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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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SINNERS – Episode 40

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[ # 1 in the DE LUCA SERIES]
♟️ Spark’s libary 2022


✍️By authoress lenity Faithful

©️ Spark’s libary 2022


Tags ☠️: Mafia , love , arrogant , billionaire , Age gap , Marriage contract .

©️ Copyright [ Do not copy or Repost without permission from me the writer or else …You’d not like my actions ]




” Go to hell ” she snapped as she stormed upstairs , I watched her leave and burst out laughing .

As much I was also hard right now , seeing grace in that state was just the best hahahaha .

She just made my day ?

I knew I had woken up the tigress but cmon what fun was it if I didn’t get back at her for Making me watch cartoons ?

My brothers especially Sergio won’t let me hear the end of it if they manage to get the jist that I watched cartoons ..

Cartoons ? Seriosely it’s more embarrassing than the fact that she turned me to her errand boy , I thought it with a smile .

I knew she was really mad at me I’d left her on the edge when she was just about to reach her high …

I walked back to the room and she was sitted on the bed Clad in robe ..

Her silky hair was tied in a messy bun and she was glowing due to the fact that she just showered .

” Bambi ” I called and she looked at me.

” What ? She snapped and I smiled …she was still fooming .

I tried to keep my eyes to myself but they still wondered back to her tempting body .


Who told me to start a game I can’t finish ?

I watched as she walked over to the table and picked another shirt , right before my eyes she removed her robe jaws nearly hit the ground but I managed to control myself.

She was naked. … this was worse than I imagined.

My eyes trailed her body as she wore the shirt , the fact that I knew she wasn’t wearing anything underneath ,not even an underwear was enough to get me thinking naughty things .

” Grace ” I called and she turned to me with eyebrows raised .

” Massimo ” she answered as she picked her phone .

” Are you angry ? I asked and she looked at me amused.

” Are you even asking me that ? Massimo you left me hanging …I’m supposed to give you a round of applause ? She asked sacarstically .

Ha i really got into the Lions Den .

” Bambi I was teasing you ” I said as I walked close to her ,her Back made contact with the table behind her .

” I’m no longer interested” she said and I smiled as I kissed her neck softly .

She smiled and pushed my face ” I said I don’t want to anymore ” she said and left me in the room .

” Come on can’t a man joke with his wife anymore ? I asked out loud and sighed .

My mind went back to her enticing body and I ran my fingers on my hair .

If I’d not played that prank on her ,by now I would have been buried deep in her wetness.

My phone rang and I frowned as I brought it out from my back pocket and checked it .

” Dimitri ? ” I said immediately I picked up the video call .

” To what do I owe this suprise video call this evening ? I asked sacarstically and he frowned .

” Hey what happened you sound like a woman on her periods ? He teased and I glared at him .

” Pretend you didn’t hear that ” he added and I groaned in frustration .

” Are you okay ? I heard Sergio asked as he walked behind Dimitri .

” You’re both together ? I asked curiously.

” Ya we’re working on something , so what’s up heard your on a little getaway with Grace ? Dimitri asked teasingly .

” ya ”

” Ah which involves going under the sheets ” Sergio teased .

” I don’t think that’ll happen anymore , Grace is mad at me ” I said camly.

” What did you do this time around ? Sergio asked curiously and Dimitri chuckled .

” Wait why do you guys feel anytime we have issues it’s my fault ? I asked frowning .

” Well because you’re not an easy person to please and with an attitude like yours …I’m suprised you guys aren’t fighting everyday.” Sergio said and I raised my middle finger at him .

” Just Admit it ,you know I’m right ” he laughed.

” Okay fine , I caused it this time around ,but she started it ,she made me watch cartoons with her and she kept teasing me throughout” I said and Dimitri chocked on the glass of drink he had in his hands and Sergio was staring at me like I’ve grown horns on my head .

” You watched cartoons ? Sergio asked as he burst out laughing badly and I blushed in embarrassment.

“f-__-k and he’s even blushing ,I didn’t think I’d see a day like this man hahahaha ” Dimitri laughed.

” Would guys stop teasing me and tell me what I need to do ? Grace is f-__-king mad at me ‘ I whinned and they chuckled softly.

” Ask Dimitri he’s the married man here ” Sergio gestured towards Dimitri.

” Yvonne and Grace are two different people ” Dimitri said immediately.

” So you’re saying you don’t know ? Sergio asked smiling .

” We’ll be romantic ….have you guys gone on a date before ? He asked and I shook my head .

