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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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SINNERS – Episode 43

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[ # 1 in the DE LUCA SERIES]
♟️ Spark’s libary 2022


✍️By authoress lenity Faithful

©️ Spark’s libary 2022


Tags ☠️: Mafia , love , arrogant , billionaire , Age gap , Marriage contract .

©️ Copyright [ Do not copy or Repost without permission from me the writer or else …You’d not like my actions ]




” We’re going there together ” Frederico said and I stared at my brothers .

We’ve always got each other’s back from day one and if I was gonna face Mikhail or his daughter , I knew I could I count on them .

” So here’s the game plan …No matter what happens we should be able to hold Gina in our custody ” Sergio said and we gave a nod .

We all got into the Same car and Kristov took over the wheels .

I leaned my head on the sit as I bit my lower lip ,for the first time ,I was nervous about a fight , this was no ordinary fight …which ever part it would lead I was willing to take it even if it meant hurting Grace and that’s what scares me ….”

I wasn’t sure I would be able to see disappointment in her eyes for me .

We arrived at the scene and I had my self prepared for wh@ťěver was going to happen .

We we’re all clad in Black as we walked into the warehouse ,her men where lined up everywhere .

” Gina ” I called as I walked in .

” Massimo …Massimo Massimo ” she called seductively as she strolled out of her hiding place .

I felt a sick feeling in my stomach because it felt like I was staring at Grace in the eyes .

” Where’s the files ? I asked and she laughed .

” Calm down love , besides I told you I needed just you but as usual you De Luca brothers like to fight for each other. ..” she said mockingly.

” Give me the files Gina I didn’t come here to joke with you ! I fired and she laughed .

” Niether did I Massimo so don’t tempt me ‘ she said pointing her gun at me and I laughed.

” First of all ,I’m glad you’re all here for this wonderful meeting Massimo ! She trailed and I kicked off her gun and grabbed her by the neck but we heard gunshots and we we’re surrounded .

” Hahahaha … hhhhjjrrr” she laughed and chocked as I tightened the grip on her neck whilst pointing at her men and her men pointed back at us .

My Brothers also had their guns pointed at her men ….this was definitely gonna end in a bl**d bath .

“Where are the files ” I asked getting ready to bl`ow her brains off .

” You sound so segzy right now you … hhhhjjrrr ” she chocked badly as the battle of guns started …

I had my hands tight whilst at the same time $h00ting the enemies .

At once the guys came in and finished up her men …I looked at my brothers and they gave a nod .

” Good ” I muttered as I grabbed Gina and slamm`ed her face first .

She laughed as she stared at me .

” You’re a fool Massimo hahahaha did you for once think I’d come here without a plan B ? Come on I know how you De luca brain works … Gina would always have the last laugh till death ” she said as her hand Graze me down there I slapped it off .

” Where are the files ” I asked and she chuckled softly.

” Hahahaha ” she laughed and I nearly lossed it .

” You know what I want ,you Massimo …you and those files are all yours ” she said grinning with bl**d stained teeths .

She was acting like a physcopath and at that point ,I knew she’d do anything to get me .

” Give me the files and let’s end this all ” I said with a gu`n pointed at my head .

” You wanna k*ll me massimo ? You’d still loose at the long run sweetheart ,I don’t even want a church wedding …” She said and I grit my teeth Angrily .

” C’mon I didn’t ask for too much ” she mocked.

” Let go of her before you k*ll her Massimo stop it ” Frederico said and pulled me off her instantly .

” Grace ? You want to ki|| me because of Grace I can’t believe this , I’m more experienced than her in bed …I’m more ski||ed than her , I should be the Donna I love you …”she trailed

” Don’t you dare say that to me ” I fired Angrily .

” Why ? Because of Grace ” she asked Angrily.

” Keep my wife’s name from your stupid mouth …” I said pointing at her .

Sergio walked over to her as they led her out ,she even had the nerves to catwalk like a Queen .

Gina was Dangerous and I didn’t like the idea of taking her with me to the De Luca estate , but at this point we needed to get the answers out of her ….and if taking her to the estate was gonna get me what I want so be it .

We arrived at the estate and as we walked in everyone looked in confusion .

Probably Wondering what Gina was doing with us and that too walking freely .

” Massimo …Rico , kristov Sergio I knew I could count on you my boys ” Dad said as he gave a nod and Gina only smirked .

Mom on the other hand looked shocked .

” I’m here to take myself in this house Mr De LUCA ” Gina said and Dad stared at all of us .

” That’s enough Gina ” I said and she smirked .

” What ? Scared my preety little sister would walk in and see us here ? Or you’re scared of the news you’re to break to her ? She asked and I stared at her with nothing but pure h@ťě .

” What’s going on here ? I heard her voice and froze immediately .

