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HomeSING ME A SONGSING ME A SONG – Episode 41 & 42

SING ME A SONG – Episode 41 & 42

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The driver halted the car when he arrived at Eloise’s house, Lani and Lonnie came out from the car at the same, and they close to the car in a hard way, like it cause their fight.

They hissed at each other and went in to their various houses. The driver was speechless, he had nothing to say, not after Lani and Lonnie almost made him go deaf just because he butt into their argument.

Lani dropped her backpack on the bed angrily when she entered her room. Her grandma wasn’t home, cuz she already resumed her work in her restaurant, but Lonnie made sure he employed people that will assist her.

“Gosh! I h@ťě him!!!” Lani said in a loud voice scattering her hair.

“He was the one who started all of these, and instead of apologizing, he is trying to pin the blame on me!”

“Meow” Lulu came out of her cage, waving her tail for Lani.

“I’m angry with your owner, so don’t talk to me” Lani said and sat on the bed, with her hand under her Břě@šť.

Lulu climbed the bed, waving her tail again, and Lani had no option but to carry her.

“Even I am mad at your owner, I still can’t resist your cuteness, can I ask you a question?”


“If you meet your boyfriend smiling at another girl you have every reason to be mad and make him jealous, right?”


“See, I was right after all. I mean he knows he has a charming smile, does he necessarily need to smile at those girls? His bunny smile is meant for me, and I don’t like sharing. Let’s not talk to him for a month”


Lani chuckled, ruffling the hair of her cat.


Lonnie tried eating, but he dropped the full spoon of rice before he could get into his mouth. He doesn’t eat on a normal day talk more of now that he is having problems with Lani.

“Was I too harsh on her?” Lonnie asked taking in his lips, but he quickly changed his mind.

“No I wasn’t harsh, I just reacted in a way that a boyfriend should. It would have been explainable if she didn’t see me before going to that guy that calls himself Sean”

He sighed and pick up his phone from the table. “Maybe I should just call her and apologize to her” He was about dialing her number, but he dropped his phone back on the table.

“Why should I apologize when I didn’t do anything wrong? I should just concentrate on my food” He said with a smile and ate the full spoon of rice, but it’s didn’t taste good in his mouth, not because the food wasn’t delicious, it was because his mind is occupied by Lani.

He sighed and dropped the spoon, resting his head on the table and whining like a baby.

“This isn’t my first time dating a girl, so why am I feeling this way. I miss Lani. It’s not even up to twenty hours we fought, but I miss her a lot” He puckered, making him so cute.



“What are you doing?” Camren asked when he entered Sage’s room and sees her arranging a few clothes in her bag.

“I am going to Hadong” She answered.

“Don’t tell is what I am thinking”

Sage stopped arranging her clothes and look at Camren. “Yes. It’s what you’re thinking, I am going to Hadong to see Lonnie. I went to his mansion here in Seoul to see him, but he wasn’t there”

“Sage, you’re a K-pop idol, you can’t be seen wandering around”

“I don’t care Camren. I once told you that I am ready to give up my career as a K-pop idol if that’s the only way I’d be with Lonnie. I can’t let a countryside girl have my Lonnie”

“Are you sure about this?”

“Yes I am sure of it, I am not just going to Hadong to see Lonnie, but to bring him back to Seoul. His life is here in Seoul and not in the countyside”

“Alright, I am coming with you”

“You don’t have to Camren”

“I insist. I can’t allow you go to the countryside alone, you have never been there before. Moreover, I am the closest to Lonnie, so do I should go with you”

“Fine, if you insist”

“I will get my things ready” Camren said and leaves Sage’s room.

Sage takes Lonnie’s picture frame from the table, and she smiled at the picture, caressing it.

“Don’t worry Lonnie, I am coming to take you back to Seoul, and I am ready to confess my feelings for you” Sage said with a smile and kissed his picture.



Posy entered the house and sees her mom trying to stop Verity from leaving. Verity is her elder sister and she is a well known thug in Hadong, she is being in and out of the police station.

Verity has no plan of getting married despite being 27, so she steals and comes back home anytime she is in short of money and leaves again, after she has ripped off her mom’s money.

“What’s going on here?” Posy asked.

“Your sister here came home just to steal from me. The money she took isn’t for me. It belongs to the group of farmers I work with, and she is refusing to give it back to me” Posy’s mom said, crying.

“Noona, please give mom the money, they are going to arrest her, if you don’t return it” Posy said, and Verity slapped her so hard, and Posy fell to the ground.


Verity brings out a knife from her pocket and place it on Posy’s neck and she gulped down fearfully.

