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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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SINNERS – Episode 24

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[ # 1 in the DE LUCA SERIES]
♟️ Spark’s libary 2022


✍️By authoress lenity Faithful

©️ Spark’s libary 2022


Tags ☠️: Mafia , love , arrogant , billionaire , Age gap , Marriage contract .

©️ Copyright [ Do not copy or Repost without permission from me the writer or else …You’d not like my actions ]





” Wait you mean Grace looked at you in the eyes and told you she’s not ready ? Does that mean she’s a virgin ? Or she’s just scared if your size ? Sergio asked and Rico who was scrolling through his phone chuckled.

” We’re not talking about my Ďïčk ” I said frowning.

” It’s definitely the D … hahahaha she’s scared you’d rip her apart …we De LUCA men are well packaged down there you know ” Emelio said and high five with Sergio .

” Why did my guards let you in here ” I said frustratedly.

” Simple , it’s because they love there life ” kristov said grinning at me .

” Since she didn’t let you in her honey pot , why did you have the after s*x face ? Kristov asked .

“I’m not talking about what I did to my wife with anyone of you clowns ” I said and they gasped dramatically .

” Owns huh ? So now we’re clowns he found himself a wife and we the bachelors are clowns ” Kristov said and they burst into laughter .

” Can y’all be serious for once ” I snapped angrily and they stopped .

” He’s always so seriose, I wonder if he’d ever be a romantic husband to his wife ” Sergio teased and they bit their lips to stop the laughter.

” Okay so ….we came here because we heard what happened , how’s grace ? Rico asked .

” She’s good , I guess she’s sleeping already . How’s Mom ? I asked and they smirked.

” She’s fine ,just very angry with the fact that you’d be marrying grace , she’d have preferred the Marcella girl ” kristov said and I rolled my eyes.

” But I prefer grace though ,she brings out the human part of you ” he added

I pretended not to hear what he’s just said as I sat down with a smirk .

” We’re keeping a close eye on Lauren Don , and if everything goes smoothly You’d be married to Grace before the weekend .

” Good ” I said as I stood up .

” You’re going upstairs ? Emelio asked.

‘ you wanna join me ? I asked sacarstically and the others laughed at him.

‘”use the door guys …” I said and left them in the sitting room .

Immediately I got into my room ,I noticed Grace sleeping soundly on the bed ..she hadn’t pulled the Duvet over her body so I could see her preety legs .

I shut my eyes close as I remembered her muffled cries …her fingers in my hair and the way she shook with raw emotions .


Just thinking about it was ruining my pants .

I moved into the bed and tried to sleep but she shifted into my arms whilst still asleep making me groan in frustration .

I knew Grace was messing with my mind ,…at first I thought it was attraction , but I was slowly getting obsessed with her especially after I had a taste of her sweetness .

I couldn’t wait to finally mark her as mine forever , I’d give her the wedding she wants and make her my property ,not even her father would be able to save her from my hunger ….

I’d take all she has to offer untill she’s left empty …I’d break her innocent untill she knows nothing else but my name.

Massimo DE LUCA …

As for her mother and that stupid step sister of hers , they better watch their back … because one little mistake would walk them right into my trap .

Gina wouldn’t know what hit her .

I tried to sleep and felt her breath on my neck .

I sent my hands to her waist and pulled her closer …not too long I fell asleep in her arms .

The next morning ,my eyes fluttered open and I noticed no one on the bed .

Where’s grace ? My mind asked immediately .

” She’s probably somewhere around ” I said out loud .

” What if she’s escaped ? My mind asked again and I immediately got down from the bed .

I wore my room slippers and knocked on the bathroom door .

” Grace ? I called and when I didn’t get a reply , I quickly left the room and headed out .

” Sir ” one of my maids greeted .

” Where’s grace ? I asked and she bowed in fear .

” In the kitchen sir ” she said and I heived a sigh of relief before frowning .

” What’s she doing in the kitchen ? You let my wife cook ? I asked Angrily .

” No sir …she ….insisted ” she said pannicking .

” She insisted and you let her ? I asked and stormed towards the kitchen .

Grace wouldn’t be the death of me .

” G….” I trailed and stopped talking immediately I got into the kitchen .

Their in the kitchen cooking and shaking her butts was my wife in my button down formal shirt .

My eyes trailed from her round butts down to her preety legs …

I noticed she was cooking something due to the things I saw on the slab and she had a fancy cheap slippers on her legs.

