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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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SINNERS – Episode 33

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[ # 1 in the DE LUCA SERIES]
♟️ Spark’s libary 2022


✍️By authoress lenity Faithful

©️ Spark’s libary 2022


Tags ☠️: Mafia , love , arrogant , billionaire , Age gap , Marriage contract .

©️ Copyright [ Do not copy or Repost without permission from me the writer or else …You’d not like my actions ]





Throughout our ride back to the island where we boarded the De Luca’s private jet that took us straight to their estate , I was quiet …

” Grace are you okay ? Kristov asked as we walked towards the entrance of the mansion .

” I’m fine ” I said softly.

” Of cause you’re not …” He said raising his eyebrows and I looked at him.

” There’s nothing you can do to help Kris ” I said and he smiled at me .

” Okay I guess this is a … Husband and wife issue … So I’d let it slide but you seriously need to cheer up this mood doesn’t suit you ” he said and I smiled at him.

” Sure … ” I said and before he could leave I called .

” Kris ”

” Yeah ” he answered as he turned .

” Can I ask you a favour ” I asked and he furrowed his eyebrows .

” I wanna visit my mom’s place” I said and his jaws literally dropped.

” Wait what ? f_ck are you trying to get me ki||ed , Massimo would ki|| me…. ” He said and I made a cute puppy eyes immediately.

” Hey what’s wrong ? Sergio asked as he joined us .

” I just asked him for a favour and he refused ” I said and Sergio raised his eyebrows .

” Why did you refuse …!” He asked .

” Sergio what she’s asking is risky , mas would ki|| us if something goes wrong ” Kris said immediately.

” He’s my husband and I know how to handle him ” I said and they gave me teasing smiles …

” That sounds interesting but if massimo ends up ki||ing the both of us our ghosts would hunt you for sure ” Sergio said and we laughed.

” Why are you guys even talking about ghosts ? Emelio asked as he walked in .

” What happened ? Emelio I thought you were out with Dad ? Kris asked .

” We had an argument and he decided to go alone ” he mumbled with a frown on his face .

” Didn’t you guys just make up recently ? Sergio asked and Emelio rolled his eyes .

” I don’t care okay when he needs me he’d come to Me , so what where you guys talking about ? He asked and I grinned.

“So …” I trailed and told them what I needed .

” What ? And you guys agreed who’s Making the burial arrangements in advance ? He asked and I frowned as the others laughed.

” This is not funny , I’ve told you guys I’d handle him myself ” I said and they gave nods .

Ha I have these De LUCA brothers at the tip of my fingers hehehehe.

Too bad Frederico and my Devil husband were exempted .

” I’d just get changed and we leave ? I asked and Emelio ran his fingers in his hair .

” And Massimo ? He asked nervously .

” He’s not home yet , he’s got a meeting With Dante and our family lawyer ” he said and I gave nod .

” Babes ……! I heard someone call and chuckled .

” Yvonne how did you know I was back ? I asked curiously .

” Dante of cause ….what happened to your phone ? I’ve been calling non-stop ” she said as she exchanged cheek kisses with me.

” I’ve missed you ” I said and she Chuckled.

” Me too babes ”

” Hey cuties ” she said and kissed her cousins cheeks .

” Send for us when you’re ready “Sergio said and I gave a nod .

” Awwwwwwwwn you have the best in-laws you know ” Yvonne said grinning from ear to ear .

” Seriosely …I can’t say that about my mother inlaw ,we can’t even breath in the same space …” I said and she Chuckled.

” Oh aunt Giovanna can be preety annoying sometimes but who cares … you’re the Queen babes ” she said which made me chuckle .

” So ……how was it “she asked teasingly .

” How was what ? I asked as we got into my room .

” Don’t feign innocent grace you know what I’m talking about ,how was your honeymoon? She asked .

” It was ruined girl we didn’t even spend up to a week there remember ? I said and she laughed.

” Oh c’mon you guys must have Definitely Done something it’s not possible that you’d both stay in that yatch and Massimo wouldn’t Do something …I know my cousin …” She said.

” Fine I already told you I’m no longer a virgin and ….” I trailed telling her everything .

” f-__-k that sounds so Șëx¥ ” she said excitedly .

” But we’re no longer in good terms your cousin brother won’t be the death of me ” I said and she frowned .

” What did he do this time around ? Massimo can be so annoying ” she said and I smiled.

” He caught me taking contraceptive drugs so we had a hitter argument” I said and she laughed .

” That must have been crazy , I can’t believe he Desperately wants to get you pregnant ” She said and I bit my lower lip.

” I’m scared , I’m scared Yvonne because I know my feelings towards this man that ruined my life are changing ….I don’t want to fall inlove with him and the Sinful things he’s doing to me but it’s getting worse everyday ” I complained and she smiled.

” My ship must sail ” she screamed dramatically.

” Can you be serious for once in your life ” I snapped and she laughed .

” It’s gonna be really hard to ignore how he makes you feel girl. He was your first and trust me Massimo might have been with many girls segzually but he’s never Dated anyone all these are so new to him especially feeling emotions as strong as love , it’ll probably take time for him to come to terms with the fact that he wants all of you and not just your Body ” she said and I smiled at her.

