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HomeSIREN: The Beautiful KillerSIREN: The Beautiful Killer - Episode 1

SIREN: The Beautiful Killer – Episode 1

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⚔️The beautiful ki||er⚔️

Zeemah writes?



I pulled my car to a halt in front of a white mansion.
I stared at the map on my iPod and glanced at the white mansion.


I wore a red wig over my brown golden hair, picked my mask and wore it over my face before stepping out of the car holding a pistol.
My eyes swiftly scanned the entire building and i walked towards the locked gate.

That doesn’t stop me from going in though.

I smiled and began climbing the wall with expertise, I’ve climbed bigger mansions than this!
I jumped into the balcony without making a sound.
I turned and carefully scanned the area.

No one.

I tried the door knob with my gloved hand and found it locked.
I twitched my nose and produced a skeleton key from the pocket of my ninja outfit.

I slid the key into the lock and turned it, it opened immediately and i quickly entered the house.
I met the well furnished living room empty .

➡️Mia what’s up?” Boss asked through the ear connection.
“Modus operandi (mode of operation)” I whispered back before disconnecting.

I walked into the middle of the living room and saw a narrow passage,i moved towards it.
There are three doors on the left,two on the right,and one at the end of the passage facing me.


I walked towards the one at the end of the passage and kicked it open with my boots.

I barged into the room and saw the couple disengage from their love making, staring at me in fear.
I chuckled “That’ll be the last segz you’ll both have,you can continue in heaven” I said and opened fire on my pistol.

I shot them twice each on their heads and smirked as their brains splattered across the bed’s headboard with blood covering their bedside lamp.

I hurried back to the balcony,and brought out a thick rope which is always connected beneath my boot.
I attached it down to the gate and also clipped it to the balcony edge.

I slide down using the rope as support.
My feet landed on the ground and i quickly disconnected the rope.
I wrapped it firmly in my hands and barged back to my car.

I unlocked it and looked around again.
I entered and shut the door.
I removed my wig and mask,dumped the pistol at the backseat and then glanced at my reflection in the rear view mirror,i adjusted my hair.

I picked my face cap and pulled it over my hair before turning on the ignition.

“Another mission accomplished” I muttered with a smile before speeding away into the night.


⚔️The beautiful ki||er⚔️

Chapter 1✓✓

Zeemah writes?



?Dad! I only got shot in the leg,i wasn’t ki||ed” I said into the phone.

I was laying on the hospital bed after getting shot a night before in a $h00tout with criminals.

Dad has always complained about my job, he’s afraid to lose me cause I’m the only one he has but i have my reasons for choosing this line of job.
I don’t tell him whenever i got shot cause i know how worried he’ll be and it might raise his already high blood pressure.
I wonder who told him that i got shot!

?Darrel leave that job and come take over my companies. You’re endangering your life!” He said worriedly.
Dad is a prominent socialite who owns several companies in and outside the country.

?Dad,you know I’ve always wanted to be what i am presently,I’m good at this job dad and guess what?” I asked.
He growled and i sighed.
?Well…im gonna tell you anyway,i got promoted last week” I smiled.
?And so what?”
?Ah! Won’t you congratulate me,my salary has increased and i now have my junior colleagues bow and salute me” I grinned.

?Darrel,you’re gonna earn more once you become a CEO of one of my companies,i will leave you to handle it all,i don’t care about the amount you’ll squander” He said.
?Of course i know that but I’m not doing this for money,I’m doing it cause i love doing’s my passion dad,please just accept it” I said and heard him sigh.

I smiled…he’s already giving in,i just need to add more spice.

?For the meantime” I added.
?For the meantime?” He asked.
?Yes Dad,for the meantime” I said.
?Okay,I’m coming to check on you ” He said.

?Huh? Aw! I’ve been discharged already” I lied.
?Yes Dad,the bullet didn’t penetrate deeply”
?Ohh.. i thought it was severe” He said.
?Nah! It wasn’t,will you come to my house?” I asked, knowing well that he won’t.

?No! I can’t come to that little place you call a house ” He said and i laughed.
?Okay Dad”
?I have lots of mansions but you decided to rent that little apartment”
I sighed.

I moved out of the mansion months ago,i needed to be alone,i needed to concentrate on my job and i needed to be free.
Dad was always disturbing me and he doesn’t even allow me to go out in the night whenever i was called for emergency.