“I see you’re growing wings now that you have clocked 18. If you don’t want me to beat you up like I always do, then don’t stick your nose in my business” Verity smirked and leaves the house.

Her mom tried going after her, but Posy held her back. “Don’t go after her mom, you and I know that Verity is a psychopath”

“What am I going to do when the farmers comes asking for their money. Should I ki|| myself for birthing a monster? Why is Verity treating me this way” She cries.

Posy blinks back her tears and held her mom’s hand. “Don’t worry mom, I’m going to find a way to come up with the money. I already got another part time job, I will be able to raise the money before the month ends”

“Posy” She whines.

“Everything is going to be fine, mom. That’s a promise” Posy hugged her mom and at the same time, patting her.

She successfully put her mom to sleep and decided to take a stroll to cool of her brain. Ever since she was a kid, she has known Verity to be a bone in the throat, so her attitude weren’t new to her. Stealing from her mom wasn’t a new thing either, and she always end up being the one cleaning up the mess Verity creates.

Posy sniffles and cleans the tears that was about dropping from her tears, and then she sees Rory coming out from a convenience store.

A smile crept on her face, and she forgot her sadness just by looking at Rory. She was about calling his name, but she stopped halfway when Dami came out from the convenience store too.

“I told you I was okay, did you necessarily need to come here just to buy me bandage?”

“You shouldn’t have injured yourself if you didn’t want me to worry”

“I didn’t ask you to worry about me”

Rory smiled and wrapped the bandage on her injure knee. She fell down when she was trying to kick a ball.

“You should be thankful you have a friend who is in the science class”

Dami scoffed and said. “Stop bragging, anyone can do it. You haven’t told me why you were running away when you saw me coming out from the hospital’s building when we were still in Seoul”

Rory smiled and stood up. “We are already in Hadong, so let’s forget about what happened in Seoul” He said and carried her.

“What the heck are you doing? Put me down!” Dami said.

“You’re wounded, I am trying to be for help”

“I didn’t ask you to, put me down this moment!”

“I guess you will have to continue shouting, cuz I won’t drop you down until I am at your doorstep” He said leaving with Dami in his arms.

“Rory, I am being serious here, I don’t like this!!!”

“Well I like it” He said in a laughing voice.

Posy blinked back her tear, she didn’t continue her strolling and went back home.


Lani was busy eating when the door bell rang, she stopped eating and went to open the door.

Lonnie quickly covered his face with a banner and in it, it was written. “I AM SORRY, CUTIE PIE, PLEASE FORGIVE YOUR JEALOUS BOYFRIEND”

Lani cleared her throat and said. “Who are you?”

Lonnie takes down the banner from his face and looked at her with a cute expression.

“I am sorry, Lani” He said, giving her a bouquet of roses

“What took you so long to apologize to me? Were you waiting for me to apologize first?”

“Of course not, I was just practicing on how I was going to apologize to you. Please forgive me, I promise it’s never going to happen again. I am sorry” He said in a babyish voice resting his head on Lani’s shoulder

Lani laughed and said. “Apologies accepted”

She took the flowers from him and both smiled at each other.

“Let’s not argue again ok. I promise not to sign autographs or smile at any girl, even If it’s a fan or a great grandmother” Lonnie said, and Lani laughs so hard.

“I won’t repeat what I did ever again. I’m sorry too” She said with a cute smile.

Lonnie spread out his arms and Lani hugged him.

“Should we go on a date?” He asked.

“I like the sound of that, but I haven’t been on a date before, so I don’t have good clothes” She pouted.

“That not a problem” Lonnie said, he brought out his wallet and gave her one of his black cards.

“Get anything you want with it, and keep the card for yourself”

“Awww, is this your way of apologizing to me?” Lani asked smiling.

Lonnie nod his head smiling.

“My boyfriend is so amazing” Lani squealed, kissing his cheeks.

“Lonnie?” Sage called him.

Lani and Lonnie turned behind them and they saw Sage and Camren looking at them.

Lani hide behind Lonnie, when she saw the way Sage was glaring at her.


“Don’t tell me you’re dating her after all the trouble she caused?” Sage asked. They were inside a coffee shop.

“She didn’t cause any trouble Sage”

“Was she the reason you chose to stop being a K-pop idol?” Camren asked.

“She is part of the reason, besides, I can’t sing anymore, so I’m just going to concentrate on my business. I was offered a contract by F•K entertainment to compose a song for their upcoming idols”

“I won’t allow you live like this just because of that countryside girl!!” Sage said.

