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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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SINNERS – Episode 8

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[ # 1 in the DE LUCA SERIES]
♟️ Spark’s libary 2022


✍️By authoress lenity Faithful

©️ Spark’s libary 2022


Tags ☠️: Mafia , love , arrogant , billionaire , Age gap , Marriage contract .

©️ Copyright [ Do not copy or Repost without permission from me the writer or else …You’d not like my actions ]






” Grace ….Calm down ! I said and she threw her other slippers over my head .

” Bro we brought the woman …! ” Emelio said and groaned as her slippers flew and hit him on his face .

” Man I warned ya ” Sergio said laughing badly as he walked into the room Emelio groaned

” I’m so sorry …oh God …it’s not my fault , Massimo caused it you know how he behaves ” she said and they both stared at her speechlessly .

Whilst she played with her fingers cutely .

” Mr hottie …I swear I didn’t do it on purpose I’d have preferred it hit this Oldie here ” she glared at me and both Sergio and Emelio burst out laughing.

” Do I look funny ! I snapped angrily and they both froze .

” No !

” Get outta my Room ! I snapped and as they turned grace made to leave with them ..

” Where are you going ? I snapped angrily and she licked her lips.

” Me ? ” She asked feigning innocence .

” You live in this room kitten and you have no rights to live without my permission ” I snapped.

” What am I ? Your girlfriend ? Your wife ? Your younger sister ? Massimo you have no rights whatsoever to talk me as it pleases you ! She fired at me and both Emelio and Sergio where staring at me with jaws dropped .

” You have a tongue of fire , That would surely put you in trouble ” I said and pulled her wrist then threw her over to the bed .

She flew like a kite and fell on the bed as she cried out from the impact .

” You’d never see the gates of heaven Massimo ! She whinned and i glared at my brothers who left immediately

They knew better than to mess with me .

” You’re becoming too much to handle grace …” I trailed staring at how my Shirt went up showing her pretty legs .

” More of the reasons you should let me go ,this kidnapping grace thing doesn’t suit you ! She snapped and I ignored her as I walked over to my wardrobe and pulled out a long rope .

” Oldie what do you need a rope for ? She asked as her eyes grew wide open .

She shifted backwards on the bed to see what I was holding properly .

She tried to run and I pulled her back immediately .

” Let me go Massimo DE LUCA ! She kept screaming at the pit of her stomach as I tired her legs ..




Sl*p ” my cheek hurt with her constant slapping then h*ts on my chest .

I tied her up both hand and legs as she curled up like a snail .

” You’re a coward Massimo ….and coward’s like you ,DO NOT SCARE ME ! She spat angrily and I climbed up to her and tied her mouth with a scarf .

” Mm….” She struggled whilst glaring daggers at me .

” I’m a Coward huh ? I won’t rest Grace until I break you…,untill you fall at my feet and call me your king “I said touching her hair and she looked away Making me laugh .

I stared at her phone then put it in my pocket as she struggled to take it from me …
But the helplessness further frustrated her .

I cleaned my hands and left her in the room .

“DON ” Emelio said as he walked towards me ..

” Where is she ? I asked and he smirked.

” In the toture room ” he said and I walked infront as they followed .

When I got in Kristov Dad and Frederico where already there .

” What do you want from me Don ? I pay my dews and I’ve never done anything that wants me summoned.

” Oh and don’t you think o have something precious of yours in my custody ? I asked and she rolled her eyes .

” Precious ? Grace was nothing but a pain in the @zz for me . When Sergio said he wanted her , I had to get rid of the pest ! ” She said Angrily ,one could still detest the Wickedness and … cruelness in her voice .

” You sold your daughter off ? I asked .

” Your father offered me a good price ” she said and I stared into her eyes .

” Is she Twin ? I asked her mother who shook her head immediately .

” She’s not twin …I don’t know what you’re talking about ” she said and I smirked as Sergio poured me a glass of wine .

” She’s not twin ? I asked as I pulled out a pocket knife and flipped it her eyes widened.

” Do you think I’d lie to the Don ….I’ve been loyal for years …. and I’m not that stupid to put my life on the line …” She said and I stared into her eyes .

” Grace is my Daughter ” she said firmly .

” Who’s her father? I asked and she looked at me for a while .

” I’m a prost*t*te ? I don’t know her father …” She said and I slam`med her face on the tabl`e face first .

” Arrrrrh ….” She cried out in pain.

” I don’t know Don ….! I don’t know who her father is ” she cried out in pain.

” I’d be a fool of I believe a prost*t*te” I smirked and tears rolled outta her eyes.

” Who’s her father ? The truth or your life on the line ” I said camly and she scoffed out more tears .

“I don’t know ” she said and I stood up .

“Good that means you’ve agreed to stay here until you’re ready to say the truth I said as drops of the red liquid ran down from her nose .

She just stared at the ceiling and I stormed out angrily.

She’s as sturbbon as her crazy daughter ” I spat Angrily and Rico chuckled .

” We have a meeting ” He said and I rubbed my face as Sergio and Emelio joined us .

” I’m off to work ” kristov said and walked passed us .

” Look how innocent he looks ” Sergio teased and they all laughed .

” We’ll be needing some of our guys ” I said and Sergio left to get everything in other .

” He’s been skipping classes lately ” Emelio said and I looked at him .

” More of the reasons I wanted him to be homeschooled ,the stubborn idiot wants a normal life ..
And you, are you even going to school ? I asked arms folded and he looked at me.

” Of course I’m not missing my classes and besides I have a show this weekend ….” He said and both Rico and I rolled our eyes .

