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Friday, October 18, 2024
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SINNERS – Episode 45

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[ # 1 in the DE LUCA SERIES]
♟️ Spark’s libary 2022


✍️By authoress lenity Faithful

©️ Spark’s libary 2022


Tags ☠️: Mafia , love , arrogant , billionaire , Age gap , Marriage contract .

©️ Copyright [ Do not copyor Repost without permission from me the writer or else …You’d not like my actions ]






Punch …..

” You need to calm down Donna you’re going too hard on yourself ” I heard Dylan say as I kept punching the bag Angrily .

It’s been a week since I found out the truth ,Massimo and I are still not in Good terms and Although I feel sick I didn’t let it get to me ,it’s probably the stress from all these trauma I’ve been through lately .

” Donna that’s ENOUGH! ” Dylan said as he pulled me off but I kicked him where the sun doesn’t shine and he groaned in pain .

” Ouch …..omg I’m not Massimo ….niether am I Gina !” He said as he looked up at me in frustration.

” I said don’t touch me ” I said as I walked back to the bag.

” Donna I know you’re angry ,but you’ve been pushing your limits too much lately I’m not sure it’s healthy for you..I know you’re angry but this is not the best way around it ” he said and I looked at him.

” Shut up ” I said and he smiled .

” Don’t you think you should talk to the Don ? He’s worried about you ” Dylan said and I frowned .

” He knows I’m training ? I asked and he gave a nod .

” Warned me to know my place around you ” he said and my jaws literally dropped .

Typical massimo I can’t believe he still have the time to be jealous .

” You need to rest ” he said and I sighed.

I walked passed him and he smiled at me and gave me the salute sign .

” You’re crazy ” I mouthed at him as I strolled inside the mansion .

After they brought Gina to the mansion ,I’ve not seen her , massimo was doing a good job at keeping her from my part .

I’d thought of living him after everything happened ,but I changed my mind even if I was mad at him ,We made vows to each other and I couldn’t just back out Because he hurt me …” I walked into The mansion and my mother inlaw stared at me with distaste .

She was no longer hiding the fact that she didn’t like me , especially after Lucia left the estate .

She would glare at me occasionally and even sigh when I walk around .

” Donna ” I heard Sergio call as I walked towards our room .

” Sergio ” I said as I turned and he smiled.

” Hey ”

” Can we talk ? He asked and I stared at him with a frown.

” Please ” he said and I sighed as I walked with him .

” Where are you taking me ? I asked with a frown .

‘” trust me …” He said and I stopped walking.

” If you’re taking me to Massimo I’m not interested ,I don’t want to talk to him …” I said immediately and he sighed .

” Grace you have to listen to him ,look I know what my Brother did was mean …f_ck you have every right to be mad at him because we De LUCA men suck at the love stuff ” he said and I chuckled .

” Y’all dumb when it comes to love and mas is the king ” I said to which he chuckled .

” At least trust us on this ” he said and I stared at him .

” Sergio your Brother hurt me badly …what he did to me isn’t something I can just forget anytime soon ” I said and he gave a nod.

” I understand ,Rick and I had tried countless times to get him to tell you everything but you now how stubborn Massimo is ,he was scared of hurting you” he said and I looked away.

” I still got hurt at the End ” I said and he looked guilty.

” Let’s just go ” I trailed as we walked towards the other side of the mansion .

Immediately we got into the room I noticed His brothers where there ,well except Emelio he’d stopped visiting the mansion and I seriously don’t know what went wrong .

Massimo was talking to his brothers kristov and Rico when we walked in , Dante on the other hand was doing something on his laptop.

His eyes met mine and we stared at each other for a while before Dante cleared his throat .

” Donna ” he said and Sergio pulled the chair for me to sit Down .

” So we called this meeting to talk about what’s going on ” Massimo began as he looked at me and I looked away.

” Grace I know what I did you was unforgivable ,I had not rights to play with your emotions like that and I sincerely apologise to you ,I’m Willing to wait until you find it in your heart to forgive me ” he said and I looked away as my eyes stung .

” Can you just proceed with the meeting already ? I asked and He began the meeting .

” She wants you to marry her ? I asked as I laughed sacarstically .

Massimo stopped talking as he stared at me ..

” Babe …” He trailed.

” That’s the dumbest plan I’ve ever heard , you want to do as she’s said ? I asked and he shook his head .

” No …” He said and his Brothers had their lips in their mouth whilst holding their laughter.

” What do you mean by No , when you just said she wants you to marry her ? I don’t understand ? I said frowning.

” Baby it’s just a game ” he said and I licked my lower lip Angrily .

” Game ? Marriage is not a game Massimo ! She’s already Obsessed with you and now you wanna marry her ! I fired Angrily at him as I stood up from the meeting.

” Grace ! Rico called .