“If you don’t want to see me get angry, don’t call her a countryside girl. She has a name”

“Lonnie” Sage said with misty eyes.

“I appreciate your concerns about me, but I’m not going back to Seoul. I can operate my life in Seoul, while staying here in Hadong”

“Are you sure about this?” Camren asked.

“Yes I am. Have a safe trip back to Seoul” Lonnie said and leaves.

“What the heck is going on with him!!” Sage shouted.

👥 isn’t that Sage?

👥 What is she doing here in Hadong.

“Let’s leave here” Camren said and helped her stand up.



“Really? You can’t pick out a dress” Lonnie asked Lani on the phone. He was getting ready for their date.

“There are so many dresses here, and I don’t know which one to pick out from. I don’t know a lot about fashion, and I really want to look my best for you”

“Where are you?”

“Are you coming?” Lani asked with a smile.

“My girlfriend wants to look her best for me, and since I have an eye for fashion, I will pick out a nice dress for her, but don’t look too segzy, I might ki|| someone’s son” Lonnie said and Lani laughs.

“You’re so funny. Anyways, I am at the bouquet close to the music store, you know where it is, right?”

“I don’t, but I am going to ask my driver. He knows everywhere in Hadong”

“Alright, I will be waiting for you”




“You what?”

“See you soon” He said, and Lani ended the call with a smile on her face.

“I should wait for him outside, so that he won’t get lost” Lani said and came out from the boutique.

She was still waiting for him outside, when someone pulled her into an alley, and before she could shout, he covered her nose with her handkerchief, and in less than three seconds, she passed out

“I have her, Ma’am” The man said to Mary-Jane on the phone, and she smiled satisfactorily.


The driver stopped the car, and Lonnie popped out his head from the car window.

“Is this the boutique?” He asked.

“Yes it is. There’s only one music store in Hadong, and this is the only boutique that is close to the music store” The driver answered.

“Oh I see. Thanks a lot, I will help Lani pick out a dress and we will be out soon” Lonnie said, he came down from the car and entered the boutique.

“Tsk Tsk Tsk, weren’t they the ones fighting like cat and rat two days ago. Aigoo, it’s best not to butt in when couples are fighting, they are just going to use you to settle their disputes”


“Are you looking for someone?” One of the attendants asked when she saw how Lonnie was looked around for Lani. Despite not being an idol anymore, there were still some people screaming his name inside the boutique.

“Yes I am. Have you seen her?” He asked, showing her the picture of Lani.

“Yes. She was here a few minutes ago, but she left”

“She left?”

“Yes. Can you sign an autograph for me? I’m one of your fans”

“I am sorry, but my girlfriend will get mad at me, and I am not an idol anymore” He said, and leaves.

“Girlfriend? Who the heck is she?”

Lonnie came out from the boutique and was about calling Lani, when he received a text message from his mom.

✉️ I have your girlfriend

Lonnie’s eyes widen immediately when he saw the picture of Lani lying on the ground, unconscious.


Lonnie ran inside the house, sweating dreadfully. Mary-Jane came to Hadong and told him where to meet him, and through his driver’s help, he was able to know the location.

“Where is she?” Lonnie asked.

“Don’t you how to greet your mom, anymore?” Mary-Jane asked.

“Where is Lani!!!!” He shouted at her, he was getting angry already.

Mary-Jane smirked and turned on the tv, and Lonnie felt his soul leaving him when he saw Lani screaming for help.

She was being tied up in a rooftop, she was crying and begging for help.

“Someone please help me, I don’t want to die!”

“Lani” Lonnie muttered with glassy eyes and he looked at his mom.

“Let her go!!”

“You’d think I will let her go just because you said so? Take a look at her”

Lonnie slowly looked back at the Tv and his eyes widened when he saw a man trying to push her down from the rooftop and Lani screamed out her lungs.

“Please, don’t ki|| me!!!! Lonnie, please help me, I am so scared!!!! Ahhhhhhh!!!!!” She screamed crying.

“Please let her go, she has nothing to do with our dispute!!! She is not a strong girl, so let her go!” Lonnie said, crying.

“Do you want to save her that badly? Then end your relationship with that girl and go to Seoul with me and become a model?”


“Yes. You used to model for brands when you were still an idol, become a full time model, and Lani will be set free”

Lonnie looked at his mom as painful tears falls down from his eyes.

“Please don’t ki|| me!!!” He heard Lani crying from the Tv, and he could feel the pains in his heart, hearing her cry.

“Fine. I will do what you want, just let her go, please” Lonnie said going on his knees.

Mary-Jane smiled, with satisfaction.



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