?Dad,I’m fine here” I said.
?Of course you’ll be, just make sure you don’t go for $h00tout or wh@ťěver you call it again okay?”
?Okay Dad” I stifled a laughter wondering how his face will look like at the moment.
?I have to go,i have meetings to attend” He said.
?Okay Dad”.
?You should have been the one attending this meetings but you chose to…”
?Bye dad” I interrupted him by quickly disconnecting the call.

He nags too much.

I dropped my phone beside me and glanced up at the TV.
It was displaying news,a woman anchor appeared on the screen beneath a banner that read;



“Again!” I exclaimed.
“Aren’t the New York detectives competent enough to have sorted out this assassin all this years. They couldn’t come up with a tangible thing,all they could come up with is that the assassin is a female.
She keeps ki||ing innocent people without being apprehended! What sort of cruelty is that?” I said to myself.

“Buddy what’s up?” I heard and glanced up to see Eric,my friend,he’s also my colleague at work,he walked in with Jed,our junior colleague who bowed and saluted immediately he got to my bed.
“I didn’t even heard the ward door open” I said.

“Yeah,what’s with the frown?” Eric asked sitting on the edge of the bed.
“Sit there” I said to Jed pointing to the single chair in the ward.
He bowed before walking to the chair.

“Can you believe that anonymous assassin in New York has ki||ed yet another couple” I said pointing to the TV.
Eric turned and gasped.
The couple picture are already been displayed.

They were shot in the head and i could tell the $h00ting was more than once.

“d@mn! This is terrible” Eric said turning back to face me.
“Of course it is. She has been assassinating innocent people for years and the detectives are yet to do anything about” I said, feeling pity for the victims.
“I think most of the detectives flee cause i heard she ki||s any detective in charge of her case” Eric said.
“That’s because they’re not capable” I said.

Another news was being displayed…

“I wonder who told Dad that i got shot” I said to Eric.
“Of course, i finished speaking to him some minutes before you arrived and he was nagging seriously” I said.
“Ah! ” He sighed and rubbed his forehead.
“Who told him?” I asked.

“Its Ken” He said.
“Ah!” I sighed, Ken is also a junior colleague.
“Your dad called the office yesternight and Ken was in charge of answering the call. He said he wants to speak to you that he’s been calling your home line but you weren’t picking up, so Ken kinda spilled the beans” Eric said.
“Ken is such a…” I was about using swear words but i cut it off.

“The deed is done anyways, so how are you feeling now?” Eric asked.
“I’m good,i was expecting to be discharged this morning only for the doctor to place me on another IV fluid” I said and stared at my bandaged leg.
“Your leg?” Eric asked.
“It hurts less now” I said.

“Those criminals have all been apprehended, they’ll be charged to court soon” Eric said and i smiled.
“Katy will be here soon” He said.
“Ohh.. really?”
He nodded.

Katy is also my colleague,she’s a beautiful and fearless lady who’s always ready to face anything and she always come out victoriously.
We were at the $h00tout together and she was the one who rushed me to the hospital.

“Jed,go tell the doctor that the IV fluid is almost finished” Eric said to our junior colleague who stood up immediately and walked out of the ward.
I glanced at it and truly it’s almost finished.
Finally,i can get discharged.

“Darrel, Katy is coming to see you” He said making me glance up at him.
“You told me that earlier” I said.
“Uh..Yes. She’s so worried about you” He said.
“She should be” I said.
“Com’on Darrel,you know she likes you right?” He asked.
“Ugh! There you go again” I said.
“But she likes you” He said.
“She never told me she like me” I said.

“She does! Can’t you tell?” He asked.
“It’s just a slight crush which is normal for every lady that come across me. I’m handsome yunno” I said and he rolled his eyes.
“There you go again, boasting about your looks” He said and i chuckled.

“On a serious note,you know how much Katy likes you right?” He asked and i shrugged.
“I like her too” I said and he smiled.
“As a colleague” I added and he frowned.

“Com’on Darrel” He said.
I sighed. “Has she ever told you that she likes me!”
“Yes she has, she told me Darrel,she just doesn’t have the courage to tell you yet” He said.
“And is that the reason you’re trying to match make? I’ve told you it’s just a slight crush” I said.

