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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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SINNERS – Episode 17

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[ # 1 in the DE LUCA SERIES]
♟️ Spark’s libary 2022


✍️By authoress lenity Faithful

©️ Spark’s libary 2022


Tags ☠️: Mafia , love , arrogant , billionaire , Age gap , Marriage contract .

©️ Copyright [ Do not copy or Repost without permission from me the writer or else …You’d not like my actions ]






I lay on the bed tiredly , my mind went back to the encounter I had with Massimo’s mom in the kitchen .

I had lots of unanswered questions in my mind and it hurts that I don’t have anyone to answer them .

I sat down quietly on the bed and not too long Massimo made way into the room .

” Grace ” he said shocked that I wasn’t asleep .

” You didn’t come down for dinner ” he said camly and I pretended not to hear him .

” Bambi I’m talking to ….” He trailed.

” I said I’m not hungry , what part of I’m not hungry don’t you understand ” I snapped angrily and he looked at me in shock .

” Don’t raise your voice at me grace ” he said sternly and I glared daggers at him .

” You started it , I was on my own Before you asked me why I didn’t come downstairs for dinner , I told you I lossed my appetite ” I said and he ran his fingers in his hair .

He stared at me and I noticed he’s belt was still undone and I could see his neat blue boxers .

His sleeves where rolled up ,I looked away before I start getting naughty thoughts of this arrogant man ..

” Where were you ,I didn’t see you when I got back from my meetings ” he asked again and I looked at him ,this time noticing his piercings .

” I Went to look for the answers you wouldn’t give me …” I said and he turned in suprise .

” What answers ? I already told you everything I know , you’re not Gina but grace , and the reason I want Gina is because she stole from the mafia …!” He said frustratedly.

” That’s not all Massimo , why exactly do you wanna marry me ? Huh go on tell me ? Because …I’m not getting any of this …

” There has to be something you’re not telling me! ” I said and he turned to me .

” Why are we even talking about this grace ? You gave me your rules and I’m agreeing to them …let’s just tie the knot already ” he said and I fold both arms .

” You’re agreeing to them just like that ? Who are you trying to fool ? Unless you tell me what I need to know I’m not getting married to you ! I said and he glared at me .

” You will marry me grace ! He said and I stared at him in frustration

I felt the urge to scream and cry but kept controlling it.

” Talk to me “he said softly.

” What do you want me to say ,when y’all keep hiding the truth from me ? At this point I don’t even know who I am Massimo ! For all I know you’re getting married to me for your selfish reasons .

” Truth ? You ask for the truth ? Are you even strong enough to bear it ? He asked and I felt tears roll down my eyes as I wiped them off .

” Who am I ? Because I swear to God I don’t trust anyone anymore not even you ” I spat angrily and he sat down on the opposite couch .

” I’d tell you the truth after you sign our marriage contract ” he said and I felt my heart freeze that instant .

” Contract ”

” You got the contract ready ? I asked and he smirked at me .

” Yes or No ? He asked and I rubbed my neck in frustration .

” Let me see the contract first , I can’t say yes when I don’t even know the conditions of the contract ” I said and he gave a nod .

” No problem , i’d be ready with the truth when we have the contract ready ” he said and I gasped .

” Massimo stop acting like the devil Everytime it’s not fair , ive already told you I’d marry you , …” I said and he laughed .

” Knowing how stubborn you can be , I can’t risk it this time around, I already fell victim to your sister , I can’t fall victim to you this time around ” he said and I looked at him .

” Massimo …tell me the truth , I’d still sign the contract ,don’t you have me under your custody ? I asked and he licked his lips as he stared at me .

” Please” I mouthed to which he just stared at me for a while.

” Okay so … It all began with the two Crime families …Yours and mine. …”

” Family ? I asked getting confused .

” Let me talk. .grace …” he trailed and I gave a nod .

” Your Father Mr Mikhail Balandin and my Dad Mr Santiago De LUCA have been sworn enemies for as long as they’ve both lived …”

” Why ? I asked .

” Mafia business , the Russians have always wanted what the Italians have and that have caused lots of problems in the past , but This time around …your Dad had gone a long way to get to us ,he used your sister Gina ” he said and I took a deep breath trying to process all these .

” If my father already knows he has Gina , does he know about me ? I asked confused .

” He knows you but not as grace , but Anya which means Grace in the Russian language ,you where is favorite daughter and do far what we’ve gathered is that your mother was his favorite wh-_-re. ….but she didn’t wanna stay with Mikhail because he was already married. ….to her elder sister …

” Luda ” he said and my head became fool .

” Luda ? Mom has a twin elder sister. ..? Max I don’t understand ” I said in shock .

” I just found out … ” He said and I laughed bitterly .

” Massimo you’re still lieing to me ! I screamed as angry tears rolled outta my eyes .

” Stop screaming on me okay ,this whole trouble began when you’re father asked Gina to come into our mafia , we didn’t even know he had a daughter at first , all we knew was the fact that he had a son who happens to be the Don soon …”

” Ivan Balandin ” he called his name and I rubbed my forehead .

” Grace came into our Mansion at exactly 20 years old …She joined our escorts , swore to remain silence ,got the tattoo and eventually became my personal wh-_-re …we didn’t find fault in her because she was submissive …I didn’t even know when she got access to my office , and now she has the files which contains …every single detail of our business transactions and…that’s what your father needs . ” He finished up and I stared at him hurt .

” If that’s the case ? Why am I still here Massimo ? I’m not Gina I’m grace right ? I’m not needed here ” I said feeling a lump on my throat .