” Wait what ? You’ve been married for some months now Massimo and you’ve never Dated your wife ? He asked in disappointment.

” She’s my wife not my girlfriend” I said frowning.

‘ your wife should be your forever girlfriend ” he said giving me the logic sign.

” Aren’t you my lawyer ? Go on and advise me on what to do ” I said and he raised his eyebrows.

” I’m your legal adviser not your marriage counselor ” he said smirking.

” Your my bestfriend ” I said and he burst out laughing.

” Hahahaha Grace has really humbled you ,I mean you’ve never called me your bestfriend before ” he said and I sighed tiredly.

” You’re not helping matters with all this teasing ,man ” I said and he smiled.

” Take her out on a date …” He said and my jaws literally dropped.

” Date ? Dimitri I don’t know the first thing about Dating a woman ” I said tiredly.

” But you know how to f-__-k ” he asked and Sergio laughed .

” Okay listen …it doesn’t have to be a luxurious date …” He trailed as he gave me an idea .

” You’re really a life saver man ” I said and he chuckled .

So where do I start from in setting up a date ? I picked my car keys and tiptoed to the sitting room , my wife was no where in sight .

I heived a sigh of relief and sneaked out of the house .

First of all I need help from the internet . I brought out my phone as I scrolled through different ways to set a date and eyes liked the simple candle lights Dinner at the garden and I opted for it .

Then I need to get Flowers lots of Flowers ,a bouquet and chocolates …

I already had different wines both Alcoholic and non Alcoholic at home so that wasn’t an issue .

Then a dress ,I need a dress ..I was driving out of the estate and called one of my trusted men.

” Hey Aldo ” I called and he looked shocked that I knew his name .

” Come on in ” I beconed on him to come .

He stared at me in pannick as he dust his hands and made to sit at the drivers sit .

” I didn’t ask you to be my driver ,just sit next to me ” I said and he looked like her faint any moment.

” Sir I’m sorry if I did anything wrong …” He said sweating and I frowned.

” Why do you feel you did something wrong ? I asked confused and he opened and closed his mouth like a fish .

” Nothing sir …it’s nothing” he said and I looked away.

He thinks I Told him to sit next to him because I want to ki|| him ?

They all think I’m a monster ? I wondered as I turned to him .

” You know any female stores where I can get …” I trailed as I explained and he smiled.

” Why are you smiling like a lunatic ? I snapped immediately.

” Nothing sir it’s nothing …I’d just take you there ” he said and he directed me .

We bought all the things i needed for the date and got to the boutique.

” Welcome Sir …” A tall lady said as she ushered us towards the men’s line .

” I need a dinner dress for my wife ” I said and she stared at me then the ring on my finger.

” Oh okay …” She said as she walked towards the women’s line .

I stared at the different dresses and turned to Aldo .

” Sir what’s her favorite color ? He asked Camly.

” She loves red ” I said and at that moment my eyes met with a beautiful dress .

I walked over to it and picked it up .

I checked the size and told the girl to pack it .

” Take it ” I said when I noticed him staring at a pink dress .

” Pick it ” I ordered and he smiled as he walked over to it and picked it up.

” Thanks a lot sir ” he said and I just walked ahead …I wasn’t sure the date would turn out well ,but I was willing to give it a shot .

I’d never tried to impress a woman in my life …One look and they’d line themselves waiting to please me .

But things we’re different with Grace ,I knew I was playing a dirty game by letting myself feel this way towards her .. knowing what could happen …

But for once In my life I just want to me selfish …even if just for a night ..I thought as we drove into the estate ..

When I got into my grandmother’s yard , Aldo helped me set up the table at the garden near the pool

” The Donna is really gonna be impressed ” he said and I stared at him without saying a word .

” Don’t tell anyone about this ” I said and he smiled.

” I understand boss” he said and I focused on what we where doing .

By the time we finished setting the table , I went in and noticed my wife on the sitting room playing candy crush .

” Hey ” I said and she refused to look at me .

Who ever said women have the most forgiving heart needed to meet my wife …

I went upstairs and dropped the dress with a note sticked to it .

I knew her curiousity would take her upstairs to check what I’d brought .

I then left for the kitchen to suprise her with dinner …I prepared spaghetti and meatballs and when I walked out of the kitchen , she was no longer in the sitting room .

I licked my lips nervously as I stared upstairs .

If she doesn’t like this Date I’m ? Screwed .


We’d have the date on Grace’s pov …

I’m giving you guys lighthearted Episodes because we’d start getting serious from soon .

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