“It isn’t” He said.
“So what do you want me to do?” I asked.
“Date her” He said and i laughed.
“In your dreams” I said.
“Do you probably have a ghost girlfriend?” He asked making me laugh harder.
“Yeah i do” I said when my laughter subsided.
“Don’t be sarcastic..I’m serious here” He said.
“Eric! Com’on,you know well that she isn’t the only lady that likes me but i don’t just want to be committed in any relationship for now” I said.

“I know but…”
“Let’s stop talking about this” I interrupted him and he sighed.
“Did you get the novel i asked you to?” I asked.
He shook his head.


I continued watching the news while he was busy with his phone…

The doctor walked in with Jed.

“Oh! The IV fluid is finished already” He said and started disconnecting it.
“So I’ll be discharged right away right?” I asked.
“No, you’ll still have to be here till tomorrow” He said.
“What!” I exclaimed.
“Yes, we’ll need to examine your leg” He said.
“But i have to resume work” i said.
“Even if we discharge you tomorrow,you’re not advised to move around with your leg till it’s fully healed” The doctor said and i nodded.

“You’ll need to eat now, I’ll be back to examine your leg” The doctor said and made a notation on my file before walking out.
I sighed and glanced at Eric.

“Won’t you say something?” I asked Eric.
“What do you want me to say?” He asked and i felt like knocking off his head.

The door opened again and this time it was Katy,she was holding a basket and looking more beautiful in her blue sweatshirt and white pants.

“Hi” She said cheerfully to everyone as she walked in.
Eric smiled and glanced at me.
“We’ll be leaving now Darrel” He said and stood up from the bed.
“So soon?” I asked.
“Yeah,i have some cases to look into” He said.
“Okay” I sent him a secret glare knowing he’s lying.
He smiled and then winked at me.

Ah! What a friend.

Jed bowed before walking out of the ward with Eric, leaving Kate and i.
I returned her sweet smile.

“How’re you feeling now ?” She asked and took a seat beside me on the bed.
“I’m getting better” I said.
“Okay,i hope your leg hurt less now” She said peering at my bandaged leg.
“Yeah” I said.
“When will you be discharged?” She asked.
“Tomorrow” I said.

She tucked her blonde hair behind her ears.
“I brought you some pizza rolls” She said and i smiled.
“Thanks, right timing.” I said and watched her bring out a covered plate from the basket.

She opened it and revealed the steaming pizza rolls with cheese and sauce oozing out of the seams.

My smile widened and my dry mouth started salivating.
I sat up as she shifted the plate to me.
“Looks nice” I sniffed and she smiled.
“Let’s eat it together” I said.
“Nah, i brought it for you” She said.
“I want us to eat it together, it’ll be more tasty that way,besides this isn’t the first time we’ll be eating pizza rolls together” I said.

“Fine” She smiled and we both started eating.
“Yummy” I said.
“Thanks” She grinned.

“Those criminals have been apprehended” She said.
“Yeah, Eric told me that” I said with a mouthful.
So delicious.
“They are bunch of fools who kept ranting,even in the cell” She said and i laughed.

“Did you watched the news?” She asked.
“News? I watched a lot of news today. Be precise” I said stuffing more pizza rolls into my mouth.
“About the assassination of a couple by the anonymous assassin in New York?” She said,her face growing serious.

“Ohh..yeah, i did.” I said.
” It was so brutal,i wonder what they are doing to it” She said.
“Exactly what i said … I wonder what the detectives are doing to it. It’s kinda getting out of hand” I said.

“The lady has been getting away with it for years,they should just do something” She said, pouring some water into the glass cup for me .
“The citizens are not safe anymore” I said and collected the glass cup of water from her.
“Of course they are not” She said.

I gulped down the water and muttered ‘thanks’.
She packed the plate and placed it back into the basket.

“Thanks Katy” I said.
“It’s fine” She smiled.

I feel so good.

“Boss told me to say hi to you, he will also come to see you soon,he has been so busy” She said.
I nodded.
“So tell me what happened at our quarter today” I said.
“You should trust me, I’m ready to give you the full gist” She smiled.
“Let’s go …” I said happily and we laughed.

? New York…..


I smiled and threw the paper into the fireplace.
I watched it burn slowly.

I stood up and walked back to the kitchen,washed my hands in the sink,dried it and started making coffee.

I walked to the fridge, leaving the coffee to perk.
I opened the fridge and brought out the strawberry cake Joel made.