” I can’t let you go grace , Gina is not in Russia , Which means she’s out here with the proof and you’re her look alike , my people are quiet because you’re in here with me … But with this face of Gina if you roam the street you’d die … They’d mistake you for Gina and end your life. .. ”

” Massimo you’re not doing this because of me , okay I believe our families are enemies , but didn’t you say earlier that I’m my father’s favorite child , and that for some reasons mom took me away from him , that means he’s still looking for me , and you know that if you get married to me his hands would he tied …. He won’t be able to make a move because I’m your wife ” I said after putting the dots together .

” Y’all just using me for your selfish reasons, No wonder Gina asked me to continue staying here ?

‘ she also has her reasons for saying that” I said and burst out laughing bitterly .

” Grace ….” He trailed.

“I won’t go back on my words Massimo , I will marry you . but don’t even think in your slightest mind that I will ever accept you as my husband .

” This between us would be nothing but a business contract …” I said and he glared daggers at me .

” Don’t you dare talk to me like that grace , I am your Master ” he said and tears rolled outta my eyes.

” You’re no different from the monster I thought you where ” I said and he pulled me close slamming his lips on mine in a fast and punishing kiss .

” Hmmmnn ” let me go Massimo ” I cried and he left me .

” You belong to me Grace , your body spirit and soul, your love everything belongs to me , your mine ! He spat and I just cried silently .

Right there and then , I wasn’t only hurt but confused as hell ….

” Let me go ! ” I cried as his hands trailed on me .

” Shhhhh ” he whispered as he pulled my back to his chest on the bed .

” Sleep Bambi ” he said softly and I just kept crying softly .

I h@ťěd him ….

Right there and then I h@ťěd even the air he was breathing …!

I will ruin you Massimo …, I swear I’d be your worse nightmare …I’d make sure you regret taking my life from me. .

I kept saying over and over again as I cried , I felt him trail kisses on my neck from behind and I h@ťěd it …

Massimo was obsessed with me already I didn’t need someone to tell me , I knew already .

And it scares the wits out of Me , after all he’s not an ordinary man , but the Don of the Italian mafia .



I heard her cry herself to sleep without interrupting her .

Grace wasn’t the one to give up without a fight , I knew that after our encounter these few days .

I hid her under my protective hands as she snuggled into me …i could feel her soft snores .

I’ve never been this intruged with a woman as I currently was with Grace .

Everything she did was just opposite to anything a woman would do or say in front of me ….

Grace doesn’t care about my wealth or status when she spits facts on my face .

She’d just told I’d never have her love and heart , what she doesn’t know is the fact that I didn’t need any of those , all I want was just her body pleasing me as my wife …

I could already imagine her cries as I punished her for Every single time she defiled my orders …

All I need was just her body and loyalty …I wanted her as the mother of my children …

I want her to rule besides me as the Donna ” I thought with a smile as I fell asleep whilst Inhaling her sweet scent .

The Next morning I was busy having a cup of Expresso when she woke up …..

She glared at me and I smirked.

” Good morning grace ” I said and she stood up dramatically…

” There’s definitely nothing good about seeing a devil like you so early in the morning Massimo. ..! She spat angrily and I chuckled .

” You should consider filtering your words whilst talking to me my Dear wife because …you’re only allowed to curse at me when we have s*x ” I said and she glared at me.

” Wife ? I’m not your wife Massimo ! She spat angrily and I laughed

” You will be grace , and I’d make you eat your words , especially all the times you swore never to marry me , I’d make sure you can’t use your legs after I’m done with you ! I said softly and she glared daggers at me .

” You have no rights whatsoever to speak so shamelessly about my body ….”

” You’re body belongs to me the minute you’re declared Mrs Massimo DE LUCA ,so what body are you talking about ? The one that is already mine ? I asked and she opened and closed her mouth like a fish .

” I’ve called my lawyer grace and he’d be here with the contract soon ” he said and she glared daggers at me once again.

” If wishes where horses I’m sure you’d have fed me to the Lions with the way you’re digging holes in my face with your glares.

She walked away from me Angrily and slammed the door if the washroom , I threw my head backwards as I laughed crazily .

Grace is just something else .

I left the room after a while and asked a servant to go and get her for me .

” Don ” Dimitri said immediately he walked in and dropped the files in front of me .

” Have you added my rules in the contract ? I asked and he chuckled .

“Grace would really loose it man ” he said and I smirked…

” I love it when she’s riled up ” I said softly.

Not too long I sight he’d walking towards us clad in a black preety dress and yellow sandals .

She looked beautiful and attractive .

” Grace ” Dimitri
Greeted and she glared at him.

” You said we where gonna have breakfast meeting with your Lawyer where is he ? She asked frowning.

“I. ..huh ” Dimitri said clearing his throat .

” Wait what ? You brought your bestfriend as the lawyer to make our marriage contract ? She spat angrily.

” He’s father was the family lawyer before he passed away ,their family handles the legal aspects of the business. .” I said and she scoffed .

” Oh help you win your Sinful cases in court” she taunted.

” Grace that’s Enough! I scolded and she looked away hands folded

“I have agreed to all your terms grace but I also have mine ” I Said and passed her a copy of the contract.

She scanned through the papers her eyes widened in shock .

” S*x 7 days a week. .Massimo do you want to ki|| me ? She asked and Dimitri chuckled softly.

” K*ll you ? Wasn’t it your plans to k*ll me when you said I wouldn’t have a mistress outside our contract marriage? I asked

” Max please have some shame want to go inside me seven times …that’s equal to do it everyday ! She gasped .

” You’re complaining of that , I also said I want 8 kids ” I said and she threw the contract at me immediately .

” Marry yourself”


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