” Oh it’s so nice to meet you again baby sister ” Gina said and grace looked at her in suprise .

She looked from me to her then back to me .

” What’s she doing here ? Grace asked as she stared at me whilst waiting for an answer .

She looked confused and hurt but tried her best to not show it .

” Grace I ….” I trailed but the words felt too heavy to come out ,I was scared of the impact it’ll have on her life …

I was scared of what the truth would do to the both of us , and telling Grace about the deal I now have with Gina would just be a child play compared to the fact that she’d been a game to me from the beginning .

” Massimo you’re not answering my questions what’s going on. ..? Why Is Gina here ” she asked and I walked close to her .

” Say something Massimo. …” She said staring into my eyes as her eyes watered .

” Say something to me wh@ťěver it is I’d try to understand I’d …..” She trailed and I could here Kristov curse from the background .

” What do you want him to say Grace ? You’ve been nothing but my substitute from the beginning ..Massimo was mine and would always be mine … look he never loved you from the beginning …” Gina spat .

” That’s a lie …it’s a bl**dy lie….don’t you dare talk to me or….” Grace trailed as she tried to move close to Gina and I held her back .

” Mas ….” She called staring at me.

” Grace ‘ I trailed and she bit her lower lip as she gave nods .

” It’s not what you think …” I trailed and she stared at me as she laughed bitterly .

” It’s not what I think ? Then what is Gina Doing here ? ! “She asked with her voice breaking at the edge .

” Grace …” I trailed as I opened my mouth to explain .

” You’ve been nothing but a Game to all of them from the beginning Donna ” I heard Lucia’s voice and she walked into the scene with a diary in her hands .

” How Dare you go through my things ” Grace snapped at her as she snatched the diary and I rubbed my Forehead.

” Oh c’mon Grace I only want the best for you , right now I am your well-wisher you can even consider me a friend , because what I just read in that diary …is shocking ” Lucia laughed.

” Lucia that’s Enough ! I said and she smirked .

” You don’t scare me Massimo …! What are you gonna do ? ki|| me because I’m about to tell your wife the bitter truth ?

” I can’t believe this , for once in my life ,I actually thought Grace had won your heart , I thought you where finally inlove with her …..I didn’t know it was a game all along ” she said as she clapped her hands.

” Get her out of here ” i said And my men walked close .

” No ….I’m actually interested in wh@ťěver she has to say …” Grace said and I shook my head .

” Grace would talk I’d tell you everything , it doesn’t have to come from Lucia and you know that ” I said and she stared at me .

” Enough with this Romantic drama already …! Grace you where just a substitute for me from the beginning …After your mother sold you off ,since you where the favorite child of Dad whom he’d do anything for …they planned alongside your mother to Knock you up …, After giving Massimo the heirs he needed ….
You would be used as bait to get to your father and eventually finish him up …and the entire family which includes you , remember you’re the enemies daughter ! Gina smirked .

” Gina that’s ENOUGH ! ” I said and Grace was just staring at me like she’d never seen me her entire life .

” You know the most interesting part ? I’m here to take my place ,Massimo and I are getting married ….” She said and I shook my head .

” Take them away ” I said and the guards took both Lucia and Gina to the dungeon .

” Grace it’s not what you think at least here me out ” i said to her as she walked upstairs .

” Grace ”

” Baby please here me out” I said pannicking as she picked her Bag , the one she came with when my guys kidnapped her .

” What do you want to say to me Massimo ? What ! You couldn’t even defend yourself out there oh God …….” She cried as she stared at me with pain and disgust.

” Grace please don’t leave …I promise I’d sought this out all I need are those files ” I said and she pulled her hands .

” We met because you thought I was my sister Gina , now you don’t need me anymore I mean you’ve already f_cked me haven’t you ! She asked sacarstically as she laughed bitterly.

” You’ve already Broken my heart beyond repair ….
You told me you’d break me Massimo ….But I never thought you’d push through with it ….I thought you changed” she trailed whilst crying.

” You’re not leaving me Grace , not now ….” I said as I hugged her from behind she kept crying as she fought to remove my hands.

” Let me go please it hurts too much …” She cried .

” I said no …NO OKAY …DO YOU WANT TO ki|| ME ! grace this is not easy for me ….I knew I’d hurt you and I tried my best not to …’ I said as my voice broke with hurt .

” Your best ? I kept asking you the truth massimo but you told me …you kept me in the dark and kept fooling me ….you used me ! She said and my eyes stung .

” I didn’t and you know it …I f-__-kING LOVE YOU ”

” Stay with me please I promise to make it up to you..
.I’d do everything to ” I said as she kept crying .

” I DON’T LOVE YOU ” she said and I froze …


Hahahaha where are the shippers in the house ? Let me see you on the comments section .

What do you think about their relationship now ?

Do you still see light at the end of the tunnel.

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