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HomeSING ME A SONGSING ME A SONG – Episode 35 & 36

SING ME A SONG – Episode 35 & 36

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( Lani And Lonnie… )


By; Succie Brown


You all should have this in the back of your minds that once the requirement is not complete when the clock hits 8pm, I won’t post for that day.

I can’t be struggling with work, and still stressing myself here on Facebook over Likes and Comments.

If you want me to be uploading every night, then do the needful and I won’t hesitate to drop a chapter for you all.

I will longer complain or beg you to complete the likes, comments or shares, once it’s not complete before 8pm, just know that I won’t post for that particular night.

Enjoy the story 💕


Lani keeps calling Lonnie’s number over and over again. It was ringing but he wasn’t picking the call, and it got her so worried.

Eloise has been transferred to Seoul national Hospital, and the surgery is about to commence, cuz Lonnie pay for her hospital bills before he was kidnapped by his mom.

“Lonnie, pick up. I’m so worried” She muttered as tears didn’t hesitate to fall down from her eyes. She was having headaches due to excess crying, but she wasn’t ready to stop crying, cuz this will be eighty times she has called him.

Lani had so many negative thoughts in her mind, because he left without a notice and one of his sneakers were lying on the floor. Knowing he is a well known celebrity made her worry so much.

“Lani!” Her friends called her, walking up to her. She was waiting for the bus that’ll take her to Seoul.

“Dami, Rory, Posy” She called their names with a puckering lips, with tears dropping down from her eyes like rain.

“How is your grandma doing?” Rory asked.

“She is already in Seoul undergoing surgery, but I.. I can find Lonnie” She cries.

“Huh? I thought you both were together?” Posy asked.

“Yes, but I went inside to get my grandma’s toothbrush and when I came out, I… I could no longer find him. The only thing I saw was one of his sneakers, what if he is being kidnapped by his enemies? It’s all my fault, I should have gone with him when he said he was going to get another toothbrush for my grandma. I’m nothing but a problem in his life” Lani said, crying.

“Stop crying Lani, you’re going to endanger yourself”

“You already know how I care about Lonnie, right? His identity got expose here in Hadong because of me, I don’t want danger to befall him”

“Nothing is going to happen to Lonnie. Let’s go to Seoul” Dami said.


“Yes Lani. Since Lonnie’s identity has been exposed there’s no way he’d be in Hadong. Let’s go to Seoul and look for him”

“Seoul is a big city, Dami, where on earth are we going to start from in terms of looking for Lonnie?” Rory asked.

“Even if Seoul is a big city, it’s a small world when it involves Lonnie. Don’t worry about the money we’d use in going to Seoul, I am going to pay for the expenses, what matters more is that we’re going to look for him and bring him back to Lani”

“Thank you so much, Dami”

“Don’t thank me. This is what true friends do, always there for each other. Friend forever” Dami said stretching out her hand.

“Friends forever” The rest replied, placing their hands on Dami’s hand.



“You want Lonnie to become a soloist?” Mr. Jung asked Mary-Jane who was sitting so classily on the executive chair in his office.

“Yes. I’m sure he will do better as a soloist rather that being a member of the unbeatable group. If you look at the picture here, my son was the one who raised his group to success. Ever since you lied to the public that he is suffering from a disease, his group members no longer gain the attention of the public like they did when Lonnie was still a part of their band. Lonnie is going to make a comeback as a soloist and not the main vocalist of his band” Mary-Jane said.

Mr. Jung looked at her and began to laugh. Mary-Jane furrowed her eyebrows wondering why he is laughing.

“Why are you laughing?”

“You should become a comedian rather than being a business tycoon”

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“Have you forgotten that Lonnie can’t sing? He already lost the voice that attracts millions of people to him, so he can never be a K-pop idol anymore”

Mary-Jane bang her hand on the table and looked at Mr. Jung with burning eyes.

“You got it all wrong. Lonnie is going to sing again”

“Forcing him to sing is going to affect his mental health, are you going to do this to your song just because of money”

“You’re no different from me, Mr. Jung. You used to go around saying Lonnie is your favorite, but you left him in the dark just when he could no longer do the things that puts money in your bank account”

“Don’t compare me to yourself, you’re his mom!”

Mary-Jane smirked and stood up. “Just because I am his mom doesn’t mean I should suffer from it. I am going to make sure he sings again” She said and left the office, cat-walking.