” Yvonne I gotta go ” I said and she frowned.

” Where ? She asked curiously.

” I’d tell you later ” I said and she smiled.

” No problem have fun ” she said and I chuckled .

I walked out and the guys where outside a red Sports car .

” Hey ” I said and smiled at them .

” Let’s go ” Sergio said and got in the Drivers seat .

” He careful Sergio I’ve heard you’re a reckless driver ,I don’t want to Die please ” I said and the others laughed .

” Dieing next to me would be an honorable death you know” he grinned .

” Is Natalie Still in the estate ? I asked curiously .

” Nope ..” Emelio popped and I stared at them in shock .

” What do you mean by nope where have you guys taken my sister to ? I asked afraid of their answers.

” She was sold to tye highest bidder on our last unction.

” What do you mean by she was sold ….” I trailed in pannick .

” She wanted to be sold before you get back…And she was bought by a good business man anyways you should be happy for her ” he said and I looked away.

His brothers are just as Annoying as he his .

We arrived at the entrance of my compound and they packed the car and asked me to go in .

I Walked in and the smell of We’e’d and Alcohol graced my nose , Naked girls walking around .

I felt a rotten feeling on my stomach at the sight of a girl being f-__-ked at the Hallways .

I h@ťěd coming here …just Before I could Walk into my room I met Hector .

” Hey Grace ” he hailed .

” Hey Hector , have you seen my mother around ? I asked and he shook his head.

” Not for sometime now but I’m taking care of the business for now ” he said and I gave a nod as walked into my room .

I Checked through my things and I couldn’t find many of my stuffs …

Tears rolled out of my eyes when I realized the fact that my mom must have sold them .

I started going through all the stuffs including Natalie’s and I saw a Diary.

I frowned and put it in my backpack , I walked out of the room and bump into pat .

” Hey Grace ” she said and I frowned .

” Hey Pat ” I said mockingly.

” Grace wh@ťěver happened between us back then I’m sorry , okay you we’re a good friend to me and you didn’t deserve what George and I did to you ” she said in regret .

” Don’t you dare pretend like you’re sorry Pat because you enjoyed every minute of it …you know if someone ever told me you’d one day stab me at the back with that jerk ? I’d never have believed .” I said and she cried.

” Grace ….I admired you too much …I’m sorry that I got jealous of you in the process , you where a good dancer and you had the Ability to face everything that came your way with your head high , and you had George too. …I couldn’t handle it …” She trailed whilst crying bitterly.

” Pat can you even hear yourself ? I asked as she cried.

” I’d been sleeping with George long before the Day you caught us …but I’m sorry grace I’m sorry ….”

” George really loves you … just get back together …” She trailed.

” Get out of my way before I do something I’m not supposed to do , besides you can have George for all I care , I have a life on my own now ” I said and stormed out of the compound.

Immediately I got into the car tears rolled out of my eyes.

” Grace are you okay ? Kris asked curiously and I gave a nod as memories of how close I was with Pat and the sacrifices I made to keep our friendship entered my mind .

I hugged my feets close as tears rolled outta my eyes and burst out crying badly .

” Hey ” Emelio said and pulled me close.

” $h|t we’re been Stalked ” Sergio said and I looked in confusion .

Oh God ?

I sighed at the sounds of Gunshots , they where $h00ting at our car and Emelio and Kris shot at them from the windows whilst Sergio Drives .

I was now officially living the life of a Sinner .

I got home that night and had dinner in my room , that’s how I didn’t even meet Massimo for straight one week .

I wanted to check Wh@ťěver was in the diary but didn’t have the guts to ,I spent my afternoon having Dance practice with Emelio.

His brothers wouldn’t even tell me why Massimo wasn’t back .

” Hey Aunt Lina ” I said as she smiled.

” Grace” she said and I smiled as she cooked .

I frowned as the maids in the kitchen started leaving, she looked behind me and before I could turn I felt a familiar figure hug me from behind.

” Mas….” I trailed as he trailed kisses on my neck .

” Massimo ” I scolded and ma’am Lina blushed .

” Huh I’d just escuse you guys ” she said and I heard her close the large doors .

Seriosely ?

” Massimo that’s so embarrassing” I said and he grinned …

” I’ve missed you ” he said and his fingers trailed my laps.

” Wh…..we can’t do this here massimo” I said and he chuckled.

” What’s the fun if we go to our room ” he asked as he trailed open mouthed kisses on my neck .

” You haven’t told me where your coming from Massimo , for all I know you were with another woman ” I mocked and he chuckled.

” Another woman ? Seriosely you were all I was thinking about throughout my absence in this estate …” He said and I controlled myself from letting out a mo*n .

“Not here mas ….” I cried out a Mõ@ɲ as his hands trailed into forbidden places.

” Say you want it ” he whispered in my ears and my lips Quivered.

This was gonna be another sinful evening .


??? Mouthwatering Comments guys.

Who’s Diary did Grace take ?

What would you do if you have a friend like pat ?

Where was Massimo ?

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