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HomeSING ME A SONGSING ME A SONG - Episode 5 & 6

SING ME A SONG – Episode 5 & 6

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( Lani And Lonnie… )


By; Succie Brown



Lani slowly turned to look at Lonnie and she saw him looking at her.

“Lonnie” She muttered his name.

Her eyes were still wide opened in shock, cuz she wasn’t expecting Lonnie to wake up.

“Who are you?” He asked in a weak voice.

If not that Lani has a sharp ear, she won’t have heard what he said.

Lani opened her mouths to talk, but her words hanged in her mouth, because Mary-Jane barged inside the coma room.

“She was the one you lied to us, ma’am” One of the bodyguards said.

“Who are you?”


“Let me guess, you’re one of his fans, right?” Mary-Jane asked and Lani slowly nod her head.

“Mom” Lonnie muttered.

Mary-Jane quickly rushed to him. “Lonnie, you’re awake” She said with a smile, but Lonnie shut his eyes again.

“Quick get the doctor”

The bodyguards ran out of the coma room to get the doctor.

“You are finally awake after so many years” Mary-Jane said, caressing Lonnie’s hair, and she noticed Lani was still in the coma room.

“What are you still doing here?”


“I want you out of my sight, else I’d charged you for trespassing. A dirty little girl like you is not allowed to come near my son. His a star and stinking trash like you should stay away from him. Leave!!!”

Lani flinched in fear before running out of the coma room. She was trying her best not to cry, the only shouting she could take in was from her grandmother.

“Were you able to see him?” Posy’s uncle asked when she came out from the hospital’s building. He was done delivering his harvested products.

Lani looked at him and nod her head.

“Is his condition that bad”

“I don’t know. He opened his eyes and closed it again. I wanted to see if he is okay, but I was chased out by his mom. She shouted at me” She said, sniffling.

“Don’t let her get to you, Lani. He’s going to be fine, okay”

Lani nod sadly.

“Let’s go back to Hadong. It’s quite a long journey since it’s far from Seoul”

Lani looked at the hospital’s building one more time, before entering the truck with Posy’s uncle.



Rory took up from the floor after patiently waiting for Lani and there wasn’t any sign of her coming.

“Why is she taking time to come back? Her grandma will soon be back. She’d scold us for sure” He said.

“I just texted her and she said they are on their way coming. I’m sure she’d be here before her grandma comes back” Posy said.

“Lani, are you home?” Eloise asked from outside.

Dami, Rory and Posy’s eyes widened at the same time after hearing Eloise’s voice from outside. They rushed outside at once.

“Grandma!” They called her at once.

“Aigooo, you all came here to celebrate Lani’s birthday with her, right?” She asked with a smiling face, and they nod their heads, nervously.

“Where’s Lani?”

“She went to get cake”

“At the fish ball kiosk

“At the music store”

They answer wrongly at the same time, and Eloise looked at them suspiciously.

“Where is Lani?” She asked again.

“I remember where she is now. She saw a lady off, she wanted to rent the vacant apartment, that you put up for rent. So Lani saw her off, right guys?” Dami said, looking at her friends.

“That’s true grandma. She saw the lady off and said she will get cake, then go to the fish ball kiosk to get fish balls for her birthday” Rory said.

“Yes Grandma, and from there she will go to the music store to get some songs that we can play while celebrating her birthday” Posy added.

Dami and Rory nod their heads in agreement.

“I’d have believed your lies, but Lani no longer go to the music store to get albums because her bias is still in coma”

They took in their lips, for failing to come up with a perfect lie.

“I will ask again, where is Lani?”

“She went to get her book from one of our…..”

“Don’t lie to me!!!” Eloise shouted at them.

“She went to Seoul to see Lonnie, because she was worried about him, she didn’t go alone she went with my uncle” Posy answered in a rush.

“Lani went to Seoul?” She asked, and Lani entered the compound.

Seeing the facial expression on her friends’ face, she knew her grandma has forced the truth out from their mouth.

“Good evening Grandma” She greeted faking a smile.

