are you to tell me what to do?” Renata snapped

“So what are you gonna do?” Orpheus asked,walking closer to her

“You know what will happen once I tell the boss about this” Renata smirked

“Then I will ki|| you before that” Orpheus thr_@tened and Renata glared at him angrily

“How dare you thr_@ten me!” She yelled and immediately a big python opened its mouth from her shoulder

“Gosh Renata!” Jericho rushed to the scene and Renata turned,swallowing angrily

“Control your anger for once,it’s annoying” Jericho said

Renata glared at Orpheus again and gently the python became invisible

“This is not over yet” She said to Orpheus and walked away,bumping her shoulder into Orpheus’s own.

Orpheus scoffed and turned to Jericho

“You look like someone who love peace so much,why?” He asked

“So you don’t want it? You want to die young?” Jericho asked

“I h@ťě it when things are boring” Orpheus muttered before walking away.


BB gently took off her nightie,leaving just her bra and pantie,she was on the bed already few minutes ago but she was finding it hard to sleep so she came here instead.

“Bestie,here I come” she grinned and dived into the pool at once

“So cold” She smiled and raised her head,rubbing her hair to the back and then exhaled. She started swimming around until Rocco showed up,he was passing by,holding a cigarette in his hand but stopped when he saw BB in the water.

BB also stopped swimming and their eyes pierced into each other,BB was the first to disconnect the stares.

She dived into the water and stayed for about three minutes better bringing out her head

“Oh gosh!” She groaned out.

Rocco was already sitting down,his two legs inside the pool and he was still staring at her.

“What,why do you keep staring at me that way?” BB asked

Rocco ignored her and looked away..

“Oh wow,someone is trying to keep on with an attitude with me?” BB teased and swam closer to him

“Hey,look at me” She said

“Just go back to what you were doing” Rocco said

“Actually…..” BB moved away from him

“I was waiting for someone else,but you showed up” she said and Rocco looked at her

“Who? Jericho?” He asked

“No,anyone guy.” BB smiled

“Do wh@ťěver you want” Rocco scoffed and BB frowned

“Hey!” She splashed water all over him

“Are you crazy?!” Rocco yelled

“You’re the crazy one here! I h@ťě it when we don’t talk to each other” BB snapped

“Oh wow,BB you look so f-__-king segzy” Ethan stopped by

“Thank you Ethan,you look so hot too” BB winked at him before he walked away

She turned back to Rocco

“Hey” She called softly

Rocco took off his shirt and entered the pool

“Are you ready to talk to me now?” BB asked as Rocco came up in front of her

Rocco skipped her question and grabbed her waist

BB smiled and wrapped her arms around his neck

“Are you still angry or not?” She whispered

“Are your eyes opened?” Rocco asked

“What do you mean?” BB questioned

“I mean,this is Rocco in front of you not Jericho” He said

“What if I just freeze you inside this pool right now? For ignoring me all day” BB smiled and immediately the water started getting colder

Rocco kissed her and she released the water,immediately kissing Rocco back.

“Let’s go inside” BB whispers

“No” Rocco replied and started leaving the pool

“Where are you going?” BB immediately asked

“I’m going to sleep” Rocxi muttered

“What?!!” BB screamed

“Punishment for going out with another guy” Rocco said and walked away

“Son of a Ɓîtçh!!!!!” BB yelled

“f-__-k” she muttered and bit her down lip

“I’m horny,that motherf-__-ker turned me on” She mumbled


Wednesday was all alone in the library,a book in front of her,it’s the spell book. She was muttering some spells from the book when suddenly the door opened and Rocky entered

Wednesday looked up and saw him running toward her

“Nesday” He called,breathing heavily

“What is it?” Wednesday asked

“I need your help” Rocky said


“Do you like….know how to chase off a ghost?” Rocky asked and Wednesday’s eyes widened

“Is there a ghost following you?” She asked and Rocky nodded

“Pick from my list,a ghost who wants revenge,a wicked ghost with heart filled with hatred or a ghost in love” She said

“I don’t know Wednesday,I have no idea. I just want her to disappear from my sight” Rocky said

“Who is the ghost to you?” Wednesday asked and Rocky kept quiet

“Who’s she?” She asked again

“Never mind” Rocky muttered and turned for go but Wednesday grabbed his hand and he turned back

“You don’t want to tell me? Then how will you get rid of her?” She asked

“That ghost…… my twin sister” Rocky muttered and Wednesday released him immediately


“She died on our eighteenth birthday and….since then….she’s been following me. I can’t even have a girlfriend just because……she’s going to ki|| her” Rocky muttered in tears and Wednesday swallowed

“You said she’s your sister….not girlfriend. So why would she ki|| any girl you date?” She asked

“I have no idea,she kept saying silly things like,we are fated to be together and….I feel like dying” Rocky muttered and sat down

“Let’s inform boss,he will get rid of her… ”

“That’s it,I don’t want to hurt her. She’s dead,I just want her to stay away from my life…what if boss hurt her??” Rocky asked and wiped his tears

“Then you will remain single for the rest of your life,keep on with your life as a playboy” Wednesday smirked and walked out of the library.

Rocky buried his face in his palms but almost immediately,he felt a hand touching him

“Bonnie,can you please just go for tonight alone? Please” He said without looking up

“Bonnie? Who the f-__-k is Bonnie?” He heard Pistol’s voice and he looked up


“Do you have any idea where that big head called Cash is? I’ve been searching for him” Pistol said

“Why?” Rocky asked

“To look for his trouble,what else?” She grinned and made a sound with the gum in her mouth.

“I have no idea” Rocky muttered and stood up

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