Lonnie coughed so hard, and he was sweating dreadfully. He is trying his best to sing again, and that resulted to him coughing and sweating.

“Lani” He muttered her name in a faint voice. He looked sick because he has been forcing his vocals out, which wasn’t a healthy thing to do.

“I am going to do everything I can to go back to you” He muffled.

He tried forcing out his vocal and he ends up coughing again. Painful tears falls down from his eyes, he wasn’t crying because he can’t sing, he is crying because he is thinking of Lani and worrying about her.

“He has refused to eat, ma’am” Lonnie could hear the bodyguards talking to his mom outside. He is still chained up in a chair.

The door opened and Mary-Jane entered the room, while Lonnie glared at her h@ťěfully.

Mary-Jane sighed and dropped her bag on the table. “You can glare at me as long as you can, but just know I am doing this for you”

“For me or for yourself? You kidnapped your son, tied him up and force him to sing despite knowing that he can’t sing and you’re saying you’re being of help to him?”

“That’s why you should sing already, Lonnie”

“Do you possibly think I won’t have sing if my vocal was still intact? You can no longer use me for your selfish aims, so let me go!”

“That’s never going to happen. It was so hard looking for you, do you possibly think I’d let you go that easily? Thanks to your foolishness, everyone is saying you’re in a relationship with that countryside girl!”

“Her name is Lani and not a countryside girl!!! What does it matter to you if I am in a relationship with her? You never cared about my existence, you only used me!!!”

“What were you expecting? To care about you? Heck no, Lonnie. You’re right, I am only using you for my selfish gains, so now that you know about it, continue being a puppet like you have always been!!!” Mary-Jane shouted at him.

She walked up to the door but stopped halfway and looked at Lonnie.

“Get ready for a press conference, you will be announcing to the public that you’d be making a comeback as a soloist. Don’t try to outsmart me, or that countryside girl will the one to bear the cross of your foolishness” Mary-Jane said and leaves.

Lonnie screamed out, crying.



Eloise’s surgery was successful, but she was still unconscious and the doctors assured Lani that she was going to be fine.

“No one seems to know where Lonnie is” Posy said.

“Who could have kidnap him?” Rory asked.

“Are you alright Lani?” Dami asked.

Lani gave out a light smile and said. “I am fine”

“No you’re not fine. We are going to continue looking for him”

“Don’t bother yourselves. You should enjoy the views of Seoul, you all have always wanted to come here. Once my grandma is discharged, we will go back to Hadong, so you should enjoy your stay in Seoul”

“How can we enjoy our stay here when you’re sad? We’re going to find Lonnie” Dami said while Posy and Rory nod their heads in support.

“There she is!” A girl said, pointing fingers at Lani, and a group of girls rushed to Lani, trying to beat her up, but her friends covered her.

“What is your problem!!!” Rory shouted at the girls.

👥 She is my problem!

👥 She was seen with Lonnie so she should give him back!

👥 Where’s Lonnie!!!

👥 You’re not even beautiful, you have no right to be with my Lonnie!!

👥 I am going to ki|| you!!!

The girls vented their anger on Lani, they’d have beaten her up if not for her friends who were covering her. Sage and Camren came to the scene and through their helps, they were able to escape from the angry girls.


“Where’s Lonnie?” Sage asked, pushing Lani to the floor. She fell and hurt her knees.

“Why did you push her!!” Posy shouted at Sage.

“Did you just raise your voice at me? Do you have any idea who I am?” Sage asked.

“Yes I do, you’re Sage, the lead rapper and lead dancer of the unbeatable band. I know you’re a celebrity but that doesn’t mean we will bow to you” Rory said.

“Lonnie was the ace of your band, and yet he is more friendly than you. Who do you think you are, huh? Just because you’re a celebrity doesn’t mean you have made it in life” Dami added.

“How dare you talk to me in that tone!” Sage tried slapping Dami, but Camren held her hand.

“You should have allowed her to slap me, so that I can teach her the difference between being normal and being crazy” Dami said.

“I am sure you all are still in high school, have some respect” Camren said.

“Respect are given to those who respect themselves. Why will she push Lani for no just cause” Posy said.

“No just cause? Lonnie is missing and she was the last person that was with him!” Sage said.