Lani knew what her grandma was going to do next, so she quickly took to her heels, before she could threw her the sandal she was wearing.

“Come back here Lani!” She said, chasing after her.

“I only went to see Lonnie. I didn’t get pregnant” Lani said running.

“It’s almost the same thing. You’re so dead!”

“Grandma!” Lani screamed hiding behind her friends.

“Bring her out”

“She is right grandma, she didn’t get pregnant, she only went to see Lonnie….”

A sandal on the head, stopped Rory from talking.

“Here she is, grandma” Posy and Dami said, handling Lani to Eloise. She held Lani’s ear, and she whines like a baby.

“Halmeoni. My ear is going to cut off” She said crying and Eloise quickly let go of her.

“Are you alright?” She asked and Lani giggled at her.

“Joke!” She ran out of the compound.

“Lani!!!” Eloise screamed her name, and faced her friends.

“What are you three still doing here?”

“Good night Grandma”

“Say that again, and I will grand you three and added y’all as seasonal in my jjigae” She said with a serious look and they took to their heels.



Lani sat comfortably on the chair, while watching her friends helped her wash the dishes.

“This is totally unfair, we try our best to cover up for you, your grandma was too scary and that’s why we spilled the bean” Posy said.

“What’s our friendship rules again?” Lani asked.

“We should always cover up for one another, failure to do so, we warrant doing chores”

“Never betray each other, if you do so, you’re out”

“Always be truthful to each other no matter what, and don’t h@ťě on each other”

“You three broke the first rule and that’s why you’re helping me with the chores grandma give to me”

“You’re a devil” Dami said, and Lani giggled.

“Let me help you with that” Rory said, taking a heap of dirty dishes from Posy, his touched hers when he was taking it from her.

“Thanks” She said smiling at him.

“Where you able to see Lonnie yesterday? Dami asked, and Lani became sad again.

“Yes I did. I don’t know if he has woken up, because he closed his eyes after he opened it and asked who I was. I’d have gotten a clue about his health, if his mom didn’t chase me out” She said.

“Your grandma recently got a Tv for her restaurant, we can check what’s going on in Seoul. If he has woken up, it will be going viral” Rory said and turned on the Tv.

📺 The golden voice of THE UNBREAKABLE has finally woken up from coma after being in coma for four years.

Lani quickly took up from her seat when she heard this statement.

“Lonnie is awake” She said with a smile.

📺 The whole world are extremely happy that he is back on his feet and they can’t wait to see him back on stage again.

Lani screamed, jumping up.

“Lonnie is awake! I will be able to hear his voice again. He is going to sing me a song!” Lani said, and began to sing.

Ever since Lonnie fell into coma, she no longer sings, because the only song she has in her head is Lonnie’s songs.

Her friends also joined her too.

Posy is good at singing, but not us good as Lani.

The tomboy that calls herself Dami was a good dancer and Rory, he is trying when it comes to rapping.

The four of them always make each other happy, and that’s why they joined Lani to celebrate.

🎶 Oh yeah, Oh yeah
🎶 Lonnie is back, Oh yeah,
🎶 Uh-huh, Oh yeah

Rory rapped, creating his own rap lines and they all laughed, playing with one another, singing and dancing together.



“I missed you so much, thanks for waking up” Sage said. She was so happy to see Lonnie again.

As usual Miles didn’t say a word.

“How are you?” Camren asked.

“My legs… they are stiff” Lonnie said.

“You just came out from coma after being on it for four eyes. I’m sure they will come back to normal after some massages”

“How has the band been without me?” He asked and Miles scoffed.

“Thanks to you, we went on hiatus for a very long time. You sure know a perfect timing to wake up. Just when we were about making a comeback without you, boom you woke up, and the whole of Korea is saying you should be part of our new comeback song. Bravo, Lonnie” Miles said, clapping his hand.

“We need to talk” Sage said. She took his hand and leave the ward.

“I’m glad you’re back, which means the position of the main vocalist will be giving back to you” Camren said.