Maybe it belonged to one of the maids . I noticed she had a charm bracelet on her hands and an anklet on her leg which only added to her beauty .

Her phone was on the slab and a pop music blasting on the speakers .

” Grace ” I called and she didn’t answer .. guess she’s so into the music right now .

I smirked as I walked close to her and cadged her in my arms .

” Jeez oldie you scared me ” she said shocked and her cheeks immediately stained in a blush .

” You still call me oldie after last night ? I asked and she turn away immediately .

” I’m not talking about that ” she said and I smirked .

” Oh really , then what happens when I eventually ….” I trailed as I kissed her neck from behind.

” Massimo stop…” She said and I chuckled against her shoulders .

” Why ? I asked and she turned .

” You said you’d wait ” she said and I ran my fingers in my hair .

” I didn’t say I wouldn’t touch you Grace , I only said there would be no penetration” I said and she blushed red .

” Massimo don’t you have anything better to do than frustrating me ? She asked and I chuckled.

” Frustrating you ? Grace you’re the one frustrating me , you wouldn’t let me have you , it’s annoying because you had a boyfriend before becoming my wife ” I said and she looked uncomfortable with the topic .

” Massimo …!” She trailed

” I’d be upstairs …” I said and tried living.

” Have you heard anything about Gina ? She asked and I turned back .

” No …Gina is in hiding ,but she’d come out , I know she will .” I said and walked away .

Gina was trying to hide from us , but I knew the idiot habored feelings for me , that’s the reason she hadn’t the files over to her father . I didn’t tell Grace because I didn’t want to start opening to her … After all she had the same face as the woman betrayed me .

I’d make the both of them pay for what they did to me , Gina would pay for betraying the mafia , and Grace for all the times she’s challenged me .



Immediately he left the kitchen ,I rubbed my face camly .

His hunger for me was getting worse by the day and it scared me,… Telling him he’d never see me naked when we weren’t married was different .

Now I had his surname , I was his on paper ,I’d sign my life to him , he was doing me a favour by waiting .

I can’t believe he thinks I used to sleep with George , God I’ve never let anyman see me naked yet he thinks I was in a segzual relationship with my ex boyfriend .

I wanted to tell max that I was a virgin ,but knowing him he wouldn’t believe me .

He’d think I’m trying to decieve him , maybe I should just let him find out by himself.

” I can’t believe we’d be getting married in church this weekend .Then I’d have no escuse as to why we shouldn’t consummate our wedding .

After cooking I served the breakfast with the help of the maids .

It was already late and he wasn’t out yet .

I sat Down and as I scrolled through my phone ,he walked Downstairs clad in a black polo shirt and khaki shorts .

He looked extremely gorgeous and attractive .

He sat Down Quietly and passed me a shopping bag .

I frowned as I wondered what was inside.

” I noticed you’ve been walking around naked , it doesn’t do anything to help with the fact that I want you ” he said and I swallowed down nothing.

Who told me to marry this heartless man ?

” Are we gonna stay here for long ? I asked and he raised his beautiful eyes .

” No ” he said and ignored me .

” Max …” I called.

” What ? He snapped …I bit my lips to control myself from Snapping at him , I wasn’t the type to back down without a fight ,but I was controlling because I didn’t want to end up provoking him After all he was doing me a favour by controlling himself.

” Huh …..since the wedding is this weekend , I was wondering if I could at least pick my wedding gown myself ” I said softly.

” What’s so special about the wedding anyways ? It’s not like …” He trailed and stopped half way .

” Fine get dressed after we’re done ” he said and I looked at him.

” I don’t have my clothes here Remember ? I asked and he sucked on his lower lip .

I followed his eyes and noticed he was looking at the bag in my lap .


Maybe he got me something to wear already . He got up and as he walked off ,I checked the dress and gasped at the length of the dress …

WTF …this is a garment and not a dress , he wants me to wear this ? What am I ? A Nun ?

There’s no way I’d go out dressed like an idiot ” I concluded as I glared daggers at where he’d walked into .

I’m so not wearing this Bed sheets ,for goodness sake I’m not an old woman .

I wore my slippers and went out to look for the maids , I managed to get hold of a scissors .

I didn’t waste time as I cut the dress into my taste .


” Grace ” Massimo called as he walked downstairs and immediately his eyes met mine he looked at the length of the dress.

” Grace what are you wearing ? He asked and I froze.

I’m Dead



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