I placed it on the kitchen counter, picked a knife and a small plate,and then cut two slices before returning the remaining cake to the fridge.
I shifted my attention to the now perky coffee.

I picked a mug and quickly rinsed it in the sink.
I turned the gas ring before pouring some coffee into the mug.

I placed the mug of coffee on the tray alongside a box of sugar cubes,a carton of cream with a plastic spoon and also the small plate of two slices of cake.
I carried it down to the dining room, sat down and started eating..
I was almost done with my lunch when Joel strolled into the dining room.

I wonder where boss and the rest are.

“Hey Mia” He smiled and sat opposite me.
“What’s up?” I asked.
“I’m a bit stressed out” He said.
“Why? Did you go on any mission?” I asked.
“Nah! I went on an errand for boss”
“Ohh…okay” I said and there was this awkward silence as he stared at me.

Well… Joel is one of our crew who kinda has a crush on me, he’s cute and i always admire his golden hair and sky blue eyes.
He’s a good cook and also the one in charge of getting informations.
We’re six in number including boss.
Carla,Anne,Joel,Robbie,i and our boss ‘Donovan Craven’.
We all stay together in a big mansion, we’ve been here for years except Anne who recently joined us.

I’m mostly given assassination missions cause I’m more than capable to do it.
I love ki||ing…
Taking lives has become part of me.

“Where are the others?” I asked.
“They are at the pool” Joel said.
“Ohh…do you care for some?” I asked pointing to my tray.
“Nah! I already had lunch ” He said.
“Okay” I stood up and took the tray back to the kitchen.

I washed the plate and rinsed the mug.
I put everything back in it’s place,dried my hands and walked out of the kitchen.

“Let’s go watch a movie in the living room” I said to Joel who smiled and stood up immediately.
He followed me down to the living room and sat beside me on the couch.
I picked the remote control and switched on the TV.

News came on display..


“Can they just stop talking about this already” I said and changed the channel.
Joel glanced at me..”Mia, you’ve never failed on any mission,you’re good at almost everything,i sometimes envy you” He said.
I smiled…I’ve been told this by my crew so many times.

“Joel you won’t believe they were having segz when i barged in” I said.
“Really?” He widened his eyes and we both laughed.

I have another mission tonight,I’m going to assassinate Mr Padgett,the largest shareholder of Bailott who’s known to like anything under skirt and that’s what is gonna be used against him.
He ordered a lady or should i say a prostitute from the VIP club to be with him for the night but I’m gonna get there earlier and act like the prostitute before blowing off his brain.
Boss has been paid for the job and he has given every one of us our share.

We heard the door opened and closed and we saw boss walked in with others.
He’s a huge man in his early forties,he has a scary face that was filled with scars,he’s a bit handsome and he rarely smile.

And there’s Anne beside him,she recently joined us,she’s a pretty lady with a natural pink hair,she has cute black eyes and her lips colour matches with her hair. Boss said I’ll be taking her along with me on missions so as to train her.

“Mia,go dress up. Mr Padgett is already at the hotel” Boss said in his deep scary voice.
“Okay boss” I said and smiled as i saw Carla glared at me.

Carla is one beautiful lady,who has an attractive figure that can’t be compared to mine though,she has been with boss before me and i don’t know the reason she developed hatred for me ever since then.
She’s a meteorologist,she helps in checking the perfect weather for our mission. She ki||s too,we all ki|| but I’m the one sent mostly to do it.

Robbie walked to Joel,he’s a fine young man, he’s so nice and has a gentle look but beneath that gentleness is a brutality you never know exist,he’s an IT genius,he deals with all the device and he’s capable of hacking into any system.

I stood up and bowed before boss before walking to my room.
I opened the wardrobe and pulled out my red skimpy gown,i laid it on my large bed before turning back to open my large drawer. Hundreds of wigs stared at me.
I selected a long white wig, my real hair must never be revealed.

I placed it on the bed and rushed into the bathroom.


I started applying make up after i was done putting on my dress.
I stood up from the dressing chair and wore the long white wig over my hair. I brushed it and adjusted it perfectly that one will think it was my real hair.

“Good” I muttered as i stood in front of the mirror.
My pistol is already in the car and i won’t be needing a mask.
I picked a small red purse from the shelf.

“Mr Padgett,start saying your last prayer already” I smiled and slide my feet into a stop-him-dead-in-his-tracks gladiator sandals before walking out of my room.


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