“What are you talking about?”

“While you were still in coma, we were preparing for our comeback song, and I was told to take the position of the main vocalist since I come after you. I’m glad you’re back, it’s stressful having two main positions in the group” Camren said, and Lonnie smiled at him.

“Did you see that girl?” He asked.

“What girl?”

“She was with me when I woke up from coma. I can’t remember her face, but I felt her presence”

“I think you were in a trance after being in coma for such a long time. Your mom said she was the only one with you when you woke up”

“I guess I was just assuming things, but it felt so real” Lonnie said, touching his forehead.

“Don’t overthink about something that’s not real. Since you’re back, the lines of our songs will be distributed among us. You’re ready to make a comeback, right?”

Lonnie nod his head with a smile.


Sage stopped holding Miles’s hand when they came out from the hospital’s building. She took him to a corner, because fans has been wandering around after Lonnie woke up

“What’s your problem, Miles? It’s been four years and I thought you’d change. Lonnie just came out from coma, the least you can do is be nice to him”

“Is it an obligation to be nice to him?”

“Yes, because he is a band member. We are a team here. You’re the oldest so act like one” Sage said trying to leave, but Miles held her hand.


“Nothing” He said, letting go of her hand.

“Don’t do it again” She glared at him before walking back inside the hospital.

Miles sighed sadly. “When are you going to notice me, Sage?” He muttered.



Lani fell on her bed after having her night shower, she had a smile on her face, as she swings her feet.

She sat up on the bed, looked at Lonnie’s picture on the wall and giggled.

“You don’t know how happy I am that you’re awake. I don’t know if you’re going to remember me, but you have light up my dark world by waking up. Now that you’re awake, I’m going to train my vocals so that I’d get signed in the entertainment industry that you’re under. You are going to be nice to me, right?”

“Don’t look at me that way, I’m a good singer, but I know my voice can’t be compared to yours, and that’s why I love listening to your voice. You will continue singing a song for me, right?” She asked and smiled at Lonnie’s picture.

She place soft kisses on it, and giggled cutely, before falling back on the bed.



“I’m so glad to finally have you back, Lonnie” Mr. Jung said, Lonnie smiled at him, while Miles frowned.

“Mr. Kang, have you re-arranged the lines distribution of their song?” He asked.

“Yes I have, Mr. Jung. Their choreography teacher will be here to give them another dance steps since Lonnie is the FOTG, and the cameras needs to focus on him” Mr. Kang said.

“Lonnie has the highest lines of the song right?” Mr. Jung asked again, and Mr. Kang nodded his head.

“Handle their lyric to them, I want to hear Lonnie’s voice. It’s been long I heard him sing” Mr. Jung said.

Camren and Sage smiled, while miles felt like ki||ing Lonnie.

The lyrics of the song was shared to them and as usual, Lonnie is met to start the song.

He opened his mouth to sing, but his vocal cord was block. He struggled to sing, but he couldn’t bring out his vocals.

“What’s going on?”

“I don’t know Mr.Jung. It’s difficult for me to sing. I can’t bring out my voice” He said, and Miles smiled.

“Have you used your voice since you came out from coma?” Mr. Kang asked.

“No I haven’t” He answered wondering what was wrong with his voice.

“Try again, I’m sure it’s because you haven’t sing for a long time” Camren said, patting him.

Lonnie nodded and try to sing, but he couldn’t. He tried again and ended up coughing so hard, shocking everyone in the practice room.


Lonnie had lots of worries in his eyes as he patiently waited for the doctor, who ran a test on him.

“What’s wrong with me, doctor? I’m unable to sing like before” He said when the doctor came back with the test results.

“You recently woke up from coma, right?” The doctor asked and he nod his head.

“Well Lonnie Lee, you having problems with not being able to sing had to do with the accident you had four years ago”

“What are you trying to say?”

“Your vocal cord was severely damaged during the accident. I’m sorry to say this, but you won’t be able to sing again”

“What?” Lonnie muttered as balls of tears falls down from his eyes.



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