“And you concluded she has something to do with it? This is my first time seeing a celebrity with a fish brain” Rory said.

“Don’t insult me!”

“Then keep your mouth shut, Lani is also looking for Lonnie!” Dami shouted back at her.

Camren walked up to Lani who was still on the floor and he helped her stand to her feet.

“Do you know where Lonnie is?”

Lani shook her head, as tears falls down from her eyes.

“I don’t think she knows where Lonnie is, Sage. We should join heads together and look for him” Camren said.

“That’s what you should have said” Posy rolled eyes at Sage, h@ťěfully.

Camren’s phone chimed and his eyes widen when he saw the message.

“Lonnie will be attending a press conference tomorrow”

“Press conference?” They all exclaimed.



Different cameras from different angles kept flashing on Lonnie’s face, as the reporters were set to ask him lots of questions. Mary-Jane was present as well, with a smiling face. Her plans is to force out Lonnie’s vocal after he announced to the public that he is going to be a soloist.

🎤 Is it true that you have been suffering from a disease?

Lonnie looked at his mom and he clenched his fist.

“I’m going to make this short and simple, so that there won’t be too many questions to ask”

🎤 Go ahead

Lonnie took in a deep breath and began talking. “My agency lied to you that I was suffering from a disease. Actually I am not suffering from any disease”

Murmuring was already going, Mary-Jane’s happy expression turned into a frown.

🎤 Why did your agency lie that you were suffering from a disease?

“After the accident I had, I realized I had lost my voice in singing. I can no longer sing and that’s why I left my group. My agency had to lie that I was suffering from a disease, so that the public won’t know the main reason why I left.

🎤 Are you saying you won’t be a K-pop star anymore?

“A K-pop star is useless without his voice, and since I can no longer sing, I don’t see any reason why I should continue being a K-pop idol. As from today, I’m no longer a K-pop idol but an ordinary man” Lonnie said, and he could see his mom glaring at him.


A thunderous slap from Mary-Jane landed on Lonnie’s face, and before he could say a word, she slapped him again.

“You’re just so useless like your dad!!!”

“Fine! I admit that I am useless, but you’re never going to use me anymore, cuz everyone knows that I am no longer a K-pop star” Lonnie said, and Mary-Jane slapped him again.

“If I had known you’d be as useless as K in knife, I’d have aborted you when I got pregnant for your useless dad! I was just seventeen when I became pregnant, my parents were disappointed in me, and they disowned me because I was pregnant, but despite that I chose to have you, and this is what I get in return!!!”

“How long will you keep rubbing it on my face? You were never a mom to me, cuz you said I was a bad luck in your life. I became a K-pop idol just because I wanted to gain your attention, and because of my love for you, I always meet your clients and always persuade them to sign the contract with you. If not that I lost my voice, I’d have continued being your pawn, just so I can continue paying you for ruining your life. Sadly I no longer have my voice in singing, why can’t you be a mother to be and console me in my darkness hour” Lonnie said, crying.

“I can never be a mom to you, and since you’re useless now, there’s no need seeing your face, you disgust me!” Mary-Jane spat on his face, she entered her car and drove off, leaving Lonnie in the middle of the road.

Lonnie cleaned the spit on his face and fell to the ground crying, despite what his mom has done to him, he still loves her so much, maybe it’s because she gave birth to him despite all the troubles and pains she had to go through because of him.


Lonnie slowly raise up his head and he sees Lani running towards him.

“Lani” He muttered her name as balls of tears falls down from his eyes.

He stood up and ran towards her too, both stopped running when they got to each other.

“Are you alright?” She asked, sniffling.

“I am so useless now, Lani”

“Just because you can’t sing? You’re not useless okay, you’re still the Lonnie I know. You don’t have to downgrade yourself because you can’t sing, I can always sing a song for you, I am going to be your voice, so don’t cry or feel useless”

Without saying a word, Lonnie pulled her closer and kissed her lips, but Lani push him away.

“Just this once, Lani…. Please be mine” He said with misty eyes and went for her lips again.

This time around, Lani didn’t push him away, she slowly closed her eyes, with her hands on his neck.

Lonnie’s hands went to her slender waist and he pulled her closer with it.

Balls of tears falls down from his eyes as he deepens the kiss, with their heads turning left and right, and their lips colliding with each other perfectly.



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