” No offense but if my husband has to marry that crazy girl in other for this to work out ? I’m not gonna take it ! I spat angrily as I stormed out of the Room .

My heart hurt as I stormed upstairs, how dare he even consider marrying Gina ?

There are thousands of Ways to get to that arrogant woman than marrying her …!’ I spat angrily as I threw my phone in the bed .

I groaned frustratedly as I felt the urge to throw up again , oh God .

This whole thing was already telling on my health …I walked over the bathroom as I threw up Badly .

” Oh God ” I groaned in frustration .

” Ahhr … hhhhjjrrr”



” She left Already ”

” I told you she wouldn’t agree to the idea …” Sergio smirked

” She hasn’t even heard the plan yet , Grace is Quick to anger ” I said frustratedly

” Would you Agree to her getting married to someone else due to a stupid plan ? He asked and I frowned .

” Sorry I was just asking ? He added and I ran my fingers in my hair .

” The only way we can get to Gina is by Making her believe she has all of us where she wants us , that’s when She’d feel comfortable and Definitely make a mistake and you know it ” I said to which They gave a nod .

” How do you convince Grace ? Because as it stands. She should be part of this plan because that’s the only way she can trust you Again…! ” Dante said and I sighed .

” Would you Believe I’ve not slept on the same Bed with my wife for straight One week now and we live in the same mansion …

” Grace doesn’t want to see me…She even returned her wedding ring” I said and they looked at me in shock.

” I understand where she’s coming from man ,but it’s not too late to fix things” he said and I gave a nod .

I stood up and they cheered me on as I left the room .

We already had our plans ready , Gina wouldn’t know what hit her and we’d finally be getting rid of Mikhail and his madness .

I Walked into our room and she wasn’t in the Bedroom anymore .

I frowned and saw her phone on the bed , meaning she must be in the washroom .

I walked close and I heard the sound of the sink .


She’s inside .

I sat on the bed Quietly as I waited for her to come out .

She walked out and immediately her eyes met mine she rubbed her face .

” What are you doing here ? She asked sacarstically.

” We need to talk Grace and this time around don’t try to prove stubborn because I’m more stubborn ” I said and she fold her hands.

” I’m listening ” she said camly .

” First of all I’m sorry …I know I’ve said that over and over again but I’m sorry …! I said and she stared at me..

” I didn’t tell you the truth because I didn’t wanna loose you Grace …for the first time in my life I was scared of loosing something ….and trust me I’m more hurt …. because right now I feel more empty than I’ve ever Been ”

” I miss my wife ” I said as my voice broke and she stared at me.

” Don’t you dare use that card on me ” she said as her voice shook sadly.

” I miss you ” i said and she cried .

” It wouldn’t have hurt that much if I’d heard the truth from you , I’d have definitely understood you …no matter how ….how hard it was…” She cried and I walked close .

” I’m sorry …I just didn’t want to loose you ” I said and she stared at me .

” What’s with all these Games ? When will it stop ? Massimo I want to be in peace and all this fight with Gina and the rest isn’t helping anything ‘” she said crying .

” Your Dad has sent a letter of Attack to My Dad if we Don’t handover you and Gina to him ,plus he knows Gina still has the files in her custody it’s his way of ki||ing two birds with one stone ” I said and she stared at me .

” What’s with the whole marrying Gina stuff ? She asked frowning and she looked so cute I felt the urge to kiss her.

“I love you ‘ i said and she blushed red.

” You’re blushing” I teased .

” I’m not blushing …my face has always been like this don’t fly high ” she said and I chuckled.

” My Red anger “I teased .

” Don’t call me that ” she said and tried walking towards the door but I pulled her into my laps.

” I’m mad at you Don’t ….” She whinned as my hands trailed her laps .

” You don’t know what that movement …is doing Down there Grace ” I whispered softly and she gasped .

” Massimo you Bad Boy ! She said dramatically and I burst out laughing as she smacked my stomach from behind .

” Ouch don’t be a violent wife …” I said and laughed as ate tried to get off my grip .

” You’re the most Boring husband in the world , who goes around forcing their wife’s to sit on their laps ? She asked sacarstically and I kissed her neck from behind .

” Hmmn ” she mo*ned .

” You still love me don’t you ? I asked and she turned to me .

” Grace”

” You know I do ” she said and snuggled closer into my arms .

” I’m mad at you doesn’t mean I don’t love you , it’s just what you did hurt me a lot ” she said and I smiled at her .

” Thanks for loving me Despite my flaws Grace ” I said and kissed her softly .

” Find a Way around Gina because I don’t want you marrying that witch ” she said pointing at me and I laughed .

She removed her Dress and I smirked .

” I’m joining you ‘ I said as she walked towards the bathroom .

” Bad Boy ! She said making me chuckle as i removed my belt .

I’ve missed her .


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