” Do I look like someone that’s interested in hearing a k*ller sing love songs ? Your fans shouldn’t Know what you do behind that seducing smile ” I said and the smile on his face vanished .

My eyes met the pendent on his neck as he looked away .

Emelio used to be the most innocent amongst all of us , he even refused to join the mafia business ….due to love but all that ended the Day he lost the only person he used to love more than himself ….!

His eyes opened to see the cruel love and that in a world as selfish as this , only the strong and heartless ….the selfish and emotionless people succeed .

He now uses his head and leaves his heart behind .

That’s the rule of every De LUCA ….

” Are you gonna leave grace behind ? He asked.

” Are you even asking me that ? You talk as if the injury on your nose is not enough reason, not to suggest I take her with us ” I said with hands tucked in my pocket .

” You wanna go there without Gina ….Grace wh@ťěver her name is ? He asked .

” She’d make things worse , I need to have her agree to fake being Gina …before presenting her anywhere because that girl is evil ” I said and they both laughed .

I looked at Frederico as got a call on his phone .

” Clear my schedule ….” He said and ran his fingers in his hair …

” That’s non of your business ..Jada , we f_cked isn’t enough reason to start talking to me like you’re my wife ” he spat and Emelio laughed .

” You have the habit of sleeping with your secretaries thought you changed ? I asked and he just ignored me like I wasn’t talking to him .

” I’m back ” Sergio said as he joined us.

We all walked out of the house and Rico and Leo sat behind whilst I sat in front with Sergio .

” Don’t drive recklessly ! I said sternly and he smirked .

” Scared to loose your life bro ? He teased .

” I’m not scared to die … everyone’s gonna die one day , but don’t drive like a mad man ” I said and looked out of the tinted glasses .

He pressed on the gas and sped off Making me glare at him .

My mind went to the little d*vil back in the De LUCA estate and i rolled my eyes .

She’s nothing but trouble .



I frowned due to boredom . I wonder where Oldie and his brothers went to ?

Probably to commit more crime .

I miss classes …I’m preety sure the school as laid a complain to the cops to arrest me for the dept I owe .

What do I do if I eventually leave this place ?

I had a lot of dreams this year and Massimo ….just stole me from my life …at this time of my life…!

I h@ťě him so much ….infact if I had the strength and power to make one wish I’d wish he was … ? tree or maybe a poor hungry Rat ..

Or a baboon …an ugly ….Gorrilla .. I h@ťě the fact that he is so handsome ….I h@ťě how he makes my heart flutter anytime he stared at me ….

I don’t want to have anything to do with a Sinner , this is not where I belong , he’s the Don and his world is unsafe .

I picked my bag and went out tod look for where I could ease my mind by dancing .

I changed into my training clothes and shoes and as I walked towards the the sitting room , I saw a big hall ….

Wow they have a music court ….

It looked like a studio . I walked in and saw different instruments …

I looked at the sign and it was written

Emelio De LUCA …

Oh … they have a singer amongst them ? Who could have thought a singer had such dirty secrets ?

This is just the perfect place to ease my mind .

I walked over to the speakers as I played my choice of song …I moved to the middle of the Court and started my practice .

Dancing is my world ….my life ….my life ….my escape .

I stayed in the studio for hours and by th time I was done , I’d ended up bleeding on my toes

It hurt so much ..

I limped all the way to the Don’s room as I took a shower .

I noticed there where now female clothes in his wardrobe …female shoes bags and jewelries …

The brands and price tag had my jaws dropping .

What is this man up to ? A blush stained my cheeks when I noticed there where also new Victoria secrets …underwears …

And they where all in my size .

So he’s planning to keep me here longer than expected …. he’s up to no good for sure …

He doesn’t know …me let him continue thinking he’s smart .

I took a shower and changed into a short pink tracksuit and tied my hair in a messy bun .

I wore a fancy slippers and tightened my leg chain.

I badly needed a smoke but I controlled the urge …I walked out and there he was sitting on the bed .

There was a bottle of half used wine on the table and an empty packet on smoke .

” Massimo ” I said and he looked at me …

I noticed the blood on his shirt and gasped .

” You’re injured ” I said shocked .

” It’s not my blood ” he snapped and I swallowed down nothing .

He stood up stared at me calmly .

” Are you joking with me Gina ? He asked walking closer ….!

” You think you can hide with your f_cking pretense as grace ! I’ve checked all the proof ….

” I’ve asked your mother …. everything points out to the fact that you’re Gina ….! He spat as Walked close .

” I …..I don’t know what you’re talking about” i said in shock .

” What where you Doing ….with Mr Reece ? He asked and I opened and closed my mouth like a fish.

” Reece ?

” Why do you have the same f_cking tattoo as Gina ! …he asked and ..I froze .

” I’m not Gina !

” That’s the mafia’s tattoo grace. How long would you lie ! He asked and I held myself from crying out loud .

” I don’t know …I sw*ar on my life I’m not ….” I trailed .

” Take of your p*nt*es kitten ” he said and I stared at him with my heart in my throat .

” I’m not your wh-_-re Massimo …you might have me in your cell …but I’m a queen in my own realm and I refuse to let you use me ” I said glaring at him with nothing but h@ťě ….

” Stubborn are we ? He asked his Italian accent dripping in each word .

” Massi….” I trailed as I felt him slam his lips on mine …

I refuse to give in…I refuse to be a part of his sinful world …The DE LUCA’S are nothing but trouble ….

They’re all bloody SINNERS …


Wahala o

Hehehehe …where is Massimo coming from ?

Do you think Gina is Grace …or she’s not ?

What game are they all playing.

What did Gina steal from the mafia ?

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